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Complete Solutions to HIGHER ORDER THINKING SKILLS (HOTS ) QUESTIONS of chapter EXPANSION OF GASES of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions25
Academic Year2023-24
  1. In case of volume expansion of a gas,mention of both the pressure and the temperature is necessary,whereas for expansion of solids and liquids, only the temperature is mentioned.Why?

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  2. When a balloon is inflated both its volume and its pressure increase.Is there any violation of Boyle's law?

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  3. Unlike liquid there is no coefficient of apparent expansion in case of a gas-why?
    On,during the expansion of a liquid ,volume expansion of the container is taken into account,but not for a gas-Why?

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  4. Two identical spherical bulbs contain air and are connected by a short horizontal glass tube. The tube contains a short mercury thread in it.Temperature of the two bulbs are `0^@C` and `20^@C` respectively. IF the temperature of each bulb is increased by `10^@C`. what will be the change in the position of the mercury thread?

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  5. To definite the coefficient of gases, the initial volume or pressure is always taken at `0^@C`But for the coefficients of expansion of solids and liquids , the initial temperature need not be taken as `0^@C`. Why?

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  6. Air pressure in a car tyre increases during driving.Explain why?

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  7. The expansion of a gas follows the condition `pV^2`=constant .Show that such an expansion causes cooling of the gas.

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  8. For a fixed pass of a gas at constant volume ,draw `p-t^@C` and `p-TK`graphs. How can the value of absolute zero be obtained from the 1st graph?

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  9. For a fixed mass of a gas at constant pressure ,draw `V-t^@C` and `V-TK`graphs. How can the value of absolute zero be obtained from the 1st graph?

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  10. Determine the value of universal gas constant R and gas constant K for 1g of air. {At STP the density of air =`1.293 g.L^-1` and that of mercury =`13.6^-3`)

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  11. A given mass of an ideal gas is heated in a vessel. The same amount of gas is then heated by keeping it in a larger vessel. Assume that the volumes of both vessel remain the same during heating. What will be the nature of the pressure temperature `(p-T)` graphs in the two cases.

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  12. Draw p-T graph for masses m and 2m of the same gas, when heated in a container of constant volume. Interpret the slopes.

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  13. Figure 6.18 shows the V-T graph for a fixed mass of an ideal gas at pressure `p_1` and `p_2`. Can you infer from the graph whether `p_1` is greater than `p_2`?

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  14. In a faulty barometer some air occupying the space over mercury column. How can the air pressure be correctly determined with this faulty barometer?

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  15. A container filled with oxygen is taken to the moon's surface from the earth. How will the volume and pressure of the gas change when the container is
    a rubber balloon

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  16. A container filled with oxygen is taken to the moon's surface from the earth. How will the volume and pressure of the gas change when the container is
    a steel cylinder.

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  17. What is meant by specific gas constant? Is the value of this constant same for all gases?

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  18. Equal number of hydrogen and helium molecules are kept in two identical gas jars at the same temperature .What will be the ratio of the pressures of the gases in the two jars?

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  19. A gas container 1 mol of `O_2` gas (specific molar mass 32) at pressure p and temperature T. In a similar container one mol of He gas (specific molar mass 4) is kept at temperature 2T. What is the pressure of this He gas?

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  20. Same ideal gas is kept in two containers A and B fitted with frictionless pistons. Volume and temperature of the gas in both containers are the same. `m_A` and `m_B` are the masses of the gas in A and B respectively.Volume of the gases in the two containers are changed to 2V keeping their temperature constant.
    Corresponding changes in pressure in A and B are `Deltap` and `1.5Deltap`. Find the ratio of the masses of the gas kept in A and in B.

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  21. An ideal gas is found to obey a gas law, `Vp^2`= constant .Initial temperature and volume of the gas are T and V respectively. IF the gas expands to a volume 2V, what will be the effect on temperature?

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  22. Figure 6.19 shows the p-T graphs for a fixed mass of an ideal gas at volumes `V_1` and `V_2`.Can it be concluded from the graphs that `V_1` is greater than `V_2`?

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  23. An ideal gas is initially at temperature T and volume V. Its volume increases by DV due to an increase in Temperature.dT, while pressure remains constant
    Here `gamma=1/V=(dV)/(dT)` What will be the nature of the graph between `gamma` and l?

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  24. An ideal gas is initially at pressure p and volume V. its pressure is increased by dp, so that its volume decreases by dV, while temperatures remains constant. Here `B=-1/V(dV)/(dP)`.What will be the nature of the graph between B and p?

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  25. Pressure coefficient of a gas is `1/273^@C^-1` Explain.

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