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Complete Solutions to Solved paper 2018(JIPMER) of chapter SOLVD PAPERS 2017 NEET, AIIMS & JIPMER of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

DC PANDEY NEETSolved paper 2018(JIPMER)
Number Of Questions38
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If a machine perform 4000 J output work and 1000 J is inside loss due to friction , then the find efficiency?

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  2. Dimension of force is

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  3. The efficiency of an ideal gas with adiabatic exponent `'gamma'` for the shown cyclic process would be

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  4. Velocity is given by `v=4t(1-2t),` then find time at which velocity is maximum

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  5. The ratio of the radii of gyration of a circular disc about a tangential axis in the plane of the disc and of a circular ring of the same radius about a tangential axis in the plane of the ring is:-

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  6. If compressibility of material is
    `4xx10^(-5)` per atm, pressure is 100 atm and volume is `100 cm^(3)` then find `triangleV=?`

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  7. If speed of sound in air is 340 `m//s` and in water is 1480 `m//s`.If frequency of sound is 1000 kHz, then find wavelength in water

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  8. 1000 N force is required to lift a hook nd 10000 N force is reuires to lift a load slowly.Find power required to lift hook with load with speed v=0.5`m//s`

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  9. How much intense is 80 dB sound in comparision to 40 dB?

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  10. A force of 10 N acts on a body of mass 0.5 kg for 0.25s starting from rest.What is its momentum now?

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  11. A ball of 0.5 kg colided with wall at `30^(@)` and bounced back elastically.The speed of ball was `12m//s`. The contact remained for 1s. What is the force applied by wall on ball?

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  12. Kinetic energy of a particle is increases by 4 times What will be the relation between intital and final momentum?

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  13. What is the range of a projectile thrown with velocity `98 m//s` with angle `30^(@)` from horizontal ?

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  14. If the efficiency of an engine is 50% and its work output is 500 J then find input.

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  15. An engine has an efficiency of `(1)/(6)`. When the temperature of sink is reduced by `62^(@)C`, its efficiency id doubled. Temperature of the source is

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  16. A ball is thrown upwards with a speed u from a height h above the ground.The time taken by the ball to hit the ground is

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  17. A body of mass 1 kg executes SHM which is given by
    ` y=6.0 cos (100t+(pi)/(4)) cm`
    What is the maximum kinetic energy ?

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  18. A uniform rod ofmass M and length L is hanging from its one end free to rotate in a veritcal plane.A small ball of equal mass is attached of the lowe end as shown. Time period of small oscillations of the rod is

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  19. A box of mass `8 kg ` placed on a rough inclined plane of inclination `theta` its downward motion can be prevented by applying an upward pull `F` and it can be made to slide upward appliying a force `2F` .The coefficient of friction between the box and the inclined plane is

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  20. A mass M is hung with a light inextensible string as shown in Find the tension in the horizontal part of the string .

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  21. A Carnot engine absorbs `6xx10^(5)cal`. At `227^(@)C`. Heat rejected to the sink at `127^(@)C` is

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  22. A machine gun fires 360 bullets per minute, with a velocity of `600 ms^(-1)`.If the power of the gun is 5.4 kW then mass of each bullet is

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  23. A rain drop of radius 0.3 mm falls through air with a terminal viscosity of `1 m s^(-1)`. The viscosity of air is `18 xx 10^(-5)` poise. The viscous force on the rain drop is

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  24. Find density of ethyl alcohol

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  25. How much should the temperature of a brass rod be increased so as to increase its length by `1%`? Given `alpha` for brass is `0.00002 .^(@)C^(-1)`.

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  26. Y=5 sin `pi/2(100t-2x),` what is time period?

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  27. Water flows through a horizontal pipe of varying area of cross-section at the rate 5 cubic metre per minute. What is the velocity of water at a point where pipe radius is 10 cm?

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  28. The coefficient of volume expansion of glycerin is `49xx 10^(–5) K^(–1)`. What is the fractional change in its density for a `30^(@)C` rise in temperature ?

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  29. A particle executes SHM with an amplitude of `10 cm` and frequency `2 Hz`, at `t = 0`, the particle is at point where potential energy and kinetic energy are same. Find the equation of displacement of particle.

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  30. A organ pipe open on both ends in the `n^(th)` harmonic is in resonanance with a source of 1000 Hz The length of pipe is 16.6 cm and speed of sound in air is `332 m//s`.Find the vlue of n.

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  31. `R=(65 +- 1) ohm` , `l=(5+-0.1)mm` and
    `d=(10+-0.5)mm`.Find error in claculation of resistivity.

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  32. A solid body floating in water has `(1)/(5^(th))` of its volume immersed in it. What fraction of its volume will be immersed, if it floats in a liquid of specific gravity 1.2 ?

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  33. The work done in blowing a soap bubble of surface tension `0.06 N m^(-1)` from 2 cm radius to 5 cm radius is

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  34. A runner starts from O and goes to O following path OQRO in 1 hr What is net displacement and averages speed?

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  35. A disc of moment of inertia `2 kg -m^(23)` revolving with `8 rad//s` is placed on anothere disc of moment of inertia `4 kg-m^(2)` revolving `4 rad//s`.What is the angular frequency of composite disc?

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  36. If the velocity head of a stream of water is equal to 10 cm, then its speed of flow is approximately

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  37. Find the distance of a point from the earth's centre where the resultant gravitational field due to the earth and the moon is zero. The mass of the earth is `6.0xx10^24` kg and that of the moon is `7.4x10^22` kg. The distance between the earth and the moon is `4.0xx10^5km`.

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  38. Weight of a body depends directly upon acceleration due to gravity `g`. Value of `g` depends upon many factors. It depends upon the shape of earth, rotation earth etc. Weight of a body at a pole is more then that at a place on equator because g is maximum at poles and minimum on equator. Acceleration due to gravity g varies with latitude `lambda` as per relation given below :
    `g_(rot)=g-Romega^(2)cos^(2)lambda` where `R` is radius of earth and `omega ` is angular velocity of earth. A body of mass `m` weighs `W_(r )` in a train at rest. The train then begins to run with a velocity v around the equator from west to east. It observed that weight `W_(m)` of the same body in the moving train is different from `W_(r )`. Let `v_(e )`be the velocity of a point on equator with respect to axis of rotation of earth and R be the radius of the earth. Clearly the relative between earth and trainwill affect the weight of the body.
    Difference between Weight `W_(r )` and the gravitational attraction on the body can be given as

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Solved paper 2018(JIPMER) questions and complete solutions for chapter SOLVD PAPERS 2017 NEET, AIIMS & JIPMER of DC PANDEY ENGLISH of Class 11