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Complete Solutions to Check point 12.3 of chapter ELASTICITY of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

DC PANDEY NEETCheck point 12.3
Number Of Questions15
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If the volume of a wire remains constant when subjected to tensile stress, the value of Poisson's ratio of the material of the wire is

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  2. Which statement is true for a metal

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  3. For a given material, the Young's modulus is 2.4 times that of rigidity modulus . Its poission's ratio is

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  4. Stress-strain curve for four metals are shown in figure. The maximum Young's modulus of elasticity is for metal

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  5. Substances which can be elastically stretched to large value of strain are called

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  6. A stretched rubber has

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  7. A metallic rod of length l and cross-sectional area A is made of a material of Young's modulus Y. If the rod is elongated by an amount y,then the work done is proportional to

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  8. The work per unit volume to stretch the length by `1%` of a wire with cross sectional area of `1mm^2` will be. `[Y=9xx10^(11)(N)/(m^2)`]

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  9. When a load of 10 kg is hung from the wire, then extension of 2m is produced. Then work done by restoring force is

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  10. A wire suspended vertically from one of itsends is strached by attached a weight of `200 N` to the lower end . The weight streches the wire by `1 mm` . Then the elastic energy stored in the wire is

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  11. If a spring extends by `x` on loading, then the energy stored by the spring is (if T is tension in the spring and k is spring constant)

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  12. Two wires A and B are made of same material. The wire A has a length l and diameter r while the wire B has a length 2l and diameter r/2. If the two wires are stretched by the same force the elongation in A divided by the elongation in B is

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  13. A wire of length `50 cm` and cross sectional area of 1 sq. mm is extended by `1mm`. The required work will be `(Y=2xx10^(10) Nm^(-2))`

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  14. When a force is applied on a wire of uniform cross-sectional area `3xx10^-6m^2` and length 4 m, the increase in length is 1mm. Energy stored in it will be `(Y=2xx10^(11)(N)/(m^2)`)

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  15. When a 4 kg mass is hung vertically on a light string that obeys Hooke's law, the spring stretches by 2 cm. The work required to be done by an external agent in stretching this spring by 5 cm will be (`g=9.8(metrs)/(sec^2)`)

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Check point 12.3 questions and complete solutions for chapter ELASTICITY of DC PANDEY ENGLISH of Class 11