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Complete Solutions to Example of chapter ELASTICITY of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions39
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Determine the elongation of the steel bar `1m` long and `1.5 cm^(2)` cross-sectional area when subjected to a pull of `1.5xx10^(4) N.`
    `(Take Y=2.0xx10^(11 )N//m^(2))`.

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  2. The bulk modulus of water is `2.3xx10^(9 )N//m^2.`
    (a) Find its compressibility in the units `atm^(-1)`.
    (b) How much pressure in atmospheres in needed to compress a sample of water by `0.1%`?

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  3. A steel wire ` 4.0m` in length is stretched through `2.0mm`.The cross -sectional area of the wire is `2.0 mm^(2)`.If young's modulus of steel is `2.0xx10^(11) N//m^(2)`
    (a) the energy density of wire,
    (b) the elastic potential energy stored in the wire.

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  4. A rubber cord has a cross -sectional area `1 mm^(2)`and total unstretched length`10.0cm`. It is streched to `12.0 cm` and then released to project a missile of mass 5.0 g.Taking young's modulus Y for rubber as `5.0xx10^(8) N//m^(2)`.Calculate the velocity of projection .

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  5. Find the greatest length of steel wire that can hang vertically without breaking. Breaking stress of steel `=8.0xx10^(8) N//m^(2)`. Density of steel `=8.0xx10^(3) kg//m^(3)`. Take `g =10 m//s^(2)`.

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  6. A rod has a radius of 100 mm and a length of 10 cm. A 100 N force compresses along its length . Calculate the longitudinal stress developed in the rod.

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  7. Consider a rod of steel having radius of 8 mm and the length of 2 m. If a force of 150 kN stretches it along its lengths , then calculated the stress, percentage strain in the rod if the elongation in length is 7.46 mm.

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  8. If the angle of shear is `30^(@)` for a cubical body and the change in length is 250 cm, then what must be the volume of this cubical body.

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  9. Two blocks of masses 2 kg and 3kg are connected by a metal wire going over a smoother pulley as shown in figure. The breaking stress of the steel is `2xx10^(9)Nm^(-2)`. What would be the minimum radius of the wire used if it not to break ? Take ,`g=10 ms^(-2)`

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  10. The two wires shown in figure are made of the same material which has a breaking stress of `8xx10^8Nm^-2`. The area of cross section of the upper wire is `0.006 cm^2` and that of the lower wire is `0.003 cm^2`. The mass `m_1=10 kg`, `m_2=20kg` and the hanger is light. a. Find the maximum load that can be put on the hanger without breaking a wire. Which wire will break first if the load is increased? b. Repeat the above part `m_1=10 kg and m_2=36kg`.

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  11. Consider a solid cube which is subjected to a pressure of `6xx10^(5) Nm^(-2)` . Due to this pressure, the each side of the cube is shortened by 2% . Find out the volumetric strain of the cube.

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  12. If a wire of length 4 m and cross-sectional area of `2 m^(2)` is stretched by a force of 3 kN, then determine the change in length due to this force . Given, Young's modulus of material of wire is `110xx10^(9) Nm^(-2)`

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  13. A steel wire of length 4 m and diameter 5 mm is strethed by 5 kg-wt. Find the increase in its length, if the Young's modulus of steel is `2xx10^(12)` dyne `cm^(2)`

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  14. Determine the elongation of the steel bar `1m` long and `1.5 cm^(2)` cross-sectional area when subjected to a pull of `1.5xx10^(4) N.`
    (Take ` Y=2.0xx10^(11 )N//m^(2))`.

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  15. A wire is replaced by another wire of same length and material but of twice diameter.
    (i) What will be the effect on the increases in its length under a given load?
    (ii) What will be the effect on the maximum load which it can bear?

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  16. A bar of mass m and length l is hanging from point A as shown in figure.Find the increase in its length due to its own weight. The young's modulus of elasicity of the wire is Y and area of cross-section of the wire is A.

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  17. A rod AD consisting of three segments AB,BC and CD joined together is hanging vertically from a fixed support at A. The lengths of the segments are restectively 0.2 m , 0.3m and 0.15 m . The cross-section of the rod is uniformly `10^(-4) m^(2)` . A weight of 10 kg is hung from D.Calculate the displacement of points B,C and D if `Y_(AB)=3.5xx10^(10)Nm^(-2) , Y_(BC)=5xx 10^(10), Y_(CD)=2xx10^(10)Nm^(-2)`.
    (Neglect the weight of the rod )

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  18. A block of weight 10 N is fastened to one end of wire of cross-sectional area `4 mm^(2)` and is rotated ina vertical circle of radius 30 cm. The speed of the block at the bottom of the circle is `3 ms^(-1)`. Find the elongation of the wire when the block is at the bottom of the circle . Young's modulus of the material of the wire `=2xx10^(11)Nm^(-2).(g=10ms^(-2))`

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  19. A 2 kg mass is suspended by a rubber cord 2 m long and of cross-section 0.5 cm. It is made to describe a horizontal circle of radius 50cm in 4 times a second. Find the extension of the cord.(Young's modulus `Y=7xx10^(8) Nm^(-2)`)

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  20. A light rod of length `2 m` is suspended from the ceiling horizontally by means of two vertical wires of equal length tied to its ends. One of the wires is made of steel and is of cross section `0.1 cm^(2)`. The other wire is a brass of cross section `0.2 cm^(2)`. A weight is suspended from a certain point of the rod such that equal stress are produced in both the wires. Which of the following are correct?

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  21. A steel rod of cross-sectional area `16 cm^(2)` and two brass rods each of cross-sectional area `10 cm^(2)` together support a load of `5000 kg ` as shown in the figure. ( Given, `Y_(steel) = 2xx10^(6) kg cm^(-2) and Y_(brass) = 10 ^(6) kg cm^(-2))`. Choose the correct option(s).

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  22. How much should the pressure on a litre of water be changed to compress it by 0.10%?

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  23. What will be the decrease in volume of `100 cm^(3)` of water under pressure of 100 atm if the compressibility of water is `4xx10^(-5)` per unit atmosphere pressure ?

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  24. Find the decrease in the volume of a simple of water from the following data. Initial volume `=2000 cm^(-2)` , initial pressure `=10^(5) Nm^(-2)` , final pressure `=10^(6) N^(-1)m^(2)`.

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  25. What is the density of lead under a pressure of `2xx10^(8)Nm^(-2)` , if the bulk modulus of lead is `8xx10^(9)Nm^(-2)` and initially the density of lead is `11.4 g cm^(-3)` ?

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  26. The bulk modulus of water is `2.3 xx 10^(9) Nm^(-2)`.
    (i) Find its compressibility.
    (ii) How much pressure in atmosphere is needed to compress a sample of water by 0.1%

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  27. A 4 cm cube has its upper face displaced by 0.1 mm by a tangential force of 8 kN. Calculate the shear modulus of the cube.

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  28. A square lead slab of side 50cm and thickness 5.0cm is subjected to a shearing force (on its narrow face) of magnitude `9.0xx10^(4)` N. The lower edge is riveted to the floor. How much is the upper edge displaced, if the shear modulus of lead is `5.6xx10^(90)` Pa?

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  29. Consider an Indian rubber cube having modulus of rigidity of `2xx10^(7)` dyne `cm^(-2)` and of side 8 cm. If one side of the rubber is fixed, while a tangential force equal to the weight of 300 kg is applied to the opposite face, then find out the shearing strain produced and distance through which the strain side moves .

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  30. The stress-strain graph for a metallic wire is shown at two different temperature, `T_(1)` and `T_(2)` which temperature is high `T_(1)` or `T_(2)` ?

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  31. Determine the poisson's ratio of the material of a wire whose volume remains constant under an external normal stress.

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  32. A solid sphere of radius `2.45m` is rotating with an angular speed of `10 rad//s`. When this rotating sphere is placed on a rough horizontal surface then after sometime it starts pure rolling. Find the linear speed of the sphere after it starts pure rolling.

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  33. The stress-strain graphs for two materials A and B are shown in the figure. The graphs are drawn to the same scale.

    (a) Which material has a greater Young's modulus ?
    (b) Which material is more ductile ?
    (c) Which material is more brittle?
    (d) Which of the two is the stronger material ?

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  34. Calculate the work done in streching a steel wire of Young's modulus of `2xx10^(11) Nm^(-2)` mass of 40kg,length of 200 cm and area of cross-section is 0.06 `cm^(2)` slowly applied without the elastic limit being reached.

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  35. A steel wire of 4.0 m is stretched through 2.0 mm. The cross - sectional area of the wire is `2.0 mm^2.` If young's modulus of steel is `2.0 xx10^(11) Nm^(-2)` find (i) the energy density of the wire, (ii) the elastic potential energy stored in the wire.

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  36. A 45 kg boy whose leg bones are `5 cm^(2)` in area and 50 cm long falls through a height of 2m with out breaking his leg bones. If the bones can stand a stress of `0.9 xx 10^(8) Nm^(-2)`, Calculate the Young's modulus for the material of the bone. Use , `g=10 ms^(-2)`

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  37. A rubber cord has a cross -sectional area `1 mm^(2)`and total un-stretched length`10.0cm`. It is stretched to `12.0 cm` and then released to project a missile of mass 5.0 g. Taking young's modulus Y for rubber as `5.0xx10^(8) N//m^(2)`.Calculate the velocity of projection .

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  38. (a) A wire 4 m long and 0.3mm in diameter is stretched by a force of 100 N. If extension in the wire is 0.3 mm, calculate the potential energy stored in the wire.
    (b) Find the work done is stretching a wire of cross-section `1mm^(2)` and length 2 m through 0.1 mm. Young's modulus for the material of wire is `2.0xx10^(11) Nm^(-2)`.

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  39. A steel wire of length 20 cm and uniform cross-section `1mm^(2)` is tied rigidly at both the ends. If the temperature of the wire is altered from `40^(@)C` to `20^(@)C`, the change in tension. [Given coefficient of linear expansion of steel is `1.1xx10^(5) .^(@)C^(-1)` and Young's modulus for steel is `2.0xx10^(11) Nm^(-2)`]

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Example questions and complete solutions for chapter ELASTICITY of DC PANDEY ENGLISH of Class 11