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Complete Solutions to Exercise 12.4 of chapter ROTATIONAL MECHANICS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

DC PANDEYExercise 12.4
Number Of Questions11
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A wheel rotating with uniform acceleration covers 50 rev in the first five second after the start. Find the angular acceleration and the angular velocity at the end of five second.

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  2. A body rotates about a fixed axis with an angular acceleration `1rad//s^(2)` through what angle does it rotates during the time in which its angular velocity increases from `5rad//s` to `15rad//s`?

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  3. A flywheel of moment of inertia `5.0kg-m^(2)` is rotated at a speed of `10rad//s` because of the friction at the axis it comes to rest in 10s. Find the average torque of the friction.

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  4. A wheel starting from rest is uniformly accelerated at `4rad//s^(2)` for `10s`. It is allowed to rotated uniformly for the next 10 s and is finally brought to rest in the next 10 s. Find the total angle rotated by the wheel.

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  5. A wheel of mass 10 kg and radius 0.2 m is rotating at an angular speed of 100 rpm, when the motion is turned off. Neglecting the friction at the axis. Calculate the force that must be applied tangentially to the wheel to bring it to rest in 10 rev. Assumed wheel to be a disc.

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  6. A solid body rotates about a stationary axis accordig to the law `theta=6t-2t^(3)`. Here `theta`, is in radian and `t` in seconds. Find
    (a). The mean values of thhe angular velocity and angular acceleration averaged over the time interval between `t=0` and the complete stop.
    (b). The angular acceleration at the moment when the body stops.
    Hint: if `y=y(t)`. then mean/average value of `y` between `t_(1)` and `t_(2)` is `ltygt=(int_(t_(1))^(t_(2))y(t)dt))/(t_(2)-t_(1))`

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  7. A body rotating at `20rad//s` is acted upon by a constant torque providing it a deceleration of `2rad//s^(2)`. At what time will the body have kinetic energy same as the initial value if thhe torque continues to act?

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  8. A wheel whose moment of inertial is `0.03kgm^(2)`, is accelerated from rest to `20rad//s` in 5 s. When the external torque is removed, the wheel stops in 1 min. Find
    (a). The frictional torque.
    (b). The external torque.

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  9. A flywheel whose moment of inertia about its axis of rotation is `16kg-m^(2)` is rotating freely in its own plane about a smooth axis through its centre. Its angular velocity is `9rads^(-1)` when a torque is applied to bring it to rest in `t_(0)` seconds find `t_(0)` if
    (a). The torque is constant and of magnitude 4`N-m`
    (b). The magnitude of the torque after `t` second is given by `kt`.

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  10. A shaft is turning at `65rad//s` at time zero. Thereafter, angular acceleration is given by `alpha=-10rad//s^(2)-5trad//s^(2)`
    Where `t` is the elapsed time
    (a). Find its angular speed at `t=3.0` s
    (b). How much angle does it turn in these `3s`?

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  11. The angular velocity of a gar is controlled according to `omega=12-3t^(2)` where `omega` in radian per second, is positive in the clockwise sense and `t` is the time in seconds. Find the net angular displacement `triangletheta` from the time `t=0` to `t=3`s. Also, find the number of revolutions `N` through which the gear turns during the 3s.

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Exercise 12.4 questions and complete solutions for chapter ROTATIONAL MECHANICS of DC PANDEY ENGLISH of Class 11