Class 11 | PHYSICS |
DC PANDEY | Level 2 Single Correct |
Number Of Questions | 36 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
An ice cube is floating in water above which a layer of a fighter oil is poured. As the ice melts completely, the level If water surface (or interface) and upper level of oil will
An open vessel full of water is falling freely under gravity. There is a small hole in one face of the vessel, was shown in te figure. The water which comes out from the hole at the instant when hole is at height H above the ground strikes the ground at a distance of x from P. Which of the followin is correct for the situation described?
(a). The value of x is `2sqrt((2hH)/(3))`
(b). The value of x is `sqrt((4hH)/(3))`
(c). The value ofx can't be computed from information providec.
(d). The question is irrevalent as no water comes out from the hole.
A uniform rod AB, 4m long and weighing 12 kg, is supported at end A, with a 6 kg lead weight at B. The rod floats as shown in figure with one-half of its length submerged. The buoyant force on the lead mass is negligible as it is of negligible volume. Find the tension in the cord and the total volume of the rod
A water hose pipe of cross-sectional area `5cm^(2)` is used to fill a tank of `120L`. It has been observed that it takes 2 min to fill the tank. Now, a nozzel with an opening of cross-sectional area `1cm^(2)` is attached to the hose. The nozzel is held so that water is projected horizontally from a point 1m above the ground. The horizontal distance over which the water can be projected is (Take `g=10m//s^(2))`.
The height of water in a vessel is h. The vessel wall of width b is at an angle `theta` to the vertical. The net force exerted by the water on the wall is
A body of density `rho` is dropped from a height h into a lake of density `sigma(sigmagtrho)`. The maximum depth the body sinks inside the liquid is (neglect viscous effect of liquid)
A liquid stands at the plane level in the U-tube when at rest. If areas of cross-section of both the limbs are equal, what will be the difference in height h of the two limbs of U-tube, when the system is given an acceleration a in horizontal direction towards right as shown?
A liquid of density `rho` and surface tension `sigma` rises in a capillary tube of inner raduis R. The angle of contact between the liquid and the glass is `theta`. The point A lies just below the maniscus in the tube and the point B lies at the outside level of liquid in the beaker as shown in figure. The pressure at A is
A large open tank has two holes in the wall. One is a square hole of side L at a depth y from the top and the other is a circular hole of radius R at a depth 4y from the top. When the tank is completely filled with water, the quantities of water flowing out per second from both holes are the same. Then, R is equal to
Two identical cylindrical vessels with their bases at the same level each, contain a liquid of density `rho`. The area of either base is A but in one vessel the liquid heigth is `h_(1)` and in the other liquid height is `h_(2)(h_(2)lth_(1))`. If the two vessel are connected, the work done by gravity in equalizing the level is
A cubical block of side 10cm floats at the interface of an oil and water as shown in the figure. The density of oil is `0.6g cm^(-3)` and the lower face of ice cube is 2cm below the interface. The pressure above that of the atomosphere at the lower face of the block is
A leakage begins in water tank at position P as shown in the figure. The gauge pressure (pressure above that of the atmosphere) at P was `5xx10^(5) N//m^(2)`. If the density of water is `1000kg//m^(3)` the initial velocity with which water gushes out is approximately
The figure shown a pipe of uniform cross-section inclined in a vertical plane. A U-tube manometer is connected between the point A and B. If the liquid of density `rho_(0)` flows with velocity `v_(0)` in the pipe. Then the reading h of the manometer is
A horizontal tube of uniform cross-sectional area `A` is bent in the form of `U` as shown in figure. If the liquid of density `rho` enters and leaves the tube with velcity v, then the extermal force `F` requried to hold the bend stationary is
A rectangular container moves with an acceleration a along the positive direction as shown in figure. The pressure at the `A` in excess of the atmospheric pressure `p_(0)` is (take `rho` as the density of liquid)
A square gate of size `1mxx1m` is hinged at its mid point. A fluid of density `rho` fill the space to the left of the gate. The force F required to hold the gate stationary is
A thin uniform circular tube is kept in a vertical plane. Equal volume of two immiscible liquids whose densites are `rho_(1)` and `rho_(2)` fill half of the tube as shown. In equilibrium the radius passing through the interface makes an angle of `30^(@)` with vertical. The ratio of densities `(rho_(1)//rho_(2))` is equal to
A plate moves normally with the speed `v_(1)` towads a horizontal jet of uniform area of cross-section. The jet discharge water at the rate of volume `V` per second at a speed of `v_(2)`. The density of water is `rho`. Assume that water splashes along the surface of the plate ar right angles to the original motion. The magnitude of the force action on the plate due to the jet of water is
A spherical ball of density `rho` and radius` 0.003m` is dropped into a tube containing a viscous fluid up to the 0 cm mark as shown in the figure. Viscosity of the fluid `=1.26N-s//m^(2)` and its density `rho_(L)=(rho)/(2)=1260kg//m^(3)`. Assume that the ball reaches a terminal speed at 10cm mark. The time taken by the ball to travel the distance between the 10cm and 20cm mark is `(g=10m//s^(2))`
In the figure shown, the heavy cylinder (radius R) reasting on a smooth surface separates two liquids of densities `2rho` and `3rho`. The height h for the equilibrium of cylinder must be
A U-tube having horizontal arm of length 20 cm, has uniform cross-sectional area`=1cm^(2)`, It is filled with water of volume 60 cc. What volume of a liquid of density `4g//cc` should be poured from one side into the U-tube so that no water is left in the horizontal arm of the tube? a) 60 cc b) 45 cc c) 50 cc d) 35 cc
A cubical block of side a and density `rho` slides over a fixed inclined plane with constant velocity v. There is a thin film of viscon fluid of thickness t between the plane and the block. Then the coefficeint of viscosity of the film will be
A spring balance reads `10kg` when a bucket of water is suspened from it . What will be the reading of the balance when an iron piece of mass `7.2 kg` suspended by a string is immersed with half its volume inside the water in the bucket? Relative density of iron is `7.2` a) 10 kg b) 10.5 kg c) 13.6 kg d) 17.2 kg
Three points `A,B`,and `C` on a steady flow of a non-viscon and inconpressible fluid are observed. The pressure, velocity and height of the point `A, B` and C are (2,3,1),(1,2,2) and (4,1,2) respectively.Density of the fluid is `1kgm^(-3)` and all other parameters are given in SI unit. Then which of the following is correct?(`g=10ms^(-2))`
A body of density `rho` is dropped from rest from height h (from the surface of water) into a lake of density of water `sigma(sigmagt rho)`. Neglecting all disspative effects, the acceleration of body while it is in the take is
A tank is filled up to a height `2H` with a liquid and is placed on a platform of height `H` from the ground, the distance x from the ground where a small hole is punched to get the maximum range R is
Two boats of base areas `A_(1)` and `A_(2)`, connected by a string are being pulled by an external force `F_(0)`. The viscosity is `eta` and depth of the water body is H. when the system attains a constant speed. The tension in the thead will be
A U-tube is partially filled with water. Oil which does not mix with water is next poured into one side, until water rises by 25 cm on the other side. If the density of oil `0.8g//cm^(3)`. The oil level will stand higher than the water by
There is a horizontal film of soap solution. On it a thread is placed in the form of a loop. The film is pierced inside the loop and the thread becomes a circular loop of radius `R`. If the surface tension of the loop be `T`, then what will be the tension in the thread?
A thin metal disc of radius `r` floats on water surface and bends the surface downwards along the perimeter making an angle `theta` with vertical edge of the disc . If the disc displaces a weight of water `W` and surface tension of water is `T`, then the weight of metal disc is
The radii of the two columne is U-tube are `r_(1)` and `r_(2)(gtr_(1))`. When a liquid of density `rho` (angle of contact is `0^@))` is filled in it, the level different of liquid in two arms is h. The surface tension of liquid is
`(g=` acceleration due to gravity)
Water rises to a height h in a capillary tube lowered vertically into water to a depth l as shown in the figure. The lower end of the tube is now closed, the tube is the taken out of the water and opened again. The length of the water column remaining in the tube will be
Two parallel glass plates are dipped partly in the liquid of density 'd' keeping them vertical. If the distance between the plates is 'x', Surface tension is T and angle of contact is `theta` then rise of liquid between the plates due to capillary will be
Two spherical soap bubble coalesce. If `V` is the consequent change in volume of the contained air and `S` the change in total surface area, show that
where `T` is the surface tension of soap bubble and `P` is
Atmospheric pressure
A cylinder with a movable piston contains air under a pressure `p_(1)` and a soap bubble of radius 'r' . The pressure `p_(2)` to which the air should be compressed by slowly pushing the piston into the cylinder for the soap bubble to reduce its size by half will be (The surface tension is `sigma` and the temperature T is maintained constant).
A thin metal ring of internal radius 8 cm and external radius 9 cm is supported horizontally from the pan of a balance so that it comes in contact with water in a glass vessel. If is found that an extrea weight of `7.48g` is required to pull the ring out of water. The surface tension of water is `(g=10m//s^(2))`
Level 2 Single Correct questions and complete solutions for chapter FLUID MECHANICS of DC PANDEY ENGLISH of Class 11