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Complete Solutions to Check point 14.2 of chapter THERMOMETRY THERMAL EXPANSION AND KINETIC THEORY OF GASES of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

DC PANDEY NEETCheck point 14.2
Number Of Questions20
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A solid metal ball has a spherical cavity. If the ball is heated, the volume of the cavity will

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  2. The ratio among coefficient of volume expansion, superficial expansion and linear expansion i.e.,
    `gamma` : `beta` : `alpha` is

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  3. Bimetal strips are used for

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  4. The temperature of a physical pendulum, whose time period is T, is raised by `Deltatheta.` The change in its time period is

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  5. On heating a liquid having coefficient of volume expension `alpha` in a container having coefficient of linear expansion `alpha//2,` the level of the liquid in the container would

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  6. A metal sheet with a circular hole is heated. The hole

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  7. A beaker is completely filled with water at `4^(@)C.` It will overflow if

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  8. A bar of iron is 10 cm at `20^(@)C`. At `19^(@)C` it will be (`alpha` of iron `=11xx10^-6//^(@)C`)

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  9. A steel tape gives corrent measurement at `20^(@)C.` A piece of wood is being measured with the steel tape at `0^(@)C.`The reading is 25 cm on the tape. The real length of the given pices of wood must be

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  10. Two rods of length `l_(1)` and `l_(2)` are made of material whose coefficient of linear expansion are `alpha_(1)` and `alpha_(2)` , respectively. The difference between their lengths will be independent of temperatiure if `l_(1)//l_(2)` is to

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  11. The radius of a ring is R and its coefficient of linear expansion is `alpha.` If the temperature of ring increases by `theta` then its circumfrence will increase by

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  12. If two rods of length L and 2L having coefficients of linear expansion `alpha` and `2alpha` respectively are connected so that total length becomes 3L, the average coefficient of linear expansion of the composite rod equals

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  13. A metal rod of length `100cm`, made of silver at `0^(@)C` is heated to `100^(@)C` . It's length is increased by `0.19 cm` . Coefficient of cubical expansion of the silver rod is

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  14. A uniform metal rod is used as a bar pendulum. If the room temperature rises by `10^(@)C`, and the coefficient of linear expansion of the metal of the rod is `2 xx 10^(-6) per^(@)C`, the period of the pendulum will have percentage increase of

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  15. Two rods of different materials having coefficient of thermal expansion `alpha_(1), alpha_(2)` and young's modulii `Y_(1) ,Y_(2)` respectively are fixed between two rigid massive walls. The rods are heated such that they undergo the same increase in temperature. There is no bending of rods. If `alpha_(1) :alpha_(2)=2 : 3`, the thermal stresses developed in the two rods are equal provided `Y_(1) : Y_(2)` is equal to

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  16. Coefficient of volume expansion of mercury is `0.18xx10^(-3)//.^(@)C`. If the density of mercury at `0^(@)C` is 13.6g/cc, then its density at `200^(@)C` is

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  17. A glass flask of volume `200cm^(3)` is just filled with mercury at `20^(@)C`. The amount of mercury that will overflow when the temperature of the system is raised to `100^(@)C` is `(gamma_(glass)=1.2xx10^(-5)//C^(@),gamma_(mercury)=1.8xx10^(-4)//C^(@))`

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  18. Solids expand on heating because

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  19. The coefficient of linear expansion of crystal in one direction is `alpha_(1)` and that in every direction perpendicular to it is `alpha_(2)`. The coefficient of cubical expansion is

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  20. A steel rod of diameter 10 mm is clamped firmly at each end when its temperature is `25^(@)C` so that it cannot contract on cooling The tension in the rod at `0^(@)C` is approximately

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Check point 14.2 questions and complete solutions for chapter THERMOMETRY THERMAL EXPANSION AND KINETIC THEORY OF GASES of DC PANDEY ENGLISH of Class 11