Complete Solutions to Exercise 11.4 of chapter CENTRE OF MASS, LINEAR MOMENTUM AND COLLISION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

DC PANDEYExercise 11.4
Number Of Questions4
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A rocket of mass `20kg` has `180kg` fuel. The exhaust velocity of the fuel is `1.6km//s`. Calculate the minimum rate of consumption of fuel so that the rocket may rise from the ground. Also, calculate the ultimate vertical speed gained by the rocket when the rate of consumption of fuel is `(g=9.8m//s^2)`
    (i) `2kg//s` (ii) `20kg//s`

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  2. A rocket, with an initial mass of `1000kg`, is launched vertically upwards from rest under gravity. The rocket burns fuel at the rate of `10kg` per second. The burnt matter is ejected vertically downwards with a speed of `2000ms^-1` relative to the rocket. If burning ceases after one minute, find the maximum velocity of the rocket. (Take g as constant at `10ms^-2`)

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  3. A rocket is moving vertically upward against gravity. Its mass at time t is `m=m_0-mut` and it expels burnt fuel at a speed u vertically downward relative to the rocket. Derive the equation of motion of the rocket but do not solve it. Here, `mu` is constant.

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  4. A rocket of initial mass `m_0` has a mass `m_0(1-t//3)` at time t. The rocket is lauched from rest vertically upwards under gravity and expels burnt fuel at a speed u relative to the rocket vertically downward. Find the speed of rocket at `t=1`.

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Exercise 11.4 questions and complete solutions for chapter CENTRE OF MASS, LINEAR MOMENTUM AND COLLISION of DC PANDEY PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11