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Complete Solutions to Solved Examples of chapter CENTRE OF MASS, LINEAR MOMENTUM AND COLLISION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

DC PANDEYSolved Examples
Number Of Questions13
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A trolley of mass M is at rest over a smooth horizontal surface as shown in figure. Two boys each of mass 'm' are standing over the trolley. They jump from the trolley (towards right) with relative velocity `v_r` [relative to velocity of trolley just after jumping]
    (a) together
    (b) one after the other.
    Find velocity of trolley in both cases.

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  2. A block of mass `m` is placed on a triangular block of mass `M(M = 2m)` , as shown. All surfaces are smooth. Calculate the velocity of triangular block when the smaller block reaches at bottom.

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  3. All surfaces shown in figure are smooth. Wedges of mass 'M' is free to move. Block of mass 'm' is given a horizontal velocity `v_0` as shown. Find the maximum height 'h' attained by 'm' (over the wedges or outside it).

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  4. A wooden plank of mass `20kg` is resting on a smooth horizontal floor. A man of mass `60kg` starts moving from one end of the plank to the other end. The length of the plank is `10m`. Find the displacement of the plank over the floor when the man reaches the other end of the plank.

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  5. A man of mass `m_1` is standing on a platform of mass `m_2` kept on a smooth horizontal surface. The man starts moving on the platform with a velocity `v_r` relative to the platform. Find the recoil velocity of platform.

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  6. A block of mass m is released from the top of a wedge of mass M as shown in figure. Find the displacement of wedges on the horizontal ground when the block reaches the bottom of the wedges. Neglect friction everywhere.

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  7. A bomb of mass '5m' at rest explodes into three parts of masses `2m`, `2m` and `m`. After explosion, the equal parts move at right angles with speed v each. Find speed of the third part and total energy released during explosion.

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  8. A projectile of mass `3kg` is projected with velocity `50m//s` at `37^@` from horizontal. After `2s`, explosion takes place and the projectile breaks into two parts of masses `1kg` and `2kg`. The first part comes to rest just after explosion.
    (a) the velocity of second part just after explosion.
    (b) maximum height attained by this part. Take `g=10m//s^2`

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  9. A constant force F is applied on a trolley of initial mass `m_0` kept over a smooth surface. Sand is poured gently over the trolley at a constant rate of `(mu)`kg//s`. Afer time t, find

    (a) mass of the trolley (with sand)
    (b) net force on the trolley
    (c) velocity of trolley

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  10. A trolley of initial mass `m_0` is kept over a smooth surface as shown in figure. A constant force F is applied on it. Sand kept inside the trolley drains out from its floor at a constant rate of `(mu)kg//s`. After time t find:

    (a) total mass of trolley and sand.
    (b) net force on the trolley.
    (c) velocity of trolley.

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  11. Two balls of masses `m` and `2m` and momenta `4p` and `2p` (in the directions shown) collide as shown in figure. During collsion, the value of linear impulse between them is J. In terms of J and p find coefficient of restitution 'e'. Under what condition collision is elastic. Also find the condition of perfectly inelastic collision.

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  12. In the situation discussed above, find
    (a) velocity of combined mass just after collision at the bottommost point `(or u)`.
    (b) loss of mechanical energy during collision.
    (c) minimum value of `v_0` so that the combined mass completes the vertical circular motion.

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  13. A pendulum bob of mass `10^-2kg` is raised to a height `5xx10^-2m` and then released. At the bottom of its swing, it picks up a mass `10^-3kg`. To what height will the combined mass rise?

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Solved Examples questions and complete solutions for chapter CENTRE OF MASS, LINEAR MOMENTUM AND COLLISION of DC PANDEY PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11