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Complete Solutions to OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS of chapter VECTORS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If the angle between `veca` and `vecb` is `(pi)/(3)`, then angle between `2veca` and `-3vecb` is :

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  2. If `veca` and `vecb` are two unit vectors such that `veca+2vecb` and `5veca-4vecb` are perpendicular to each other, then the angle between `veca` and `vecb` is

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  3. Vector `veca` is prepedicular to `vecb`, componets of `veca- vecb` along `veca + vecb` will be :

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  4. If `vecA xx vecB = vecC+ vecD`, them select the correct alternative:

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  5. If `veca` and `vecb` are two non-collinear unit vectors and if `|veca_(1) + veca_(2)|=sqrt(3)`, then the value of `(veca_(1) -veca_(2))(2veca_(1) +veca_(2))` is:

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  6. A ray of light is incident on a plane mirror along a vector `hat i+hat j- hat k.`
    The normal on incidence point is along `hat i+ hat j `.Find a unit vector along the
    reflected ray.

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  7. A particle is moving along a circle with a uniform speed `v`. Find `(a)` change in the magnitude of velocity and `(b)` the magnitude of change in the velocity when it has rotated an angle `theta . (0 lt theta lt 90^(@))`

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  8. A plane mirror is moving with vclocity . A point object in fornt of the mirror moves with a velocity . Here `hatK` is along the normal to the plane mirror and facing towards the object . The velocity of the image is :

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  9. The angle between the vectors `(hati+hatj)` and `(hatj+hatk)` is

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  10. A parallelogram is fromed with`veca` and `vecb` as the sides let `vecd_(1)` and `vecd_(2)` be the diagonals of the parallelogram , them `a^(2) +b^(2)=`

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  11. If two non-parallel vectors `vecA` and `vecB` are equal in magntiude, them vectors `(vecA - vecB)` and `(vecA + vecB)` will be :

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  12. If the vectors `(hati+ hatj + hatk)` and `3 hati` from two sides of a triangle, then area of triangle is :

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  13. The value of p so that vectors `(2hati - hatj +),( hati +2hatj-3hatk)` and `(3hati + phatj + 5hatk)` are coplaner should be:

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  14. The vector sum of three vectors` vecA, vecB` and `vecC` is zero . If `hati` and `hatj` are the unit vectores in the vectors in the directions of `vecA` and `vecB` respectively , them :

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  15. Three force `F_(1) = (3hati + 2hatj - hatk)` `vecF_(2)` and that the particle may be in equilibrum , the value of 'a' is :

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  16. For the fig. 350 :

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  17. A vector may change if :

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  18. When two vectors `vecA` and `vecB` of magnitudes `a` and `b` respectively are added, the magnitude of resultant vector is always

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  19. The rectangular compounts of forces of 5 duye are :

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  20. To get a rsultant displacement of 10m, two displacement vectors, one of magnetic 6 m and another of 8 m,should be combined :

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  21. A magnitude of vector `vecA,vecB` and `vecC` are respectively `12, 5` and `13` units and `vecA+vecB=vecC` then the angle between `vecA` and `vecB` is

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  22. If `vecA = vecB + vecC` and the magnitudes of `vecA, vecB and vecC` are 5,4 and 3 units respecetively, the angle between `vecA` and `vecC` is :

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  23. If two waves of same frequency and same amplitude superimpose and produce third wave of same amplitude, then waves differ in phase by –

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  24. The angle between `(vecA xx vec B)` and `(vecB xx vecA )` is :

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  25. Two equal vector have a resultant equal to either of them, then the angle between them will be:

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  26. The resultant of two forces acting an anlge of `120^(@)` is 10 kg wt and is perpendicular to one of the forces. That force is

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  27. The vectors`vecA` and `vecB` uur are such that |`vecA + vecB`| =|`vecA-vecB `|The angle between the two vectors is

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  28. For the resultant of two vectors to be maximum , what must be the angle between them ?

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  29. What are minmum number or unequal fores whose vector sum is zero ?

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  30. Two vectors `vecA` and `vecB` lie in a plane, another vector `vecC` lies outside this plane, then the resultant of these three vectors i.e. `vecA+vecB+vecC`

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  31. Two forces of magentude 7 newton and 5 newton act on a particle at an angle `theta` can have any value . The minimum magnitude of the resultant forces is :

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  32. Two forces of 4 dyne and 3 dyne act upon a body . The resultant force on the body can be only be :

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  33. A force of 6 kg and another of 8 kg can be applied togther to produce the effects of a signle froce of :

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  34. Out of the following the resultant of which cannot be 4 netwon ?

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  35. In case of three vector quanitites of same type, whose resultant cannot be zero ?

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  36. Five equal forces of `10 N` each are applied at one point and all are lying one plane. If the angles between them are equal, the resultant force will be

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  37. If `hatn` is a unit vector in the direction of the vector `vecA`, them :

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  38. An aeroplane moving in a circular path with a speed `250 km//h`. The change in velocity in half of the revolution is.

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  39. A truck travelling due North at ` 50 km h^(-1)` turns West and travels at the same speed. What is the change in velocity ?

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  40. A boat which has a speed of `5 km// hr ` in steel water crosses a river of width ` 1 km` along the shortest possible path in `15 minutes`. The velocity of the river water in ` km// hr` is

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  41. A river is flowing from west to east at a speed of 5 metres per minute.A man on the south bank of the river, capable of swimming at 10 metres per minute in still water, wants to swim across the river in the shortest time. He should swim in a direction.

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  42. I started walking down a road to day-break facing the sun. After walking for some-time, I turned to my left, then I turned to the right once again. In which direction was I going then ?

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  43. A man travels 1 mile due east. Then 5 miles due south, then 2 miles due east and finally 9 miles due north. His displacement is

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  44. I walked 4 mile, turned to my left and walked 6mile, then turned to my right and walked 4 mile. Which of the choice mentions the distance from the starting poin to the palce where I stopped ?

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  45. A person moves 30 m north, then 20 m east and finally `30sqrt(2)m` south-west. This displacement from the original position is :

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  46. A body, under the action of a force `vec(F)=6hati -8hatj+10hatk` , acquires an acceleration of `1ms^(-2)` . The mass of this body must be.

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  47. The angle made by the vector `vecA=2hati+3hatj` with Y-axis is

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  48. If `vecA` and `vecB` are perpendicular vectors and vector `vecA=5hati+7hatj-3hatk` and `vecB=2hati+2hatj-ahatk`. The value of `a` is

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  49. Consider a vector `vecF=4hati-3hatj`. Another vector that is perpendicular to `vecF` is

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  50. The angle between the two vectors `-2hati+3hatj-hatk` and `hati+2hatj+4hatk` is

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  51. The angle between the vectors `(hati+hatj)` and `(hatj+hatk)` is

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  52. A bodys constrained to more in the Y-direction ,Is subject to a force `vecF=(-2hati+15hatj+6hatk)` N What is the work done by force in moving the body through a distance of 10 m along the Y-axis ?

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  53. A vector `vecF_(1)` is along the positive `X`-axis. If its vectors product with another vector `vecF_(2)` is zero then `vecF_(2)` could be

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  54. The torque of the force `vecF=(2hati-3hatj+4hatk)N` acting at the point `vecr=(3hati+2hatj+3hatk)m` about the origin be

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  55. The position vector of a particle is `r = a sin omega t hati +a cos omega t hatj`
    The velocity of the particle is

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  56. The angle made by the vector `4hati - 3hatj + 5hatk` with z-axis is :

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  57. Three vectors `veca,vecb` and `vecc` satisfy the relation `veca.vecb=0` and `veca.vecc=0`. The vector `veca` is parallel to

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  58. The resultant of two forces , one double the other in magnitude is perpendicular to the smaller of the two forces. The angle between the two forces is ________?

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  59. The value of n so that vectors `2hati+3hatj-2hatk, 5hati+nhatj+hatk and -hati+2hatj+3hatk` may be coplanar.will be

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  60. A projectile of mass `m` is fired with a velocity `v` from point P at an angle `45^@`. Neglecting air resistance, the magnitude of the change in momentum leaving the point P and arriving at Q is

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  61. Magnitudes of four pairs of displacement vectors are given. Which pair of displacment vectors, under vector addition fails to gives a resultant vectore of magnitude 3 cm ?

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  62. Two forces of magnitudes 30, 60 and P newton acting at a point are in equilibrium. If the angle between the first two is `60 ^(@) `, the value of P is :

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  63. A force `F=ahati+bhatj+chatk` is acted upon a body of mass `m`. If the body starts from rest and was at athe origin initially, find its new coordinate after time `t`.

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  64. Let `vecF` be a force acting on a particle having positon vector `vecr. Let vecr` be the torque of this force about the origin then

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  65. If `|vecA xx vecB| = sqrt(3) vecA .vecB` then the value of `|vecA xx vecB|` is :

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  66. `vecA, vecB and vecC` are vectosrs each having a unit magneitude. If `vecA + vecB+vecC=0`, then `vecA. vecB.vecC+ vecC.vecA` will be:

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  67. Three forces act on a body. The body will certainly have an acceleration of these are:

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  68. If the sum and difference of two vectors are at right angles, show that the vectors are equal in magnitude.

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  69. Vectors `vecA and vecB` are mutually perpendicular . Component of `vecA + vecB` in the direction of `vecA- vecB` will be:

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  70. For a particle in uniform circular motion , the acceleration ` vec(a)` at a point ` p ( R, theta )` on the circle of radiu ` R` is ( Here ` theta` is measured from the ` x- axis` )

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  71. A particle is given successive displacments. Which of the following sets of displacments could be capable of returning the particle to its initial position :

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  72. An expression which cannot be defined meaningfully among vectors is :

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  73. `ABCDEF` is a regular hexagon, Fig. 2 (c ) .65. What is the value of
    ` (vec (AB) + vec (AC) + vec (AD) + vec (AE) + vec (AF) ?`

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  74. In the regular hexagon shown in Fig. 3.51, `vecAB + vecBC + vecCD+ vecDE + vecEF+ vecAF` can be expressed as :

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  75. In the regular hexagon shown in fig.3.51, `vecAO+vecBO + vecCO+vecDO + vecEO + vecFO` can be expressed as :

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  76. For vectors `vecA` and `vecB`, `(vecA + vecB). (vecA xx vecB)` will be :

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  77. Minimum number of two coplanar vectors of equal magnitude whose vectors sum could be zero, is:

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  78. Assertion: The minimum number of non-coplanar Vectors whose sum can be zero, is four
    Reason: The resultant of two vectors of unequal magnitude can be zero.

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  79. In Fig. 3.52, D is the mid-point of `vecBC` Which of the following relations is correct ?

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  80. Sum of magnetic of two forces acting on a body is 15 N. The resultant force has magnitude 12 N and it is perpendicular to the large forces, magnetiude of smaller forces is :

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  81. Resultant of two forces `vecF_(1)` and `vecF_(2)` has magnitude 50 N. The resultant is inclined to `vecF_(1)` at `60^(@)` and to `vecF_(1)` at `30^(@)` . Magnitudes of `vecF_(1)` and `vecF_(2)`, respectively, are:

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  82. `vecA, vecB and vecC` are vectors such that `vecC= vecA + vecB and vecC bot vecA` and also C= A . Angle between `vecA and vecB` is :

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  83. A person walks along the path shown in Fig. 3.53. The path from B to C is semicircular and centred at O. If the magnitude of displacment of the person is 2m, distance travelled by him is nearly :

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  84. ABCD is parallelogram `vecA, vecB, vecC and vecD` are the position vectors of vecticles A, B, C, and D with respect to any origin, them:

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  85. A lion is at some instant a position `A(2m, 6m ,-1m)` and a goat is at position `B(1 m, 2 m, 8 m)`. The lion is free to move but the goat is unable to move due to some injury . The lion runs towards the goat and reches it in time 2 sec. A verage velocity of the lion can be expreseed as:

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  86. A vector `vecA` points vertically upward and `vecB` points towards north. The vector produce `vecAxxvecB` is

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  87. A parallelogram is fromed with`veca` and `vecb` as the sides let `vecd_(1)` and `vecd_(2)` be the diagonals of the parallelogram , them `a^(2) +b^(2)=`

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  88. `vecA and vecB` and vectors expressed as `vecA = 2hati + hatj and vecB = hati - hatj` Unit vector perpendicular to `vecA and vecB` is:

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  89. The vector area of triangle position vectors of whose vertices are `veca,vecb,vecc` is

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  90. Area of the parallelogram formed by vectors `vecA = hati + 2hatj+ 4 hatk` and `vecB= 3 hati - 2hatj` is :

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  91. Can a flight of a bird be an example of composition of vectors ?

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  92. Find the torque of a force `vecF= -3hati+hatj+5hatk ` acting at the point `vecr=7hati+3hatj+hatk`

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  93. `vecR` is the resultant of `vecA` and `vecB` . `vecR` is inclined to `vecA` at angle `theta_(1)` and to `vecB` at angle `theta_(2)`, then :

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  94. Projection of `2hati + 6hatj` on Z-axis is :

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  95. `vecR` is the resultant of `vecA` and `vecB` . `vecR` is inclined to `vecA` at angle `theat_(1)` and to `vecB` at angle `theta_(2)`, then :

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  96. `hata, hatb and hatc` are unit vectors. If the `hata +hatb = hatc`, them the magnitude of `hata -hatb` is :

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  97. Diagonals of a parallelogram are respresented by vectors `vecA = 5hati - 4hatj + 3hatk and vecB = 3hati +2hatj - hatk`. Area of the parallelogram is :

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  98. A particle is moving on a cicular path of radius 'R' . As it moves through an angular displacement `theta`, its linear displacement will be :

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  99. If `vec(A)` makes an angle `alpha, beta` and `gamma` from x,y and z axis respectively then `sin^(2)alpha+sin^(2) beta+sin^(2) gamma=`

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  100. Magnitudes of vectors `vecP, vecQ` and `vecR` are equal, If `vecP + vecQ+vecR =0`, then angle between `vecR and vecQ` is `alpha` while if `vecP + vecQ = vecR`, the angle between `vecR` and `vecP` is `beta`, then :

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OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS questions and complete solutions for chapter VECTORS of GR BATHLA & SONS PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11