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Complete Solutions to Sound Waves of chapter WAVES of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

S CHANDSound Waves
Number Of Questions50
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The frequency of the fourth harmonic in a stretched string of length 20 cm is 500 Hz. (i) Calculate the velocity of the wave in the string? (ii) For what value of tension, will the velocity in the string be 100 `ms^(-1)?`

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  2. The velocity of sound in air at 324k is `360ms^(-1)`. If the pressure is halved and temperature is raised to 400K, what will be the new velocity?

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  3. The velocity of sound in hydrogen at `0^@C" is 1.28kms"^(-1)`. Calculate the velocity of sound in a mixture of 4 parts by volume of hydrogen and one part of oxygen at the same temperature?

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  4. A narrow sound pulse (for example, a short pip by a whistle) is send across a medium. (a) Does the pulse have a definite (i) wavelength (ii) frequency (iii) speed of propagation? (b) If the pulse rate is 1 after every 20s. (i.e, by a whistle equal to 1/20 Hz?

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  5. The ratio of the intensities of two interfering waves is 81:1. What is the ratio of the maximum to minimum intensity?

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  6. Two sinusoidal wave having the same frequency and travelling in the same direction are combined. What is the amplitude of the resultant motion if their amplitudes are 3cm and 4cm and they differ in phase by `pi//2` radian?

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  7. Fig. 144.9 shops to wave pulses travelling along a string in the opposite directions. The velocity of the wave is 3 m/s and the pulses are 9cm apart. Find what has hap-pened to the energy at t=1.5s.

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  8. Three sinusodal waves having amplitudes a, a/2 and a/3 are superposed. They have the same period and thelr phase are 0, `pi//2` and respectively. Find (i) The resultant amplitude and phase (ii) Draw a sketch to show the resultant wave.

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  9. A set of 24 tuming forka is arranged in series of Locrening frequencies. If each tuning fork gives 4 beats/sec with the preceding one and the last fork is found to be the octave of the first, calculate the frequences of the first and the last.

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  10. Calculate the velocity of sound in a gas in which two waves of lengths one metre and 1.01 m produce 16 beats in 4 seconds.

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  11. A tuning fork and a siren produce 18 beats in 3 seconds. The siren has 16 holes and is making 960 revolutions per minute. If the velocity of the siren is reduced, the two notes will be in unison. Find the pitch of the tuning fork.

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  12. A tuning fork is in unison with a sonometer wire 80 cm long. If 2 beats are heard on shortening the wire by one centimeter find the frequency of the fork?

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  13. Tivo sitar strings A and B playing the note 'Ga'are slightly out of tunc and produce bedis of frequency 6 Hz. The tension in the string A is slightly reduced and the bear frequency is found to reduce to 3 Hz If the original frequency of A is 324 Hz, what is the frequency of B?

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  14. A musical scale that is not based on any one key-note but has the same character independent of the starting note is known as an equally tempered scale. If in this scale, an octave is divided into 12 half tones, what are the frequencies of the successive half-tones between a note of frequency 256 Hz and its octave ?

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  15. A steel rod 100 cm long is dampled at into middle.Then fundamental frequnecy of longitudinal vibrations of the rod are given to be 2.53 kHz.What is the speed of sound in sound is steel?

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  16. Explain how the bridges should be placed in order to divide a wire 1.1m. Long into three segments whose fundamental frqeuencies are in the ratio 1:2:3.

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  17. A bridge is placed under the string of a sonometer at a point near the middle when the two are plucked simultaneously 3 beats per second are produced with a stretching load of 4kg. Find the number of beats per second when the load is increased to 16kg.

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  18. Two organ pipes of the same diameter, one closed at one end and the other open at both ends are respectively 0.75m and 1.56 m long. When sounded together, the number of beats heard is 4 per second. Find the velocity of sound in air.

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  19. A stretched wire is kept near the open end of a closed pipe 0.75 m long. The wire is 0.3 m long and has a mass of 0.01 kg. The wire is made to vibrate in its fundamental node, after Ixing at both ends. It sets the air column in the tube hito vibration at its fundamental frequency by resonance. Find (a) the frequency of oscillation of the air column and 6) the tension in the wire. Velocity of sound =330 m/s.

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  20. Clamped at the middle a metal rod of length 1m and density `7.5 xx 10^(3)kg//m^3` gives dust heaps at intervals of 8cm. Calculate the Young's modulus of the material of the rod. Velocity of sound in the gas used in 400m/s.

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  21. A load of 20kg is suspended by a steel wire. Its frequency when rubbed with a resigned cloth is found to be 20 times its freqency when plucked. Find the area of cross section of the wire. Young's modulus of steel is `19.6 xx 10^(10)N//m^2`.

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  22. In Melde's experiment a loaded string of lenyek Im weighing 0.5 gm khanging from a coming fork of thegoency 200 and is vibrating in four loops. Calculate the tension in string?

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  23. A train stands at a platform, blowing a whistle of frequency 400 Hz in still aIr: What is the frequency of the whistle heard by a man running (a) towards the engine at `10 ms^(-1)` (b) away from the engine at 10 `ms^(-1)?`

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  24. A train standing in a station-yard blows a whistle of frequency 400 Hz in still air. A wind starts blowing in the direction from the yard to the station wit a speed of 10 `ms^(-1)?`. What are the frequeney, wavelength and speed of sound foran observer standing on the station's platform ? Is the situation exactly equivalent to the case when the air is still and the observer runs towards the yard at the speed of 10 `ms^(-1)?`

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  25. A sonar system fixed in a submariene operatres at a frequency 40KHz. An enemey submarine moves towards the sonar with a speed of `360kmh^(-1)`. What is the frequency of sound reflected by the submarine? Speed of sound in water `1450ms^(-1)?`

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  26. A source of sound is moving along a circular orbit of radius 3 m with an angular velocity of 10 rad/s. A sound detector located far away from the source is executing linear S.H.M. along the line BD (see Fig. 14.4.13) with an amplitude BC = CD=6m. The frequency of oscillation of the detector is `5//pi` per second. The source is at the point BA when the detector is at the point B. If the source epiits a continuous sound wave of frequency 340 Hz, find the maximum and the minimum frequencies recorded by the detector.

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  27. The 6563 Ã… `H_(alpha)` line emitted by hydrogen in a star is found to be red-shifted by 15 Ã…. The speed with which the star is receding from the earth is

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  28. Explain how sound is propagated as a longitudinal wave .

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  29. What are the primary components of a sound source ?

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  30. What are (i) audible frequency, (ii) infra-sonics and (iii) ultra-sonics ?

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  31. Cite an experiment to show that sound needs a material medium for its propagation.

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  32. Which property of sound is used in whispering galleries.

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  33. Mention the properties of sound.

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  34. Which sound travels faster, infrasonics or ultrasonics ?

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  35. What are the conditions for sound to interfere ?

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  36. Name the factors on which the velocity of transverse wave in a string depends.

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  37. Write down the Newton's formula for the velocity of sound in a gas. Why did his formula give wrong results ?

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  38. How did Laplace's correct Newton's formula ?

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  39. Velocity of sound in a gas does not depend on the pressure of the gas. Why?

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  40. Show that the velocity of sound in air increases by `0.6 ms^(-1)` for every `1^@C` rise in temperature.

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  41. In which medium the speed of sound is more : humid air or dry air ? Give a reason to your answer.

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  42. What is the effect of wind on the velocity of sound ?

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  43. Explain why you can predict the arrival of a train by placing your ear on the rails without seeing

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  44. What is the effect of frequency and amplitude on the velocity of sound?

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  45. Suppose you set your watch by the sound of a distance siren, will it go fast or slow?

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  46. "The velocity of sound is generally greater in solids than in gas at N.T.P." Why?

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  47. If one sound wave has twice the pressure amplitude of the another sound in the same medium, find the ratio of the intensities of the two sounds ?

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  48. When sound wave travels from one medium into another what possible changes could occur to (i) velocity, (ii) frequency and (iii) wavelength ?

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  49. Can an object vibrating transversely produce a sound wave ? Explain.

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  50. Why does the speed of sound increase with increase in temperature?

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Sound Waves questions and complete solutions for chapter WAVES of S CHAND PHYSICS (ENGLISH) of Class 11