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Complete Solutions to C.U.Q of chapter THERMAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Temperature of gas is a measure of

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  2. Celsius is the unit of

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  3. On the Celsius scale the absolute zero of temperature is at

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  4. The correct value of `0^(@)C` on the Kelvin scale is

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  5. The standard scale of temperature is

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  6. Melting and Boiling point of water on Fahrenheit scale of temperature respectively

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  7. For meaurements of very high temperature say around `5000^(@)C`(of sun), one can use:

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  8. Mercury boils at `367^(@)C`. However, mercury thermometers are made such that they can measure temperature up to `500^(@)C`. This is done by

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  9. For measuring temperature near absolute zero, the thermometer used is

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  10. Which of the following scales of temperature has only positive degrees of tempreature has only positive degress of temperature?

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  11. Which of the following is the smallest rise in temperature?

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  12. The temperature at which two bodies appear equally hot or cold when touched by a person is

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  13. The range of clinical thermometer is

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  14. Which of the following is the largest rise in temperature?

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  15. Solids expand on heating because

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  16. Expansion during heating

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  17. When a metal bar is cooled, then which one of these staments is correct.

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  18. When a metal bar is heated, the increase in length is greater, if

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  19. A ring shaped piece of a metal is heated, if the material expands, the hole will

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  20. A solid ball of metal has a spherical cavity inside it. The ball is cooled. The volume of the cavity will

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  21. The substance which ha negative coefficient of linear expension is

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  22. Two substance of same size are made of same material but one is hollow and the other is solid. They are heated to same temperature, then

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  23. If temeratre of two shpheres of same size but made of different materials changes by `DeltaT` then

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  24. The linear expansion of a solid depends on

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  25. The coefficient of linear expansion of a solid depends upon

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  26. if `alpha_(c)` and `alpha_(f)` denote the numerical values of coefficient of linear expansions of the solid, expressed per ``^(0)C` and per Kelvin respectibely, then.

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  27. If `alpha_(c)` and `alpha_(f)` denote the numerical values of coefficient of linear expansion of a solid, expressed per `.^(0)C` and per `.^(0)F` respectively, then

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  28. The coefficient of linear expansion of a metal rod is `12 xx 10^(-6//0)C`, its value in per ``^(0)F`

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  29. the coefficient of volume expansion is

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  30. Always platinum is fused into glass, because

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  31. Two metal strips that constitude a bimetallic strip must necessarily differ in their.

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  32. Thermpstat is based on the principle of

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  33. A pendulum clock shows correct time at `0^(@)C`. At a higher temperature the clock.

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  34. To keep constant time, watches are fitted with balance whell made of

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  35. A brass dise fits into a hole in an iron plate. To remove the disc.

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  36. When hot water is poured on a glass plate, it breaks because of

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  37. When the temperature of a body increases

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  38. In balance wheel of watch, the factors that make its oscillations uniform are

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  39. When a metal ring is heated

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  40. A cube of ice is placed on bimetallic strip at room temperature as shown in the figure. What will happen if the upper strip of iron and the lower strip of copper?

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  41. To withstand the shapes of concave mirrors against temperature variations used in high resolution telescope, they are made of

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  42. The holes through which the fist plates are fitted to join the rails are ovalin shape because

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  43. A semicircular metal ring subtends an angles of `180^(0)` at the centre of the circle. When it is heated, this angle

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  44. The diameter of a metal ring is `D` and the coefficient of linear expansion is `alpha`. If the temperature of the ring is increased by `1^(0)C`, the circumference and the area of the ring will increases by

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  45. The moment of ineratia of a uniform thin rod about its perpendicular bisector is `I`. If the temperature of the rod is increased by `Deltat` , the moment of inertia about perpendicular bisector increases by (coefficient of linear expansion of material of the rod is `alpha`).

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  46. A bimetal made of copper and iron strips welded together is straight at room temprature. It is held vertically so that the iorn strip is towards the left hand and coper strip is then heated. The bimetal strip will

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  47. If `L_(1)` and `L_(2)` are the lengths of two rods of coefficients of linear expansion `alpha_(1)` and `alpha_(2)` respectively the condition for the difference in lengths to be constant at all temperatures is

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  48. When a copper ball is coolled llthe largest percentage increase will occur in its

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  49. The coefficient of linear expansion of `P` and `Q` are `alpha_(1)` and `alpha_(2)` respectively. If the coefficient of cubical expansion `'Q'` is three times the coefficient of superficial expansion of `P,` them which of the following is true ?

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  50. The substance which contracts on heating is

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  51. `PQR` is a right angled triangle made of brass rod bent as shown. If it is heated to a high temperature the angle `PQR`.

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  52. A brass scale gives correct length at `0^(@)C`. If the temperature by `25^(@)C` and the length read by the scale is `10 cm`. Then the actual length will be

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  53. the coefficient of volume expansion is

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  54. When a metasl sphere is heated maximum percentage increase occurs in its

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  55. A solid sphere and a hollow sphere of same material have same mass. When they are heated by` 50^(@)C`, increase in volume of solide sphere is `5 c.c.` the expansion of hollow sphere is

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  56. When a rod is heated, its linear expansions depends on
    (a) initial length
    (b) area of cross section
    (c) mass
    (d) temperature rise

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  57. The numerical value of coefficient of linear expansion is independent of units of
    (a) length
    (b) temperature
    (c) area

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  58. Expansion during heating
    (a) occurs in solids only
    b) causes decrease of interatomic spacing
    (c) is due to increase of interatomic spacing

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  59. When a copper solid shpere is heated, its
    (a) moment of inertia increases
    (b) Elasticity decreases
    © The weight of a body in a liquid increases

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  60. Due to thermal ecpansion with rise in temperature
    (a) Metallic scale reading becomes lesser than true value
    (b) A floating body sinks a little more
    (c) The weight of a body in a liquid increases

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  61. Which of the following statement are true
    (a) Rubber contracts on heating
    (b) Water expands on freezing
    (c) Waterr expands on heating from `4^(@)C` to `40^(@)C`

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  62. When a metal ring having some gap is heated
    (a) length of gap increases
    (b) radius of the ring decreases
    (c) the angle substanded by the gap at the centre remains same
    (d) length of gap decreases

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  63. Expansion of liquids on heating is different from that solids, since the expansion of liquids is `

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  64. A liquid with coefficient of volume expansion `gamma` is filled in a container of a material having coefficient of linear expansion `alpha` . If the liquid overflows on heating, then

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  65. On heating a liquid of coefficient of cubical expansion `gamma` in a container having coefficient of linear expansion `gamma//3`. The level of liquid in the container will

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  66. A long cylindrical metal vessel of volume `V` and coefficient of linear expansion `alpha` contains a liquid. The level of liquid has not changed on heating. The coefficient of real expansion of the liquid is.

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  67. The liquid whose coeffcient of real expansion is equal to `1.5` times the coefficient of areal expansion of container and heated then the level of the liquid taken in the container

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  68. A metal ball suspended from the hook of a spring balance is kept immesed in a liquid other than water. On increassing the temperature of this liquid, the reading in the spring balance.

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  69. A metal ball immersed in alcohol weights `W_1` at `0^@C` and `W_2` at `50^@C`. The coefficient of expansion of cubical the metal is less than that of the alcohol. Assuming that the density of the metal is large compared to that of alcohol, it can be shown that

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  70. A block of wood is floating on water at `0^(@)C` with a certain volume `V` above water level. The temperature of water is slowly raised to `20^(@)C` . How does the volume `V` change with the rise of temperature ?

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  71. A glass is full of water at `4^(@)C` when it is (a) cooleed (b) heated then, which one of the following is correct

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  72. The top of a lake is frozen when the air in contact with the lake surface is at `-5^(@)C` the temperature of water in contact with the bottom of the lake will be

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  73. A metal sphere is suspended in water at `0^(@)C` by a thread when water is heated to `4^(@)C` the tansion in the thread

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  74. Water has maximum density at

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  75. A vessel is completely filled with water at `32.2^(@)F`. Now it is cooled then

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  76. A Sealed glass jar is full of water. When it is kept in a freezing mixture, it is broken because

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  77. Certain volume of a liquid is taken in a long glass tube and its temperature is increased at a uniform rate, the rate of increase in the length of the liquid depends on
    a) length of the liquid
    b) area of cross section of the glass tube
    c) coefficient of expansion of glass

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  78. A metal ball suspended from a spring balance is immersed in water at `4^(@)C`. If the temperaute of water is changed the reading in the balance
    (a) any decreases
    (b) increases
    (c) may reamains same

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  79. Identify the correct statements from the following:
    (a) The apparent expansion of liquid depends the expansion of material of the container
    (b) The real expansion of the liquids depends on the density of the liquid.
    (c) The expansion of liquid with respect to the container is called the apparent expansion

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  80. A liquid with coefficient of real volume expansion `(gamma)` is filled in vessel of coefficient of linear expansion `gamma/3`. When the systeam is heated then.
    a) The volume of spece above liquid remains same.
    b) The level of liquid relative to vessel reamins same.
    c) The fraction of volume of liquid in vessel reamains same.

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  81. When the volumn of a gas is decreased at constant temperature the pressure increases because the molecules

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  82. Boyle's law is represented by the equation `PV = K` (`K` is not constant), `K` dependds on

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  83. A gas is enclosed in a closed pot. On keeping this pot in a train moving with high speed , the temperature of the gas

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  84. At constant pressure density of a gas is

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  85. The slope of `T-P` graph for a given mass of a gas increases, the volumn of the gas

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  86. Which of the following methods will enable the volume of an ideal gas to be made four times

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  87. An ideal gas is that which

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  88. In a gas equation, `PV = RT, V` refers to the volume of

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  89. For a constant volume gas thermometer, one should fill the gas at

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  90. The molar gas constant is the same for all gases because at the same temperature and pressure, equal volumes of gases have the same

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  91. A box contains `x` molecules of a gas. How will the pressure of the gas be effected if the number of molecules is made `2x`?

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  92. According to Charles's law,

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  93. The density of an ideal gas

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  94. The relation between volume `V`, pressure `P` and absolute temperature `T` of an ideal gas is `PV = xT`, where `x` is a constant. The value of `x` depend upon

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  95. The air of the atmosphere becomes cool at higher altitudes due to

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  96. If pressure and temperature of an ideal gas are doubled and volume is halved, the number of molecules of the gas

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  97. If gas molecules undergo, inelastic collision with the walls of the container

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  98. A gas in an airtight container is heated from `25^(@)C ` to `90^(@)C`. The density of gas will

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  99. A volume `V` absolute temperature `T` diagram was obtained when a given mass of gas was heated. During the heating process from state `1` to `2`, the pressure

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  100. A `P-V` diagram is obtained by changing the temeprature of the gas as shown. During the proces the gas is

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C.U.Q questions and complete solutions for chapter THERMAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER of NARAYANA PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11