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Complete Solutions to NCERT BASED QUESTIONS of chapter KINETIC THEORY OF GASES of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions28
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The kinetic energy of a molecule of hydrogen at `0^(@) C` is `5.64 xx 10^(-21) J`. Calculate Avogadro's number. Take ` R = 8.31 J "mole"^(-1) K^(-1)`

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  2. At what temperature is the root mean square speed of oxygen molecules equal to the r.m.s. speed of carbon dioxide molecules at `-23^(@)C`? Molecular weight of oxgen=32 and that of carbon dioxide=44.

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  3. The r.m.s speed of oxygen molecule `(O_(2))` at a certain temperature T is V. If on increasing the temperature of the oxygen gas to 2T, the oxygen molecules dissociate into atomic oxygen, find the speed of the oxygen atom.

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  4. If three gas molecules have velocity `0.5`, `1` and `2 km//s` respectively, find the ratio of their root mean square speed and average speed.

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  5. Calculate the temperature at which root mean square velocity of `SO_(2)` molecules is the same as that of `O_(2)` molecules at `127^(@)C`. Molecular weights of `O_(2) and SO_(2)` are 32 and 64 respectively.

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  6. From a certain apparatus, the diffusion rate of hydrogen has an average value of `28.7 cm^(3) s^(-1)`. The diffusion of another gas under the same condition is measured to have an average rate of `7.2 cm^(3) s^(-1)`. Identify the gas.

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  7. Each molecule of nitrogen gas heated in a vessel to a temperature of 5000K has an average energy `E_(1)`. Some molecule of the gas escape into atmosphere at 300K. Due to collision with air molecules, average kinetic energy of the nitrogen molecule changes to `E_(2)`. Find the radio `E_(1)//E_(2)`.

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  8. Find the mean free path and collision frequency of a hydrogen molecule in a cylinder containing hydrogen at 3atm and temperature `27^(@)C`. Take the radius of a hydrogten molecule to be `1overset(0)A`. Given, one atmospheric pressure `=1.013xx10^(5)N m^(-2)` and molecular mass of hydrogen=2.

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  9. The diameter of a gas molecule is `2.4 xx 10^(-10) m`. Calculate the mean free path at NTP. Given Boltzmann constant `k = 1.38 xx 10^(-23)` `J molecule^(-1) K^(-1)`.

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  10. A closed vessel contains a mixture of two diatomic gases `A` and `B`. Molar mass of `A` is 16 times that of `B` and mass of gas `A` contained in the vessel is 2 times that of `B`. Which of the following statements are correct ?

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  11. Pick the correct statement (s) :

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  12. ABCDEFGH is a hollw cube made of an insulator(figure)

    face ABCD has positive charges on it. Inside the cube, we have ionsed hydrogen.
    The usual kinetic theory expression for pressure

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  13. Diatomic molecules like hydrogen haven energy due to both translational as well as rotational motion. From the equation in kinetic theory `PV=(2)/(3)E,E` is

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  14. In a diatomic molecule, the rotational energy at given temperature

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  15. Which of the following diagrams, Fig. depicts ideal gas behaviour ?

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  16. When an ideal gas is compressed adiabaticall, is temperature rises the molecule on the average have nore kinetic energy than before. The kinetic energy increases,

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  17. An ideal gas undergoes four different processes from the same initial state (figure). Four process are adiabatic, isothermal, isobaric and isochloric. Out of 1, 2, 3, and 4 which one is idabatic.

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  18. If an avarage person jogs, he produces `14.5xx10^(4) cal//min`. This is removed by the evaporation of sweat. The amount of sweat evaporated per minute (assuming `1 kg` requites `580xx10^(3)` cal for evaporation) is

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  19. Consider `P-V` diagram for an ideal gas shown in figure.

    Out of following diagrams(figure). Which represents the `T-P` diagram?

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  20. An ideal gas underoges cyclic process of ABCDA as shown in Given `P-V` diagram (figure)

    The amount of work done by the gas is

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  21. Consider two containers A and B containing identical gases at the same pressure, volume and temperature. The gas in container A is compressed to half of its original volume isothermally while the gas in container B is compressed to half of its original value adiabatically. The ratio of final pressure of gas in B to that of gas in A is

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  22. Refer to the plot of temperature versus time (figure) showing the changes in the state if ice on heating (not to scale). Which of the following is correct ?

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  23. A glass full of hot milk is poured in the table. It begins to cool gradually.
    Which of the following is incorrect?

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  24. Which of the process described below are irrevesible?

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  25. An ideal gas undergoes isothermal process from some initial state `i` to final state `f`. Choose the correct alternatives.

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  26. (figure). Shows the `P-V` diagram of an ideal gas undergoing a change of state from A to B. Four different process I, II, III, IV, as shown in (figure) may lead to the same change of state.

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  27. Consider a cycle followed by an engine, (figure)

    1 to 2 is isothermal 2 to 3 is adiabatic 3 to 1 is adiabatic
    such a process does not exist because

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  28. Consider a heat engine as shown in (figure). `Q_(1) and Q_(2)` are heat added to heat bath `T_(1)` and heat taken from `T_(2)` one cycle of engine. `W` is the mechanical work done on the engine.

    If `Wgt0`, then possibillities are:

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NCERT BASED QUESTIONS questions and complete solutions for chapter KINETIC THEORY OF GASES of NARAYANA PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11