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Complete Solutions to Level 1 (H.W) of chapter MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF FLUIDS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions55
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If the atmospheric pressure is 76 cm of Hg at what depth of water the pressure will becomes 2 atmospheres nearly.

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  2. The pressure at the bottom of a lake due to water is `4.9xx 10^(6)N//m^(2)`. What is the depth of the lake?

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  3. Two blocks A and B float in water. If block A floats with `(1)/(4)` th of its volume immersed and block B floats with `(3)/(5)` th of its volume immersed, the ratio of their densities is

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  4. A water filled cylinder of height 50 cm and base area `20cm^(2)` is placed on a table with the base on the table. The thrust offered by water on the table is

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  5. If `S_(1)` is the specific gravity of a solid with respect to a liqid and `S_(2)` is the specific gravity of the liquid with respect to water, then the specific gravity of the solid with respect to water is

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  6. If a block of iron (density `5 g cm^(-3))` is size 5 cm x 5 cm x 5 cm was weight while completely submerged in water, what would be the apparent weight ?

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  7. A beaker is partly filled with water, the beaker and the contents have a mass of 50 gm. A piece of wood having a volume of 5 cc. is floated in the beaker. The density of wood is `0.8(g)/(c.c)` the mass of the beaker and its contents:

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  8. A woman of mass 50 kg stands on a wooden block placed over a tank of water. The wooden block is such that the woman is entirely above water. If relative density of wood is 0.85, the volume of the wooden block is:

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  9. A certain block weighs 15 N in air. But is weighs only 12 N when completely immersed in water. When immersed completely in another liquid, it weighs 13 N. Calculate the relative density of (i) the block and (ii) the liquid.

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  10. What mass of lead will weigh as much as 8 gm of iron when both are immersed in water ? (given specific gravities of iron and lead are 8 and 11 respectively).

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  11. The base area of boat is `2m^(2)`. A man weighing 76 kg weight steps into the boat. Calculate the depth into which the boat sinks further

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  12. A sphere of density d is let fall in a liquid of density `(d)/(4)`. The acceleration of the body will be

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  13. An iceberg is floating partly immersed in sea water, the density of sea water is `1.03 g cm^(-3)` and that of ice is `0.92 g cm^(-3)`. The fraction of the total volume of the iceberg above the level of sea water is

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  14. Two water pipes of diameters 4 cm and 8 cm are connected with main supply line. The velocity of flow of water in the pipe of 8 cm diameter is hwo many times to that of 4 cm diameter pipe?

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  15. A horizontal pipe of non uniform cross section has water flow through it such that the velocity is `2ms^(-1)` at a point where the pressure 40 kpa. The pressure at a point where the velocity of water flow is `3ms^(-1)` is (in kilopascal)

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  16. In a horizontal pipe line of uniform cross-section, pressure falls by 5 Pa between two points separated by 1 km. The change in the kinetic energy per kg of the oil flowing at these points is (density of oil `=800kgm^(-3))`

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  17. In a test experiment on a model aeroplane in a wind tunnel, the flow speeds on the upper and lower surfaces of the wing are `70ms^(-1)` and `83ms^(-1)` respectively. What is the lift on the wing, if its area is `2.5m^(2)`? Take the density of air to be `1.3kgm^(-3)`

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  18. The range of water flowing out of a small hole made at a depth `10 m` below water surface in a large tank is `R`. Find the extra pressure (in atm) applied on the water surface so that range becomes `2R`. Take `1atm=10^(5)Pa`.

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  19. Tanks A and B open at the top contain who different liquids upto certain height in them. A hole is made on the wall of each tank at a depth `h` from the surface of the liquid. The area of the hole in `A` is twice that of in `B`. If the liquid mass flux through each hole is equal, then the ratio of the densities of the liquids respectively is

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  20. The level of water in a tank is 5 m high. A hole of area of cross section 1 `cm^(2)` is made at the bottom of the tank. The rate of leakage of water for the hole in `m^(3)s^(-1)` is `(g=10ms^(-2))`

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  21. Water is maintained at a constant level of 4.9 m in a big tank. The tank has a small hole to the wall near the bottom. The bottom of the tank is 2.5 above the ground level. The horizontal distace at which water touches are ground is

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  22. A liquid kept in a cylindrical vessel of radius 0.3 m is rotated with a speed 2 r.p.s. The difference in the height of the liquid at the centre of the vessel and at it's sides it

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  23. A metal plate of area `10^(-2)m^(2)` is placed on a liquid layer of thickness `2xx10^(-3)m`. If the liquid has coefficient of viscosity 2 S.I. units the force required to move the plate with a velocity of `3(cm)/(s)` is

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  24. The velocity of water in a river is 18 kmph near the surface. If the river is 4 m deep, the shearing stress between horizontal layers of water in `Nm^(-2)` is `(eta_("water")=1xx10^(-3)pa.s)`

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  25. The radius of the capillary tube increased `0.2%` then the percentage increase in the rate of flow of liquid through it is

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  26. A tube of length L and radius R is joinced to another tube of length `(L)/(3)` and radius `(R)/(2)`. A fluid is flowing through this joint tube. If the pressure difference across the first tube is `P` then pressure difference across the second tube is

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  27. Water is flowing through a capillary tube at the rate of `20xx10^(-6)m^(3)//s`. Another tube of same radius and double the length is connected in series to the first tube. Now the rate of flow of water in `m^(3)s^(-1)` is

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  28. Water flows through a capillary tube at the rate of 10 cc per minute. If the pressure difference across the same tube is doubled, the rate of flow of water throught he tube wil be (in cc per minute)

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  29. Two capillary tubes of same length but radii `r_(1) r_(2)` are arranged horizontally side by side to the bottom of a large vessel containing water. The radius of single tube of same length that can replaced them so that the rate of volume flow through it is equal to the total rate of volume flow through the two tubes is

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  30. Water flows with a velocity V in a tube of diameter d and the rate of flow is Q. another tube of diameter 2d is coupled to the first one. The velocity of water flowing out and rate of flow in the second tube are respectively.

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  31. The flow rate from a tap of diameter `1.25 cm` is `3` L//min. The coefficient of viscosity of water is `10^(-3)` pa-s. Characterize the flow.

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  32. Two spherical raindrops of equal size are falling vertically through air with a velocity of `1 m//s`. What would be the terminal speed if these two drops were to coalesce to form a large spherical drop?

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  33. The terminal velocity V of a spherical ball of lead of radius R falling through a viscous liquid varies with R such that

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  34. A 10 cm long wire is placed horizontally on the surface of water and is gently pulled up with a force of `2xx10^(-2)N` to keep the wire in equilibrium. The surface tension of water in `(N)/(m)` is

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  35. A drop of liquid pressed between two glass plates spreads to a circle of diameter 10 cm. Thickness of the liquid film is 0.5 mm and surface tension is `70xx10^(-3)Nm^(-1)` the force required to pull them apart is

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  36. A squre wire frame of side `L` is dipped in a liquid. On taking out , a membrane is formed if the surface tension of liquid is T, the force acting on the frame due to the membrane will be

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  37. The surface tension of soap solution is 0.3 `(N)/(m)`. The work done in blowing a soap bubble of surface area `40cm^(2)`, (in J) is

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  38. The work done in increasing the size film with dimensions `8cm xx3.75xm` to `10cmxx6cm` is `2xx10^(-4)J`. The surface tension of the film in `(N)/(m)` is

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  39. The work done to get n smaller identical drops to form a big spherical drop of water is proportional to

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  40. The work done to blow a bubble is W. The extra work to be done to double its radius is

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  41. Water rises to a height fo 6 cm in a capillary tube of radius `r`. If the radius of the capillary tube is 3r, the height to which water will rise is ….cm.

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  42. When a capillary tube is immersed in ethyl alcohol whose surface tension is 20 dyne `cm^(-1)`, the liquid rises to a height of 10 cm. Density of the liquid is 0.8 `gmcm^(-3)`. If `g=10ms^(-2)`, the radius of the capillary tube is …mm. (angle of contact of ethyl alcohol w.r.t. glass is `60^(@)`).

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  43. Water rises in a capillary tube through a height `l`. If the tube is inclined to the liquid surface at `30^(@)` the liquid will rise in the tube upto it's length equal to

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  44. A long cylinderical glass vessel has a small hole of radius r at its bottom. The depth to which the vessel can be lowered vertically in a deep water (surface tension S) without any water entering inside is

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  45. Water raises to a height of `10 cm` in a capillary tube and mercury falls to a depth of 3.5 cm in the same capillary tube. If the density of mercury is `13.6(gm)/(c.c)` and its angle of contact is `135^(@)` and density of water is `1(gm)/(c.c)` and its angle of contact is `0^(@C)` then the ratio of surface tensions of two liquids is `(cos135^(@)=0.7)`

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  46. A glass capillary tube of inner diameter 0.28 mm is lowered vertically into water in a vessel. The pressure to be applied on the water in the capillary tube so that water level in the tube is same as the vessel in `(N)/(m^(2))` is (surface tension of water `=0.07(N)/(m)` atmospheric pressure `=10^(5)(N)/(m^(2))`

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  47. A capillary tube of radius r is immersed in water and water rises in to a height h. The mass of water in the capillary tube is 5g. Another capillary tube of radius 2 r is immersed in water. The mass of water that will rise in this tube is

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  48. The surface tension of soap solution is `0.05Nm^(-1)` if the diameter of the soap bubble is 4 cm. The excess pressure inside the soap bubble over that of outside is (in pascal)

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  49. The excess pressure inside a small air bubble of radius 0.05 mm in water of surface tension 70 dyne `cm^(-1)` (in pascal)

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  50. What should be the pressure inside a small air bubble of `0.1 mm` radius situated just below the surface of water? Surface tension of water `=72xx10^(-3)N//m` and atmospheric pressure `=1.013xx10^(5)N//m^(2)`

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  51. Two soap bubbles are blown. In first soap bubble excess pressure is 4 times of the second soap bubble. The ratio of the radii of the first and second soap bubble is

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  52. Two soap bubble of radii 3 mm and 4 mm are in contact radius of curvature of interface between those two bubbles is

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  53. Two liquid drops of radii 1 mm and 2 mm merge in vacuum isothermally. Radius of resulting drop is

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  54. A spherical soap bubble of radius 1 cm is formed inside another of radius 3 cm the radius of single soap bubble which maintains the same pressure difference as inside the smaller and outside the larger soap bubble is ____cm

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  55. A soap bubble of radius 6 cm and another bubble of 8 cm coalesce under isothermal xonditions in vacuum. The radius of the new bubble is

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Level 1 (H.W) questions and complete solutions for chapter MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF FLUIDS of NARAYANA PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11