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Complete Solutions to Elastic Moduli of chapter MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF SOLIDS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions69
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The ratio of tensile stress to the longitudinal strain is defined as

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  2. Which of the following statements is incorrect?

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  3. For a perfectly rigid body

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  4. Identical springs of steel and copper `(Y_("Steel") gt Y_("copper"))` are equally stretched.

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  5. Let `Y_(s)` and `Y_(A)` represent Young's modulus for steel and aluminium respectively. It is said that steel is more elastic than aluminium.Therefore, it follows that

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  6. Which of the following substances has highest value of Young's modulus?

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  7. If the work done in stretching wire by `1mm` is `2J`, then work necessary for stretching another wire of same material but with double radius of cross -section and half of the length by `1 mm` is

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  8. The following four wires are made of the same material which of these will have the largest extension when the same tension is applied

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  9. Four identical hollow cylindrical cloumns of steel support a big structure of mass 50.000 kg. the inner and outer radii of each column are 30 cm and 60 cm respectively. Assume the load distribution to be uniform , calculate the compressional strain of each column. the Young's modulus of steel is `2.0 xx 10^(11) Pa`.

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  10. The elastic energy stored per units volume in a streched wire is

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  11. Two wires of the same material and length but diameter in the ratio 1: 2 are stretched by the same load. The ratio of elastic potential energy per unit volume for the two wires is

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  12. Young's modulus of a wire depends on

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  13. A light rod of length 2 m is suspended ceiling horizontally by means of two vertical wires of equal length tied to its ends. One of the wires is ade of steel and is of cross-section 0.1 cm and the other of brass of cross-section 0.2 cm. Along the rod at what distance a weight may be hung to produce stresses in the wires?
    `(Y_("Steel") = 2 xx 10^(11) Nm^(-2), Y_("Bass") = 1 xx 10^(11) Nm^(-2))`

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  14. In the question number 36, at which distance a weight may be hung along the rod, in order to produce equal strains in both the wires?

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  15. A wire of length L and radius r is clamped at one end. On stretching the other end of the wire with a force F, the increase in its length is `l`. If another wire of same material but of length 2L and radius 2r is stretched with a force 2F, the increase in its length will be

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  16. The radii and Young's moduli of two uniform wires A and B are in the ratio `2:1` and `1:2` respectively. Both wires are subjected to the same longitudinal force. If the increase in length of the wire A is one percent, the percentage increase in length of the wire B is

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  17. A steel cable with a radius 2 cm supports a chair lift at a ski area. If the maximum stress is not to exceed `'10^8 N m^(-2)`, the maximum load the cable can support

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  18. A steel rod of length 1 m and radius 10 mm is stretched by a force 100 kN along its length. The stress produced in the rod is `Y_(Steel)=2xx10^(11)Nm^-2`

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  19. In the question number 11, the percentage strain produced in the rod is

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  20. A steel wire can support a maximum load of W before reaching its elastic limit. How much load can another wire, made out of identical steel, but with a radius one half the radius of the first wire, support before reaching its elastic limit?

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  21. A uniform rod of mass m. length L, area of cross- secticn A is rotated about an axis passing through one of its ends and perpendicular to its length with constant angular velocity o in a horizontal plane If Y is the Young's modulus of the material of rod, the increase in its length due to rotation of rod is

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  22. A wire stretches by a certain amount under a load. If the load and radius are increased to four times, find the stretch caused in the wire.

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  23. A cord of mass m length L, area of cross section A and Young's modulus y is hanging from a ceiling with the help of a rigid support. The elogation developed in the wire due to its own weight is

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  24. In the question number 46, if the mass M is hung the free end of the wire, then the extension produc in the wire is

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  25. A 14.5 kg mass, fastened to the end of a steel wire of unstretched length 1m, is whirled in a vertical circle with an angular velocity of `2 rev.//s` at the bottom of the circle. The cross-sectional area of the wire is `0.065 cm^(2)` . Calculate the elongaton of the wire when the mass is at the lowest point of its path `Y_(steel) = 2 xx 10^(11) Nm^(-2)`.

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  26. A wire of length L and area of cross-section A, is stretched by a load. The elongation produced in the wire is I. If Y is the Young's modulus of the material of the wire, then the torce corstant of the wire is

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  27. A metal wire of length `L_1` and area of cross section A is ttached to a rigid support. Another metal wire of length `L_2` and of the same cross sectional area is attached to the free end of the first wire. A body of mass M is then suspended from the free end of the second wire, if `Y_1` and `Y_2` are the Young's moduli of the wires respectively the effective force constant of the system of two wires is

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  28. The area of a cross-section of steel wire is `0.5 cm^(-2)` and Young's modulus of steel is `2 xx 10^(11) N m^(-2)`. The force required to stretch by 0.5% of its length is

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  29. A stone of mass `m` is tied to one end of a wire of length `L`. The diameter of the wire is `D` and it is suspended vertically. The stone is now rotated in a horizontal plane and makes an angle `theta` with the vertical. If Young's modulus of the wire is `Y`, then the increase in the length of the wire is

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  30. When the load on a wire is slowly increased from `3kgwt` to `5 kg wt`, the elongation increases from `0.61` to `1.02 mm`. The work done during the extension of wire is

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  31. If the ratio of diameters,lengths and Young's moduli of steel and brass wires shown in the figure are p, q and r respectively . Then the corresponding ratio of increase in their lenghts would be

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  32. A copper wire of length 2.4 m and a steel wire of length 1.6 m, both of diameter 3 mm, are connected end to end. When stretched by a load, the net elongation found to be 0.7 mm. The load appled is
    `(Y_("Copper") = 1.2 xx 10^(11) N m^(-2) , Y_("steel") = 2 xx 10^(11) N m^(-2))`

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  33. In the question number 55, the ratio of elongation of steel to the copper wires is

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  34. A steel wire of length 4.5 m and cross-sectional area `3 xx 10^(-5) m^(2)` stretches by the same amount as a copper wire of length 3.5 m and cross-sectional area of `1 xx 10^(-5) m^(2)` under a given load. The ratio of the Young's modulus of steel to that of copper is

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  35. The young's modulus of a wire of length (L) and radius (r ) is Y. If the length is reduced to` L/2` and radius `r/2` , then its young's modulus will be

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  36. A Copper wire and steel of the same diameter and length are connected end to end and a force is applied, which stretches their combined length by 1 cm. The two wires will have

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  37. Which of the following apparatus is used to determine the Young's modulus of the material of a gives given wires?

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  38. How does Young's modulus change with rise in temperature?

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  39. The length of a rubber cord is `l_(1)` m when the tension is 4 N and `l_(2)` m when the tension is 6 N.The length when the tension is 9 N, is

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  40. The ration of shearing to the shearing strain is defined as

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  41. The shear modulus is also known as

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  42. Which one of the following statements is correct? In the case of

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  43. A bar of cross- sectional area A is is subjected two equal and opposite tensile forces at its ends as shown in figure. Consider a plane BB' making an angle `theta` with length

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  44. In the question rumber 66, for what value of `theta`, shearing stress is maximum?

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  45. Two parallel and opposite forces each 5000 N are applied tangentially to the upper and lower faces of a cubical metal block of side 25 cm. the angle of shear is (The shear modulus of the metal is 80 Gpa)

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  46. The edges of an aluminum cube are `10 cm` long. One face of the cube is firmly fixed to a vertical wall. A mass of `100 kg` is then attached to the opposite face of the cube. Shear modulus of aluminum is `25 xx 10^(9) Pa`, the vertical deflection in the face to which mass is attached is

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  47. For most materials the Young's modulus is `n` times the modulus of rigidity, where `n` is

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  48. A square lead slab of side 50 cm and thickness 10 cm is subjected to a shearing force (on its narrow face) of `9xx10^4N`. The lower edge is riveted to the floor. How much will the upper edge be displaced? (Shear modulus of lead`=5.6xx10^9Nm^-2`)

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  49. The metal cube of side 10 cm is subjected to a shearing stress of `10^(4) N m^(-2)`. The modulus of rigidity if the top of the cube is displaced by 0.05 cm with respect to its bottom is

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  50.  For an ideal iquid

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  51. Which of the following statements is incorrect?

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  52. A sphere contracts in volume by `0.01%` when taken to the bottom of sea `1km` keep. The bulk modulus of the material of the sphere is (Given density of sea water may be taken as `1.0xx10^3kgm^-3`).

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  53. The bulk modulus of water if its volume changes from `100 litres` to `99.5 litres` under a pressure of `100atm` is (Take `1atm=10^5Nm^-2`)

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  54. The average depth of indian Ocean is about 3000 m. The fractional compression, `(triangleV)/(V)` of water at the bottom of the ocean is (Given Bulk modulus of the water `=2.2xx10^9Nm^-2` and `g=10ms^-2`)

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  55. The density of water at the surface of ocean is `rho` . If the bulk modulus of water is `B`, then the density of ocean water at depth, when the pressure at a depth is `alphap_(0)` and `p_(0)` is the atmospheric pressure is

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  56. If stress-strain relation for volametric change is in the from `(DeltaV)/(V_(0))= KP` where P is applied uniform pressure, then K stands for

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  57. Out of solids , liquids and gases, which one has all the three types of modulus ofelasticity and why gases have only bulk modulus of elasticity.

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  58. A glass slab is subjected to a pressure of 10 atm. The fractional change in its volume is
    (Bulk modalus of glass `=37 xx 10^(9) Nm^(-2), 1 atm= 1 xx 10^(5) N m^(-2)`)

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  59. To What depth must a rubber ball be taken in deep sea so that its volume is decreased y 0.1 %. (The bulk modulus of rubber is `9.8 xx 10^8 Nm^(-2)` , and the density of seac water is `10^3 kg m^(-3).)`

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  60. The compressibility of water is `5 xx 10^(-10) m^(2)//N` . If it is subjected to a pressure of 15 MPa, the fractional decrease in volume will be-

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  61. How much pressure should be applied on a litre of water if it is to be compressed by 0.1%?
    (Bulk modulus of water= 2100 MPa)

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  62.  The volume change of a solid copper cube 10 cm on an edge, when subjected to a pressure of 7 MPa is
    (Bulk modulus of copper 140 GPa)

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  63. A metal cylinder of length `L` is subjected to a uniform compressive to a uniform compressive force `F` as shown in the figure. The material of the cylinder has Young's modulus `Y` and poisson's ratio `sigma` The change in volume of the cylinder is

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  64. For a given material, Young's modulus is 2.4 times that of rigidity modulus. Its Poisson's ratio is

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  65. A material has Poisson's ratio `0.50`. If a uniform rod of it suffers a longitudinal strain of `2 xx 10^(-3)`, then the percentage change in volume is

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  66. The relation between Y. `eta` and B is

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  67. A material has a Poisson's ratio 0.3. It suffers a uniform longitudinal strain `4.5 xx 10^(-3)`, calculate the percentage change in its volume.

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  68. One end of a nylon rope of length 4.5 m and diameter 6 mmis fixed to a tree limb. A monkey weighing 100 N jumps to catch the free end and stays there. Find the elongation of the rope and the corresponding change in the diameter. Young modulus of nylon =0.2.

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  69. In question number 91, what will be the change in the diameter of the rope ?

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Elastic Moduli questions and complete solutions for chapter MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF SOLIDS of NCERT FINGERTIPS PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11