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Complete Solutions to Discussion Question of chapter WORK, ENERGY AND POWER of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

PHYSICS GALAXYDiscussion Question
Number Of Questions31
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If you take a pail ow water and turn it upside down all the water will spell out, but if you take the pail of water, attach a rope to the handle, and turn it rapidly in a vertical circle thr water will not spill out when its is upside down at the top of the path why is this ? Explain it is terms of centrifugal force and also in terms of inertia.

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  2. Supposse you lift a suitcase from the floor to a table. Does the work your do on the suitcase depend on (a) whether you lift it straight up or alo ng a more complicatd path , (b) the time it takes, (c) the highet of the table, (d) the weight of the suitcase ? Repeat the parts (a) to (d) for the power needed rather than the work.

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  3. When an object slides along a rough siuface, the force of friction does negative work on it. Is it ever possible for friction to do positive work? Give an example.

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  4. Springs Aand B are identical except that A is stiffer than B. In which spring more work is done if(a) b othare stretched by same amount ? (b) both are stretched by the same force ?

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  5. If there is a definite force and there is a finite displacement of the force, does that mean work is definitely done by the force ? Explain.

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  6. A rock thrown with a certain speed from the top of a cliff will enter the water below with a speed that is the same whether the rock is thrown horizontally or at any angle. Discuss.

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  7. If you lift a body to aheight h with a force that is equal to the weight of a body,how much work is done and if you lift it with a force that is greater than the weight of a body,where does the extra energy go ?

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  8. A spring is compressed by tieing its ends together tightly. It is then placed in acid and dissolves. What happens to its stored potential energy.

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  9. Potential energy is energy that a body possesses by virtue of its position, while kinetic energy is that a body possesses by virtue of its speed could there be an energy that a body possesses by virtue of its acceleration ? Discuss.

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  10. In picking upan object from the floor and putting it on a table, we do work. However, the initial and final values ofthe object's kinetic energy are zero. Is there a violation of the work energy theorem here ? Explain why or why not.

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  11. Reply to the student's statement, "I know there is a centrifugal force acting on me when I move in circular motion inmy car because I can feel the force pushing me against the side of the car''.

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  12. An elevator descends from the top of a building and stops at the ground floor, what becomes of the energy that had been potential energy or the work of gravity?

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  13. For a person to loose weight, is it more effective to exercise or to cut down on the intake of food. Give logical reason.

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  14. Does the work done in raising a body through a certain height depend upon how fast it is raised ?

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  15. The displacement of a body depends on the reference frame of the observer who measures it. It follows that the work done on a body should also depend on the observer's reference frame. Suppose you drag a crate across a rough floor by pulling on it with a rope. Identify reference frames in which the work done on the crate by the rope would be (a) positive, (b) zero, and (c) negative.

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  16. A car is running on a road. The driver applies the brakes such that the tyres jam and car skids to stop. Its kinetic energy decreasing to zero.What type of energy increases as a result of the action? If driver operates the brakes in such a way that there is no skidding or sliding. In this case, what type of energy increases as a result of the action ?

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  17. Why is ittiring to hold a heavy weight eventhough no work is done ?

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  18. If positive work is done putting a body into motion, is the work done in bringing a moving body to-rest negative work ?Explain.

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  19. Consider the situation - A laborer carrying bricks on his head on a level road from one place to another. Find the work done in the process (a) by gravity, (b) by man (c) by frictional force between man and ground.

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  20. Does the work done by a force depend on the frame of reference ?

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  21. A lorry and a car moving with the same kinetic energy are brought to rest by the application of brakes which provides equal retarding forces. Which of them will come to rest in a shorter distance?

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  22. A car accelerates from an initial speed to a greater final speed while the engine delivers constant power. Is the acceleration greater at the beginning of this process or at the end?

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  23. Two protons are brought towards each other. Will the potential energy of the system decrease or increase? If a proton and an electron be brought nearer, then?

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  24. For a conservative system, what is `(DeltaE)/(Deltat)`? (E is the At kinetic energy of the system)

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  25. An automobile jack is used to lift a heavy car by exerting a force that is much smaller in magnitude than the weight of the car. Does this mean that less work is done on the car by the force exerted by the jack than if the car had been lifted directly ? Explain.

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  26. Raj meets Jene after several years and is immediately attracted to her. Raj has a mass 50 kg and Jene has a mass 42kg and initially they are separated by 5m. Is their attraction purely physical.

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  27. A rowboat moves in west direction upstream at 4 kph relative to water. If the current-moves east at 3 kph relative to the bank,is any work being done ?

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  28. If we throw a stone at an angle to the horizontal, it follows a parabolic path. Another second stone is also thrown with the same speed and at the same angle alongside the first. An insect sitting on the second stone who have some idea of Mechanics, observes the path of first stone and decares that it does not have any kinetic energy at all. Who is right, you or the insect ?How does the law of conservation of energy fit into this situation (with respect to you and insect) ?

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  29. Match the following :
    `{:(,"Column-I",," Column-II"),("(A)","Work done by all the forces",,"(P)Change in potential energy"),("(B)","Work done by conservative forces",,"(Q) Change in kinetic energy"),("(C)","Work done by external forces",,"(R) Change in mechanical energy"),(,,,"(S) None"):}`

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  30. In a tug of war, one team is giving way to other. What work is being done and by whom?

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  31. Why is it easier to climb a mountain via a zigzag trail rather than to climb straight up ?

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Discussion Question questions and complete solutions for chapter WORK, ENERGY AND POWER of GK PUBLICATIONS PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11