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Complete Solutions to Concetual MCQ of chapter GRAVITATION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions39
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If the gravitational force were potential to `1/r`, then a particle in a circular orbit under such a force would have its original speed:

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  2. The ratio of accleration due to gravity at a depth h below the surface of earth and at a height h above the surface of earth for h `lt lt` radius of earth:

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  3. A uniform spherical shell gradually shrinks maintainig its shape. The gravitational potential at the centre

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  4. If both the mass and radius of the earth decrease by `1%` the value of

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  5. Escape velocity on a planet is e v . If radius of the planet remains same and mass becomes 4 times, the escape velocity becomes

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  6. The magnitude of gravitational potential energy of the moon earth system is U with zero potential energy at infinite separation. The kinetic energy of the moon with respect to the earth is K.

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  7. P is a point at a distance r from the centre of a solid sphere of radius a. The gravitational potential at P is V. IF V is plotted as a function of r, which is the correct curve ?

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  8. A system consits of n identical particles each of mass m. The total number of interactions between particles possible are :

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  9. A satellite going round the earth in a circular orbit loses some energy due to a collision. Its speed is `upsilon` and distance from the earth is d.

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  10. A particle on earth's surface is given a velocity euqal to its escape velocity. Its total mechanical energy with zero potential energy reference at infinite separation will be:

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  11. If the gravitational potential energy of a body at a distance `r` from the centre of the earth is `U`, then it's weight at that point is

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  12. A thin spherical shell of mass `M` and radius `R` has a small hole. A particle of mass `m` released at its mouth. Then

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  13. Two identical trains `A` and `B` move with equal speeds on parallel tracks along the equator. A moves from east to west and `B` moves from west to east. Which train will exert greater force on the track?

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  14. Two satellites `A` and `B` of the same mass are orbiting the earth at altitudes `R` and `3R` respectively, where `R` is the radius of the earth. Taking their orbit to be circular obtain the ratios of their kinetic and potential energies.

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  15. A particle of mass an charge `q` is projected vertically upwards .A uniform electric field `vec(E)` is acted vertically downwards.The most appropriate graph between potential energy `U` (gravitation plus electrostatic) and height h(`lt lt` radius of earth) is :(assume `U` to be zero on surface of earth)

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  16. A satellite is to be stationed in an orbit such that it can be used for relay purpose (such a satellite is called a Geostationary satellite). The conditions such a satellite should fulfill is/are :

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  17. Consider a planet in some solar system which has a mass double the mass of the earth and density equal to the average density of the earth. An object weighing W on the earth will weigh

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  18. The figure shows the variation of energy with the orbit radius of a body in circular planetary motion. Find the correct statements about the curves `A,B` and `C`

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  19. Let the acceleration due to gravity be `g_(1)` at a height `h` above the earth's surface `g_(2)` at a depth `d` below the earth's surface. If `g_(1)=g_(2),h lt lt R` and `d lt lt R` then

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  20. A particle is placed in a field characterized by a value of gravitational potential given by `V=-kxy`, where `k` is a constant. If `vec(E)_(g)` is the gravitational field then

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  21. Which of the following statement is wrong ?

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  22. If the period of revolution of an artificial satellite just above the earth be T second and the density of earth be `rho , kg//m^(3)` then
    (G =`6.67 xx 10^(-11) m^(3)//kg . "second"^(2)`)

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  23. A planet is revolving round the sun in an elliptical orbit. Of the following the property which is a constant during the motion of the planet is :

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  24. Two air bubble in water ina continer in gravity free space:

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  25. A particle of mass m is ocated at a distance r from the centre of shell of mass M and radius R. The force between the shell and mass `F (r )`. The plot of `F(r )` ve r is :

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  26. A sphare of mass M and ` radiusR_(2) ` has a concentric cavity of radius ` R_(1) ` as shown in figure The force F exerted by the sphere on a particle of mass m located at a distance r from the centre of sphere veries as `(0 lerleoo)` .

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  27. A shell of mass M and radius R has point mass m placed at a distance r from its centre. The gravitational potential energy U(r) vs r will be

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  28. A satellite is orbiting round the earth. While in orbit a small part separates from the satellite. The separated part.

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  29. A satellite S is moving in an elliptical orbit around the earth. The mass of the satellite is very small compared to the mass of the earth.

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  30. A planet of mass m is moving around the sun in an elliptical orbit of semi-major axis a :

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  31. Two stars of masses `m_(1)` and `m_(2)` distance r apart, revolve about their centre of mass. The period of revolution is :

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  32. A satellite in an equatorial orbit has a time period of `6` hrs, At a certain instant, it is directly overhead an observer on the equator of the earth. It is directly overhead the observer again after a time T. The possible value(s) of `T is/are :

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  33. A planet moves around the sun. at a given point `P`, it is closest from the sun at a distance `d_(1)`, and has a speed `V_(1)`. At another point `Q`, when it is farthest from the sun at a distance `d_(2)`, its speed will be

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  34. A tunnel is made inside earth passing throgh centre of earth. A particle is dropped from the surface of earth. Select the correct statement :

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  35. Two particle A and B (of masses m and `4m`) are released from rest in the two tunnels as shown in the figure-6.93. Which particle will cross the equatorial plane first?

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  36. Identify the correct defination of gravitationa potential at a point.

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  37. Tidal waves in the sea are primarily due to

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  38. If the sun were suddenly replaced by a block hole of one solar mass, what would happen to the earth's orbit immediately after the replacement ?

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  39. A block of mass m is lying at a distance r from a spherical shell of mass m and radius r, then :

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Concetual MCQ questions and complete solutions for chapter GRAVITATION of GK PUBLICATIONS PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11