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Complete Solutions to ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS (Choose the correct answer) of chapter PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions53
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The `K_(c)` for given reaction will be

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  2. For which of the following reaction, the degree of dissociation `(alpha)` and equilibrium constant `(K_(p))` are related as `K_(p)=(4alpha^(2)P)/((1-alpha))?`

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  3. In which of the following does the reaction go almost to completion ?

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  4. Hydrogen (a moles) and iodine (b moles) react to give 2x moles of the HI at equilibrium. The total number of moles at equilibrium is

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  5. `K_(p)` is how many times equal to `K_(c)` for the given reaction ? `N_(2(g))+3H_(2(g))hArr2NH_(3(g))`

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  6. `A+BhArrC+D,K_(c)` for this reaction is 10. If 1,2,3,4 mole/litre of A,B,C and D respectively are present in a container at `25^(@)C`, the direction of reaction will be

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  7. 4g `H_(2),32g" "O_(2)`, 14 g `N_(2)` and 11g `CO_(2)` are taken in a bulb of 500ml. Which one of these has maximum active mass ?

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  8. For reaction, `2A+BhArr2C,K=x`. Equilibrium constant for `ChArrA+1//2B` will be

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  9. `XY_(2)` dissociates as, `XY_(2(g))hArrXY_((g))+Y_((g))` Initial pressure of `XY_(2)` is 600mm Hg. The total pressure at equilibrium is 800mm Hg. Assuming volume of system to remain constant, the value of `K_(p)` is

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  10. In which of the following equilibrium, change in pressure will not affect the equilibrium ?

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  11. In melting of ice, which one of the conditions will be more favorable ?

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  12. Two moles of `N_(2)` and two moles of `H_(2)` are taken in a closed vessel of 5 litre capacity and suitable conditions are provided for the reaction. When the equilibrium is reached, it is found that a half mole of `N_(2)` is used up. The equilibrium concentration of `NH_(3)` is

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  13. The active mass of 7.0 g of nitrojan in a 2.0 L container would be

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  14. At 700K, the equilibrium constant `K_(p)`, for the reaction `2SO_(3(g))hArr2SO_(2(g))+O_(2(g))` is `1.8xx10^(-3)` atm. The value of `K_(c)` for the above reaction at the same temperature in moles per litre would be

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  15. `C_((s))+H_(2)O_((g))hArrCO_((g))+H_(2(g)):DeltaHltO`
    The above equilibrium will proceed in forward direction when

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  16. A state of equilibrium is reached when

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  17. Le-Chateller's principle is not applicable to

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  18. Following three gaseous equilibrium reactions are occurring at `27^(@)C`.
    (A) `2CO+O_(2)hArr2CO_(2)`
    (B) `PCl_(5)hArrPCl_(3)+Cl_(2)`
    (C) `2HIhArrH_(2)+I_(2)`
    The correct order of `K_(p)//K_(c)` for the following reaction is

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  19. If the equilibrium constant for
    `N_(2(g))+O_(2(g))hArr2NO_((g))` is `K,` the equilibrium constant for `1/2N_(2(g))+1/2O_(2(g))hArrNO_((g))` will be

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  20. In a closed system : `A_((s))hArr2B_((g))+3C_((g))` if the partial pressure of C is doubled then partial pressure of B will be

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  21. In which of the following cases, the reaction goes farthest to completion ?

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  22. The ratio of `K_(p)//K_(c)` for reaction
    `CO_((g))+1/2O_(2(g))hArrCO_(2(g))` is

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  23. For the reversible reaction
    The equilibrium shifts in forward direction.

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  24. The value of `DeltaH` for the reaction
    `X_(2(g))+4Y_(2(g))hArr2XY_(4(g))` is less than zero.
    Formation of `XY_(4(g))` will be favoured at :

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  25. Ice and water are placed in a closed container at a pressure of 1 atm and 273.15 K temperature. If pressure of the system is increased by 2 atm keeping temperature constant the correct observation would be

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  26. `2H_(2(g))+CO_(2(g))hArrCH_(3)OH_((g)),DeltaH=-92.2kJ`.
    Which of the following condition will shift the equilibrium in the forward direction ?

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  27. The value of equilibrium constant of reaction `HI_((g))hArr1/2H_(2(g))+1/2I_(2(g))` is 8.0. The equilibrium constant of the reaction , `H_(2(g))+I_(2(g))hArr2HI_((g))` will be

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  28. For the reaction, `CaCO_(3(g))hArrCaO_((s))+CO_(2(g))K_(p)` is equal to

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  29. The favourable conditions for melting of ice is

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  30. In the manufacture of `NH_(3)` by Haber's process involving the reaction.
    `N_(2(g))+3H_(2(g))overset([Fe_(2)O_(2)])(hArr)2NH_(3(g)),DeltaH=-22.08" kcal"`. The favourable conditions are

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  31. If `K_(1)` is equilibrium constant at temperature `T_(1)` and `K_(2)` is the equilibrium constant at temperature `T_(2)`, and if `T_(2)gtT_(1)` and reaction is endothermic then

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  32. Sulphide lon reacts with solid sulphur
    `S_((aq))^(2-)+S_((s))hArrS_(2(aq))^(2-)," "K_(1)=10`
    `S_((aq))^(2-)+2S_((s))hArrS_(3(aq))^(2-)," "K_(2)=130`
    The equilibrium constant for the formation of `S_(3)^(2-)(aq)` from `S_(2)^(2-)(aq)` and sulphur is

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  33. `CH_(4(g))+2O_(2(g))hArrCO_(2(g))+2H_(2)O_((l))`
    `DeltaH=-170.8" kJ mol"^(-1)` which of the following statement is not true ?

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  34. For the system `3A+2BhArrC`, the expression for equilibrium constant K is

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  35. Equilibrium constant `K_(p)` for following reaction

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  36. A cyllnder filled with a movable piston contains liquid water in equilibrium with water vapour at `25^(@)C`. Which one of the following operations results in a decrease In the equilibrium vapour pressure ?

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  37. The oxisation of `SO_(2)` and `O_(2)` to `SO_(3)` is an exothermic reaction. The yield of `SO_(3)` will be maximum if

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  38. For the reaction `CO_((g))+2H_(2(g))hArrCH_(3)OH_((g))`. If active mass of CO is kept constant and active mass of `H_(2)` is tripied, the rate of forward reaction will become

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  39. For the homogeneous are reaction at 600 K,
    `4NH_(3(g))+5O_(2(g))hArr4NO_((g))+6H_(2)O_((g))`. The equilibrium `K_(c)` has the unit.

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  40. The equilibrium `A_((g))+4B_((g))hArrAB_(4(g))` is attained by mixing equal moles of A and B in a one litre vessel. Then at moles of A and B in a one litre vessel. Then at equilibrium

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  41. If Ar is added to the equilibrium
    `N_(2(g))+3H_(2(g))hArr2NH_(3)` at constant volume, then equilibrium will

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  42. The transport of oxygen by hemoglobin in our body as an illustration for a ___________ change.

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  43. In reversible reaction, initilly the reaction proceed towards the _________ .

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  44. What is the temperature and pressure in a thermos flask ?

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  45. Rate of melting of ice is equal to __________ .

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  46. Assertion (A) : A pure solid always has the same concentration at a given temperature.
    Reason (R) : It does not expand to fill its container.

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  47. Assertion (A) : The concentration terms of pure liquids can also be excluded from the expression of the equilibrium constant.
    Reason (R) : The active mass concentration of the pure liquid does not charge at a given temperature.

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  48. Equilibrium constant value depends on _________ .

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  49. Which of the following is correct about equilibrium constant ?

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  50. Which equation gives the quantitative temperature dependence of equilibrium constant ?

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  51. Which of the following is incorrect ?

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  52. What is the relation between standard free energy change and equilibrium constant ?

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  53. Catalyst speeds up the attainment of equilibrium by providing a new pathway having a _________ .

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ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS (Choose the correct answer) questions and complete solutions for chapter PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM of SURA CHEMISTRY (TAMIL ENGLISH) of Class 11