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Complete Solutions to Very short answer question of chapter PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

SURA PUBLICATIONVery short answer question
Number Of Questions18
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Ice melts showly at altitudes Explain why ?

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  2. Predict which of the following reaction will have appreciable concentration of reactants and products ?
    (i) `Cl_(2(g))hArr2Cl_((g)),K_(c)=5xx10^(-39)`
    (ii) `Cl_(2(g))+2NO_((g))hArr2NOCl_((g)),K_(c)=3.7xx10^(-8)`
    (iii) `Cl_(2(g))+2NO_(2(g))hArr2NO_(2)Cl_((g)),K_(c)=1.8`

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  3. The following concentration were obtained for the formation of `NH_(3)` from `N_(2)` and `H_(2)` at equilibrium for the reaction `N_(2(g))+3H_(2(g))hArr2NH_(3(g))`
    Calculate the equilibrium constant.

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  4. Which of the following reactions involve homogeneous equilibrium and which involve heterogeneous equilibrium ?

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  5. Which of the following reactions involve homogeneous equilibrium and which involve heterogeneous equilibrium ?

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  6. Which of the following reactions involve homogeneous equilibrium and which involve heterogeneous equilibrium ?

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  7. Which of the following reactions involve homogeneous equilibrium and which involve heterogeneous equilibrium ?

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  8. Write the relationship between equilibrium constant and enthapy.

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  9. Explain the state of equilibrium based on the following illustration.

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  10. Explain the state of equilibrium based on the following illustration.
    Tug of war

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  11. why are reversible process non-static ?

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  12. 'Rate of Melting = Rate of freezing''
    When is the above condition achieved ? Explain with an example.

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  13. When does the rate of backward reaction increase ? What is its consequence ?

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  14. Distinguish between homogeneous and hetergeneous equilibrium reaction.

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  15. Define equilibrium constant.

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  16. Write the expressions of equilibrium constants in terms of partial pressure and active masses for

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  17. Define reaction quotient.

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  18. Explain the diagrammatic expression expression about the direction of reaction.

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Very short answer question questions and complete solutions for chapter PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM of SURA CHEMISTRY (TAMIL ENGLISH) of Class 11