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Complete Solutions to Creative questions (HOTS) of chapter PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

SURA PUBLICATIONCreative questions (HOTS)
Number Of Questions11
Academic Year2023-24
  1. How will you arrive at the unit of equilibrium constant ?

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  2. `2NO_((g))+O_(2(g))hArr2NO_(2(g)),DeltaH=-117" kJ"`.
    Predict the effect of an increase in concentration of NO.

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  3. `2NO_((g))+O_(2(g))hArr2NO_(2(g)),DeltaH=-117" kJ"`.
    Predict the effect of pressure decrease as a result of increased volume on the equilibrium concentration of `NO_(2)`.

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  4. Following data is given for the reacson,
    `CaCO_(3(s))toCaO_((s))+CO_(2(s))` `Delta_(f)H^(@)[CaO_((s))]=-650.0" kJ mol"^(-1)`
    `Delta_(f)H^(@)[CO_(2(g))]=-395.9" kJ mol"^(-1)`
    `Delta_(f)H^(@)[CaCO_(3(s))]=-1206.9" kJ mol"^(-1)`
    Predict the effect of temperature on the equilibrium constant of the above reaction.

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  5. write a relation between `DeltaG` and Q and define the meaning of each term and answer the following
    Why a reaction proceeds forward when `QltK` and no net reaction occurs when `Q=K` ?

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  6. write a relation between `DeltaG` and Q and define the meaning of each term and answer the following
    Explain the effect of increase in pressure in terms of reaction quotient Q.
    For the reaction,

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  7. Describe the effect of
    addition of `H_(2)`

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  8. Describe the effect of
    addition of `CH_(3)OH`

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  9. Describe the effect of
    removal of CO

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  10. Describe the effect of
    removal of `CH_(3)OH` on the equilibrium of the reaction, `2H_(2(g))+CO_((g))hArrCH_(3)OH_((g))`

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  11. What happens to an wquilibrium in a reversible reaction if a catalyst is added to it ?

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Creative questions (HOTS) questions and complete solutions for chapter PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM of SURA CHEMISTRY (TAMIL ENGLISH) of Class 11