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Complete Solutions to Evaluation (Choose the best answer) of chapter PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

SURA PUBLICATIONEvaluation (Choose the best answer)
Number Of Questions25
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If `K_(b)` and `K_(f)` for a reversible reactions are `0.8xx10^(-5)` and `1.6xx10^(-4)` respectively, the value of the equilibrium constant is,

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  2. At a given temperature and pressure, the equilibrium constant values for the equilibria
    `3A_(2)+B_(2)+2Coverset(K_(1))(hArr)2A_(3)BC` and
    The relation between `K_(1)` and `K_(2)` is

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  3. The equilibrium constant for a reaction at room temperature is `K_(1)` and that at 700 K is `K_(2)`. If `K_(1)gtK_(2)`, then

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  4. The formation of ammonia from `N_(2(g))` and `H_(2(g))` is a reversible reaction
    What is the effect of increase of temperature on this equilibrium reaction

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  5. Solubility of earbon dioxide gas in cold water can be increased by

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  6. Which one of the following is incorrect statement ?

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  7. `K_(1)` and `K_(2)` are the equilibrium constants for the recation respectively.
    what is the equilibrium constant for the reaction

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  8. In the equilibrium,
    the equilibrium concentrations of A, B and `C_(2)` at 400 K are `1xx10^(-4)M,2.0xx10^(-3)M, 1.5xx10^(-4)M` respectively. The value of `K_(C)` for the equilibrium at 400 K is

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  9. An equilibrium constant of `3.2xx10^(-6)` for a reaction means, the equilibrium is

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  10. `(K_(c))/(K_(p))` for the reaction, `N_(2)(g)+3H_(2)(g)hArr2NH_(3(g))` is

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  11. For the reaction `AB(g)hArrA(g)+B(g)`, at equilibrium AB is `20%` dissociated at a total pressure of P, The equilibrium constant `K_(p)` is related to tha total pressure by the expression

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  12. In which of the following equilibrium, `K_(p)` and `K_(c)` are not equal ?

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  13. If x is the fraction of `PCl_(5)` dissociated at equilibrium in the reaction
    then starting with 0.5 mole of `PCl_(5)`, the total number of moles of reactants and products at equilibrium is

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  14. The valuse of `K_(p_(1))` and `K_(p_(2))` for the reactions
    `AhArr2B` are in the ratio `9:1` if degree of dissociation and initial concentration of X and A be equal then total pressure at equilibrium `P_(1)`, and `P_(2)` are in the ratio

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  15. In the reaction,
    if the concentration of `OH^(-)` ions is decreased by `1//4` times , then the equilibrium concentration of `Fe^(3+)` will

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  16. Consider the reaction where `K_(p)=0.5` at a particular temperature
    If the three gases are mixed in a container so that the partial pressure of each gas is initially 1 atm, then which one of the following is true

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  17. Equimolar concentration of `H_(2)` and `I_(2)` are heated to equilibrium ina 1 liter flask. What percentage of initial concentration of `H_(2)` has reacted at equilibrium, the rate constant for the forward reaction is `25xx10^(2)` and the equilibrum constant is 50. The rate constant for the reverse reaction is,

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  18. In a chemical equilibrium, the rate constant for the forward reaction is `2.5xx10^(2)` and the equilibrium constant of 50. The rate constant for the revese reaction is.

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  19. Which of the following is not a general characteristic of equilibrium involving physical process

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  20. For the formation of two moles of `SO_(3)(g)` from `SO_(2)` and `O_(2)`, the equalibrium constant is `K_(1)`. The equilibrium constant for the dissociation of one mole of `SO_(3)` into `SO_(2)` and `O_(2)` is

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  21. Match the equilibria with the corresponding conditions,
    i) Liquid `hArr` Vapour
    ii) Solid `hArr` Liquid
    iii) Solid `hArr` Vapour
    iv) Solute(s) `hArr` Solute (Solution)
    1) Melting point
    2) Saturated solution
    3) Boiling point
    4) Sublimation point
    5) Unsaturated solution

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  22. Consider the following reversible reaction at equilibrium, `A+BhArrC`. If the concentration of the reactants A and B are doubled, then the equilibrium constant will

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  23. `[Co(H_(2)O)_(6)]^(2+)(aq)("pink")+4Cl^(-)(aq)hArr[CoCl_(4)]^(2+)(aq)("blue")+6H_(2)O(l)`
    In the above reaction at equilibrium, the reaction mixture is blue in colour at room temperature. On cooling this mixture, it becomes pink in colour On the basis of this information, which one the following is true ?

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  24. The equilibrium constants of the following reactions are :
    `N_(2)+3H_(2)hArr2NH_(3)" "," "K_(1)`
    `N_(2)+O_(2)hArr2NO" "," "K_(2)`
    `H_(2)+1//2O_(2)hArrH_(2)O" "," "K_(3)`
    The equilibrium constant (K) for the reaction ,
    `2NH_(3)+5/2O_(2)overset(K)(hArr)2NO+3H_(2)O`, will be

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  25. A 20 liter container at 400 contains `CO_(2)(g)` at pressure 0.4 atm and an excess of SrO (neglect the volume of solid SrO). The volume of the container is now decreased by moving the movable piston fitted in the container. The maximum volume of the container, when pressure of `CO_(2)` attains Its maximum value will be :
    Given that : `SrCO_(3)(S)hArrSrO(S)+CO_(2)(g)`
    ` K_(p)=1.6` atm

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Evaluation (Choose the best answer) questions and complete solutions for chapter PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM of SURA CHEMISTRY (TAMIL ENGLISH) of Class 11