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Complete Solutions to Exercise (More Than One Correct Option Type Questions) of chapter PROPERTIES AND SOLUTION OF TRIANGLES of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
ARIHANT MATHSExercise (More Than One Correct Option Type Questions)
Number Of Questions24
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If the area of a triangle is given `Delta` and angle C is given and if the value of the side c opposite to angle C is minimum then

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  2. If `` represents the area of acute angled triangle ABC, then `sqrt(a^2b^2-4^2)+sqrt(b^2c^2-4^2)+sqrt(c^2a^2-4^2)=` `a^2+b^2+c^2` `(a^2+b^2+c^2)/2` `a bcosC+b ccosA+c acosB` `a bsinC+b csinA+c asinB`

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  3. In `DeltaABC,` the value of `c cos (A-theta )+a cos (C+theta)=`

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  4. In `Delta ABC,If ac =3, bc=4 and (A-B) =3/4,` then

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  5. If in `DeltaABC, a = 5, b = 4 and cos (A - B) = 31/32`, then

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  6. In which of the following situations, it is possible to have `a DeltaABC` ?
    (All symbols used have usual meaning in a triangle)

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  7. In a triangle ABC, let BC = 1, AC=2 and measure of angle C is 30°. Which of the following statement(s) is (are) correct? (A) 2 sinA =sin B (B) Length of side AB equals `5-2sqrt(3)` (C) Measure of angle A is less than `30^@` (D) Circumradius of triangle ABC is equal to length of side AB

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  8. 6. Let one angle of a triangle be 60°, the area of triangle is 10/3 and perimeter is 20 cm. Ifa>b> c where a, b and e denote lengths of sides opposite to vertices A, B and C respectively, then which of the following is (are) correct? (A) Inradius of triangle is 3 (C 下 (B) Length of longest side of triangle is 7 ) Circum radius oftriangle is (D) Radius of largest escribed circle is 12

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  9. In a triangle ABC, if `a=4,b=8,/_C=60^@`, then which of the following relations is (are) correct? [Note: All symbols used have usual meaning in triangle ABC.]

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  10. Given an isosceles triangle with equal sides of length b, base angle `alpha lt (pi)/(4) and R, r` the radii and O, I the centres of the circumcircleand incircle, repsectively. Then

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  11. There can exist a triangle ABC satisfying the conditions :

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  12. Let a,b,c be the sides of triangl whose perimeter is P and area is A, then

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  13. If in `DeltaABC, A =90^(@)` and c, sin B and cos B are rational number, then

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  14. In `Delta ABC,` which of the followinhg statemnts are ture

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  15. Let 'l' is the length of median from the vertex A to the side BC of a `Delta ABC`. Then

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  16. If `A,A_1,A_2` and `A_3` are the areas of the inscribed and escribed circles of a triangle, prove that `1/sqrtA=1/sqrt(A_1)+1/sqrt(A_2)+1/sqrt(A_3)`

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  17. If `a, b, A` be given in a triangle and `c_1 and c_2` be two possible value of the third side such that `c_1^2+c_1c_2+c_2^2=a^2,` then a is equal to

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  18. D,E and F are the middle points of the sides of the triangle ABC, then

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  19. The sides of ` A B C` satisfy the equation `2a^2+4b^2+c^2=4a b+2a cdot` Then the triangle is isosceles the triangle is obtuse `B=cos^(-1)(7/8)` `A=cos^(-1)(1/4)`

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  20. If `` represents the area of acute angled triangle ABC, then `sqrt(a^2b^2-4^2)+sqrt(b^2c^2-4^2)+sqrt(c^2a^2-4^2)=` `a^2+b^2+c^2` `(a^2+b^2+c^2)/2` `a bcosC+b ccosA+c acosB` `a bsinC+b csinA+c asinB`

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  21. In triangle, `A B Cif2a^2b^2+2b^2c^2=a^2+b^4+c^4,` then angle B is equal to `45^0` (b) `135^0` `120^0` (d) `60^0`

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  22. If H is the orthocentre of the triangle ABC, R = circumradius and `P =AH +BH+CH,` then

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  23. If inside a big circle exactly `n(nlt=3)` small circles, each of radius `r ,` can be drawn in such a way that each small circle touches the big circle and also touches both its adjacent small circles, then the radius of big circle is `r(1+cos e cpi/n)` (b) `((1+tanpi/n)/(cospi/pi))` `r[1+cos e c(2pi)/n]` (d) `(r[s inpi/(2n)+cos(2pi)/n]^2)/(sinpi/n)`

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  24. If in triangle ABC, a, c and angle A are given and `c sin A lt a lt c`, then (`b_(1) and b_(2)` are values of b)

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Exercise (More Than One Correct Option Type Questions) questions and complete solutions for chapter PROPERTIES AND SOLUTION OF TRIANGLES of ARIHANT MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 12