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Complete Solutions to Examples of chapter MONOTONICITY MAXIMA AND MINIMA of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Find the interval in which
    `f(x)=2x^(3)+3x^(2)-12x+1` is increasing.

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  2. Find the interval in which
    `f(x)=x^(3)-3x^(2)-9x+20` is strictly increasing or strictly decreasing.

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  3. Show that the function `f(x)=x^(2)` is a strictly increasing function on `(0,oo).`

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  4. Find the interval of increase or decrease of the `f(x)=int_(-1)^(x)(t^(2)+2t)(t^(2)-1)dt`

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  5. The function `f(x)=sin^(4)x+cos^(4)x` increasing if

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  6. Let `f(x)=int_(0)^(x)e^(t)(t-1)(t-2)dt.` Then, f decreases in the interval

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  7. If `f(x)=x.e^(x(1-x),` then f(x) is

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  8. Find the interval for which `f(x)=x-sinx` is increasing or decreasing.

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  9. If `H(x_(0))`=0 for some x=`x_(0)`and `(d)/(dx)H(x)gt2cxH(x)` for all `xgex_(0)`where `cgt0` then

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  10. Consider the ellipse `(x^2)/(f(k^2+2k+5))+(y^2)/(f(k+11))=1.` If `f(x)` is a positive decr4easing function, then the set of values of `k` for which the major axis is the x-axis is `(-3,2)dot` the set of values of `k` for which the major axis is the y-axis is `(-oo,2)dot` the set of values of `k` for which the major axis is the y-axis is `(-oo,-3)uu(2,oo)` the set of values of `k` for which the major axis is the y-axis is `(-3,-oo,)`

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  11. Let f(x)=3x-5, then show that f(x) is strictly increasing.

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  12. Let `phi(x)=sin(cosx),` then check whether it is increasing or decreasing in `[0,pi//2].`

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  13. Let `phi(x)=cos(cosx),` then check whether it is increasing or decreasing in `[0,pi//2].`

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  14. Let `f(x)={{:(xe^(ax)",", x le0),(x+ax^2-x^3",",x gt 0):}` where a is postive constant . Find the interval in which f'(X) is increasing.

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  15. If ` a lt 0` and ` f(x)=e^(ax )+ e^(-ax)` is monotonically decreasing . Find the interval to which x belongs.

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  16. If ` 0 lt alpha lt pi/6`, then the value of `(alpha cosec alpha ) ` is

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  17. If `f(x)=ax^3+bx^2+cx+d,` where a, b, c, d are real numbers and `3b^2 < c^2,` is an increasing cubic function and `g(x)=af prime(x)+bf prime prime(x)+c^2,` then

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  18. If f: R rightarrow R, f(x) is a differentiable bijective function , then which of the following may be true?

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  19. If `f(x)a n dg(x)` are two positive and increasing functions, then which of the following is not always true? `[f(x)]^(g(x))` is always increasing `[f(x)]^(g(x))` is decreasing, when `f(x)<1` `[f(x)]^(g(x))` is increasing, then `f(x)> 1.` If `f(x)>1,t h e n[f(x)]^(g(x))` is increasing.

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  20. If the function `y= sin(f(x))` is monotonic for all values of x [ where f(x) is continuous], then the maximum value of the difference between the maximum and the minumum value of f(x) is

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  21. If f"(x) > 0 and f(1) = 0 such that `g(x) = f(cot^2x + 2cotx + 2) where 0 < x < pi`, then g(x) decreasing in (a, b). where `a + b + pi/4`…

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  22. Find the critical points for

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  23. The set of a for which the function `f(x)=(a^2-3a+2){cos^2""x/4-sin^2""x/4}+(a-1)x+sin1` does not process critical points , is

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  24. The integral value of 'b' for which the function `f(x) = (b^2 - 3b + 2) (cos^2x – sin^2x) + (b- 1)x + sin(b^2 + b + 1)` does not possesses any stationary point is

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  25. The set of critical pionts of the fuction f(x) given by
    `f(x)= x - log _(e)x+underset(2)overset(x)((1)/(t)-2-2cos 4t)dt is `

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  26. Using calculus, find the order relation between x and `tan^(-1)` x when `x in [0,oo).`

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  27. Using calculus, find the order relation between x and `tan^(-1)` x when `x in [0,oo).`

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  28. For all `x in (0,1)` `e^x<1+x` (b) `(log)_e(1+x) x` (d) `(log)_e x > x`

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  29. Prove that `(tan^(-1)1/e)^2+(2e)/((e^2+1)<(tan^(-1)e)^2+2/(sqrt(e^2+1))`

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  30. If f'(x) changes from positive to negative at `x_(0)` while moving from left to right,
    i.e. `f'(x)gt0,xltx_(0)`
    `f'(x)lt0,xgtx_(0),` then f(x)has local maximum value at `x=x_(0)`

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  31. If f'(x) changes from negative to positive at `x_(0)` while moving from left to right,
    i.e. `f'(x)lt0,xltx_(0)`
    then f(x) has local minimum value at `x=x_(0)`

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  32. If sign of f'(x) doesn't change at `x_(0),`
    while moving from left to right, then f(x) has neither a maximum nor a minimum at `x_(0).`

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  33. Let `f(x)=x^(3)-3x^(2)+6` find the point at which f(x) assumes local maximum and local minimum.

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  34. Let `f(x)=x+(1)/(x),xne0.` Discuss the maximum and minimum value of f(x).

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  35. The function `f(x)=int_(-1)^x t(e^t-1)(t-1)(t-2)^3(t-3)^5dt` has a local minimum at `x=` 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3

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  36. Find the local maximum and local minimumof `f(x)=x^(3)-3x` in [-2,4].

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  37. If `f(x)={{:(3x^2+12x-1", "-1lexle2),(37-x", "2ltxle3):}` , then

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  38. Let `f(x)=sinx-x" on"[0,pi//2]` find local maximum and local minimum.

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  39. Let `f(x)=x(x-1)^(2),` find the point at which f(x) assumes maximum and minimum.

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  40. Let `f(x)=(x-1)^(4)` discuss the point at which f(x) assumes maximum or minimum value.

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  41. Discuss the function
    `f(x)=x^(6)-3x^(4)+3x^(2)-5,` and plot the graph.

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  42. Discuss the function
    `f(x)=(1)/(2)sin2x+cosx.,` and plot its graph.

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  43. Discuss the function
    `y=x+In(x^(2)-1)` and plot its graph.

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  44. Let `f(x)=2x^(3)-9x^(2)+12x+6.` Discuss the global maxima and minima of f(x) in [0,2].

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  45. Let `f(x)=2x^(3)-9x^(2)+12x+6.` Discuss the global maxima and global minima of f(x) in (1,3).

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  46. Discuss the minima of `f(x)={x},`
    (where{,} denotes the fractional part of x)for x=6.

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  47. Let `f(x)={:{(|x-2|+a^(2)-9a-9","ifxlt2),(2x-3"," if xge2):}`
    Then, find the value of 'a' for which f(x) has local minimum at x=2

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  48. Let `f(x)={:{(6","xle1),(7-x","xgt1):}` 'then for f(x) at x=1 discuss maxima and minima.

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  49. Find the values of 'a' for which,
    `f(x)={(4x-x^(3)+log(a^(2)-3a+3)",",0lexlt3),(" "x-18",",xge3):}` , f(x) as a local minima at x=3 is

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  50. If `4x^(3)-3x-p=0,where-1leple1` has
    unique root in `[(1)/(2),1],` then the root is

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  51. The number of distinct real roots of `x^(4)-4x^(3)+12x^(2)+x-1=0`

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  52. The values of parameter `a` for which the point of minimum of the function `f(x)=1+a^2x-x^3` satisfies the inequality `(x^2+x+2)/(x^2+5x+6)<0a r e` `(2sqrt(3),3sqrt(3))` (b) `-3sqrt(3),-2sqrt(3))` `(-2sqrt(3),3sqrt(3))` (d) `(-2sqrt(2),2sqrt(3))`

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  53. The values of a and b for which all the extrema of the function, `f(x)=a^(2)x^(3)-0.5ax^(2)-2x-b,` is positive and the minima is at the point `x_(0)=(1)/(3),` are

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  54. If `f''(x)+f'(x)+f^(2)(x)=x^(2)` be the differentiable equation of a curve and let p be the point of maxima then number of tangents which can be drawn from p to `x^(2)-y^(2)=a^(2)` is/are……. .

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  55. Let `f(x)=int_(0)^(x)"cos" ((t^(2)+2t+1)/(5))dt,o>x>2,` then

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  56. As 'x' ranges over the interval `(o,oo),` the function
    `f(x)=sqrt(9x^(2)+173x+900)-sqrt(9x^(2)+77x+900),` ranges over

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  57. Let `g\ :[1,6]->[0,\ )` be a real valued differentiable function satisfying `g^(prime)(x)=2/(x+g(x))` and `g(1)=0,` then the maximum value of `g` cannot exceed `ln2` (b) `ln6` `6ln2` (d) `2\ ln\ 6`

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  58. The minimum value of the function,
    `f(x)=x^(3//2)+x^(-3//2)-4(x+(1)/(x)).` For all permissible real values of x is

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  59. If the tangent to the curve `y = 1 – x^(2) at x = alpha`, where` 0 lt alpha lt 1,` meets the axes at P and Q. Also `alpha` varies, the minimum value of the area of the triangle OPQ is k times area bounded by the axes and the part of the curve for which `0 lt x lt 1`, then k is equal to

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  60. The least natural number `a` for which `x+a x^(-2)>2AAx in (0,oo)` is 1 (b) 2 (c) 5 (d) none of these

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  61. If k `sin^(2)x+(1)/(k) cosec^(2) x=2, x in (0,(pi)/(2)),`
    then `cos^(2)x+5sinxcosx+6sin^(2)x` is equal to

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  62. The least value of the expression `x^2+4y^2+3z^2-2x-12 y-6z+14` is `3` b. no least value`` c. `0` d. none of these

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  63. STATEMENT 1 : On the interval `[(5pi)/4,(4pi)/3]dot` the least value of the function `f(x)=int_((5x)/4)^x(3sint+4cost)dti s0` STATEMENT 2 : If `f(x)` is a decreasing function on the interval `[a , b],` then the least value of `f(x)` is `f(b)dot`

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  64. For any the real `theta`the maximum value of`cos^2(costheta)+sin^2(sintheta)` is

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  65. If `sin theta+costheta=1,` then the minimum value of `(1+cosectheta)(1+sectheta)` is

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  66. The coordinates of the point on the curve `x^(3)=y(x-a)^(2)` where the ordinate is minimum is

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  67. If a,b `in` R distinct numbers satisfying |a-1| + |b-1| = |a| + |b| = |a+1| + |b+1|, Then the minimum value of |a-b| is :

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  68. Statement 1: The maximum value of `(sqrt(-3+4x-x^2)+4)^2+(x-5)^2(w h e r e1lt=xlt=3)i s36.` Statement 2: The maximum distance between the point `(5,-4)` and the point on the circle `(x-2)^2+y^2=1` is 6

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  69. If `agtbgt0andf(theta)=((a^(2)-b^(2))costheta)/(a-bsintheta),` then the maximum value of `f(theta),` is

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  70. If composite function `f_1(f_2(f_3((f_n(x))))n` timesis an increasing function and if `r` of `f_i ' s` are decreasing function while rest are increasing, then the maximum value of `r(n-r)` is `(n^2-1)/4` , when `n` is an even number `(n^2)/4,` when `n` is an odd number `(n^2-1)/4,` when `n` is an odd number `(n^2)/4,` when `n` is an even number

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  71. Let `f(x)=sinx+a x+bdot` Then which of the following is/are true? `f(x)=0` has only one real root which is positive if `a >1, b<0.` `f(x)=0` has only one real root which is negative if `a >1, b<0.` `f(x)=0` has only one real root which is negative if `a >1, b > 0.` `non eoft h e s e`

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  72. Let `f(x,y)=x^(2)+2xy+3y^(2)-6x-2y,`
    where `x, y in R,` then

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  73. `Let g(x)=f(tanx)+f(cotx),AAx in ((pi)/(2),pi).` If `f''(x)lt0,AAx in ((pi)/(2),pi), then `

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  74. The function `f(x)= int_0^x sqrt(1-t^4)dt` is such that: (A) `t` is defined in the interval `[-1,1]` (B) `f(x)` is increasing dunction (C) f is an odd function (D) the point `(0,0)` is the point of inflexion

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  75. The function `(sin(x+a))/(sin(x+b))` has no maxima or minima if `b-a=npi,n in I` `b-a=(2n+1)pi,n in I` `b-a=2npi,n in I` (d) none of these

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  76. Let `F(x)=1+f(x)+(f(x))^2+(f(x))^3` where `f(x)` is an increasing differentiable function and `F(x)=0` hasa positive root, then

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  77. The extremum values of the function `f(x)=1/(sinx+ 4)-1/ (cosx-4)`, where `x in R`

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  78. The function `f(x)=x^(1/3)(x-1)` has two inflection points has one point of extremum is non-differentiable has range `[-3x2^(-8/3),oo)`

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  79. Assume that inverse of the function f is denoted by g, then which of the
    folllowing statement hold good?

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  80. Statement I :Among all the rectangles of the given perimeter, the square has the largest area. Also among all the rectangles of given area, the square has the least perimeter.
    Statement II :For `xgt0,ygt0,ifx+y`= constant, then xy will be maximum for y=x and if xy=constant, then x+y will be minimum for y=x.

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  81. Statement I :The function `f(x)=(x^(3)+3x-4)(x^(2)+4x-5)` has local extremum at x=1.
    Statement II :f(x) is continuos and differentiable and f'(1)=0.

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  82. Statement I :If f(x) is increasing function with upward concavity, then concavity of `f^(-1)(x)` is also upwards.
    Statement II : If f(x) is decreasing function with upwards concavity, then concavity of `f^(-1)(x)` is alo upwards.

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  83. Let `f: RvecR` be differentiable and strictly increasing function throughout its domain. Statement 1: If `|f(x)|` is also strictly increasing function, then `f(x)=0` has no real roots. Statement 2: When `xvecooorvec-oo,f(x)vec0` , but cannot be equal to zero.

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  84. Statement I : The largest term in the sequence
    `a_(n)=(n^(2))/(n^(3)+200),n inN is (400)^(2//3)/(600)`
    Statement II : If `fx=(x^(2))/(x^(3)+200),xgt0,` then at `x=(400)^(1//3),` f(x) is maximum.

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  85. If `x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4` be the roots of the equation`x^4 + a x^3+b x^2 +cx + d =0`. If `x_1 +x_2 = x_3 + x_4` and `a,b,c,d in R`,then (i) lf a =2, then the value of b-c (ii) `b <0`, then how many different values of a, we may have

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  86. If `x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4` be the roots of the equation`x^4 + a x^3+b x^2 +cx + d =0`. If `x_1 +x_2 = x_3 + x_4` and `a,b,c,d in R`,then (i) lf a =2, then the value of b-c (ii) `b <0`, then how many different values of a, we may have

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  87. If `x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4` be the roots of the equation`x^4 + a x^3+b x^2 +cx + d =0`. If `x_1 +x_2 = x_3 + x_4` and `a,b,c,d in R`,then (i) lf a =2, then the value of b-c (ii) `b <0`, then how many different values of a, we may have

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  88. Let `f(x) = ax^2 + bx +C,a,b,c in R`.It is given `|f(x)|<=1,|x|<=1` The possible value of `|a + c|` ,if `8/3a^2+2b^2` is maximum, is given by

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  89. The absolute maximum and minimum values of functions can be found by their monotonic and asymptotic behaviour provided they exist. We may agree that finite limits values may be reagarded as absolute maximum or minimum. For instance the absolute maximum value of `(1)/(1+x^(2))` is unity. It is attained at x=0 while absolute maximum value of the same functions is zero which is a limiting value of `(xrarrooorxrarr-oo)`
    The function `x^(4)-4x+1` will have.

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  90. The absolute maximum and minimum values of functions can be found by their monotonic and asymptotic behaviour provided they exist. We may agree that finite limits values may be reagarded as absolute maximum or minimum. For instance the absolute maximum value of `(1)/(1+x^(2))` is unity. It is attained at x=0 while absolute maximum value of the same functions is zero which is a limiting value of `(xrarrooorxrarr-oo)`
    The absolute minimum value of the function `(x-2)/(sqrt(x^(2)+1))` is

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  91. The absolute maximum and minimum values of functions can be found by their monotonic and asymptotic behaviour provided they exist. We may agree that finite limits values may be reagarded as absolute maximum or minimum. For instance the absolute maximum value of `(1)/(1+x^(2))` is unity. It is attained at x=0 while absolute maximum value of the same functions is zero which is a limiting value of `(xrarrooorxrarr-oo)`
    The absolute minimum and maximum values of the function `(x^(2)-x+1)/(x^(2)+x+1)` is

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  92. We are given the curves `y=int_(-oo)^(x)f(t)` dt through the point `(0,(1)/(2))` and y=f(X), where `f(x)gt0` and f(x) is differentiable, `AAx in R` through (0,1). If tangents drawn to both the curves at the point wiht equal abscissae intersect on the point on the X-axis, then
    Number of solutions f(x) = 2ex is equal to

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  93. We are given the curves `y=int_(-oo)^(x)f(t)` dt through the point `(0,(1)/(2))` and y=f(X), where `f(x)gt0` and f(x) is differentiable, `AAx in R` through (0,1). If tangents drawn to both the curves at the point wiht equal abscissae intersect on the point on the X-axis, then
    `int_(x to oo)(f(x))^f(-x)` is

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  94. We are given the curves `y=int_(-oo)^(x)f(t)` dt through the point `(0,(1)/(2))` and y=f(X), where `f(x)gt0` and f(x) is differentiable, `AAx in R` through (0,1). If tangents drawn to both the curves at the point wiht equal abscissae intersect on the point on the X-axis, then
    The function f(x) is

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  95. Let `f(x)=(1+(1)/(x))^(x)(xgt0)` and `g(x){:[(xIn(1+(1//x))",",if0ltxle1),(" "0",",ifx=0):}`

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  96. Let `f(x)=(1+(1)/(x))^(x)(xgt0)` and `g(x){:{(xIn(1+(1//x))",",if0ltxle1),(" "0",",ifx=0):}`
    The function f

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  97. Let `f(x)=(1+(1)/(x))^(x)(xgt0)` and `g(x){:[(xIn(1+(1//x))",",if0ltxle1),(" "0",",ifx=0):}`
    `lim_(n to oo){f((1)/(n)).f((2)/(n)).f((3)/(n))...f((n)/(n))}^(1//n)`equals

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  98. Consider the cubic `f(x)=8x^3+4a x^2+2b x+a` where `a , b\ in Rdot` For `a=1\ ` if `y=f(x)` is strictly increasing `AA\ x\ in R` then maximum range of values of `b` is `(-oo,1/3]` (b) `(1/3,\ oo)` `[1/3,\ oo)` (d) `(-oo,\ oo)`

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  99. For `b=1,\ ` if `y=f(x)` is non monotonic then the sum of all the integral values of `a\ in [1, 100],` is 4950 (b) 5049 (c) 5050 (d) 5047

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  100. If the sum of the base 2 logarithms of the roots of the cubic `f(x)=0` is `5` then the value of `' a '` is `-64\ ` (b) `-8` (c) `-128\ ` (d) `-256\ `

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Examples questions and complete solutions for chapter MONOTONICITY MAXIMA AND MINIMA of ARIHANT MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 12