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Complete Solutions to Exercise (More Than One Correct Option Type Questions) of chapter MONOTONICITY MAXIMA AND MINIMA of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
ARIHANT MATHSExercise (More Than One Correct Option Type Questions)
Number Of Questions19
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Which of the following is/are true?
    (you may use `f(x)=In((Inx))/(Inx)`

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  2. If `lim_(x->a) f(x) = lim_(x->a) [f(x)]` ([.] denotes the greatest integer function) and `f(x)` is non-constantcontinuous function, then :

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  3. Let S be the set of real values of parameter `lamda` for which the equation f(x) = `2x^(3)-3(2+lamda)x^(2)+12lamda` x has exactly one local maximum and exactly one local minimum. Then S is a subset of

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  4. `h(x)=3f((x^2)/3)+f(3-x^2)AAx in (-3, 4)` where `f''(x)> 0 AA x in (-3,4),` then h(x ) is

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  5. Let `f(x)=In(2x-x^(2))+"sin" (pix)/(2).` Then

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  6. `f(x)=tan^(-1)(sinx+cosx),"then "f(x)` is increasing in

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  7. If the maximum and minimum values of the determinant
    `|(1 + sin^(2)x,cos^(2) x,sin 2x),(sin^(2) x,1 + cos^(2) x,sin 2x),(sin^(2) x,cos^(2) x,1 + sin 2x)|` are `alpha and beta`, then

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  8. Let `f(x)={:{(x^(2)+4x",",-3lexle0),(-sinx",",0ltxle(pi)/(2)),(-cosx-1",",(pi)/(2)ltxlepi):}` then

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  9. Let `f(x)=ab sin x+bsqrt(1-a^(2))cosx+c`, where `|a|lt1,bgt0` then

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  10. If `f(x)=int_(x^(m))^(x^(n))(dt)/(Int),xgt0andngtm,` then

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  11. `f(x)=sqrt(x-1)+sqrt(2-x)andg(x)=x^(2)+bx+c` are two given functions such that f(x) and g(x) attain their maximum and minimum values respectively for same value of x, then

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  12. find the intervals `f(x)=6x^2-24x+1` increases and decreases

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  13. For the function `f(x)\ =\ 1n\ (1-1n\ x)` which of the following do not hold good? increasing in (0,1) and decreasing in `(1, e)` decreasing in (0,1) and increasing in `(1, e)` `x=\ 1` is the critical number for `f\ (x)` . `f` has two asymptotes

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  14. The function `f(x)={:{(x+2,ifxlt-1),(x^(2),if-1lexle1),((x-2)^(2),ifxge1):}`

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  15. A function f is defined by `f(x) = int_0^pi cos t cos(x-t)dt,0 <= x <= 2 pi` then which of the following.hold(s) good?

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  16. Let `f(x)=(x-1)/(x^(2)),` then which of the following is incorrect?

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  17. Let f(x) be diferentiable function on the interval
    `(-oo,0)` such that f(1)=5 and `lim_(a to x)(af(x)-xf(a))/(a-x)=2,` for
    all `x in R.` Then which of the following alternative(s) is/are correct?

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  18. If `f:RrarrR_(1)f(x)` is a differentiable bijective function,
    then which of the following may be true.

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  19. Let `f:(0,oo)rarr(0,oo)` be a derivable function and F(x) is the primitive of f(x) such that `2(F(x)-f(x))=f^(2)(x)` for any real positive x

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Exercise (More Than One Correct Option Type Questions) questions and complete solutions for chapter MONOTONICITY MAXIMA AND MINIMA of ARIHANT MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 12