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Complete Solutions to Exercise (Statement I And Ii Type Questions) of chapter MONOTONICITY MAXIMA AND MINIMA of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
ARIHANT MATHSExercise (Statement I And Ii Type Questions)
Number Of Questions9
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Statement I The equation `3x^(2)+4ax+b=0` has atleast one root in (o,1), if 3+4a=0.
    Statement II `f(x)=3x^(2)+4x+b` is continuos and differentiable in (0,1)

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  2. Statement I For the function
    `f(x)={:{(15-x,xlt2),(2x-3,xge2):}x=2` has neither a maximum nor a minimum point.
    Statament II ff'(x) does not exist at x=2.

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  3. Statement I `phi(x)=int_(0)^(x)(3 sin t+4 cos t)dt,[(pi)/(6),(pi)/(3)]phi(x)-`
    attains its maximum value at `x=(pi)/(3).`
    Statement II `phi(x)int_(0)^(x)(3sint+4cost)dt,phi(x)` is
    increasing function in `[(pi)/(6),(pi)/(3)]`

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  4. Let f(x) a twice differentiable function in [a,b], given that f(x) and f''(x) has same sign in [a,b].
    Statement I f'(x)=0 has at the most real root in [a,b].
    Statement II An increasing function can intersect the X-axis at the most once.

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  5. Let `u=sqrt(c+1)-sqrt(c)andv=sqrt(c)-sqrt(c-1),cgt1`and let `f(x)=In (1+x),AAx in (-1,oo).`
    Statement I `f(u)gtf(v),AAcgt1` because
    Statement II f(x) is increasing ffunction, hence for

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  6. Let `f(0)=0,f((pi)/(2))=1,f((3pi)/(2))=-1` be a continuos and twice differentiable function.
    Statement I `|f''(x)|le1` for atleast one `x in (0,(3pi)/(2))` because
    Statement II According to Rolle's theorem, if y=g(x) is
    continuos and differentiable, `AAx in [a,b]andg(a)=g(b),`
    then there exists atleast one such that g'(c)=0.

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  7. Statement I For any `DeltaABC.`
    Statement II y= sin x is concave downward for `x in (0,pi]`

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  8. If f(x)=[x](sinx+cosx-1)
    (where [.] denotes the greatest integer function).
    then f'(x)=[x](cosx-sinx) for any x in integer.
    Statement II f'(x) does not exist for any `x in integer.`

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  9. `f(x)` is a polynomial of degree 3 passing through the origin having local extrema at `x=+-2` Statement 1 : Ratio of areas in which `f(x)` cuts the circle `x^2+y^2=36i s1: 1.` Statement 2 : Both `y=f(x)` and the circle are symmetric about the origin.

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Exercise (Statement I And Ii Type Questions) questions and complete solutions for chapter MONOTONICITY MAXIMA AND MINIMA of ARIHANT MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 12