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Complete Solutions to Exercises Assertion-Resoning of chapter AROMATIC COMPOUNDS AND ALKYL AND ARYL HALIDES of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

CENGAGE CHEMISTRYExercises Assertion-Resoning
Number Of Questions12
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Assertion `(A)`: `SN^(1)` reaction is carried out in the presence of a plar protic solvent.
    Reason `(R): A polar protic solvent increases the stability of carbocation due to solvation.

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  2. Assertion `(A)`: ``SN^(2)` reaction is carried out in the presence of polar aprotic solvent.
    Reason `(R): Polar aprotic solvents do not contain acidic hydrogen.

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  3. Assertion `(A)`: Reaction between `(Me_(3)CONa)` (sodium ter-butoxide) and ethyliode `(C_(2)H_(5)I)` does not produce an ether.
    Reason `(R): Sodium ter-butoxide is a very strong base but is not a nucleophile.

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  4. Assertion `(A)`: `tert-` Butyl bromide `(Me_(3)C-Br)` and sodium ethoxide `(NaORt)` will react to form only ether.
    Reason `(R): Ethers are preapared form soidum alkoxide and alkyl halide.

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  5. Assertion: Benzyl bromide when kept in acetone water produces benzyl alcohol.
    Reason: The reaction follows `S_(N)2` mechanism.

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  6. Assertion: Hydroxyketones are not directly used in Grignard reaction.
    Reason : Griganard reagnts react with hydroxyl group.

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  7. Assertion `(A)`: `2-` Bromobutane on reaction with sodium ethoxid eihoxide in ethanol gives `1-` butene as a major product.
    Reason `(R): `i-` Butene is more stable than `2-` butene.

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  8. Assertion `(A)`: The presence of nitro group facitates nucleophilic substiution reaction in aryl halide.
    Reason `(R): The intermdiate carbonion is stablised due to the presence of the nitro group.

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  9. Assertion `(A)`: `MeMgBr` should be preapared under perfectly anhydrous conditions.
    Reason `(R): Grinard reagent reacts with water.

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  10. Assertion `(A)`: IN comparison to `C_(2) H_(5)Br`, it is difficult to carry out `SN` reaction o vinyl bromide.
    Reason `(R): Vinyl group is electron donating.

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  11. Assertion `(A)`: `PhBr` is less reactive than `C_(2)H_(5)Br` towards `SN` reactions.
    Reason `(R): The forces of attrafction between `RX` and `H_(2)O` molecules are weaker than those present between the molecules of `RX` and water molelcules separate,u.

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  12. Assertion `:` Reaction of tert`-` butychloride with `Na` gives `2,2,3,3-` tetramethyl butane.
    Reason `:` Tert `-` butyl chloride on Wurtz reaction give alkene.

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Exercises Assertion-Resoning questions and complete solutions for chapter AROMATIC COMPOUNDS AND ALKYL AND ARYL HALIDES of CENGAGE CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12