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Complete Solutions to Exercises Linked Compreshension of chapter AROMATIC COMPOUNDS AND ALKYL AND ARYL HALIDES of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

CENGAGE CHEMISTRYExercises Linked Compreshension
Number Of Questions58
Academic Year2023-24
  1. This section contains `11` pragraphs, Based on each paragraph, four to nine mutilple choice questions have to be answered. Each question has four mutiple chaoices questions have to be answered. Each question has four mutiple choices `(a), (b),(c)` and `(d)` out of which only one is correct or wrong.
    Paragraph for Problems `1-8`

    Compound `(A)` is:

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  2. This section contains `11` pragraphs, Based on each paragraph, four to nine mutilple choice questions have to be answered. Each question has four mutiple chaoices questions have to be answered. Each question has four mutiple choices `(a), (b),(c)` and `(d)` out of which only one is correct or wrong.
    Paragraph for Problems `1-8`

    Compound `(B)` is:

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  3. This section contains `11` pragraphs, Based on each paragraph, four to nine mutilple choice questions have to be answered. Each question has four mutiple chaoices questions have to be answered. Each question has four mutiple choices `(a), (b),(c)` and `(d)` out of which only one is correct or wrong.
    Paragraph for Problems `1-8`

    Compound `(C)` is:

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  4. This section contains `11` pragraphs, Based on each paragraph, four to nine mutilple choice questions have to be answered. Each question has four mutiple chaoices questions have to be answered. Each question has four mutiple choices `(a), (b),(c)` and `(d)` out of which only one is correct or wrong.
    Paragraph for Problems `1-8`

    Compound `(D)` is:

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  5. This section contains `11` pragraphs, Based on each paragraph, four to nine mutilple choice questions have to be answered. Each question has four mutiple chaoices questions have to be answered. Each question has four mutiple choices `(a), (b),(c)` and `(d)` out of which only one is correct or wrong.
    Paragraph for Problems `1-8`

    Compound `(F)` is:

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  6. This section contains `11` pragraphs, Based on each paragraph, four to nine mutilple choice questions have to be answered. Each question has four mutiple chaoices questions have to be answered. Each question has four mutiple choices `(a), (b),(c)` and `(d)` out of which only one is correct or wrong.
    Paragraph for Problems `1-8`

    Compound `(H)` is:

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  7. This section contains `11` pragraphs, Based on each paragraph, four to nine mutilple choice questions have to be answered. Each question has four mutiple chaoices questions have to be answered. Each question has four mutiple choices `(a), (b),(c)` and `(d)` out of which only one is correct or wrong.
    Paragraph for Problems `1-8`

    Compound `(I)` is:

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  8. This section contains `11` pragraphs, Based on each paragraph, four to nine mutilple choice questions have to be answered. Each question has four mutiple chaoices questions have to be answered. Each question has four mutiple choices `(a), (b),(c)` and `(d)` out of which only one is correct or wrong.
    Paragraph for Problems `1-8`

    Compound `(J)` is:

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  9. Paragraph for problems `9-15`

    Compound `(A)` on reaction with `NH_(2) NH_(2) + overset(o-)(O)H` is:

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  10. Paragraph for problems `9-15`

    Compound `(B)` is:

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  11. Paragraph for problems `9-15`

    Compound `(C)` is:

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  12. Paragraph for problems `9-15`

    Compound `(D)` is:

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  13. Paragraph for problems `9-15`

    Compound `(E)` is:

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  14. Paragraph for problems `9-15`

    Compound `(F)` is:

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  15. Paragraph for problems `9-15`

    Compound `(G)` is:

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  16. All the reactions `i)` to `(v)` are examples of:

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  17. The compound`(s)` in the reaction `(i)` is/are:

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  18. The compound`(s)` in the reaction `(ii)` is/are:

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  19. The compound`(s)` in the reaction `(iii)` is/are:

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  20. The compound`(s)` in the reaction `(iv)` is/are:

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  21. The compound`(s)` in the reaction `(v)` is/are:

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  22. Compound `(A)`, an alkene with molecule formula `(C_(5)H_(10))` exists in various strictures. On mononcholorination and dichlorination, it again shows various structures and streoisomers.

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  23. Compound `(A)`, an alkene with molecule formula `(C_(5)H_(10))` exists in various strictures. On mononcholorination and dichlorination, it again shows various structures and streoisomers.
    One of the cyclic isomers of `(A)` on monochlorination gives one product. The isomer `(I)` is:

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  24. Compound `(A)`, an alkene with molecule formula `(C_(5)H_(10))` exists in various strictures. On mononcholorination and dichlorination, it again shows various structures and streoisomers.
    Another isomer `(II)` on monochlorination gives two products. The isomer `(II)` is:

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  25. Compound `(A)`, an alkene with molecule formula `(C_(5)H_(10))` exists in various strictures. On mononcholorination and dichlorination, it again shows various structures and streoisomers.
    Isomer `(III)` on monochlorination gives three products. The isomer `(III)` is:

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  26. Compound `(A)`, an alkene with molecule formula `(C_(5)H_(10))` exists in various strictures. On mononcholorination and dichlorination, it again shows various structures and streoisomers.
    Two isomers `(IV)` and `(V)` on monochlorination give four products. The isomers `(IV)` and `(V)` are:

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  27. Compound `(A)`, an alkene with molecule formula `(C_(5)H_(10))` exists in various strictures. On mononcholorination and dichlorination, it again shows various structures and streoisomers.
    Which isomer of `(A)` shows styereoisomerism ?

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  28. Compound `(A)`, an alkene with molecule formula `(C_(5)H_(10))` exists in various strictures. On mononcholorination and dichlorination, it again shows various structures and streoisomers.
    The total number of stereoisomerism shown by isomer in Q.No 26 is:

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  29. Compound `(B)` is:

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  30. Compound `(D)` is:

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  31. Compound `(E)` is:

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  32. Compound `(F)` is:

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  33. Compound `(G)` is:

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  34. A hydrocation `(A) (C_(8) H_(10)) (E)` is a stream volatile compound and on nitration gives two mononitro derivatives. `(A)` gives the following reactions.
    The name of `(H)` is:

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  35. A hydrocation `(A) (C_(8) H_(10)) (E)` is a stream volatile compound and on nitration gives two mononitro derivatives. `(A)` gives the following reactions.
    Degree fo unsaturation `(DU)` in `(H)` is:

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  36. Compound `(B)` is:

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  37. Compound `(C)` is:

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  38. Compound `(D)` is:

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  39. In the conversion of `(C)` to `(E) , (E)` is `Bu - NH_(2)`. This reaction is called:

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  40. Compound `(G)` is:

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  41. Compound `(H)` is:

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  42. The compounds `(I)` and `(J)` are respectively:

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  43. Which statement is wrong about the hydrolysis of `R - overset(o+)(N) -= overser(o-)(C)` ?

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  44. Compound `(B)` is:

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  45. Compound `(C)` is:

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  46. Compound `(E)` is:

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  47. Compound `(F)` is:

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  48. `SN` reaction is given by these compounds, which have a nuclophilic group and a good leaving `EWG`. It should be stable after leaving with bonding pair of `overline(e)'s` and it should have high polarisability.
    Nucliphilic aliphatic substituion reaction is mainly of two types `SN^(-1)` and `SN^(2). SN^(-1)` mechanism is a two step process. Reaction velocity of `SN^(-1)` depends only on the concentration of the subtrate. It proceeds via the formation of carbocation, optically active substrate gives `(o+)` and `(o-)` froms of the product.
    In most of the cases, the product usually consists of `5-20%` inverted and `(95-80%)` racemised species. The more stable is the carbocation, the greater is the propotion of racemission. In solvolysis reaction, the more nucleophillic is the solvent, the greater is the proportion of inversion.
    Which of the following will give `SN` reaction?

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  49. `SN` reaction is given by these compounds, which have a nuclophilic group and a good leaving `EWG`. It should be stable after leaving with bonding pair of `overline(e)'s` and it should have high polarisability.
    Nucliphilic aliphatic substituion reaction is mainly of two types `SN^(-1)` and `SN^(2). SN^(-1)` mechanism is a two step process. Reaction velocity of `SN^(-1)` depends only on the concentration of the subtrate. It proceeds via the formation of carbocation, optically active substrate gives `(o+)` and `(o-)` froms of the product.
    In most of the cases, the product usually consists of `5-20%` inverted and `(95-80%)` racemised species. The more stable is the carbocation, the greater is the propotion of racemission. In solvolysis reaction, the more nucleophillic is the solvent, the greater is the proportion of inversion.
    Fugacity power of which group will be maximum?

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  50. `SN` reaction is given by these compounds, which have a nuclophilic group and a good leaving `EWG`. It should be stable after leaving with bonding pair of `overline(e)'s` and it should have high polarisability.
    Nucliphilic aliphatic substituion reaction is mainly of two types `SN^(-1)` and `SN^(2). SN^(-1)` mechanism is a two step process. Reaction velocity of `SN^(-1)` depends only on the concentration of the subtrate. It proceeds via the formation of carbocation, optically active substrate gives `(o+)` and `(o-)` froms of the product.
    In most of the cases, the product usually consists of `5-20%` inverted and `(95-80%)` racemised species. The more stable is the carbocation, the greater is the propotion of racemission. In solvolysis reaction, the more nucleophillic is the solvent, the greater is the proportion of inversion.
    Which of the following gives `SN^(1)` reaction?

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  51. `SN^(2)` reaction is a bimolecular reaction which takes places by the formation of `T.S.` Veolcity of the reaction depends on the concentration of the substrate as well as the nucleophile.
    The reaction is favoureed by strong `Nu^(o-)` and in the presence of polar aprotic sovlent, optically active halides give. Walken inversion by `SN^(2)` mechanism. The presence of hero group (atom) at `beta-C` atom, unsaturation at `beta-C` and `(-overset(O)overset(||)(C)-)` group at `alpha-C` atomn favor `SN^(2)` mechanism.
    Allyl halides and benzyl halides give `SN^(1)` and `SN^(2)` reactions. Allyl halides alos give `SN^(2)` mechanism `EDG` at ortho- and para- postions in benzyl halides favors `SN^(1)` mechanism, wheras `EWG` favors `SN^(2)` mechanism.
    Which of the following will give `SN^(2)` mechanism?

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  52. `SN^(2)` reaction is a bimolecular reaction which takes places by the formation of `T.S.` Veolcity of the reaction depends on the concentration of the substrate as well as the nucleophile.
    The reaction is favoureed by strong `Nu^(o-)` and in the presence of polar aprotic sovlent, optically active halides give. Walken inversion by `SN^(2)` mechanism. The presence of hero group (atom) at `beta-C` atom, unsaturation at `beta-C` and `(-overset(O)overset(||)(C)-)` group at `alpha-C` atomn favor `SN^(2)` mechanism.
    Allyl halides and benzyl halides give `SN^(1)` and `SN^(2)` reactions. Allyl halides alos give `SN^(2)` mechanism `EDG` at ortho- and para- postions in benzyl halides favors `SN^(1)` mechanism, wheras `EWG` favors `SN^(2)` mechanism.
    Which of the following will give Walden inversion ?

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  53. `SN^(2)` reaction is a bimolecular reaction which takes places by the formation of `T.S.` Veolcity of the reaction depends on the concentration of the substrate as well as the nucleophile.
    The reaction is favoureed by strong `Nu^(o-)` and in the presence of polar aprotic sovlent, optically active halides give. Walken inversion by `SN^(2)` mechanism. The presence of hero group (atom) at `beta-C` atom, unsaturation at `beta-C` and `(-overset(O)overset(||)(C)-)` group at `alpha-C` atomn favor `SN^(2)` mechanism.
    Allyl halides and benzyl halides give `SN^(1)` and `SN^(2)` reactions. Allyl halides alos give `SN^(2)` mechanism `EDG` at ortho- and para- postions in benzyl halides favors `SN^(1)` mechanism, wheras `EWG` favors `SN^(2)` mechanism.
    Which of the following will gives `SN^(2)` mechanism gt

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  54. `SN^(2)` reaction is a bimolecular reaction which takes places by the formation of `T.S.` Veolcity of the reaction depends on the concentration of the substrate as well as the nucleophile.
    The reaction is favoureed by strong `Nu^(o-)` and in the presence of polar aprotic sovlent, optically active halides give. Walken inversion by `SN^(2)` mechanism. The presence of hero group (atom) at `beta-C` atom, unsaturation at `beta-C` and `(-overset(O)overset(||)(C)-)` group at `alpha-C` atomn favor `SN^(2)` mechanism.
    Allyl halides and benzyl halides give `SN^(1)` and `SN^(2)` reactions. Allyl halides alos give `SN^(2)` mechanism `EDG` at ortho- and para- postions in benzyl halides favors `SN^(1)` mechanism, wheras `EWG` favors `SN^(2)` mechanism.
    Which of the following will give `SN^(1)` reaction?

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  55. IsoprophI bromide was treated separately with sodium ethoxide under two different conditions.
    Reaction I:
    Treatment of isopropyI bromide with `(Me_(3)CONa)` at `40^(@)C` gave almost exclusively compound `(A) (C_(3)H_(6))`.
    Reaction II:
    Treatment of `(i-PrBr)` with `NaOC_(2)H_(5)` at `30^(@)C` yileled compound `(A) (C_(3)H_(6))` along with a small amount of an ether `(B) (C_(5)H_(12)O)`.
    Compound `(A)` was readily oxidised by a neutral solution of cold dil. `KMnO_(4)` to give a brown preciptate.
    The formations of `(A)` and `(B)` are best explained by:

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  56. IsoprophI bromide was treated separately with sodium ethoxide under two different conditions.
    Reaction I:
    Treatment of isopropyI bromide with `(Me_(3)CONa)` at `40^(@)C` gave almost exclusively compound `(A) (C_(3)H_(6))`.
    Reaction II:
    Treatment of `(i-PrBr)` with `NaOC_(2)H_(5)` at `30^(@)C` yileled compound `(A) (C_(3)H_(6))` along with a small amount of an ether `(B) (C_(5)H_(12)O)`.
    Compound `(A)` was readily oxidised by a neutral solution of cold dil. `KMnO_(4)` to give a brown preciptate.
    Which of the following most accureately repreasents the activated complex formed in reaction `(II)` that leads to compound `(A)` ?

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  57. IsoprophI bromide was treated separately with sodium ethoxide under two different conditions.
    Reaction I:
    Treatment of isopropyI bromide with `(Me_(3)CONa)` at `40^(@)C` gave almost exclusively compound `(A) (C_(3)H_(6))`.
    Reaction II:
    Treatment of `(i-PrBr)` with `NaOC_(2)H_(5)` at `30^(@)C` yileled compound `(A) (C_(3)H_(6))` along with a small amount of an ether `(B) (C_(5)H_(12)O)`.
    Compound `(A)` was readily oxidised by a neutral solution of cold dil. `KMnO_(4)` to give a brown preciptate.
    Referring to Q. No. 67 which of the following represents the intermediate `T.S` for the formation of compound `(B)` ?

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  58. IsoprophI bromide was treated separately with sodium ethoxide under two different conditions.
    Reaction I:
    Treatment of isopropyI bromide with `(Me_(3)CONa)` at `40^(@)C` gave almost exclusively compound `(A) (C_(3)H_(6))`.
    Reaction II:
    Treatment of `(i-PrBr)` with `NaOC_(2)H_(5)` at `30^(@)C` yileled compound `(A) (C_(3)H_(6))` along with a small amount of an ether `(B) (C_(5)H_(12)O)`.
    Compound `(A)` was readily oxidised by a neutral solution of cold dil. `KMnO_(4)` to give a brown preciptate.
    Which of the following is an accurate representations of compound `(B)` ?

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Exercises Linked Compreshension questions and complete solutions for chapter AROMATIC COMPOUNDS AND ALKYL AND ARYL HALIDES of CENGAGE CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12