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Complete Solutions to Illustration of chapter AROMATIC COMPOUNDS AND ALKYL AND ARYL HALIDES of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions57
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Name of the follwing groups:
    a. `C_(6) H_(5)-`, b. `C_(6)H_(5)CH_(2)-`
    C. (C_(6)H_(5))_(2) CH-`, d. `(C_(6)H_(5))_(3) C-`
    e. `C_(6) H_(5) CH-`, f. `C_(6) H_(5) -overset(|)underset(|)(C)-`

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  2. Write the name of phenyl-substituded groups:
    a. `C_(6)H_(5) overset(|)(C)Hme`, b `C_(6)H_(5) CH_(2)-`
    C. `C_(6) H_(5) CH = CH-`, d. `C_(6)H_(5) == CHCH_(2)-`

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  3. Write the sturctures of the following compounds:
    a. Adjacent tribromobenzene
    b. Unsymmetrical trimethyl benzene
    c. Symmetrical triethyl benzene

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  4. Name of the following compounds:
    a. , b.
    c. , d.
    e. , f.
    g. , h.
    i. , j.
    k. , l.
    m. , n.
    o. , p.
    q. , r.

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  5. Write the names and structures of the following compounds:
    a. `TNB`, b. `TNT`
    c. `PABA`, d. `DDT`
    e. `DES`, f. Cumene
    g. Mesitypenone, h. Acteophenone
    i. Benoxopheone, j. Stryl chloride
    k. Cinnamic acid, l. Cinnamylacohol
    m. `alpha-` Phenylethanol, n. `beta-` Phenlehanol
    o. Benzhydryichloride

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  6. Select the aromatic, anti-aromatic, and non-aromatic a compounds.
    1. ,2. ,3.
    4. ,5

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  7. a.
    `7-` Bromocycloheptraiene (tropylium bromide) completely dissociates in water and gives a yellow precipiate of `AgBr` with `AgNO_(3)`. Why?
    (b) Why is cyclopentadiene `(K_(a) = 10^(-15))` much more acidic than `1,3-` cyclohexadience?
    C. Explain the following `1,3,5`-cycloheptatrience through a cycle, planner triene with six `pi vec(e)'s` is not armoatic, whereas tropolone behaves like a phenol.

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  8. Anthrance has a resonance energy of `351 kJ mol^(-1)` and the resonance energy of benzence is 150.5 kJ mol^(-1)`. Which of the two is more easily oxidised or reduced ?

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  9. a. Compkere the following reaction.

    b. Why do the oxidation and reduction of anthracene take place at positions 9 and 10, respectively?

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  10. Complete the reactions.

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  11. Complete the reactions.

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  12. Out of benzene naphtahlene anthracene, and phenantrene, which is more reactive in the Diels - Alder reaction?

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  13. Among the following in which cases is the `o//p` ratio on nitration more the first compound?

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  14. Why are `(o + p)` in ratious for the `SE` reaction (e.g. nitraction) of toluene and `PhCF, 32.3` and `0.14`, respectively ?

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  15. Arrange the following in the decreasing of `mu`.

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  16. Write resonance-contributing structures for the intermedicate carbocation (arenonium ion) of
    (i) Phenol
    (ii) Nitrobenzene with electrophile `CI^(o+)` at the
    a. ortho-,
    b. para-, and
    c. meta-positions.

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  17. a. Why are `overline(e)` donating groups, such as `(-NH_(2))` (`-`OR), `(-R) o-` and `p-` directing towards `SE` reaction? Explain by an example.
    b. Why are `overline(e)` withdrawing groups, [such as `(-NO_(2), (-SO_(3)H),(-CN),(-COOH)`, etc].`m-` direection towards `SE` reaction? explain by example.
    c. Although halogens are `overline(e)` withdrawing yet they are `o-` and `p-` directing towards `SE` reaction. Why?

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  18. Arrange the following compounds in decreasing order of their property as indicated:
    a. Reactivity and orientation of (I) `Ph - underset(..)overset(o+)(S) - Et_(2)` and (II) `PhNO`.
    Activating effects of the following `o,p-` directions:
    I. `-O^(o-). II, `-OH`, III. `-NH_(2)` IV. -NHCOCH_(3)` V. `-OCOCH_(3)`
    c. Respectivity and orientation of I. `PhOEt` and II. `PhSEt`
    d. Categories the following subsituents as:
    I. Activating,
    ii. Deactivating,
    iii. `o, p`, or `m-` directing.
    III. `Ph - ddot(S) - R`
    `SE` reactivty of:
    I. `PhNO`, II.
    f. `SE` reactivity and orientation of:
    1. `PhF`, II. `PhCl`, III. PhBr`, IV. `Phl`

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  19. Identify the electrophile and base for each for the following:
    a. `HNO_(2) + H^(o+)`, b. `Ibr + ZnCl_(2)`
    c. `Icl + ZnCl_(2)`, d. `HOCl + H^(o+)`
    e. `HNO_(3)`
    `H_(2) S_(2) O_(7)`

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  20. Give the decreasing order of the relative reactivity towards `SE` reaction of the following compounds.
    a. I. Benzene, II. Phenol, III. Aniline, IV. Chlorobenzene
    b. I. Acetannilide, II. Aniline, III. Acetep[jempme, IV. Benzene.
    c. I. 1,3- Dimryhyl benzene, II. `1,4-` Dimenthyl-benzene, III. Tolune, IV. Trimehtyl benzene, V. `1,3,5-` Trimethtyl benzene
    d. I. `p-` Mehtyl benzoic acid, II. Terephtalic acid, III. `p-` Xylene, IV. Toluene.
    e. I. Benzene, II. Toulene, III. `p-`Nitrotoulene, IV. `m-` Nitroluence, V. Benzence
    g. I. Flurobenzene, II. Chlorobenzene, III. Bromobenzene, IV. Iodobenzene
    h. I. `p-` Nitrochlorobenze II. Chlorobenzene, III. `2.4-` Dintrochlorobenzene

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  21. Indicate by an arrow the positon(s) where `SE` reaction takes place in the following:

    j. `Ph - CF_(3)`
    k. `Ph - overset(o+)(N) R_(3) } NO_(3)^(o-)`
    l. `o,m-` and `p-` Ethoxyacentanilide

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  22. Complete the following reaction:
    `underset((A))(o-HOOC) - C_(6) H_(4) - CH_(2) - Ph overset(SOCl_(2))rarr (B)`
    `underset(AlCl_(3))overset("Anhyd")(rarr) (C) underset(+HCl)overset(Zn + Hg)(rarr) (D) underset(600^(@)C)overset(S "or" Se)(rarr) (E)`

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  23. a. Which of the following shows primary isotope effectgt
    i. Nitration of benzene. ii. Halogenation of `CH_(4)`. Iii. Alkene prepared by `E.lcB` mechanism.
    b. Which of the following shows secondary isotope effect?
    i. An alkene obtained by `E.2` mechanism
    ii. An alkene obtained by `E.l` mechanism
    c. Which of the following examples of `K_(H)//K_(D)` (ratio of rate constant) is greater than `1`.
    i. `PhCH_(2)CH_(2) Br` adn `PhCD_(2)CH_(2)Br` towards de-hydrohalogenation by strong base.
    ii. Conservation of:

    iii. Conservation of:

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  24. Convert benzene to adjacent trimethyl benzene.

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  25. a. In the `F.C`. Alkylation with alkene, why is `HF`, not `HBr`, used? How does `HF` at high temperature effect the dealkylation process?
    In Illustration `11.24` in the conversion of (I) to (II), why dows alkylation take place at 2 and 6 positions rather than at 3 and 5 positions?
    c. Expain which product (I) or (II) is formed and why.

    d. What is the depreesion in freezing point of `1m` soultion of nitrating mixture `(K_(f) = x K, kg mol^(-1))`?

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  26. Complete the reaction:

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  27. Complete the following reaction:

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  28. For dofferemt reactions of `H_(2)SO_(4)` with (i) `HNO_(3)` and (ii) `HClO_(4)`,
    a. Write the equactions for the recactionsand identify the conjugate acids and bases:
    b. Expain the different behaviours of `H_(2)SO_(4)`
    II. Nitrobenze can be prepared from benzene by using a mixture of conc. `HNO_(3)` and conc. H_(2)SO_(4) In the nitrating mixture, `HNO_(3)` acrs are:
    a. Base, b. Acid
    c. Reducing agent, d. Catayst
    III. Among the following statements on the nitraction of aromatic compounds, the false one is:
    a. The rate of nitration of benzene is almost the sameas that of hexadeucterobenzene.
    b. The rate of nitration of touene is grater than that of benzene.
    c. The rate of nitration of benzene is greater than that of hexadeuterobenze.
    c. The rate of nitration of benzene is greater than that of hexadeuterobenezene.
    d. Nitration is an electrophillic subsitution reaction.
    IV. Select the correct alternatice(s).
    The following reaction occurs in a mixture of conc. `HNO_(3)` and cnc. `H_(2)SO_(4)` as:
    `HNO_(3) + 2H_(2)SO_(4) rarr NO_(2)^(o+) + 2HSO_(4)^(o+) + H_(3)^(o+)`
    Which of the following statements about this reaction is correctgt
    a. Nitric acid acts as a base.
    b. Sulphuric acid acts as a base.
    Sulphure acid acts as a dehydrating agent.
    d. Addition of `H_(2)O` will reduce the `NO_(2)^(o+)` concentration.
    e. `HNO_(3)` and `NO_(2)^(o+)` are conjugate acid-base pair.

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  29. Complete the following reaction:

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  30. Complete the following reactions:

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  31. Convert the following:

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  32. Answer the following species `(I - IV)` according to the decreasing order of potential energy.

    b. Which of the following resonance structures is/are wrong?

    c. Which of the following is/are stable resonating structures?

    d. Whichof the following is/are least stable arenoinum ion ?

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  33. Expalin the following:
    a. Reactivity of halogens in the presence of halogen carrier `(FeX_(3))` with benzene is `F_(2) gt Cl_(2) gt Br_(2) gt I_(2)`.
    b. The reactivity of halogen-subsituted benzene towards `SE` reaction is `Phl gt PhBr gt PhCl gt PhF`.
    C. The acidic character fo halogen-substituded pehnol is:

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  34. Identify`(A)`to`(E)` .Write the number of possible steroisomers of`(A)`.

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  35. For reaction(I),why is the order of reactivity of haldies `ArFgt gt ArClgtArBrgtarl`,although`F^(ᶱ)`is a oor leaving group?Explain.

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  36. Write is structure of`(A)`and`(B)`and its reasonance structures.

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  37. Give the decreasing order of reactivity of the following `ArSN`(addition-elimiantion reaction).
    (a) I.

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  38. Give the decreaes order of`ArSN`reaction of the following with`NaOMe`:

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  39. (a)Azulene has an appreciabel dipole moment.Write the reasonance structure that explains the dipole moment and its aromaticity.
    (b)In the cse of halogen-substituted azulenes,a halogen atom on`C-6`can be displace bynucleophile while one on`C-1`is unreactive towards nucleophile .Rationalise this differemce in behaviou.

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  40. Give the reaction and explain the formation of the products.

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  41. (a)`Me_(3)CCH_(2)CH(Cl)Ph`., (b)`MeC(Et)_(2)CH_(2)Cl`
    (e)`p-I-C_(6)H_(4)CH(Me)Et` (f)`p-FCH_(2)C_(6)H_(4)CH_(2)Cme_(3)`
    (k)`Me_(2)CHCH(Br)Me` ,(L)`BRCH_(2)C-=CCH_(2)Cl`
    (m)`CHF_(2)BrClF` ,(n)(CBr_(3))_(3)CBr)`
    (o)`MeC(p-BrC_(6)H_(4))_(2)CH(Cl)Me` ,(p)`Me_(3)CCH=ClC_(6)H_(4)Cl-m`

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  42. Write the stick,condensed and bond line structure of the following compounds:
    a.`4-`tertButyl`-3-`chloroheptane ,b`.2-(2-`Bromophenyl)`-1-`chloro octane
    c m-Bromochlorobenzene d Perchlorobenzene
    e.`1-`Bromo`-4-`ethyl cycohexane .f`2`-Fluoro`-3-`methyl pentane
    `1`-Chloro`-4`sec butyl`-2`methyl benzene ,`1,4-`Dichloro but`-2`ene
    i`4-`tert-Butyl`-3-`fluoro heptane ,j`1`iodo`-4-`ethyl cyclohexane
    k`2-`Fluoro`-3-`methyl pentane

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  43. Write IUPAC name of the following with(cisort rans)or(EandZ)if any.

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  44. Arrange the following compounds in decreasing order of dipole moment values Explain the order
    (a) `CBr_(4)` , (b) `CHBr_(3)` , (c ) `CH_(2)Br_(2)` , (d) `CH_(3)Br` .

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  45. a. Assign orientation to the three chlorotounes with `mu = 1.3, 1.78`, and `1.9D`.
    b. Assign orientation to the three chloronitrobenzens with `mu = 2.5,3.1`, and `4.3D`
    c. Which has higher `mu : (1)
    or II. `PhBr`?

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  46. What are the numerical values of `(M)` and `(N)` in the following reaction ?

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  47. a. Prepare the following ethers via Willamson's syntesis.
    I. `Di-n-` propyl ether `(A0)`
    II. Benzyl methyl ether `(B)`
    III. Phenylethyl ehter `(C)`
    IV. `t-` Butyl ethyl ether `(D)`
    b. Which compound in the above problem, can be prepared by alternative Williamson's reaction?
    c. Explain teh inabiliity of `(A),(C)`, `(D)` in the above problem to be preapared via alternate Williamson's syntesis.
    d. Give six types of ethers that cannot be syntesised by the typical williamson's synthesis.
    e. Rank the following alkyl halides in the decreasing order of reactivity in Willamson's reaction.
    `(CH_(3))C - CH_(2) Br (A), ClCH_(2) CH + CH_(2) (B)`,
    `ClCH_(2) CH_(2) (C), Br CH_(2) CH_(2) CH_(3)(D)`

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  48. a. An armatic compound `(A) (C_(7)H_(8) O)` on reaction with `Br_(2) + H_(2)O` gives a white ppt. of compound `(B) (C_(7) H_(5) Obr_(3))`. Compound `(C)`, an isomer of `(A)` also gives the same reaction and gives a white ppt. of compound `(D) (C_(7) H_(5) OBr_(3))`. Compound `(C)` is insoluble in `NaOH`. identify `(A), (B), (C)` and `(D)`.
    b. I. Starting from `C_(6) H_(6)` and `C_(6) H_(5) OH`, synthesise phenyl `1-2,4-` dinitrophenyl ether `(B)`.
    II. Could we have first prepared and then nitrated `Ph_(2)O` ?
    c. `4-` Chlorobutanol `overset(ᶱ)overset(OH)(rarr) (A) rarr (B) + Cl`
    d. `HOCH_(2)- CH_(2) - CH_(2)OH underset(160-170^(@)C)overset("Conc". H_(2) SO_(4))(rarr)`

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  49. Indentify `(A)` to `(E)`.
    a. `1,3-` Butadience `+ BrCCl_(3) + "Preoxide" rarr (A)`
    b. `RCH = CH_(2) + CCl_(4) overset("Peroxide")(rarr) (B) + (C)`
    c. `1-` Octene `+ CHCl_(3) overset("Peroxide")(rarr) (D)`
    `1-` Octene `+ CbrCl_(3) overset("Peroxide")(rarr) (E)`

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  50. a.Complete the following:
    Identify all the possible products. Give the major product and racnk the products in decreasing order of reactivity with `NBS`.
    Indentify all the possible products. Give teh major products and list them in decreasing order of reactivity with `Me_(3) CoCl`.

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  51. a.Explain the following
    a. Dipole moment of `CH_(3)F` is `1.85D` and that of `CD_()F` is `1.86D`.
    b. `8-` Hydroxy quinoline can be separarted from `4-` hydroxy quinoline by steam disillation:
    c. The boiling point of `(C_(2) H_(5))S gt (C_(2) H_(5))_(2)O`.
    d. The `pK_(a)` of `o-` fluorobenzoic acid `(I)` is `4.14`, wheraes that of `p-` chlorobenzic acid `(II)` is `3.99`.
    e. Glycine exists as zwitterion , but `PABA` does not.
    f. Write teh structure of carbocation produced on treatment of a compound `(A) (Ph_(2) CHC(OH) Me_(2))` with `SbF_(5)//SO_(2)`.

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  52. a. The dipole moment of `HBr` is `2.6xx10^(-30) C.m` and intertomic spacing is `1.41 Å`. What is the percent ionic character of `HBr` ?
    b. A diatomic molecule has `mu = 1.2D`. Its bond distance is `1.0 Å`. What fraction of electronic charge exists on each atom ?
    c. In water, `(H-O-H)` bond angle is `105^(@)`. The distance between `(O-H)` is `0.94 Å. mu` of `H_(2)O = 1.85D`. Determine the magnitude of the charge on the oxygen atom in water molecule and hydrogen atom.
    d. `Bl_(3)` is a symmetrical planner molecule, all the `(B-1)` bonds lie at `120^(@)` of each other. The distance between the `I` atoms is `3.54 Å`. THe Estimate the covalent radius of boron. e. Calculate the dipole moment of the following compound:

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  53. Complter the following:

    II. Which of the folliwng has the greater `K_(a)` value?

    III. Which of the carbonyl groups in `(a)` and `(b)` protonate more readialy in acid solution and why ?

    IV. When a trace of `KNH_(2)` is added to a solution of chlorobenzene and potassium triphenyl mehide `(Ph_(3) C^(ᶱ) K^(o+))` in liquid `NH_(3)`, a rapid reaction takes place to yield a product of formula `C_(25) H_(20)`. What is the product? What is the role of `KNH_(2))` and why is it needed?

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  54. a. Indicate whether the following are `SN^(-1), SN^(-1), E1`, or `E2`
    1. `(CH_(3))_(3) CBr + C_(2) H_(5) OH` at `60^(@) rarr underset(("Major"))((CH_(3))_(3)C ) - OC_(2) H_(5) + underset(("Minor"))((CH_(3))C) = CH_(2)`
    2. `CH_(3) CH_(2) CH_(2) Br + LiAlH_(4) rarr`
    3. `CH_(3) CH_(2) Br + Cl + I^(ᶱ) rarr`
    4. `(CH_(3))_(3) CBr + CN^(ᶱ) ("Etanol") rarr`
    5. `CH_(3) CHBr - CH_(3) + overset(ᶱ)(O)H (H_(2)O) rarr`
    6. `CH_(3) CHBr rarr CH_(3) + overset(ᶱ)(O)H ("Ethanol") rarr`
    7. `(CH_(3))_(3) CBr + H_(2)O rarr`
    b. Give teh decreasing order of reactivity of the alkaline hydrolysis of the following alkyl halides towards (1) `SN^(-1)` (2) `SN^(2)` and (3) in the presence of `AgNO_(3)`:
    i. `(CH_(3))_(2) C (Br) - C_(2) H_(5)` ii. `C_(5) H_(11) Br`.
    iii. `C_(2) H_(5) CH (Br) C_(2) H_(5)`.
    d. Give teh decreasing order of reactivity of alkaline hydrolysis of the followong halides towards `SN^(-1)`:
    1. `MeCl`, ii. `PhCH_(2)Cl`, iii. `Oh_(2)CHCl`, iv. `Ph_(3)CCl`
    e. Determine the relative `SN^(-2)` reactivity with `NaCN` in aprotic `DMSO` of the following alkyl halides:
    1. i. `CH_(3)CHClCH_(2)CH_(3)`
    ii. `CH_(3) CHBrCH_(2) CH_(3)`
    iii. `CH_(3) CHl CH_(2) CH_(3)`
    2. iv. `CH_(3) CH (CH_(3)) CH_(2) CH_(2)I`
    v. `CH_(3)CH (CH_(3)) CHICH_(3)`
    vi. `CH_(3) CI (CH_(3)) CH_(2) CH_(3)`.
    3. vii. `4-` Bromo `1,1-` dimethylcyclohexane
    viii. `1-` Bromo -cis or trans`-1,4-` dimethycyclohexane
    ix. cis or trans `-2-` Bromo-cis`-1,3-` Dimethyl-cyclohexane
    f. Optically pure `(+)-2-` bromoctane, `[alpha] = +36^(@)` reacts with aq. `NaOH` in actone to give opstically pure `(-)-2-` octonal, `[alpha] = -10.3^(@)`. With partically racemised bromo compound whose `[alpha] = +30^(@)`, the `[alpha]` of alchold product is `-6.0^(@)`. Cacualte:
    1. The percentage optical purity of partically racemised bromo compound and alchocol,
    2. the percentaage of inversion and racemission, and
    3. the percentaage of frontside and backside attack.
    g. Compare teh rates of `SN^(-1)` and `SN^(-2)` reactions of:
    1. Cycloprophyl and cyclopentyl chloride
    2. Vinyl chloride
    h. Arrange the following in the order of decresing basically:
    1. `F^(ᶱ)`, 2. overset(ᶱ)(O)H` 3. overset(ᶱ)(N)H_(2)`, 4. `C overset(ᶱ)(H_(3))`
    a. `4gt3gt2gt1`, b. `1gt2gt3gt4`,
    c. `2gt1gt3gt4`, d. `3gt2gt1gt4`
    i. Arrange the following in the order of decresing nuclepphillic character:
    1. `H_(2)O`, 2. `overset(ᶱ)(O)H`, 3. `CH_(3) O^(ᶱ)`, 4. `CH_(3) COO^(ᶱ)`
    i. `2gt3gt4gt1`, ii. `3gt2gt1gt4`
    iii. `1gt4gt2gt3`, iv. `4gt1gt2gt3`
    j. Arrange the following in teh decreasing order as a leaving griup in substitution reaction.
    1. CH_(3) CO overset(ᶱ)` , 2. `C_(6) H_(5)O^(ᶱ)`
    `C_(6)H_(5) SO_(3)^(ᶱ)`, 4. `CH_(3)O^(ᶱ)`.
    a. `3gt1gt4gt2`, b. `3gt1gt2gt4`
    c. `3gt2gt1gt4`, d. `4gt2gt1gt3`
    k. The order of leaving grou ability for the following is:
    1. `-OAc`, 2. `-OMe`
    3. `-OSO_(2)Me`, b. 4. `-OSO_(2) CF_(3)`
    a. `1gt2gt3gt4`, b. `4gt3gt1gt2`
    c. `3gt2gt1gt4`, d. `2gt3gt4gt1`

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  55. Explain why solvolysis (where the solvent is nucleophillic) appears to follow a first-order rater law, rather than a secound order.
    II. Complete the following:

    III. Predict the product of each `SN^(2)` reaciton Insicate sterochemistry where apporopriate.

    IVgt Why is `PhO^(ᶱ)` a weaker nucleophile than `RO^(ᶱ)` ?

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  56. I. `5-` Chloro`-1.3-` cylopentadience undergoes `SN^(-1)` solbolysis in the persence of `Ag'` ion slowly, even though chlorine is doubly allylic, and allylic halides normally ionise reasily. Expalin.

    IV. `1-` Choloro `-2-` (dimethylamino) propane `(A)` after standing for several weeks in a sealed contaniner changes to `2-` chloro `-1-` (dimethylamino) propane `(B)`. Explain.
    V. Give the major major products of the following elimination reactions:

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  57. I. Which of the following will solvolyse faster is `SN^(-1)` and why?

    II. `F^(ᶱ)` works as a good leaving group in `ArSN` reaction

    even though it is a por leaving group in alipatic `SN^(-1)` and `SN^(-1)` mechanisms. Exaplin.
    III. When reacts with alc. `KCN`, a mixture of ismeric products is obtained. Explain.

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Illustration questions and complete solutions for chapter AROMATIC COMPOUNDS AND ALKYL AND ARYL HALIDES of CENGAGE CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12