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Complete Solutions to Exercises Single Correct of chapter AROMATIC COMPOUNDS AND ALKYL AND ARYL HALIDES of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

CENGAGE CHEMISTRYExercises Single Correct
Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The decreaing order of the rate of niration of the following compounds is
    I. Benzene, II. `C_(6)D_(6)`
    III. Nitrobenzene, IV Chlorobenzene

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  2. The decreasing order of the rate of bromination of the following compounds is:
    I. `PhN^(o+)Me_(3)`, II. `PhCH_(2) overset(N)Me_(3)`
    III. `PhMe`, IV. `PhMe_(2)`

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  3. The decreasing order of aromaticity fo the following is
    I. Benzene, II. Napthalene, III. Anthrance

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  4. In the following reaction, which of the folliwing steps is wrong?

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  5. In the following reaction, which of the folliwing steps is wrong?

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  6. Nitration of xylene gives only one mono-nitro derivaties. Which xylene is it?

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  7. The final product `(X)` in the following reactionis: `NHCOCH_(3)`

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  8. Which of the following halides will be most reactive in `SN^(2)` reaction and `SN^(2)` reaction respectively?

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  9. Compounds `(B)` and `(C)` respectively are:

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  10. Give the major product of the folliwng reaction.

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  11. Compound `(D)` is:

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  12. The above conversion can be carried out by which process.

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  13. Product `(C)` is:

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  14. In the follwing reactionsL

    the rate of reaction `(I)` and `(II)` are some. Both reactions proceeds by which mechanism.

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  15. In which case will `SE` not be in `m-` position?

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  16. Which of the folliwng has the highest dipole moment?

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  17. Which of the following is the most stable areonium or benzenium ion?

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  18. Which of the following ketonic compound is the least stable?

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  19. Which of the following compounds will give curdy precipate with `AgNO_(3)` solution?

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  20. Which of the folliwng compounds is the most reactive towards electrophilic substitution reaction?

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  21. Which of the folliwng is the most stable species?

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  22. Which of the following in not aromatic in nature?

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  23. Which of the following species will be least stable?

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  24. Which of the follwing compounds will undergo Friedel Creadfts alylation with faster rate?

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  25. Which of the following is anti-aromatic in nature?

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  26. Which of the following aromatic compounds is least reactive towards electrophilic substituions?

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  27. Which of the folliwng compounds will show faster `ArSN^(2)` reactions?

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  28. Which of the folliwng is the order of the rate of reaction of `C_(6)H_(6),C_(6)D_(6)`, and `C_(6)T_(6)` towards sulphonation?

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  29. Which of the folliwng is the correct order of the order of the rate of reaction of `C_(6)H_(6), C_(6)D_(6)` and `C_(6) T_(6)` towards nitration?

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  30. Which of the following will give `SN^(2)` mechanism?

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  31. Which of the following compounds gives `SN^(1), SN^(2)` and `SN^(2)` mechanisms?

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  32. Which of the folliwning ether wil always give `SN^(2)` mechanism in acidic as well as basic conditions?

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  33. Which of the follwoign ether will always give `SN^(2)` mechanism in acidic as well as basic conditions?

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  34. Which of the following substrates will gave racemised product?

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  35. The energy of activation is lowest for which reaction?

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  36. Isopentane on monochlorination gives....isomers and out of them ....... Are optically active.

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  37. Propane on dichlorinatin gives......isomers and out of them .....are optically active.

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  38. A soltuion of `(+2)-2-` chloro `-2-` phenylethan in toulene racemises slowly in the presence of a small amount of `SbCl_(5)`. Due to the formaiton of:

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  39. The number of isomers for the compounds with molecular formula `C_(2)BrClFI` is:

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  40. The decreasing basic order of the following compounds is:
    i. `NH_(3)`, ii. `PH_(3)`, iii. `AsH_(3)`, iv. `SbH_(3)`

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  41. The decreasing nucleophilic order of the following compounds is:
    i. `NH_(3)`, ii. `PH_(3)`, iii. `AsH_(3)`, iv. `SbH_(3)`

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  42. The decreasing nucelophilic order of the following compounds is:
    i. `NH_(3)`, ii. `PH_(3)`, iii. `AsH_(3)`, iv. `SbH_(3)`

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  43. The decreasing basic order of the following is:
    i. `F^(o-)`, ii. `Cl^(o-)`, iii. `Br^(o-)`, Iv. `I^(o-)`

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  44. The decreasing nucleophillic order fo the following compounds is:
    i. `F^(o-)`, ii. `Cl^(o-)`, iii. `Br^(o-)`, Iv. `I^(o-)`

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  45. The decreasing leaving group order of the following is:
    i. `F^(o-)`, ii. `Cl^(o-)`, iii. `Br^(o-)`, Iv. `I^(o-)`

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  46. The decreasing basic order of the following is:
    i. `overset(o-)(C)H_(3)`, ii. `overset(o-)(N)H_(2)`, iii. `overset(o-)(O)H`, iv. `F^(o-)`

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  47. The decreasing nucleophilic oder of the following compounds is:
    i. `overset(o-)(C)H_(3)`, ii. `overset(o-)(N)H_(2)`, iii. `overset(o-)(O)H`, iv. `F^(o-)`

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  48. The deecreasing leaving group order of the following compounds is:
    i. `overset(o-)(C)H_(3)`, ii. `overset(o-)(N)H_(2)`, iii. `overset(o-)(O)H`, iv. `F^(o-)`

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  49. The decarising basic order of the following is:
    i. `F_(3)CSO_(3)^(o-)`, ii. `Cl_(3)C-COO^(o-)`
    iii. `PhSO_(3)^(o-)`, iv. `MeSO_(3)^(o-)`

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  50. The decresing nuclephilic order of the following is:
    i. `F_(3)CSO_(3)^(o-)`, ii. `Cl_(3)C-COO^(o-)`
    iii. `PhSO_(3)^(o-)`, iv. `MeSO_(3)^(o-)`

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  51. The decreasing leaving group order of the following is:
    i. `F_(3)CSO_(3)^(o-)`, ii. `Cl_(3)C-COO^(o-)`
    iii. `PhSO_(3)^(o-)`, iv. `MeSO_(3)^(o-)`

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  52. The decreasing basic order of the following compounds is:
    i. `H_(2)O`, ii. `H_(2)S`, iii. `H_(2)Se`, iv. `H_(2)Te`

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  53. The decasing nucleophilic order of the following compounds is:
    i. `H_(2)O`, ii. `H_(2)S`, iii. `H_(2)Se`, iv. `H_(2)Te`

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  54. The decreasing leaving group order (fugacity order) of the following compounds is:
    i. `H_(2)O`, ii. `H_(2)S`, iii. `H_(2)Se`, iv. `H_(2)Te`

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  55. The decreasing basic order of the following is:
    i. overset(o-)(C)H_(3)`, ii. Overset(o-)(O)H`, iii. `CH_(3)COO^(o-)`, iv. `H_(2)O`

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  56. The decreasing nucelophilic order of the following compounds is:
    i. overset(o-)(C)H_(3)`, ii. Overset(o-)(O)H`, iii. `CH_(3)COO^(o-)`, iv. `H_(2)O`

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  57. The decrasing fugacity order of the following compounds is:
    i. overset(o-)(C)H_(3)`, ii. Overset(o-)(O)H`, iii. `CH_(3)COO^(o-)`, iv. `H_(2)O`

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  58. The decreasing basic order of the following is:
    i. `PhSO_(3)^(o-)`, ii. `C_(2)H_(5)SO_(3)^(o-)`, iii. `C_(2)H_(5)COO^(o-)`, iv. `overset(o-)(C)N`, v. `overset(o-)(O)H`

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  59. The decreasing nucleophilic order of the following compounds is:
    i. `PhSO_(3)^(o-)`, ii. `C_(2)H_(5)SO_(3)^(o-)`, iii. `C_(2)H_(5)COO^(o-)`, iv. `overset(o-)(C)N`, v. `overset(o-)(O)H`

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  60. The decreasing fugacity order of the following compounds is:
    i. `PhSO_(3)^(o-)`, ii. `C_(2)H_(5)SO_(3)^(o-)`, iii. `C_(2)H_(5)COO^(o-)`, iv. `overset(o-)(C)N`, v. `overset(o-)(O)H`

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  61. The decreaing basic order of the following is:
    i. `overset(o-)(C)N`, ii. `overset(o-)(O)H`, iii. `overset(o-)(O) Me`, iv. `overset(o-)(C)H_(3)`, v. `H^(o-)`

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  62. The decreasing nucelophilc order of the following compounds is:
    i. `overset(o-)(C)N`, ii. `overset(o-)(O)H`, iii. `overset(o-)(O) Me`, iv. `overset(o-)(C)H_(3)`, v. `H^(o-)`

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  63. The decreasing fugacity order of the following is:
    i. `overset(o-)(C)N`, ii. `overset(o-)(O)H`, iii. `overset(o-)(O) Me`, iv. `overset(o-)(C)H_(3)`, v. `H^(o-)`

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  64. The decrasing basic order of the following is:
    i. `Me_(2)N - Nme_(2)`, ii. `MeNH-NHMe`
    iii. `H_(2)N - NH_(2)`, iv. `NH_(3)`

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  65. Decreasing nucelophilic order of the following is:
    i. `Me_(2)N - Nme_(2)`, ii. `MeNH-NHMe`
    iii. `H_(2)N - NH_(2)`, iv. `NH_(3)`

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  66. The decresing fugacity order of the following is:
    i. `Me_(2)N - Nme_(2)`, ii. `MeNH-NHMe`
    iii. `H_(2)N - NH_(2)`, iv. `NH_(3)`

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  67. `underset("Specific rotation" = +50^(@))(Ph-CH(OH)CH_(3)) overset(SOCl_(2))(rarr) underset(Cl)underset(|)(PhCH) - CH_(3)`
    What si the specific rotation of the product?

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  68. Which of the following mechanisms deos the reaction proceed?

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  69. Which of the following acts as a nucelphilic?

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  70. The reaction is carried out in the presence of pyridne, Which of the following mechanisms does it follow?

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  71. Which of the following acts as a leaving group?

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  72. `CH_(3) - CH(Cl) - C_(2)H_(5) overset(Alc.KOH)(rarr) CH_(3) - CH = CH - CH_(3)`
    The above reaction proceeds via `ElcB` mechanism. Which of the followiing statements is true about `ElcB` mechanism?

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  73. Alkyl halides can be obtained by all methods except

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  74. Meopentyl chloride on reaction with ethanolic KOH is likely to give

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  75. In the reaction `CH_(3)C -= overset(theta)(C) overset(o+)(N)a + (CH_(3))_(2) CHCl rarr`, the product formed is:

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  76. In order to get ethanetiol from bromoethane, the reagent used is :

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  77. For the preparation of chloroethane,

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  78. X on treatment with sodium hydroxide followed by the addition of silver nitrate give white precipitate at room temperature which are soluble in `NH_(4)OH`. X can be :

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  79. Which of the following cannot be used for the preaparation of iodofrom ?

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  80. Which of the following hladies is capable of exhibitin enantiomerism?

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  81. A suspension of `CaOCl_(2)` in water is heated with ethanol, the product formed is :

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  82. Pick up the correct statements about alkyl halides.

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  83. Which of the following is a geminal dihalide ?

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  84. `C_(2)H_(5)I overset(AgNO_(2))rarr underset(("major product"))("X. Here X")` is :

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  85. Which of the following sequence would yield m-nitrochlorobenzene (Z) from benzene ?

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  86. `C_(3)H_(7) Cl overset(KOH(alc.))(rarr) (A) underset(770K)overset(Cl_(2) (g))(rarr) (X).(X)` can be:

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  87. Which of the following alkyl halides undergoes the fastest `S_(N^(1))` reaction ?

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  88. Choose the incorrect reaction.

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  89. In order to convert aniline into chlorobenzene the reagents needed are

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  90. The reaction between chloral and chlorobenzene in `H_(2)SO_(4)` yields:

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  91. Under the influene of air and light chloroform decomposes into

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  92. When iofoform is heated with silver poweder, the gaseous product formed is:

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  93. The reaction involving the treatment of benzene diazonium chloride with copper powder and HCl is treated as

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  94. `C_(6)H_(5)Cl underset("625 K 300 atm")overset(NaOH(aq.))(rarr)...` The product can be:

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  95. `(CH_(3))_(2)CHI overset(KOH)underset(EtOH)rarr A overset(SO_(2)Cl_(2))underset(475 K)rarr B`
    The compound B in the sequence is

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  96. In given sequence of reaction predict X
    `X overset(KOH)underset(H_(2)O)rarr Y overset(Al_(2)O_(3))underset(633 K)rarr Z overset([O])rarr2` moles of `CH_(3)COOH`

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  97. Iodofrom can be prepared from:

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  98. When bromoethane is treated with potassium sulphide, the main product formed is

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  99. `(CH_(3))_(2)CHCl+NaI overset("Acetone")rarr (CH_(3))_(2)CHI+NaCl`
    The above reaction is known as :

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  100. Isopropyl alcohol is heated with a suspension of bleaching powder `(CaOCl_(2))` with water. The products are :

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Exercises Single Correct questions and complete solutions for chapter AROMATIC COMPOUNDS AND ALKYL AND ARYL HALIDES of CENGAGE CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12