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Complete Solutions to Examples of chapter DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
Number Of Questions76
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Find the order and degree of the following differential equations. i) `(dy)/(dx)+y=1/((dy)/(dx))`, ii) `e^((d^(3)y)/(dx^(3)))-x(d^(2)y)/(dx^(2))+y=0` , iii) `sin^(-1)((dy)/(dx))=x+y`, iv) `log_(e)((dy)/(dx))=ax+by`
    v) `y(d^(2)y)/(dx^(2))+x((dy)/(dx))^(2)-4y(dy)/(dx)=0`

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  2. Form the differential equation of family of lines concurrent at the origin.

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  3. Form the differential equation of all circle touching the x-axis at the origin and centre on the y-axis.

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  4. Form the differential equation of family of lines situated at a constant distance `p` from the origin.

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  5. From the differential equation of the family of parabolas with focus at the origin and axis of symmetry along the x-axis. Find the order and degree of the differential equation.

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  6. The differential equation of all parabolas whose axis are parallel to the y-axis is (a) `( b ) (c) (d)(( e ) (f) d^(( g )3( h ))( i ) y)/( j )(( k ) d (l) x^(( m )3( n ))( o ))( p ) (q)=0( r )` (s) (b) `( t ) (u) (v)(( w ) (x) d^(( y )2( z ))( a a ) x)/( b b )(( c c ) d (dd) y^(( e e )2( f f ))( g g ))( h h ) (ii)=C (jj)` (kk) (c) `( d ) (e) (f)(( g ) (h) d^(( i )3( j ))( k ) y)/( l )(( m ) d (n) x^(( o )3( p ))( q ))( r ) (s)+( t )(( u ) (v) d^(( w )2( x ))( y ) x)/( z )(( a a ) d (bb) y^(( c c )2( d d ))( e e ))( f f ) (gg)=0( h h )` (ii) (d) `( j j ) (kk) (ll)(( m m ) (nn) d^(( o o )2( p p ))( q q ) y)/( r r )(( s s ) d (tt) x^(( u u )2( v v ))( w w ))( x x ) (yy)+2( z z )(( a a a ) dy)/( b b b )(( c c c ) dx)( d d d ) (eee)=C (fff)` (ggg)

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  7. From the differential equation of the family curves having equation `y=(sin^(-1)x)^(2)+Acos^(-1)x+B`.

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  8. What is the order of the differential equation whose general solution is `y=c_(1)cos2x+c_(2)sin^(2)x+c_(3)cos^(2)x+c_(4)e^(2x)+c_(5)e^(2x+c6)`?

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  9. Find the particular solution of the differential equation
    `(1+e^(2x))dy+(1+y^(2))e^(x)dx=0.` Given that `y=1` when `x=0.`

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  10. Solve `log(dy/dx)=4x-2y-2` , given that `y=1` when `x=1.`

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  11. Solve the differential equation `x y(dx)/(y dx)=(1+y^2)/(1+x^2)(1+x+x^2)`

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  12. Solve the following differential equation: `sqrt(1+x^2+y^2+x^2\ y^2)\ +x y(dy)/(dx)=0`

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  13. Solve `(d^2y)/(dx^2)=((dy)/(dx))^2`

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  14. Solve `(dy)/(dx)=(x+y)^2`

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  15. Solve `(dy)/(dx) sqrt(1+x+y) =x+y-1`

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  16. Show that the given differential equation is homogeneous and solve each of them.

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  17. `x dy - y dx = sqrt(x^(2) + y^(2)) dx`

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  18. Solve `xsin(y/x)dy=(ysin(y/x)-x)dx`.

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  19. `(1 + e^(x)/(y)) dx + e^(x)/(y)(1 - (x)/(y)) dy = 0`

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  20. Solve `x dy=(y+x(f(y/x))/(f^(prime)(y/x)))dx`

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  21. Find the real value of `m` for which the substitution `y=u^m` will transform the differential equation `2x^4y(dy)/(dx)+y^4=4x^6` in to a homogeneous equation.

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  22. Solve `(dy)/(dx)=(x+2y+3)/(2x+3y+4)`

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  23. Solve:
    `xdy+ydx= (xdy-ydx)/(x^(2)+y^(2))`

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  24. Solve: `[(x+1)y/x+siny]dx+[x+log_(e)x+xcosy]dy=0`

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  25. Solve: `(xcosx-sinx)dx=x/ysinxdy`

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  26. Solve: `y^(4)dx+2xy^(3)dy=(ydx-xdy)/(x^(3)y^(3))`

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  27. Solve:
    `(dy)/(dx) = (yf^(')(x)-y^(2))/(f(x))`

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  28. Solve the differential equation `ye^(x/y)dx=(xe^(x/y)+y^(2))dy(yne0).`

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  29. Solve `(dy)/(dx)=(x-2y+5)/(2x+y-1)`

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  30. Solve `(x+y(dy)/(dx))/(y-x(dy)/(dx))=x^2+2y^2+(y^4)/(x^2)`

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  31. Solve:
    `1(1/ysinx/y-y/x^(2)cosy/x+1)dx+(1/xcosy/x-x/y^(2)sin y/x+1/y^(2))dy=0`

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  32. Solve `x^2((dy)/(dx))+y=1`

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  33. Solve:

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  34. Solve `(1+y+x^2y) dx+(x+x^3)dy=0`

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  35. Solve : `(x+2y^3)dy/dx=y`

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  36. Solve the differential equation: `(1+y^2) + ( x - e^(tan^-1 y) ) dy/dx = 0`

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  37. Let `u(x)` and `v(x)` satisfy the differential equation `(d u)/(dx)+p(x)u=f(x)` and `(d v)/(dx)+p(x)v=g(x)` are continuous functions. If `u(x_1)` for some `x_1` and `f(x)>g(x)` for all `x > x_1,` prove that any point `(x , y),` where `x > x_1,` does not satisfy the equations `y=u(x)` and `y=v(x)dot`

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  38. Solve `((dy)/(dx))+(y/x)=y^3`

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  39. Solve `((dy)/(dx))=e^(x-y)(e^x-e^y)dot`

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  40. Solve `(x-1)dy+ydx=x(x-1)y^(1/3)dxdot`

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  41. The solution of the differential equation, `e^x(x +1)dx + (ye^y -xe^x)dy = 0` with initial condition f(0) = 0, is

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  42. The slope of a curve, passing through (3,4) at any point is the reciprocal of twice the ordinate of that point. Show that it is parabola.

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  43. Find the equation of a curve passing through the point `(0,2),` given that the sum of the coordinates of any point on the curve exceeds the magnitude of the slope of the tangent to the curve at that point by `5`.

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  44. Find the equation of the curve passing through (2,1) which has constant sub-tangent.

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  45. lf length of tangent at any point on th curve `y=f(x)` intercepted between the point and the x-axis is of length 1. Find the equation of the curve.

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  46. Find the equation of a curve passing through the point (1.1) if the perpendicular distance of the origin from the normal at any point P(x, y) of the curve is equal to the distance of P from the x-axis.

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  47. Find the equation of the curve such that the portion of the x-axis cut off between the origin and the tangent art a point is twice the abscissa and which passes through the point (1,2).

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  48. Find the equation of the curve passing through the point, (5,4) if the sum of reciprocal of the intercepts of the normal drawn at any point P(x,y) on it is 1.

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  49. Find the equation of the curve passing through the origin if the middle point of the segment of its normal from any point of the curve to the x-axis lies on the parabola `2y^2=x`

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  50. Find the equation of family of curves which intersect the family of curves xy=c at an angle `45^(@)`.

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  51. Find the orthogonal trajectory of `y^2=4a x` (a being the parameter).

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  52. The population of a certain is known to increase at a rate proportional to the number of people presently living in the country. If after two years the population has doubled, and after three years the population is 20,000 estimates the number of people initially living in the country.

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  53. What constant interest rate is required if an initial deposit placed into an account accrues interest compounded continuously is to double its value in six years? `(ln|x|=0. 6930)`

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  54. Suppose that a mothball loses volume by evaporation at a rate proportional to its instantaneous area. If the diameter of the ball decreases from 2cm to 1cm in 3 months, how long will it take until the ball has practically gone?

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  55. A body at a temperature of `50^0F` is placed outdoors where the temperature is `100^0F` . If the rate of change of the temperature of a body is proportional to the temperature difference between the body and its surrounding medium. If after 5 min the temperature of the body is `60^0F` , find (a) how long it will take the body to reach a temperature of 75 `^0` F and (b) the temperature of the body after 20 min.

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  56. Find the time required for a cylindrical tank of radius `r` and height `H` to empty through a round hole of area `a` at the bottom. The flow through the hole is according to the law `v(t)=ksqrt(2gh(t))` , where `v(t)` and `h(t)` , are respectively, the velocity of flow through the hole and the height of the water level above the hole at time `t ,` and `g` is the acceleration due to gravity.

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  57. A country has a food deficit of `10%`. Its population grows continuously at a rate of `3%` per year. Its annual food production every year is 4% more than that of the last year. Assuming that the average food requirement per person remains constant, prove that the country will become self-sufficient in food after `n` years, where `n` is the smallest integer bigger than or equal to `(ln10-ln9)/(ln(1.04)-0.03)`

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  58. A hemi-spherical tank of radius 2 m is initially full of water and has an outlet of `12c m^2` cross-sectional area at the bottom. The outlet is opened at some instant. The flow through the outlet is according to the law `v(t)=sqrt(0. 62gh(t)),` where `v(t)` and `h(t)` are, respectively, the velocity of the flow through the outlet and the height of water level above the outlet and the height of water level above the outlet at time `t ,` and `g` is the acceleration due to gravity. Find the time it takes to empty the tank.

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  59. Solve `(x+y(dy)/(dx))/(y-x(dy)/(dx))=x^2+2y^2+(y^4)/(x^2)`

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  60. Show that the given differential equation is homogeneous and solve each of them.

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  61. Solve `(dy)/(dx)=((x+y)^2)/((x+2)(y-2))`

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  62. Solve `y((dy)/(dx))^(2)`

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  63. If `y+d/(dx)(x y)=x(sinx+logx),fin dy(x)dot`

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  64. If `int_a^x ty(t)dt=x^2+y(x),` then find `y(x)`

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  65. about to only mathematics

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  66. Solve `(dy)/(dx)=(s in)/(sin2y-xcosy)`

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  67. Solve:
    `(dy)/(dx) +(3y)/(x) = g(x)`, where g(x) = `{{:(1,if0lexle1),(1/x,if xgt1):}`
    `y(1/2)=1/8` and y(x) is continous on `[0,infty]`.

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  68. Solve: `(xcosy-ysiny)dy+(x siny+ycosy)dx=0`

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  69. If `y_1` and `y_2` are the solution of the differential equation `(dy)/(dx)+P y=Q` , where `P` and `Q` are functions of `x` alone and `y_2=y_1z` , then prove that `z=1+cdote^(-fQ/(y_1)dx),` where `c` is an arbitrary constant.

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  70. If `y_1` and `y_2` are two solutions to the differential equation `(dy)/(dx)+P(x)y=Q(x)` . Then prove that `y=y_1+c(y_1-y_2)` is the general solution to the equation where `c` is any constant.

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  71. Let `f(x),xgeq0,` be a non-negative continuous function, and let `f(x)=int_0^xf(t)dt ,xgeq0,` if for some `c >0,f(x)lt=cF(x)` for all `xgeq0,` then show that `f(x)=0` for all `xgeq0.`

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  72. Find a pair of curves such that (a) the tangents drawn at points with equal abscissas intersect on the y-axis. (b) the normal drawn at points with equal abscissas intersect on the x-axis. (c) one curve passes through (1,1) and other passes through (2, 3).

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  73. Given two curves: `y=f(x)` passing through the point `(0,1)` and `g(x)=int_(-oo)^xf(t)dt` passing through the point `(0,1/n)dot` The tangents drawn to both the curves at the points with equal abscissas intersect on the x-axis. Find the curve `y=f(x)dot`

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  74. A cyclist moving on a level road at 4 m/s stops pedalling and lets the wheels come to rest. The retardation of the cycle has two components: a constant 0.08 `m//s^2` due to friction in the working parts and a resistance of `0. 02v^2//m` , where `v` is speed in meters per second. What distance is traversed by the cycle before it comes to rest? (consider 1n 5=1.61).

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  75. The force of resistance encountered by water on a motor boat of mass `m` going in still water with velocity `v` is proportional to the velocity `vdot` At `t=0` when its velocity is `v_0,` then engine shuts off. Find an expression for the position of motor boat at time `t` and also the distance travelled by the boat before it comes to rest. Take the proportionality constant as `k > 0.`

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  76. `A` and `B` are two separate reservoirs of water. Capacity of reservoir `A` is double the capacity of reservoir `Bdot` Both the reservoirs are filled completely with water, their inlets are closed and then the water is released simultaneously from both the reservoirs. The rate of flow of water out of each reservoir at any instant of time is proportional to the quantity of water in the reservoir at the time. One hour after the water is released, the quantity of water is reservoir `A` is `1 1/2` times the quantity of water in reservoir `Bdot` After how many hours do both the reservoirs have the same quantity of water?

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Examples questions and complete solutions for chapter DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS of CENGAGE of Class 12