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Complete Solutions to Exercise (Numerical) of chapter DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
CENGAGE NEWExercise (Numerical)
Number Of Questions15
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If `y=y(x)` and it follows the relation `4x e^(x y)=y+5sin^2x ,` then `y^(prime)(0)` is equal to______

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  2. If `x(dy)/(x t)=x^2+y-2,y(1)=1,` then `y(2)` equal________

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  3. If the dependent variable `y` is changed to `z` by the substitution `y=tanz` and the differential equation `(d^2y)/(dx^2)=1+(2(1+y))/(1+y^2)((dy)/(dx))^2` is changed to `(d^2z)/(dx^2)=cos^2z+k((dz)/(dx))^2,` then the value of `k` equal to_______

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  4. Let y=y(t) be a solution to the differential equation `y^(')+2ty=t^(2)`, then 16 `lim_(t to infty t) y/t` is……………….

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  5. If the solution of the differential equation `(dy)/(dx)=1/(xcosy+sin2y)` is `x=c e^(siny)-k(1+siny),` then the value of `k` is_______

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  6. If the independent variable `x` is changed to `y ,` then the differential equation `x(d^2y)/(dx^2)+((dy)/(dx))^3-(dy)/(dx)=0` is changed to `x(d^2x)/(dy^2)+((dx)/(dy))^2=k` where `k` equals____

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  7. Let `y_(1)` and `y_(2)` be two different solutions of the equation
    `(dy)/(dx)+P(x).y=Q(x)`. Then `alphay_(1)+betay_(2)` will be solution of the given equation if `alpha + beta=……………….`

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  8. Tangent is drawn at the point `(x_i ,y_i)` on the curve `y=f(x),` which intersects the x-axis at `(x_(i+1),0)` . Now, again a tangent is drawn at `(x_(i+1,)y_(i+1))` on the curve which intersect the x-axis at `(x_(i+2,)0)` and the process is repeated `n` times, i.e. `i=1,2,3dot,ndot` If `x_1,x_2,x_3,ddot,x_n` from an arithmetic progression with common difference equal to `(log)_2e` and curve passes through `(0,2)dot` Now if curve passes through the point `(-2, k),` then the value of `k` is____

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  9. The perpendicular from the origin to the tangent at any point on a curve is equal to the abscissa of the point of contact. Also curve passes through the point (1,1). Then the length of intercept of the curve on the x-axis is__________

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  10. If the eccentricity of the curve for which tangent at point `P` intersects the y-axis at `M` such that the point of tangency is equidistant from `M` and the origin is `e ,` then the value of `5e^2` is___

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  11. If the solution of the differential equation `(dy)/(dx)-y=1-e^(-x)` and `y(0)=y_0` has a finite value, when `xvecoo,` then the value of `|2/(y_0)|` is__

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  12. Let f be a function defined on the interval `[0,2pi]` such that `int_(0)^(x)(f^(')(t)-sin2t)dt=int_(x)^(0)f(t)tantdt` and `f(0)=1`. Then the maximum value of `f(x)`is…………………..

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  13. Let `y(x)` be a function satisfying `(d^(2)y)/(dx^(2))-(dy)/(dx)+e^(2x)=0`, y(0)= and `y^(')(0)=1`. If maximum value of `y(x)` is `y(alpha)`, then integral part of `2alpha` is……………..

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  14. if the differential equation of a curve, passing through `(0,-(pi)/(4))` and `(t,0)` is `cosy((dy)/(dx)+e^(-x))+siny(e^(-x)-(dy)/(dx))=e^(e^(-x))` then find the value of `t.e^(e^(-1))`

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  15. Let f be a continuous function satisfying the equation `int_(0)^(x)f(t)dt+int_(0)^(x)tf(x-t)dt=e^(-x)-1`, then find the value of `e^(9)f(9)` is equal to…………………..

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Exercise (Numerical) questions and complete solutions for chapter DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS of CENGAGE of Class 12