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Complete Solutions to Single Correct Answer Type of chapter DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
CENGAGE NEW DPPSingle Correct Answer Type
Number Of Questions37
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The order of the differential equation whose general solution is `y = c_(1) cos 2x + c_(2) cos^(2) x + c_(3) sin^(2) x + c_(4)` is

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  2. Order of the differential equation whose general solution is `y = (ax)/(bx + c)`, where a, b, c are arbitrary constants is

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  3. If p and q are order and degree of differential equation `y^(2)((d^(2)y)/(dx^(2)))^(2)+3x((dy)/(dx))^(1/3) + x^(2)y^(2) = sin x, then`

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  4. If m and n are the order and degree of the differential equation `(y'')^(5)+4 . ((y'')^(3))/(y''')+y'''=sin x, then`

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  5. If the differenential equation `(dx)/(3y+f)+(dy)/(px+g)=0` represents a family of circle, then p=

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  6. The general solution of `(dy)/(dx) = 1 - x^(2) -y^(2) + x^(2) y^(2)` is

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  7. The solution of the differential equation `e^(-x) (y+1) dy +(cos^(2) x - sin 2x) y (dx) = 0` subjected to the condition that y = 1 when x = 0 is

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  8. The solutio of the differential equation `(x^(2)-yx^(2))(dy)/(dx)+y^(2)+xy^(2) = 0` is

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  9. The family of curves passing through `(0,0)` and satisfying the differential equation `y_2/y_1=1` `("where", y_n=(d^ny)/dx^n)` is (A) `y=k` (B) `y=kx` (C) `y= k(e^x +1)` (C) `y= k(e^x -1)`

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  10. The solution of the differential equation `y^(2)dx+(x^(2)-xy + y^(2))dy = 0` is

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  11. The solution of differential equation `(1-xy + x^(2) y^(2))dx = x^(2) dy` is

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  12. If y(t) satisfies the differential equation `y'(t)+2y(t)=2e^(-2t),y(0)=2` then y(1) equals

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  13. If `(dy)/(dx)-y log_(e) 2 = 2^(sin x)(cos x -1) log_(e) 2`, then y =

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  14. If `ye^(y) dx = (y^(3) + 2xe^(y))dy, y(0) = 1`, then the value of x when y = 0 is

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  15. If `y_(1)(x)` is a solution of the differential equation `(dy)/(dx)-f(x)y = 0`, then a solution of the differential equation `(dy)/(dx) + f(x) y = r(x)` is

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  16. The general solution of `x((dy)/(dx))+(logx)y=x^(-1/2logx)` is

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  17. Find the general solution of the differential equation `(1+tany)(dx-dy)+2x dy=0`

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  18. Solution of differential equation `x^(2)y - x^(3) (dy)/(dx)=y^(4) cos x` is

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  19. Suppose a solutions of the differential equation `(xy^3 + x^2y^7) dy/dx =1 ` satisfies the initial conditions `y(1/4)=1.` Then the value of `dy/dx` when `y = -1` is

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  20. The general solution of the differential equation `(dy)/(dx) = y tan x - y^(2) sec x` is

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  21. The solution of differential equation `x^(2)(x dy + y dx) = (xy - 1)^(2) dx` is (where c is an arbitrary constant)

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  22. Solution of the differential `(x+2y^(3))=(dx)/(dy)y` is

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  23. General solution of differential equation `x^(2)(x+y(dy)/(dx))+(x(dy)/(dx)-y)sqrt(x^(2)+y^(2))=0` is

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  24. Solution of the differential y' = `(3yx^(2))/(x^(3)+2y^(4))` is

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  25. For `y gt 0 and x in R, ydx + y^(2)dy = xdy` where y = f(x). If f(1)=1, then the value of f(-3) is

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  26. An equation of the curve satisfying `x dy - y dx = sqrt(x^(2)-y^(2))dx` and y(1) = 0 is

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  27. The solution of `(y(1+x^(-1))+siny)dx +(x+log x +x cos y)dy=0` is

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  28. The solution of `(1+x)(dy)/(dx)+1=e^(x-y)` is

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  29. The solution of differential equation `x sec((y)/(x))(y dx + x dy)="y cosec"((y)/(x))(x dy - y dx)` is

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  30. The general solution of the differential equation `sqrt(1-x^(2)y^(2)) dx = y dx + x dy` is

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  31. Solve `(1 + xy) ydx + (1-xy)xdy = 0`

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  32. Solution of the differential equation `dy/dx=(y^3)/(e^(2x)+y^2)` , is

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  33. A popular grows at the rate of 10% of the population per year. How long does it take for the population to doble ?

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  34. A tangent drawn to the curve y = f(x) at P(x, y) cuts the x and y axes at A and B, respectively, such that AP : PB = 1 : 3. If f(1) = 1 then the curve passes through `(k,(1)/(8))` where k is

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  35. A curve 'C' with negative slope through the point(0,1) lies in the I Quadrant. The tangent at any point 'P' on it meets the x-axis at 'Q'. Such that `PQ=1`. Then
    The curve in parametric form is

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  36. Tangent to a curve intercepts the y-axis at a point `Pdot` A line perpendicular to this tangent through `P` passes through another point (1,0). The differential equation of the curve is (a) `( b ) (c) y (d)(( e ) dy)/( f )(( g ) dx)( h ) (i)-x (j) (k)(( l ) (m) (n)(( o ) dy)/( p )(( q ) dx)( r ) (s) (t))^(( u )2( v ))( w )=1( x )` (y) (b) `( z ) (aa) (bb)(( c c ) x (dd) d^(( e e )2( f f ))( g g ))/( h h )(( i i ) d (jj) x^(( k k )2( l l ))( m m ))( n n ) (oo)+( p p ) (qq)(( r r ) (ss) (tt)(( u u ) dy)/( v v )(( w w ) dx)( x x ) (yy) (zz))^(( a a a )2( b b b ))( c c c )=0( d d d )` (eee) (c) `( d ) (e) y (f)(( g ) dx)/( h )(( i ) dy)( j ) (k)+x=1( l )` (m) (d) None of these

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  37. The orthogonal trajectories of the family of curves an `a^(n-1)y = x^n` are given by (A) `x^n+n^2y=constant` (B) `ny^2+x^2=constant` (C) `n^2x+y^n=constant` (D) `y=x`

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Single Correct Answer Type questions and complete solutions for chapter DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS of CENGAGE of Class 12