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Complete Solutions to Exercise (Single) of chapter DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
CENGAGE NEWExercise (Single)
Number Of Questions74
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The degree of the differential equation satisfying
    `sqrt(1-x^(2))+sqrt(1-y^(2))=a(x-y)`, is

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  2. Number of values of `m in N` for which `y=e^(m x)` is a solution of the differential equation `(d^3y)/(dx^3)-3(d^2y)/(dx^2)-4(dy)/(dx)+12 y=0` (a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) More than 2

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  3. The order of differential equation of family of circles passing through intersection of `3x+4y-7=0` and `S=-x^(2)+y^(2)-2x+1=0` is

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  4. The differential equation of the family of all non-horizontal lines in a plane is

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  5. The differential equation of the family of curves `y=e^x(Acosx+Bsinx),` where `A` and `B` are arbitrary constants is (a) `( b ) (c) (d)(( e ) (f) d^(( g )2( h ))( i ) y)/( j )(( k ) d (l) x^(( m )2( n ))( o ))( p ) (q)-2( r )(( s ) dy)/( t )(( u ) dx)( v ) (w)+2y=0( x )` (y) (z) `( a a ) (bb) (cc)(( d d ) (ee) d^(( f f )2( g g ))( h h ) y)/( i i )(( j j ) d (kk) x^(( l l )2( m m ))( n n ))( o o ) (pp)+2( q q )(( r r ) dy)/( s s )(( t t ) dx)( u u ) (vv)+2y=0( w w )` (xx) (yy) `( z z ) (aaa) (bbb)(( c c c ) (ddd) d^(( e e e )2( f f f ))( g g g ) y)/( h h h )(( i i i ) d (jjj) x^(( k k k )2( l l l ))( m m m ))( n n n ) (ooo)+( p p p ) (qqq)(( r r r ) (sss) (ttt)(( u u u ) dy)/( v v v )(( w w w ) dx)( x x x ) (yyy) (zzz))^(( a a a a )2( b b b b ))( c c c c )+y=0( d d d d )` (eeee) (ffff) `( g g g g ) (hhhh) (iiii)(( j j j j ) (kkkk) d^(( l l l l )2( m m m m ))( n n n n ) y)/( o o o o )(( p p p p ) d (qqqq) x^(( r r r r )2( s s s s ))( t t t t ))( u u u u ) (vvvv)-7( w w w w )(( x x x x ) dy)/( y y y y )(( z z z z ) dx)( a a a a a ) (bbbbb)+2y=0( c c c c c )` (ddddd)

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  6. Differential equation of the family of circles touching the line `y=2` at `(0,2)` is (a) `( b ) (c) (d) x^(( e )2( f ))( g )+( h ) (i)(( j ) (k) y-2( l ))^(( m )2( n ))( o )+( p )(( q ) dy)/( r )(( s ) dx)( t ) (u)(( v ) (w) y-2( x ))=0( y )` (z) (aa) `( b b ) (cc) (dd) x^(( e e )2( f f ))( g g )+(( h h ) (ii) y-2( j j ))(( k k ) (ll)2-2x (mm)(( n n ) dx)/( o o )(( p p ) dy)( q q ) (rr)-y (ss))=0( t t )` (uu) (vv) `( w w ) (xx) (yy) x^(( z z )2( a a a ))( b b b )+( c c c ) (ddd)(( e e e ) (fff) y-2( g g g ))^(( h h h )2( i i i ))( j j j )+(( k k k ) (lll) (mmm)(( n n n ) dx)/( o o o )(( p p p ) dy)( q q q ) (rrr)+y-2( s s s ))(( t t t ) (uuu) y-2( v v v ))=0( w w w )` (xxx) (yyy) None of these

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  7. The order and degree of the differential equation of all tangent lines to the parabola `y=x^2` is (a) 1,2 (b) 2,3 (c) 2,1 (d) 1,1

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  8. The differential equation for the family of curve `x^2+y^2-2a y=0,` where `a` is an arbitrary constant, is (a) `( b ) (c)2(( d ) (e) (f) x^(( g )2( h ))( i )-( j ) y^(( k )2( l ))( m ) (n))( o ) y^(( p )prime( q ))( r )=x y (s)` (t) (u) `( v ) (w)2(( x ) (y) (z) x^(( a a )2( b b ))( c c )+( d d ) y^(( e e )2( f f ))( g g ) (hh))( i i ) y^(( j j )prime( k k ))( l l )=x y (mm)` (nn) (oo) `( p p ) (qq)(( r r ) (ss) (tt) x^(( u u )2( v v ))( w w )-( x x ) y^(( y y )2( z z ))( a a a ) (bbb))( c c c ) y^(( d d d )prime( e e e ))( f f f )=2x y (ggg)` (hhh) (iii) `( j j j ) (kkk)(( l l l ) (mmm) (nnn) x^(( o o o )2( p p p ))( q q q )+( r r r ) y^(( s s s )2( t t t ))( u u u ) (vvv))( w w w ) y^(( x x x )prime( y y y ))( z z z )=2x y (aaaa)` (bbbb)

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  9. The differential equation whose general solution is given by `y=c_1cos(x+c_2)-c_3e^((-x+c4))+(c_5sinx),` where `c_1,c_2,c_3,c_4,c_5` are arbitrary constants, is

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  10. If `y=x/(In|cx|)` (where c is an arbitary constant) is the general solution of the differential equation `(dy)/(dx)=y/x+phi(x/y)` then function `phi(x/y)` is:

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  11. The differential equation of the curve `x/(c-1)+y/(c+1)=1` is (a) `( b ) (c)(( d ) (e) (f)(( g ) dy)/( h )(( i ) dx)( j ) (k)-1( l ))(( m ) (n) y+x (o)(( p ) dy)/( q )(( r ) dx)( s ) (t) (u))=2( v )(( w ) dy)/( x )(( y ) dx)( z ) (aa) (bb)` (cc) (dd) `( e e ) (ff)(( g g ) (hh) (ii)(( j j ) dy)/( k k )(( l l ) dx)( m m ) (nn)+1( o o ))(( p p ) (qq) y-x (rr)(( s s ) dy)/( t t )(( u u ) dx)( v v ) (ww) (xx))=( y y )(( z z ) dy)/( a a a )(( b b b ) dx)( c c c ) (ddd) (eee)` (fff) (ggg) `( h h h ) (iii)(( j j j ) (kkk) (lll)(( m m m ) dy)/( n n n )(( o o o ) dx)( p p p ) (qqq)+1( r r r ))(( s s s ) (ttt) y-x (uuu)(( v v v ) dy)/( w w w )(( x x x ) dx)( y y y ) (zzz) (aaaa))=2( b b b b )(( c c c c ) dy)/( d d d d )(( e e e e ) dx)( f f f f ) (gggg) (hhhh)` (iiii)

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  12. if `y=y(x)` and `(2+sinx)/(y+1)((dy)/(dx))=-cosx ,y(0)=1,` then `y(pi/2)=` (a) `( b ) (c) (d)1/( e )3( f ) (g) (h)` (i) (b) `( j ) (k) (l)2/( m )3( n ) (o) (p)` (q) (c) `( r ) (s)-( t )1/( u )3( v ) (w) (x)` (y) (d) 1

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  13. Find the equation of the curve whose slope is `(y-1)/(x^(2)+x)` and which passes through the point (1,0).

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  14. The solution of the equation `(dy)/(dx)=(x(2logx+1)/(siny+ycosy)` is (a) `( b ) (c) ysiny=( d ) x^(( e )2( f ))( g )logx+( h )(( i ) (j) x^(( k )2( l ))( m ))/( n )2( o ) (p)+c (q)` (r) (s) `( t ) (u) ycosy=( v ) x^(( w )2( x ))( y )(logx+1)+c (z)` (aa) (bb) `( c c ) (dd) ycosy=( e e ) x^(( f f )2( g g ))( h h )logx+( i i )(( j j ) (kk) x^(( l l )2( m m ))( n n ))/( o o )2( p p ) (qq)+c (rr)` (ss) (tt) `( u u ) (vv) ysiny=( w w ) x^(( x x )2( y y ))( z z )logx+c (aaa)` (bbb)

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  15. The solution of the equation `(x^2y+x^2)dx+y^2(x-1)dy=0` is given by (a) `( b ) (c) (d) x^(( e )2( f ))( g )+( h ) y^(( i )2( j ))( k )+2(( l ) (m) x-y (n))+21n (o)(( p )(( q ) (r) x-1( s ))(( t ) (u) y+1( v )))/( w ) c (x) (y)=0( z )` (aa) (bb) `( c c ) (dd) (ee) x^(( f f )2( g g ))( h h )+( i i ) y^(( j j )2( k k ))( l l )+2(( m m ) (nn) x-y (oo))+1n (pp)(( q q )(( r r ) (ss) x-1( t t ))(( u u ) (vv) y+1( w w )))/( x x ) c (yy) (zz)=0( a a a )` (bbb) (ccc) `( d d d ) (eee) (fff) x^(( g g g )2( h h h ))( i i i )+( j j j ) y^(( k k k )2( l l l ))( m m m )+2(( n n n ) (ooo) x-y (ppp))-21n (qqq)(( r r r )(( s s s ) (ttt) x-1( u u u ))(( v v v ) (www) y+1( x x x )))/( y y y ) c (zzz) (aaaa)=0( b b b b )` (cccc) (dddd) None of these

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  16. Solve the following differential equations

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  17. The solution of `(d v)/(dt)+k/m v=-g` is (a) `( b ) (c) v=c (d) e^(( e ) (f) (g) k/( h )g( i ) (j) t (k))( l )-( m )(( n ) mg)/( o ) k (p) (q) (r)` (s) (b) `( t ) (u) v=c-( v )(( w ) mg)/( x ) k (y) (z) (aa) e^(( b b ) (cc) (dd) k/( e e ) m (ff) (gg) t (hh))( i i ) (jj)` (kk) (c) `( d ) (e) v (f) e^(( g ) (h) (i) k/( j ) m (k) (l) t (m))( n )=c-( o )(( p ) mg)/( q ) k (r) (s) (t)` (u) (d) `( v ) (w) v (x) e^(( y ) (z) (aa) k/( b b ) m (cc) (dd) t (ee))( f f )=c-( g g )(( h h ) mg)/( i i ) k (jj) (kk) (ll)` (mm)

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  18. The general solution of the differential equation `(dy)/(dx)+sin(x+y)/2=sin(x-y)/2` is (a) `( b ) (c)logtan(( d ) (e) (f) y/( g )2( h ) (i) (j))=c-2sinx (k)` (l) (m) `( n ) (o)logtan(( p ) (q) (r) y/( s )4( t ) (u) (v))=c-2sin(( w ) (x) (y) x/( z )2( a a ) (bb) (cc))( d d )` (ee) (ff) `( g g ) (hh)logtan(( i i ) (jj) (kk) y/( l l )2( m m ) (nn)+( o o )pi/( p p )4( q q ) (rr) (ss))=c-2sinx (tt)` (uu) (vv) `( w w ) (xx)logtan(( y y ) (zz) (aaa) y/( b b b )4( c c c ) (ddd)+( e e e )pi/( f f f )4( g g g ) (hhh) (iii))=c-2sin(( j j j ) (kkk) (lll) x/( m m m )2( n n n ) (ooo) (ppp))( q q q )` (rrr)

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  19. if `y+x(dy)/(dx)=x(phi(xy))/(phi'(xy))` then `phi(xy)` is

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  20. Find the solution of differential equation `x^(2)=1 + (x/y)^(-1) (dy)/(dx) + ((x/y)^(-2)((dy)/(dx))^(2))/(2!)+.....`

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  21. The solution of the differential equation `(x+(x^3)/(3!)+(x^5)/(5!)+)/(1+(x^2)/(2!)+(x^4)/(4!)+)=(dx-dy)/(dx+dy)i s` (a) `( b ) (c)2y( d ) e^(( e ) (f)2x (g))( h )=C( i ) e^(( j ) (k)2x (l))( m )+1( n )` (o) (p) `( q ) (r)2y( s ) e^(( t ) (u)2x (v))( w )=C( x ) e^(( y ) (z)2x (aa))( b b )-1( c c )` (dd) (ee) `( f f ) (gg) y( h h ) e^(( i i ) (jj)2x (kk))( l l )=C( m m ) e^(( n n ) (oo)2x (pp))( q q )+2( r r )` (ss) (d) None of these

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  22. The solution of the differential equation `x=1+x y(dy)/(dx)+(x^2y^2)/(2!)((dy)/d)^2+(x^3y^3)/(3!)((dy)/(dx))^3+ i s` (a) `( b ) (c) y=1n(( d ) x (e))+c (f)` (g) (b) `( h ) (i) (j) y^(( k )2( l ))( m )=( n ) (o)(( p ) (q)1nx (r))^(( s )2( t ))( u )+c (v)` (w) (c) `( d ) (e) y=logx+x y (f)` (g) (d) `( h ) (i) x y=( j ) x^(( k ) y (l))( m )+c (n)` (o)

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  23. A curve passing through `(2,3)` and satisfying the differential equation `int_0^x ty(t)dt=x^2y(x),(x >0)` is (a) `( b ) (c) (d) x^(( e )2( f ))( g )+( h ) y^(( i )2( j ))( k )=13 (l)` (m) (b) `( n ) (o) (p) y^(( q )2( r ))( s )=( t )9/( u )2( v ) (w) x (x)` (y) (c) `( d ) (e) (f)(( g ) (h) x^(( i )2( j ))( k ))/( l )8( m ) (n)+( o )(( p ) (q) y^(( r )2( s ))( t ))/( u )(( v ) 18)( w ) (x)=1( y )` (z) (d) `( a a ) (bb) x y=6( c c )` (dd)

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  24. The solution of the differential equation `(d^2y)/(dx^2)=sin3x+e^x+x^2` when `y_1(0)=1` and `y(0)=0` is

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  25. Find the solution of the differential equation `y^(')y^(''')=3(y^(''))^(2)` is

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  26. The solution of the differential equation `y^(prime prime prime)-8y^(prime prime)=0,` where `y(0)=1/8,y^(prime)(0)=0,y^(prime prime)(0)=1` , is

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  27. The slope of the tangent at `(x , y)` to a curve passing through `(1,pi/4)` is given by `y/x-cos^2(y/x),` then the equation of the curve is (a) `( b ) (c) y=( d ) (e)tan^(( f ) (g)-1( h ))( i )(( j ) (k)log(( l ) (m) (n) e/( o ) x (p) (q) (r))( s ))( t )` (u) (v) `( w ) (x) y=x (y) (z)tan^(( a a ) (bb)-1( c c ))( d d )(( e e ) (ff)log(( g g ) (hh) (ii) x/( j j ) e (kk) (ll) (mm))( n n ))( o o )` (pp) (qq) `( r r ) (ss) y=x (tt) (uu)tan^(( v v ) (ww)-1( x x ))( y y )(( z z ) (aaa)log(( b b b ) (ccc) (ddd) e/( e e e ) x (fff) (ggg) (hhh))( i i i ))( j j j )` (kkk) (d) none of these

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  28. Solve `x((dy)/(dx))=y(logy-logx+1)`

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  29. The solution of differential equation `x y^(prime)=x((y^2)/(x^2)+(f((y^2)/(x^2)))/(f^(prime)((y^2)/(x^2))))` is (a) `( b ) (c)f(( d ) (e) (f)(( g ) (h) y^(( i )2( j ))( k ))/( l )(( m ) (n) x^(( o )2( p ))( q ))( r ) (s) (t))=c (u) x^(( v )2( w ))( x ) (y)` (z) (b) `( a a ) (bb) (cc) x^(( d d )2( e e ))( f f )f(( g g ) (hh) (ii)(( j j ) (kk) y^(( l l )2( m m ))( n n ))/( o o )(( p p ) (qq) x^(( r r )2( s s ))( t t ))( u u ) (vv) (ww))=( x x ) c^(( y y )2( z z ))( a a a ) (bbb) y^(( c c c )2( d d d ))( e e e ) (fff)` (ggg) (c) `( d ) (e) (f) x^(( g )2( h ))( i )f(( j ) (k) (l)(( m ) (n) y^(( o )2( p ))( q ))/( r )(( s ) (t) x^(( u )2( v ))( w ))( x ) (y) (z))=c (aa)` (bb) (d) `( c c ) (dd)f(( e e ) (ff) (gg)(( h h ) (ii) y^(( j j )2( k k ))( l l ))/( m m )(( n n ) (oo) x^(( p p )2( q q ))( r r ))( s s ) (tt) (uu))=( v v )(( w w ) c y)/( x x ) x (yy) (zz) (aaa)` (bbb)

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  30. The solution of `(x^2+x y)dy=(x^2+y^2)dx` is (a) `( b ) (c)logx=log(( d ) (e) x-y (f))+( g ) y/( h ) x (i) (j)+c (k)` (l) (m) `( n ) (o)logx=2log(( p ) (q) x-y (r))+( s ) y/( t ) x (u) (v)+c (w)` (x) (y) `( z ) (aa)logx=log(( b b ) (cc) x-y (dd))+( e e ) x/( f f ) y (gg) (hh)+c (ii)` (jj) (kk) None of these

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  31. The solution of `(y+x+5)dy=(y-x+1)dx` is

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  32. The slope of the tangent at `(x , y)` to a curve passing through a point `(2,1)` is `(x^2+y^2)/(2x y)` , then the equation of the curve is (a) `( b ) (c)2(( d ) (e) (f) x^(( g )2( h ))( i )-( j ) y^(( k )2( l ))( m ) (n))=3x (o)` (p) (b) `( q ) (r)2(( s ) (t) (u) x^(( v )2( w ))( x )-( y ) y^(( z )2( a a ))( b b ) (cc))=6y (dd)` (ee) (c) `( d ) (e) x(( f ) (g) (h) x^(( i )2( j ))( k )-( l ) y^(( m )2( n ))( o ) (p))=6( q )` (r) (d) `( s ) (t) x(( u ) (v) (w) x^(( x )2( y ))( z )+( a a ) y^(( b b )2( c c ))( d d ) (ee))=10 (ff)` (gg)

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  33. Solution of the differential equation `ydx-xdy+xsqrt(xy)dy=0` is

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  34. The solution of `(x^2dy)/(dx)-x y=1+cosy/x` is (a) `( b ) (c)tan(( d ) (e) (f) y/( g )(( h )2x)( i ) (j) (k))=c-( l )1/( m )(( n )2( o ) x^(( p )2( q ))( r ))( s ) (t) (u)` (v) (w) `( x ) (y)tan( z ) y/( a a ) x (bb) (cc)=c+( d d )1/( e e ) x (ff) (gg) (hh)` (ii) (jj) `( k k ) (ll)cos(( m m ) (nn) (oo) y/( p p ) x (qq) (rr) (ss))=1+( t t ) c/( u u ) x (vv) (ww) (xx)` (yy) (d) `( z z ) (aaa) (bbb) x^(( c c c )2( d d d ))( e e e )=(( f f f ) (ggg) c+( h h h ) x^(( i i i )2( j j j ))( k k k ) (lll))tan( m m m ) y/( n n n ) x (ooo) (ppp) (qqq)` (rrr)

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  35. The solution of the differential equation `2x^2y(dy)/(dx)=tan(x^2y^2)-2x y^2,` given `x=1, y=pi/2,` is

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  36. Solution of the differential equation `{1/x-(y^2)/((x-y)^2)}dx+{(x^2)/((x-y)^2)-1/y}dy=0` is (a) `( b ) (c)1n|( d ) (e) x/( f ) y (g) (h)|+( i )(( j ) dy)/( k )(( l ) x-y)( m ) (n)=c (o)` (p) (b) `( q ) (r) (s)(( t ) x y)/( u )(( v ) x-y)( w ) (x)=c (y) e^(( z ) (aa) (bb) x/( c c ) y (dd) (ee) (ff))( g g ) (hh)` (ii) (c) `( d ) (e)1n|( f ) x y|=c+( g )(( h ) x y)/( i )(( j ) x-y)( k ) (l) (m)` (n) (d) None of these

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  37. The solution of differential equation `(2y+x y^3)dx+(x+x^2y^2)dy=0` is (a) `( b ) (c) (d) x^(( e )2( f ))( g ) y+( h )(( i ) (j) x^(( k )3( l ))( m ) (n) y^(( o )3( p ))( q ))/( r )3( s ) (t)=c (u)` (v) (b) `( w ) (x) x (y) y^(( z )2( a a ))( b b )+( c c )(( d d ) (ee) x^(( f f )3( g g ))( h h ) (ii) y^(( j j )3( k k ))( l l ))/( m m )3( n n ) (oo)=c (pp)` (qq) (c) `( d ) (e) (f) x^(( g )2( h ))( i ) y+( j )(( k ) (l) x^(( m )4( n ))( o ) (p) y^(( q )4( r ))( s ))/( t )4( u ) (v)=c (w)` (x) (d) None of these

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  38. Find the solution of `y e^(-x/y)dx-(x e^((-x/y))+y^3)dy=0` is

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  39. Find the curve satisfying the equation `(dy)/(dx)=(y(x+y^3))/(x(y^3-x))` and passing through the point `(4,-2)` is

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  40. Find the solution of differential equation
    `(x+y(dy)/(dx))/(y-x(dy)/(dx)) = (x/y^3)(cos^(2)(x^(2)+y^(2)))` is

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  41. The solution of the differential equation `(dy)/(dx)=(3x^2y^4+2x y)/(x^2-2x^3y^3)` is (a) `( b ) (c) (d)(( e ) (f) y^(( g )2( h ))( i ))/( j ) x (k) (l)-( m ) x^(( n )3( o ))( p ) (q) y^(( r )2( s ))( t )=c (u)` (v) (w) `( x ) (y) (z)(( a a ) (bb) x^(( c c )2( d d ))( e e ))/( f f )(( g g ) (hh) y^(( i i )2( j j ))( k k ))( l l ) (mm)+( n n ) x^(( o o )3( p p ))( q q ) (rr) y^(( s s )3( t t ))( u u )=c (vv)` (ww) (xx) `( y y ) (zz) (aaa)(( b b b ) (ccc) x^(( d d d )2( e e e ))( f f f ))/( g g g ) y (hhh) (iii)+( j j j ) x^(( k k k )3( l l l ))( m m m ) (nnn) y^(( o o o )2( p p p ))( q q q )=c (rrr)` (sss) (d) `( t t t ) (uuu) (vvv)(( w w w ) (xxx) x^(( y y y )2( z z z ))( a a a a ))/( b b b b )(( c c c c )3y)( d d d d ) (eeee)-2( f f f f ) x^(( g g g g )3( h h h h ))( i i i i ) (jjjj) y^(( k k k k )2( l l l l ))( m m m m )=c (nnnn)` (oooo)

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  42. The solution of the differential equation `{1+xsqrt((x^2+y^2))}dx+{sqrt((x^2+y^2))-1}ydy=0` is equal to

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  43. The solution of differential equation `(y(2x^4+y)dy)/(dx)=(1-4x y^2)x^2` is given by (a) `( b ) (c)3( d ) (e)(( f ) (g) (h) x^(( i )2( j ))( k ) y (l))^(( m )2( n ))( o )+( p ) y^(( q )3( r ))( s )-( t ) x^(( u )3( v ))( w )=c (x)` (y) (z) `( a a ) (bb) x (cc) y^(( d d )2( e e ))( f f )+( g g )(( h h ) (ii) y^(( j j )3( k k ))( l l ))/( m m )3( n n ) (oo)-( p p )(( q q ) (rr) x^(( s s )3( t t ))( u u ))/( v v )3( w w ) (xx)+c=0( y y )` (zz) (aaa) `( b b b ) (ccc) (ddd)2/( e e e )5( f f f ) (ggg) y (hhh) x^(( i i i )5( j j j ))( k k k )+( l l l )(( m m m ) (nnn) y^(( o o o )3( p p p ))( q q q ))/( r r r )3( s s s ) (ttt)=( u u u )(( v v v ) (www) x^(( x x x )3( y y y ))( z z z ))/( a a a a )3( b b b b ) (cccc)-( d d d d )(( e e e e )4x (ffff) y^(( g g g g )3( h h h h ))( i i i i ))/( j j j j )3( k k k k ) (llll)+c (mmmm)` (nnnn) (d) None of these

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  44. The solution of the differential equation `(xcoty+logcosx)dy+(logsiny-ytanx)dx=0` is (a) `( b ) (c) (d) (e)(( f ) (g)sinx (h))^(( i ) y (j))( k )( l ) (m)(( n ) (o)cosy (p))^(( q ) x (r))( s )=c (t)` (u) (v) `( w ) (x) (y) (z)(( a a ) (bb)siny (cc))^(( d d ) y (ee))( f f )( g g ) (hh)(( i i ) (jj)cosx (kk))^(( l l ) y (mm))( n n )=c (oo)` (pp) (qq) `( r r ) (ss) (tt) (uu)(( v v ) (ww)sinx (xx))^(( y y ) x (zz))( a a a )( b b b ) (ccc)(( d d d ) (eee)cosy (fff))^(( g g g ) y (hhh))( i i i )=c (jjj)` (kkk) (d) None of these

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  45. If `=(e^y-x)^(-1),` where `y(0)=0` , then `y` is expressed explicitly as (a) `( b ) (c) (d)1/( e )2( f ) (g)1n(( h ) (i)1+( j ) x^(( k )2( l ))( m ) (n))( o )` (p) (b) `( q ) (r)1n(( s ) (t)1+( u ) x^(( v )2( w ))( x ) (y))( z )` (aa) (c) `( d ) (e)1n(( f ) (g) x+sqrt(( h ) (i)1+( j ) x^(( k )2( l ))( m ) (n))( o ) (p))( q )` (r) (d) `( s ) (t)1n(( u ) (v) x+sqrt(( w ) (x)1-( y ) x^(( z )2( a a ))( b b ) (cc))( d d ) (ee))( f f )` (gg)

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  46. The general solution of the differential equation, `y^(prime)+yvarphi^(prime)(x)-varphi^(prime)(x) varphi(x)=0`, where `varphi(x)` is a known function, is

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  47. The integrating factor of the differential equation `(dy)/(dx)(x(log)x)+y=2(log) x` is given by

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  48. The solution of the differential equation `x(x^2+1)((dy)/(dx))=y(1-x^2)+x^3logx` is

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  49. Integrating factor of the differential equation `cosx(dy)/(dx)+ysinx=1` is

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  50. Solution of the equation `cos^2x(dy/dx)-(tan2x)y=cos^4x, when `y(pi/6)=(3sqrt(3))/8` is

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  51. If integrating factor of `x(1-x^2)dy+(2x^2y-y-a x^3)dx=0` is `e^(intp dx ,)` then `P` is equal to

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  52. A function `y=f(x)` satisfies `(x+1)f^(prime)(x)-2(x^2+x)f(x)=(e^x^2)/((x+1)),AAx > -1.` If `f(0)=5,` then `f(x)` is

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  53. The general solution of the equation `(dy)/(dx)=1+x y` is (a) `( b ) (c) y=c (d) e^( e ) (f)-( g )(( h ) (i) x^((( j )2( k ))( l ))/( m )2( n ) (o) (p))( q ) (r)` (s) (b) `( t ) (u) y=c (v) e^( w ) (x) (y)(( z ) (aa) x^((( b b )2( c c ))( d d ))/( e e )2( f f ) (gg) (hh))( i i ) (jj)` (kk) (c) `( d ) (e) y=(( f ) (g) x+c (h)),( i ) e^( j ) (k)-( l )(( m ) (n) x^((( o )2( p ))( q ))/( r )2( s ) (t) (u))( v ) (w)` (x) (d) None of these

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  54. The solution of the differential equation `(x+2y^3)(dy)/(dx)=y` is

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  55. The solution of the differential equation `x^2(dy)/(dx)cos(1/x)-ysin(1/x)=-1,` where `y->-1` as `x->oo` is

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  56. The solution of `(dy)/(dx)=(x^2+y^2+1)/(2x y)` satisfying `y(1)=1` is

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  57. The solution of the differential equation `(dy)/(dx)=1/(x y[x^2siny^2+1])` is (a) `( b ) (c) (d) x^(( e )2( f ))( g )(cos( h ) y^(( i )2( j ))( k )-sin( l ) y^(( m )2( n ))( o )-2C (p) e^( q ) (r)-( s ) y^((( t )2( u ))( v ) (w))( x ))=2( y )` (z) (aa) `( b b ) (cc) (dd) y^(( e e )2( f f ))( g g )(cos( h h ) y^(( i i )2( j j ))( k k )-sin( l l ) y^(( m m )2( n n ))( o o )-2C (pp) e^( q q ) (rr)-( s s ) y^((( t t )2( u u ))( v v ) (ww))( x x ))=2( y y )` (zz) (aaa) `( b b b ) (ccc) (ddd) x^(( e e e )2( f f f ))( g g g )(cos( h h h ) y^(( i i i )2( j j j ))( k k k )-sin( l l l ) y^(( m m m )2( n n n ))( o o o )-( p p p ) e^( q q q ) (rrr)-( s s s ) y^((( t t t )2( u u u ))( v v v ) (www))( x x x ))=4C (yyy)` (zzz) (aaaa) None of these

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  58. Find the equation of a curve passing through `(2,7/2)` and having gradient `1-1/(x^2)` at `(x , y)` is

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  59. Which of the following is not the differential equation of family of curves whose tangent form an angle of `pi/4` with (a) `( b ) (c) (d)(( e ) dy)/( f )(( g ) dx)( h ) (i)=( j )(( k ) x-y)/( l )(( m ) x+y)( n ) (o) (p)` (q) (b) `( r ) (s) (t)(( u ) dy)/( v )(( w ) dx)( x ) (y)=( z ) x/( a a )(( b b ) x-y)( c c ) (dd) (ee)` (ff) (c) `( d ) (e) (f)(( g ) dy)/( h )(( i ) dx)( j ) (k)=( l )(( m ) x+y)/( n )(( o ) y-x)( p ) (q) (r)` (s) (d) None of these

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  60. Tangent to a curve intercepts the y-axis at a point `Pdot` A line perpendicular to this tangent through `P` passes through another point (1,0). The differential equation of the curve is (a) `( b ) (c) y (d)(( e ) dy)/( f )(( g ) dx)( h ) (i)-x (j) (k)(( l ) (m) (n)(( o ) dy)/( p )(( q ) dx)( r ) (s) (t))^(( u )2( v ))( w )=1( x )` (y) (b) `( z ) (aa) (bb)(( c c ) x (dd) d^(( e e )2( f f ))( g g ))/( h h )(( i i ) d (jj) x^(( k k )2( l l ))( m m ))( n n ) (oo)+( p p ) (qq)(( r r ) (ss) (tt)(( u u ) dy)/( v v )(( w w ) dx)( x x ) (yy) (zz))^(( a a a )2( b b b ))( c c c )=0( d d d )` (eee) (c) `( d ) (e) y (f)(( g ) dx)/( h )(( i ) dy)( j ) (k)+x=1( l )` (m) (d) None of these

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  61. Orthogonal trajectories of family of the curve `x^(2/3)+y^(2/3)=a^((2/3))` , where `a` is any arbitrary constant, is

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  62. The curve in the first quadrant for which the normal at any point `(x , y)` and the line joining the origin to that point form an isosceles triangle with the x-axis as base is (a) an ellipse (b) a rectangular hyperbola (c) a circle (d) None of these

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  63. The equation of the curve which is such that the portion of the axis of `x` cut off between the origin and tangent at any point is proportional to the ordinate of that point is (a) `( b ) (c) x=y(a-blogx)( d )` (e) (f) `( g ) (h)logx=b (i) y^(( j )2( k ))( l )+a (m)` (n) (o) `( p ) (q) (r) x^(( s )2( t ))( u )=y(a-blogy)( v )` (w) (d) None of these

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  64. The family of curves represented by `(dy)/(dx)=(x^(2)+x+1)/(y^(2)+y+1)` and the family represented by `(dy)/(dx)+(y^(2)+y+1)/(x^(2)+x+1)=0`

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  65. A normal at `P(x , y)` on a curve meets the x-axis at `Q` and `N` is the foot of the ordinate at `Pdot` If `N Q=(x(1+y^2))/(1+x^2)` , then the equation of curve given that it passes through the point `(3,1)` is (a) `( b ) (c) (d) x^(( e )2( f ))( g )-( h ) y^(( i )2( j ))( k )=8( l )` (m) (b) `( n ) (o) (p) x^(( q )2( r ))( s )+2( t ) y^(( u )2( v ))( w )=11 (x)` (y) (c) `( d ) (e) (f) x^(( g )2( h ))( i )-5( j ) y^(( k )2( l ))( m )=4( n )` (o) (d) None of these

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  66. A curve is such that the mid-point of the portion of the tangent intercepted between the point where the tangent is drawn and the point where the tangent meets the y-axis lies on the line `y=xdot` If the curve passes through `(1,0),` then the curve is (a) `( b ) (c)2y=( d ) x^(( e )2( f ))( g )-x (h)` (i) (b) `( j ) (k) y=( l ) x^(( m )2( n ))( o )-x (p)` (q) (c) `( d ) (e) y=x-( f ) x^(( g )2( h ))( i ) (j)` (k) (d) `( l ) (m) y=2(( n ) (o) x-( p ) x^(( q )2( r ))( s ) (t))( u )` (v)

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  67. The normal to a curve at `P(x , y)` meet the x-axis at `Gdot` If the distance of `G` from the origin is twice the abscissa of `P` , then the curve is a (a) parabola (b) circle (c) hyperbola (d) ellipse

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  68. The x-intercept of the tangent to a curve is equal to the ordinate of the point of contact. The equation of the curve through the point (1,1) is

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  69. The equation of a curve passing through (1,0) for which the product of the abscissa of a point `P` and the intercept made by a normal at `P` on the x-axis equal twice the square of the radius vector of the point `P` is (a) `( b ) (c) (d) x^(( e )2( f ))( g )+( h ) y^(( i )2( j ))( k )=( l ) x^(( m )4( n ))( o ) (p)` (q) (b) `( r ) (s) (t) x^(( u )2( v ))( w )+( x ) y^(( y )2( z ))( a a )=2( b b ) x^(( c c )4( d d ))( e e ) (ff)` (gg) (c) `( d ) (e) (f) x^(( g )2( h ))( i )+( j ) y^(( k )2( l ))( m )=4( n ) x^(( o )4( p ))( q ) (r)` (s) (d) None of these

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  70. The curve with the property that the projection of the ordinate on the normal is constant and has a length equal to `a` is (a) `( b ) (c) a1n(( d ) (e)sqrt(( f ) (g) (h) y^(( i )2( j ))( k )-( l ) a^(( m )2( n ))( o ) (p))( q )+y (r))=x+c (s)` (t) (u) `( v ) (w) x+sqrt(( x ) (y) (z) a^(( a a )2( b b ))( c c )-( d d ) y^(( e e )2( f f ))( g g ) (hh))( i i )=c (jj)` (kk) (ll) `( m m ) (nn) (oo) (pp)(( q q ) (rr) y-a (ss))^(( t t )2( u u ))( v v )=c x (ww)` (xx) (yy) `( z z ) (aaa) a y=( b b b ) (ccc)tan^(( d d d ) (eee)-1( f f f ))( g g g )(( h h h ) (iii) x+c (jjj))( k k k )` (lll)

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  71. Spherical rain drop evaporates at a rate proportional to its surface area. The differential equation corresponding to the rate of change of the radius of the rain drop if the constant of proportionality is `K >0` is (a) `( b ) (c) (d)(( e ) dy)/( f )(( g ) dt)( h ) (i)+K=0( j )` (k) (b) `( l ) (m) (n)(( o ) d r)/( p )(( q ) dt)( r ) (s)-K=0( t )` (u) (c) `( d ) (e) (f)(( g ) d r)/( h )(( i ) dt)( j ) (k)=K r (l)` (m) (d) None of these

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  72. Water is drained from a vertical cylindrical tank by opening a valve at the base of the tank. It is known that the rate at which the water level drops is proportional to the square root of water depth `y ,` where the constant of proportionality `k >0` depends on the acceleration due to gravity and the geometry of the hole. If `t` is measured in minutes and `k=1/(15),` then the time to drain the tank if the water is 4 m deep to start with is (a) 30 min (b) 45 min (c) 60 min (d) 80 min

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  73. The population of a country increases at a rate proportional to the number of inhabitants. `f` is the population which doubles in 30 years, then the population will triple in approximately. (a) 30 years (b) 45 years (c) 48 years (d) 54 years

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  74. An object falling from rest in air is subject not only to the gravitational force but also to air resistance. Assume that the air resistance is proportional to the velocity with constant of proportionality as `k >0` , and acts in a direction opposite to motion `(g=9. 8 m/(s^2))dot` Then velocity cannot exceed. (c) `( d ) (e) 9.8//k""m//s (f)` (g) (b) `( h ) (i) 98//k""m//s (j)` (k) (c) `( d ) (e) (f) k/( g )(( h ) 9.8)( i ) (j)m//s (k)` (l) (d) None of these

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Exercise (Single) questions and complete solutions for chapter DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS of CENGAGE of Class 12