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Complete Solutions to Examples of chapter MATRICES of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
Number Of Questions75
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If `e^(A)` is defined as `e^(A)=I+A+A^(2)/(2!)+A^(3)/(3!)+...=1/2 [(f(x),g(x)),(g(x),f(x))]`, where `A=[(x,x),(x,x)], 0 lt x lt 1` and I is identity matrix, then find the functions f(x) and g(x).

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  2. Prove that matrix `[((b^(2)-a^(2))/(a^(2)+b^(2)),(-2ab)/(a^(2)+b^(2))),((-2ab)/(a^(2)+b^(2)),(a^(2)-b^(2))/(a^(2)+b^(2)))]` is orthogonal.

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  3. If `A=[(a,b),(c,d)]`, where a, b, c and d are real numbers, then prove that `A^(2)-(a+d)A+(ad-bc) I=O`. Hence or therwise, prove that if `A^(3)=O` then `A^(2)=O`

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  4. Statement 1: If `A=([a_(i j)])_(nxxn)` is such that `( a )_(i j)=a_(j i),AAi ,ja n dA^2=O ,` then matrix `A` null matrix. Statement 2: `|A|=0.`

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  5. Find the possible square roots of the two-rowed unit matrix I.

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  6. Prove the orthogonal matrices of order two are of the form `[(cos theta,-sin theta),(sin theta,cos theta)]` or `[(cos theta,sin theta),(sin theta,-cos theta)]`

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  7. Let `A=[("tan"pi/3,"sec" (2pi)/3),(cot (2013 pi/3),cos (2012 pi))]` and P be a `2 xx 2` matrix such that `P P^(T)=I`, where I is an identity matrix of order 2. If `Q=PAP^(T)` and `R=[r_("ij")]_(2xx2)=P^(T) Q^(8) P`, then find `r_(11)`.

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  8. Consider, `A=[(a,2,1),(0,b,0),(0,-3,c)]`, where a, b and c are the roots of the equation `x^(3)-3x^(2)+2x-1=0`. If matric B is such that `AB=BA, A+B-2I ne O` and `A^(2)-B^(2)=4I-4B`, then find the value of det. (B)

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  9. If A and B are square matrices of order 3 such that `det. (A) = -2` and `det.(B)= 1`, then `det.(A^(-1)adjB^(-1).adj(2A^(-1))` is equal to

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  10. If a matrix has 28 elements, what are the possible orders it can have ?

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  11. Construct a `2xx2` matrix, where
    (i) `a_("ij")=((i-2j)^(2))/(2)` (ii) `a_("ij")=|-2i+3j|`

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  12. What is the maximum number of different elements required to form a symmetric matrix of order 12 ?

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  13. If a square matix a of order three is defined `A=[a_("ij")]` where `a_("ij")=s g n(i-j)`, then prove that A is skew-symmetric matrix.

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  14. For what values of x and y are the following matrices equal ?
    `A=[(2x+1,3y),(0,y^(2)-5y)], B=[(x+3,y^(2)+2),(0,-6)]`

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  15. For `alpha, beta, gamma in R`, let
    `A=[(alpha^(2),6,8),(3,beta^(2),9),(4,5,gamma^(2))]` and `B=[(2alpha,3,5),(2,2beta,6),(1,4,2gamma-3)]`

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  16. Find the values of x for which matrix `[(3,-1+x,2),(3,-1,x+2),(x+3,-1,2)]` is singular.

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  17. If `A=[(1,2),(3,4),(5,6)]` and `B=[(-3,-2),(1,-5),(4,3)]`, then find `D=[(p,q),(r,s),(t,u)]` such that `A+B-D=O`.

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  18. If `A=[(cos alpha, -sin alpha),(sin alpha, cos alpha)], and A+A'=I`, then the value of `alpha` is

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  19. Let `A` be a square matrix. Then prove that `(i) A + A^T` is a symmetric matrix,`(ii) A -A^T` is a skew-symmetric matrix and`(iii) AA^T` and `A^TA` are symmetric matrices.

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  20. If `A=[2-1 3 1]` and `B=[1 4 7 2]` , find `3A-2Bdot`

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  21. Find the non-zero values of x satisfying the matrix equation
    `x[(2x, 2), (3, x)], 2[(8, 5x), (4, 4x)]=2[(x^(2)+8, 24), (10, 6x)]`

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  22. Let `A+2B=[(1,2,0),(6,-1,3),(-5,3,1)] and 2A-B=[(2,-1,5),(2,-1,6),(0,1,2)],` then find `tr(A)-tr(B).`

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  23. If `[(lambda^(2)-2lambda+1,lambda-2),(1-lambda^(2)+3lambda,1-lambda^(2))]=Alambda^(2)+Blambda+C`, where A, B and C are matrices then find matrices B and C.

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  24. Prove that square matrix can be expressed as the sum of a symmetric matrix and a skew-symmetric matrix.

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  25. Matrix A ha s m rows and n+ 5 columns; matrix B has m rows and `11 - n` columns. If both AB and BA exist, then (A) AB and BA are square matrix (B) AB and BA are of order `8 xx 8` and `3 xx 13`, respectively (C) `AB=BA` (D) None of these

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  26. If `A=[{:(2,3,-1),(1,4,2):}]` and `B=[{:(2,3),(4,5),(2,1):}]` then AB and BA are defined and equal.

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  27. Find the value of x and y that satisfy the equations `[(3,-2),(3,0),(2,4)] [(y,y),(x,x)]=[(3,3),(3y,3y),(10,10)]`

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  28. Find the values of x, y, z if the matrix `A=[(0, 2y,z),(x,y,-z),(x,-y,z)]` satisfy the equation `A'A=I`.

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  29. If `A=[costhetasintheta-sinthetacostheta]`, then prove that `A^n=[cosnthetasinntheta-sinnthetacosntheta], n in N`.

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  30. If `A=((p,q),(0,1))`, then show that `A^(8)=((p^(8),q((p^(8)-1)/(p-1))),(0,1))`

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  31. Let `A=[(2,1),(0,3)]` be a matrix. If `A^(10)=[(a,b),(c,d)]` then prove that `a+d` is divisible by 13.

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  32. Show that the solution of the equation `[(x, y),(z, t)]^(2)=O` is `[(x,y),(z,t)]=[(pm sqrt(alpha beta),-beta),(alpha,pm sqrt(alpha beta))]` where `alpha, beta` are arbitrary.

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  33. Let a be square matrix. Then prove that `A A^(T)` and `A^(T) A` are symmetric matrices.

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  34. If A, B are square materices of same order and B is a skewsymmetric matrix, show that `A^(T)BA` is skew-symmetric.

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  35. If a and B are square matrices of same order such that `AB+BA=O`, then prove that `A^(3)-B^(3)=(A+B) (A^(2)-AB-B^(2))`.

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  36. Let `A=[(1,2),(-1,3)]` .If `A^6=kA-205I` then then numerical quantity of `k-40` should be

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  37. Let A, B, C, D be (not necessarily square) real matrices such that `A^T=BCD: B^T=CDA; C^T=DAB` and `D^T=ABC.` For the matrix `S=ABCD`, consider the two statements. I. `S^3=S` II. `S^2=S^4` (A) II is true but not I (B) I is true but not II (C) both I and II are true (D) both I and II are false

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  38. If A and B are square matrices of the same order such that AB = BA, then prove by induction that `AB^(n)=B^(n)A`. Further, prove that `(AB)^(n)=A^(n)B^(n)` for all `n in N`.

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  39. If `A=[-1 1 0-2]` , then prove that `A^2+3A+2I=Odot` Hence, find `Ba n dC` matrices of order 2 with integer elements, if `A=B^3+C^3dot`

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  40. If `A=[(3,-4),(1,-1)]` then find tr. `(A^(2012))`.

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  41. If A is a nonsingular matrix satisfying `AB-BA=A`, then prove that det. `(B+I)=` det, `(B-I)`.

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  42. If det, `(A-B) ne 0, A^(4)=B^(4), C^(3) A=C^(3)B` and `B^(3)A=A^(3)B`, then find the value of det. `(A^(3)+B^(3)+C^(3))`.

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  43. Given a matrix `A=[a b c b c a c a b],w h e r ea ,b ,c` are real positive numbers `a b c=1a n dA^T A=I ,` then find the value of `a^3+b^3+c^3dot`

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  44. If `M` is a `3xx3` matrix, where det `M=1a n dM M^T=1,w h e r eI` is an identity matrix, prove theat det `(M-I)=0.`

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  45. Consider point P(x, y) in first quadrant. Its reflection about x-axis is `Q(x_(1), y_(1))`. So, `x_(1)=x` and `y(1)=-y`.
    This may be written as : `{(x_(1)=1. x+0.y),(y_(1)=0. x+(-1)y):}`
    This system of equations can be put in the matrix as :
    Here, matrix `[(1,0),(0,-1)]` is the matrix of reflection about x-axis. Then find the matrix of
    (i) reflection about y-axis
    (ii) reflection about the line `y=x`
    (iii) reflection about origin
    (iv) reflection about line `y=(tan theta)x`

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  46. If `A=[[2,-2,-4],[-1,3,4],[1,-2,-3]]` then A is `1) an idempotent matrix 2) nilpotent matrix 3) involutary 4) orthogonal matrix

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  47. If `A= [(1,1,3),(5,2,6),(-2,-1,-3)]` then find `A^(14)+3A-2I`

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  48. The matrix `A=[-5-8 0 3 5 0 1 2-]` is a. idempotent matrix b. involutory matrix c. nilpotent matrix d. none of these

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  49. If `abc=p` and `A=[(a,b,c),(c,a,b),(b,c,a)]`, prove that A is orthogonal if and only if a, b, c are the roots of the equation `x^(3) pm x^(2)-p=0`.

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  50. Let A be an orthogonal matrix, and B is a matrix such that `AB=BA`, then show that `AB^(T)=B^(T)A`.

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  51. Find the adjoint of the matrix `A=[(1,1,1),(2,1,-3),(-1,2,3)]`.

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  52. If `S=[((sqrt(3)-1)/(2sqrt(2)),(sqrt(3)+1)/(2sqrt(2))),(-((sqrt(3)+1)/(2sqrt(2))),(sqrt(3)-1)/(2sqrt(2)))], A=[(1,0),(-1,1)]` and `P=S ("adj.A") S^(T)`, then find matrix `S^(T) P^(10) S`.

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  53. If `A` is a square matrix such that `A(adjA)=[(4,0,0),(0,4,0),(0,0,4)],` then `=(|adj(adjA)|)/(2|adjA|)` is equal to

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  54. Let `A` be a square matrix of order 3 such that
    adj. (adj. (adj. A)) `=[(16,0,-24),(0,4,0),(0,12,4)]`. Then find
    (i) `|A|` (ii) adj. A

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  55. Let `A =[(1,-1,1),(2,1,-3),(1,1,1)]` and `10B=[(4,2,2),(-5,0,alpha),(1,-2,3)]`. If B is the inverse of A, then `alpha` is :

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  56. Matrices a and B satisfy `AB=B^(-1)`, where `B=[(2,-1),(2,0)]`. Find
    (i) without finding `B^(-1)`, the value of K for which
    (ii) without finding `A^(-1)`, the matrix X satifying `A^(-1) XA=B`.

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  57. Given the matrices a and B as `A=[(1,-1),(4,-1)]` and `B=[(1,-1),(2,-2)]`. The two matrices X and Y are such that `XA=B` and `AY=B`, then find the matrix `3(X+Y)`

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  58. If M is the matrix `[(1,-3),(-1,1)]` then find matrix `sum_(r=0)^(oo) ((-1)/3)^(r) M^(r+1)`

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  59. Let `p` be a non singular matrix, and `I + P + p^2 + ... + p^n = 0,` then find `p^-1`.

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  60. If A and B are square matrices of same order such that `AB=O` and `B ne O`, then prove that `|A|=0`.

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  61. If A is a symmetric matrix, B is a skew-symmetric matrix, `A+B` is nonsingular and `C=(A+B)^(-1) (A-B)`, then prove that
    (i) `C^(T) (A+B) C=A+B` (ii) `C^(T) (A-B)C=A-B`
    (iii) `C^(T)AC=A`

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  62. If the matrices, A, B and `(A+B)` are non-singular, then prove that `[A(A+B)^(-1) B]^(-1) =B^(-1)+A^(-1)`.

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  63. If matrix a satisfies the equation `A^(2)=A^(-1)`, then prove that `A^(2^(n))=A^(2^((n-1))), n in N`.

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  64. If a and B are non-singular symmetric matrices such that `AB=BA`, then prove that `A^(-1) B^(-1)` is symmetric matrix.

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  65. If A is a matrix of order n such that `A^(T)A=I` and X is any matric such that `X=(A+I)^(-1) (A-I)`, then show that X is skew symmetric matrix.

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  66. Show that two matrices
    `A=[(1,-1,0),(2,1,1)]` and `B=[(3,0,1),(0,3,1)]` are row equivalent.

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  67. Using elementary transformations, find the inverse of the matrix : `(2 0-1 5 1 0 0 1 3)`

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  68. Let a be a `3xx3` matric such that
    `[(1,2,3),(0,2,3),(0,1,1)]=[(0,0,1),(1,0,0),(0,1,0)]`, then find `A^(-1)`.

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  69. Using matrix method, solve the following system of equations:

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  70. Using matrix method, show that following system of equation is inconsistent : `2x+3y-z+4=0` `x-y+2z-7=0` `x+4y-3z+5=0`

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  71. about to only mathematics

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  72. Find the characteristic roots of the two-rowed orthogonal matrix `[(cos theta,-sin theta),(sin theta,cos theta)]` and verify that they are of unit modulus.

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  73. Show that if `lambda_(1), lambda_(2), ...., lamnda_(n)` are `n` eigenvalues of a square matrix a of order n, then the eigenvalues of the matric `A^(2)` are `lambda_(1)^(2), lambda_(2)^(2),..., lambda_(n)^(2)`.

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  74. If A is nonsingular, prove that the eigenvalues of `A^(-1)` are the reciprocals of the eigenvalue of A.

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  75. If one of the eigenvalues of a square matrix a order `3xx3` is zero, then prove that det `A=0`.

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Examples questions and complete solutions for chapter MATRICES of CENGAGE of Class 12