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Complete Solutions to Exercise (Multiple) of chapter MATRICES of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
CENGAGE NEWExercise (Multiple)
Number Of Questions33
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If A is unimidular, then which of the following is unimodular ?

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  2. Let `A=a_("ij")` be a matrix of order 3, where `a_("ij")={(x,,"if "i = j","x in R,),(1,,"if "|i-j|=1,,", then which of the following"),(0,,"otherwise",):}`
    hold (s) good :

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  3. If `A=[(1,-1),(2,1)], B=[(a,1),(b,-1)]` and `(A+B)^(2)=A^(2)+B^(2)+2AB`, then

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  4. If AB=A and BA=Bm then which of the following is/are true ?

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  5. If `A(theta)=[(sin theta, i cos theta),(i cos theta, sin theta)]`, then which of the following is not true ?

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  6. Let A and B be two nonsingular square matrices, `A^(T)` and `B^(T)` are the tranpose matrices of A and B, respectively, then which of the following are coorect ?

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  7. If B is an idempotent matrix, and `A=I-B`, then

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  8. If `A_1=[(0, 0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 1, 0), (0, 1, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0, 0)],A_2=[(0, 0, 0,i),(0, 0,-i, 0), (0,i,0, 0),(-i,0, 0, 0)],t h e nA_i A_k+A_k A_i` is equal to
    a. `2Iifi=k`
    b. `Oifi!=k`
    c. `2lifi!=k`
    d. `O` always

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  9. Suppose `a_(1), a_(2)`, .... Are real numbers, with `a_(1) ne 0`. If `a_(1), a_(2), a_(3)`, ... Are in A.P., then

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  10. If `alpha, beta, gamma` are three real numbers and `A=[(1,cos (alpha-beta),cos(alpha-gamma)),(cos (beta-alpha),1,cos (beta-gamma)),(cos (gamma-alpha),cos (gamma-beta),1)]`
    then which of following is/are true ?

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  11. If `D_(1)` and `D_(2)` are two `3xx3` diagonal matrices, then which of the following is/are true ?

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  12. Let A be the `2 xx 2` matrix given by `A=[a_("ij")]` where `a_("ij") in {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}` such theta `a_(11)+a_(12)+a_(21)+a_(22)=4` then which of the following statement(s) is/are true ?

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  13. If `S=[(0,1,1),(1,0,1),(1,1,0)]` and `A=[(b+c,c-a,b-a),(c-b,c+b,a-b),(b-c,a-c,a+b)]`
    `(a, b, c ne 0)`, then `SAS^(-1)` is

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  14. P is a non-singular matrix and A, B are two matrices such that `B=P^(-1) AP`. The true statements among the following are

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  15. Let `A=[(1,2,2),(2,1,2),(2,2,1)]`. Then

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  16. If `A=[{:(1,0,0),(1,0,1),(0,1,0):}]`, then

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  17. If Ais symmetric and B is skew-symmetric matrix, then which of the following is/are CORRECT ?

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  18. If `A=((a_(i j)))_(nxxn)` and `f` is a function, we define `f(A)=((f(a_(i j))))_(nxxn ')` Let `A=(pi//2-thetatheta-thetapi//2-theta)` . Then `sinA` is invertible b. `sinA=cos A` c. `sinA` is orthogonal d. `sin(2A)=2AsinA cos A`

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  19. If a is matrix such that `A^(2)+A+2I=O`, then which of the following is/are true ?

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  20. If A = `[(3,-3,4),(2,-3,4),(0,-1,1)]`, then adj (adj A) is

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  21. If `[(1,-tan theta),(tan theta,1)][(1,tan theta),(-tan theta,1)]^(-1)=[(a,-b),(b,a)],` then

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  22. If `A^(-1)=[(1,-1,2),(0,3,1),(0,0,-1//3)]`, then

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  23. If `A` is an invertible matrix, tehn `(a d jdotA)^(-1)` is equal to `a d jdot(A^(-1))` b. `A/(d e tdotA)` c. `A` d. `(detA)A`

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  24. If A and B are two invertible matrices of the same order, then adj (AB) is equal to

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  25. If A, B, and C are three square matrices of the same order, then `AB=AC implies B=C`. Then

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  26. If `A` and `B` are two non singular matrices and both are symmetric and commute each other, then

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  27. If A and B are square matrices of order 3 such that `A^(3)=8 B^(3)=8I` and det. `(AB-A-2B+2I) ne 0`, then identify the correct statement(s), where `I` is idensity matrix of order 3.

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  28. Let A, B be two matrices different from identify matrix such that `AB=BA` and `A^(n)-B^(n)` is invertible for some positive integer n. If `A^(n)-B^(n)=A^(n+1)-B^(n+1)=A^(n+1)-B^(n+2)`, then

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  29. Let A and B be square matrices of the same order such that `A^(2)=I` and `B^(2)=I`, then which of the following is CORRECT ?

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  30. Let B is an invertible square matrix and B is the adjoint of matrix A such that `AB=B^(T)`. Then

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  31. First row of a matrix A is `[1,3,2]`. If
    adj `A=[(-2,4,alpha),(-1,2,1),(3alpha,-5,-2)]`, then a det (A) is

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  32. Let A be a square matrix of order 3 satisfies the relation `A^(3)-6A^(2)+7A-8I=O` and `B=A-2I`. Also, det. `A=8`, then

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  33. Which of the following matericeshave eigen values as 1 and -1 ?

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Exercise (Multiple) questions and complete solutions for chapter MATRICES of CENGAGE of Class 12