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Complete Solutions to Exercise (Single) of chapter MATRICES of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
CENGAGE NEWExercise (Single)
Number Of Questions65
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If A is symmetric as well as skew-symmetric matrix, then A is

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  2. Elements of a matrix `A` or orddr `10xx10` are defined as `a_(i j)=w^(i+j)` (where `w` is cube root of unity), then trace `(A)` of the matrix is `0` b. `1` c. `3` d. none of these

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  3. If `A_1, A_2, , A_(2n-1)a r en` skew-symmetric matrices of same order, then `B=sum_(r=1)^n(2r-1)(A^(2r-1))^(2r-1)` will be symmetric skew-symmetric neither symmetric nor skew-symmetric data not adequate

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  4. The equation `[(1, x, y)][(1,3,1),(0,2,-1),(0,2,-1)] [(1),(x),(y)]=[0]` has

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  5. Let `Aa n dB` be two `2xx2` matrices. Consider the statements
    (i) `A B=O, A=O or B=O`
    (ii) `A B=I_2 implies A=B^(-1)`
    (iii) `(A+B)^2=A^2+2A B+B^2`
    a. (i) and (ii) are false, (iii) is true
    b. (ii) and (iii) are false, (i) is true
    c. (i) is false (ii) and, (iii) are true
    d. (i) and (iii) are false, (ii) is true

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  6. The number of diagonal matrix, `A` or order`n` which `A^3=A` is

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  7. `A` is a `2xx2` matrix such that `A[1-1]=[-1 2]a n dA^2[1-1]=[1 0]dot` The sum of the elements of `A` is `-1` b. 0 c. 2 d. 5

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  8. If `theta-phi=pi/2,` prove that, `[(cos^2 theta,cos theta sin theta),(cos theta sin theta,sin^2 theta)] [(cos^2 phi,cos phi sin phi),(cos phi sin phi,sin^2 phi)]=0`

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  9. If `A=[a b0a]` is nth root of `I_2,` then choose the correct statements: If `n` is odd, `a=1,b=0` If `n` is odd, `a=-1,b=0` If `n` is even, `a=1,b=0` If `n` is even, `a=-1,b=0` a. i, ii, iii, iv b. ii, iii, iv c. i, ii, iii, iv d. i, iii, iv

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  10. If the square of the matrix `[(alpha,beta),(gamma,-alpha)]` is the unit matrix of order 2, then `alpha, beta` and `gamma` should satisfy the relation.

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  11. If `A=[i-i-i i]a n dB=[1-1-1 1],t h e nA^8` equals `4B` b. `128 B` c. `-128 B` d. `-64 B`

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  12. If `[2-1 1 0-3 4]A=[-1-8-10 1-2-5 9 22 15]` , then sum of all the elements of matrix `A` is `0` b. `1` c. `2` d. `-3`

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  13. For each real `x, -1 lt x lt 1`. Let A(x) be the matrix `(1-x)^(-1) [(1,-x),(-x,1)]` and `z=(x+y)/(1+xy)`. Then

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  14. If `A=[(0,-"tan"(alpha)/(2)),("tan"(alpha)/(2),0)]` and I is the identity matrix of order 2, show that `I+A=(I-A)[(cos alpha,-sin alpha),(sin alpha, cos alpha)]`

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  15. The number of solutions of the matrix equation `X^2=[1 1 2 3]` is a. more than2 b. `2` c. `0` d. `1`

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  16. If `A=[a b c d]` (where `b c!=0` ) satisfies the equations `x^2+k=0,t h e n` `a+d=0` b. `K=-|A|` c. `k=|A|` d. none of these

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  17. `A=[[2,1],[4,1]]; B=[[3,4],[2,3]]` & `c=[[3,-4],[-2,3]]`, `tr(A)+tr[(ABC)/2]+tr[(A(BC)^2)/4]+tr[(A(BC)^2)/8]+.....oo` is:

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  18. If `[(cos\ (2pi)/7,-sin\ (2pi)/7),(sin\ (2pi)/7,cos\ (2pi)/7)]^k=[(1,0),(0,1)],` then the least positive integral value of `k`, is

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  19. If A and B are square matrices of order `n ,` then prove that `Aa n dB` will commute iff `A-lambdaIa n dB-lambdaI` commute for every scalar `lambdadot`

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  20. Matrix `A` such that `A^2=2A-I ,w h e r eI` is the identity matrix, the for `ngeq2. A^n` is equal to `2^(n-1)A-(n-1)l` b. `2^(n-1)A-I` c. `n A-(n-1)l` d. `n A-I`

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  21. Let `A=[(0, alpha),(0,0)]` and `(A+I)^(50) -50A=[(a,b),(c,d)]`. Then the value of `a+b+c+d` is

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  22. If `Z` is an idempotent matrix, then `(I+Z)^n` `I+2^n Z` b. `I+(2^n-1)Z` c. `I-(2^n-1)Z` d. none of these

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  23. if `Aa n dB` are squares matrices such that `A^(2006)=Oa n dA B=A+B ,t h e n"det"(B)` equals `0` b. `1` c. `-1` d. none of these

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  24. If matrix A is given by `A=[[6,11] , [2,4]]` then determinant of `A^(2005)-6A^(2004)` is

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  25. If A is a non-diagonal involutory matrix, then

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  26. If A and B are two nonzero square matrices of the same order such that the product `AB=O`, then

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  27. If `Aa n dB` are symmetric matrices of the same order and `X=A B+B Aa n dY=A B-B A ,t h e n(X Y)^T` is equal to `X Y` b. `Y X` c. `-Y X` d. none of these

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  28. If `A ,B ,A+I ,A+B` are idempotent matrices, then `A B` is equal to

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  29. If `A=[(0,x),(y,0)]` and `A^(3)+A=O` then sum of possible values of xy is

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  30. Which of the following is an orthogonal matrix ?

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  31. Let A and B be two square matrices of the same size such that `AB^(T)+BA^(T)=O`. If A is a skew-symmetric matrix then BA is

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  32. In which of the following type of matrix inverse does not exist always? a. idempotent b. orthogonal c. involuntary d. none of these

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  33. Let `A` be an nth-order square matrix and `B` be its adjoint, then `|A B+K I_n|` is (where `K` is a scalar quantity) `(|A|+K)^(n-2)` b. `(|A|+)K^n` c. `(|A|+K)^(n-1)` d. none of these

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  34. If `A=[(a,b,c),(x,y,x),(p,q,r)], B=[(q,-b,y),(-p,a,-x),(r,-c,z)]` and If A is invertible, then which of the following is not true ?

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  35. If `A(alpha, beta)=[("cos" alpha,sin alpha,0),(-sin alpha,cos alpha,0),(0,0,e^(beta))]`, then `A(alpha, beta)^(-1)` is equal to

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  36. If `A=[(a+ib,c+id),(-c+id,a-ib)]` and `a^(2)+b^(2)+c^(2)+d^(2)=1`, then `A^(-1)` is equal to

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  37. Id `[1//25 0x1//25]=[5 0-a5]^(-2)` , then the value of `x` is `a//125` b. `2a//125` c. `2a//25` d. none of these

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  38. If `A=[(1,2),(2,1)]` and `f(x)=(1+x)/(1-x)`, then f(A) is

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  39. There are two possible values of A in the solution of the matrix equation
    `[(2A+1,-5),(-4,A)]^(-1) [(A-5,B),(2A-2,C)]=[(14,D),(E,F)]`
    where A, B, C, D, E and F are real numbers. The absolute value of the difference of these two solutions, is

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  40. If A and B are two square matrices such that `B=-A^(-1)BA`, then `(A+B)^(2)` is equal to

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  41. `A=[[1, tan x],[-tan x,1]]`, show that `A^(T)A^(-1)=[[cos 2x,-sin 2x],[sin 2x,cos 2x]]`.

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  42. If A is order 3 square matrix such that `|A|=2`, then `|"adj (adj (adj A))"|` is

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  43. If `A=[(0,1,2),(1,2,3),(3,a,1)]` and `A^(-10)=[(1//2,1//2,1//2),(-4,3,c),(5//2,-3//2,1//2)]`, then the values of a and c are equal to

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  44. If nth-order square matrix A is a orthogonal, then `|"adj (adj A)"|` is

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  45. Let `a` and `b` be two real numbers such that `a > 1, b > 1.` If `A=[(a,0), (0,b)]` , then `lim_(n to oo) A^(-n)` is
    a. unit matrix
    b. null matrix
    c. `2l`
    d. none of these

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  46. If `A=[a_("ij")]_(4xx4)`, such that `a_("ij")={(2",","when "i=j),(0",","when "i ne j):}`, then `{("det (adj (adj A))")/(7)}` is (where `{*}` represents fractional part function)

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  47. `A` is an involuntary matrix given by `A=[(0, 1,-1), (4,-3, 4), (3,-3, 4)]` , then the inverse of `A/2` will be
    a. `2A`
    b. `(A^(-1))/2`
    c. `A/2`
    d. `A^2`

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  48. If A is a nonsingular matrix such that `A A^(T)=A^(T)A` and `B=A^(-1) A^(T)`, then matrix B is

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  49. If `P` is an orthogonal matrix and `Q=P A P^T an dx=P^T` `A` b. `I` c. `A^(1000)` d. none of these

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  50. If `Aa n dB` are two non-singular matrices of the same order such that `B^r=I ,` for some positive integer `r >1,t h e nA^(-1)B^(r-1)A=A^(-1)B^(-1)A=` `I` b. `2I` c. `O` d. -I

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  51. If adj`B=A ,|P|=|Q|=1,t h e na d j(Q^(-1)B P^(-1))` is `P Q` b. `Q A P` c. `P A Q` d. `P A^1Q`

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  52. If `A` is non-singular and `(A-2I)(A-4I)=O ,t h e n1/6A+4/3A^(-1)` is equal to `O I` b. `2I` c. `6I` d. `I`

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  53. Let `f(x)=(1+x)/(1-x)` . If `A` is matrix for which `A^3=O ,t h e nf(A)` is `I+A+A^2` b. `I+2A+2A^2` c. `I-A-A^2` d. none of these

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  54. `if[{:(2,1),(3,2):}]A[{:(-3,2),(5,-3):}]=[{:(1,0),(0,1):}],"then" A=?`

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  55. If `A^2-A +I = 0`, then the inverse of A is: (A) `A+I` (B) `A` (C) `A-I` (D) `I-A`

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  56. If `F(x)=[("cos"x,-sin x,0),(sin x,cos x,0),(0,0,1)]` and `G(y)=[(cos y,0,sin y),(0,1,0),(-sin y,0,cos y)]`, then `[F(x) G(y)]^(-1)` is equal to

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  57. If `Aa n dB` are square matrices of the same order and `A` is non-singular, then for a positive integer `n ,(A^(-1)B A)^n` is equal to `A^(-n)B^n A^n` b. `A^n B^n A^(-n)` c. `A^(-1)B^n A^` d. `n(A^(-1)B^A)^`

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  58. If `k in R_ot h e ndet{a d j(k I_n)}` is equal to `K^(n-1)` b. `K^(n(n-1))` c. `K^n` d. `k`

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  59. Given that matrix `A[(x,3,2),(1,y,4),(2,2,z)]`. If `xyz=60` and `8x+4y+3z=20`, then A(adj A) is equal to

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  60. Let `A=[(1,2,3),(2,0,5),(0,2,1)]` and `B=[(0),(-3),(1)]`. Which of the following is true ?

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  61. If A is a square matrix of order less than 4 such that `|A-A^(T)| ne 0` and `B=` adj. (A), then adj. `(B^(2)A^(-1) B^(-1) A)` is

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  62. Let A be a square matrix of order 3 such that det. `(A)=1/3`, then the value of det. `("adj. "A^(-1))` is

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  63. If A and B are two non-singular matrices of order 3 such that `A A^(T)=2I` and `A^(-1)=A^(T)-A`. Adj. `(2B^(-1))`, then det. (B) is equal to

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  64. If A is a square matric of order 5 and `2A^(-1)=A^(T)`, then the remainder when `|"adj. (adj. (adj. A))"|` is divided by 7 is

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  65. Let `P=[(1,2,1),(0,1,-1),(3,1,1)]`. If the product PQ has inverse `R=[(-1,0,1),(1,1,3),(2,0,2)]` then `Q^(-1)` equals

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Exercise (Single) questions and complete solutions for chapter MATRICES of CENGAGE of Class 12