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Complete Solutions to Solved Examples And Exercises of chapter MATRICES of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
MathematicsSolved Examples And Exercises
Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If both `A-1/2Ia n dA+1/2` are orthogonal matices, then (a)`A` is orthogonal (b)`A` is skew-symmetric matrix of even order (c)`A^2=3/4I` (d)none of these

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  2. If nth-order square matrix A is a orthogonal, then `|"adj (adj A)"|` is

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  3. If `P` is an orthogonal matrix and `Q=P A P^T an dx=P^T Q^1000 P` then `x^(-1)` is , where A is involutary matrix. `A` b. `I` c. `A^(1000)` d. none of these

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  4. If `A` is a nilpotent matrix of index 2, then for any positive integer `n ,A(I+A)^n` is equal to `A^(-1)` b. `A` c. `A^n` d. `I_n`

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  5. If `Aa n dB` are two matrices such that `A B=Ba n dB A=A ,t h e n` `(A^5-B^5)^3=A-B` b. `(A^5-B^5)^3=A^3-B^3` c. `A-B` is idempotent d. none of these

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  6. If `Z` is an idempotent matrix, then `(I+Z)^n` `I+2^n Z` b. `I+(2^n-1)Z` c. `I-(2^n-1)Z` d. none of these

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  7. If A is a orthogonal matrix, then

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  8. If `A^2=1,` then the value of det`(A-I)` is (where `A` has order 3) `1` b. `-1` c. `0` d. cannot say anything

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  9. Let A be an nth-order square matrix and B be its adjoint, then `|AB+KI_(n)|` is (where K is a scalar quantity)

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  10. `A=[(a,1,0),(1,b,d),(1,b,c)],B=[(a,1,1),(0,d,c),(f,g,h)],U=[(f),(g),(h)],V=[(a^2),(0),(0)]` If there is a vector matrix X, such that `AX = U` has infinitely many solutions, then prove that `BX = V` cannot have a unique solution. If `a f d != 0`. Then,prove that `BX = V` has no solution.

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  11. If M is a `3xx3` matrix, where det `M=1` and `M M^(T)=I`, where `'I'` is an identity matrix, then prove that det. `(M-I)=0`.

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  12. If `A` is a diagonal matrix of order `3xx3` is commutative with every square matrix or order `3xx3` under multiplication and `t r(A)=12 ,` then the value of `|A|^(1//2)` is ______.

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  13. Let S be the set which contains all possible values of `l, m, n, p, q, r` for which
    `A=[(l^(2)-3,p,0),(0,m^(2)-8,q),(r,0,n^(2)-15)]` be a nonsingular idempotent matrix. Then the sum of all the elements of the set S is __________ .

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  14. Given a matrix `A=[(a,b,c),(b,c,a),(c,a,b)]`, where a, b, c are real positive numbers. If `abc=1` and `A^(T)A=I`, then find the value of `a^(3)+b^(2)+c^(3)`.

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  15. If `A` is a square matrix of order 3 such that `|A|=2,t h e n|(a d jA^(-1))^(-1)|` is ___________.

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  16. Let `A=[[3x^2], [1], [6x]],B=[a,b,c]`and `C=[[(x+2)^2, 5x^2, 2x],[5x^2, 2x,(x+2)^2],[ 2x,(x+2)^2, 5x^2]]` be three given matrices, where `a ,b ,ca n dx in Rdot` Given that tr(AB)=tr(C). If `f(x)=a x^2+b x+c ,` then the value of `f(1)` is ______.

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  17. If A is an idempotent matrix satisfying, `(I-0.4A)^(-1) =I-alpha A` where `I` is the unit matrix of the same order as that of A, then the value of `|9alpha|` is equal to ________.

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  18. Let `A=[a_("ij")]_(3xx3)` be a matrix such that `A A^(T)=4I` and `a_("ij")+2c_("ij")=0`, where `C_("ij")` is the cofactor of `a_("ij")` and `I` is the unit matrix of order 3.
    `|(a_(11)+4,a_(12),a_(13)),(a_(21),a_(22)+4,a_(23)),(a_(31),a_(32),a_(33)+4)|+5 lambda|(a_(11)+1,a_(12),a_(13)),(a_(21),a_(22)+1,a_(23)),(a_(31),a_(32),a_(33)+1)|=0`
    then the value of `lambda` is

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  19. Let A be the set of all `3xx3` skew-symmetric matrices whose entries are either -1, 0, or 1. If there are exactly three 0's, three 1's, and three (-1)'s, then the number of such matrices is __________ .

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  20. If `A=[0 1 2 1 2 3 3a1]a n d A_1=[1//2 12//12//-4 3c5//2-3//2 1//2]` , then the values of `a` anti `c` are equal to `1,1` b. `1,-1` c. `1,2` d. `-1,1`

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  21. For two unimodular complex numbers `z_(1)` and `z_(2)`, find `[(bar(z)_(1),-z_(2)),(bar(z)_(2),z_(1))]^(-1) [(z_(1),z_(2)),(-bar(z)_(2),bar(z)_(1))]^(-1)`

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  22. If A and B are two nonsingular matrices of the same order such that `B^(r)=I`, for some positive integer `r gt 1`, then `A^(-1) B^(r-1) A-A^(-1) B^(-1) A=`

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  23. If `A` is non-diagonal involuntary matrix, then `A=I=O` b. `A+I=O` c. `A=I` is nonzero singular d. none of these

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  24. If A and B are squares matrices such that `A^(2006)=O` and `AB=A+B`, then det (B) equals

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  25. If matrix A is given by `A=[(6,11),(2,4)]`, then the determinant of `A^(2005)-6A^(2004)` is

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  26. If `A=[a b c x y z p q r],B[q-b y-p a-x r-c z]` and if `A` is invertible, then which of the following is not true? `|A|=|B|` `|A|=-|B|` `|a d j A|=|a d jB|` `A` is invertible if and only if `B` is invertible

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  27. If `Aa n dB` are two non-singular matrices such that `A B=C ,t h e n|B|` is equal to `(|C|)/(|A|)` b. `(|A|)/(|C|)` c. `|C|` d. none of these

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  28. If `A(alpha, beta)=[("cos" alpha,sin alpha,0),(-sin alpha,cos alpha,0),(0,0,e^(beta))]`, then `A(alpha, beta)^(-1)` is equal to

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  29. If `A=[[a+i b, c+i d],[-c+i d, a-i b]]a n da^2+b^2+c^2+d^2=1,t h e nA^(-1)` is equal to a.`[[a+i b,-c+i d],[-c+i d, a-i b]]` b. `[[a-i b,-c-i d],[-c-i d, a+i b]]` c. `[[a+i b,-c-i d],[-c+i d, a-i b]]` d. none of these

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  30. Statement 1: `A=[4 0 4 2 2 2 1 2 1]B^(-1)=[1 3 3 1 4 3 1 3 4]` . Then `(A B)^(-1)` does not exist. Statement 2: Since `|A|=0,(A B)^(-1)=B^(-1)A^(-1)` is meaning-less.

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  31. Statement 1: if `a ,b ,c ,d` are real numbers and `A=[a b c d]a n dA^3=O ,t h e nA^2=Odot` Statement 2: For matrix `A=[a b c d]` we have `A^2=(a+d)A+(a d-b c)I=Odot`

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  32. Statement 1: Matrix `3xx3,a_(i j)=(i-j)/(i+2j)` cannot be expressed as a sum of symmetric and skew-symmetric matrix. Statement 2: Matrix `3xx3,a_(i j)=(i-j)/(i+2j)` is neither symmetric nor skew-symmetric

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  33. Statement 1: If `A ,B ,C` are matrices such that `|A_(3xx3)|=3,|B_(3xx3)|=-1,a n d|C_(2xx2)|=_2, t h e n|2A B C|=-12.` Statement 2: For matrices `A ,B ,C` of the same order,`|A B C|=A=|A||B||C|dot`

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  34. Statement 1: For a singular square matrix `A ,A B=A C B=Cdot` Statement 2; `|A|=0,t h e nA^(-1)` does not exist.

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  35. Statement 1: The inverse of singular matrix `A=([a_(i j)])_(nxxn),w h e r ea_(i j)=0,igeqji sB=([a i j-1])_(nxxn)dot` Statement 2: The inverse of singular square matrix does not exist.

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  36. Statement 1: The determinant of a matrix `A=([a_(i j)])_(5xx5)w h e r ea_(i j)+a_(j i)=0` for all `ia n dj` is zero. Statement 2: The determinant of a skew-symmetric matrix of odd order is zero

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  37. If `A=[1 2 2 1]a n df(x)=(1+x)/(1-x),t h e nf(A)` is `[1 1 1 1]` b. `[2 2 2 2]` c. `1-1-1-1` d. none of these

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  38. If `[(1//25,0),(x,1//25)]=([(5,0),(-a,5)]^(-1))^(2)`, then the value of x is

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  39. `A=[[1, tan x],[-tan x,1]]`, show that `A^(T)A^(-1)=[[cos 2x,-sin 2x],[sin 2x,cos 2x]]`.

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  40. If `A` is a square matrix of order `n` such that `|a d j(a d jA)|=|A|^9,` then the value of `n` can be `4` b. `2` c. either`4or2` d. none of these

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  41. If `A` is order 2 square matrix such that `|A|=2,` then |(adj(adj(adjA)))| is `512` b. `256` c. `64` d. none of these

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  42. If `A^3=O ,t h e nI+A+A^2` equals a.`I-A` b. `(I+A^1)^(-1)` c. `(I-A)^(-1)` d. none of these

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  43. Prove that sin^2 A cos^2 B+cos^2 A sin^2 B+cos^2 A cos^2 B+sin^2 A sin^2 B=1

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  44. `(-A)^(-1)` is always equal to (where `A` is nth-order square matrix) `(-A)^(-1)` b. `-A^(-1)` c. `(-1)^nA^(-1)` d. none of these

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  45. If `A=[(0,-tan alpha),(2,tan alpha),(2,0)] and I` is `2 xx 2` unit matrix, then `(I-A)[(cos alpha,sin alpha),(sin alpha, sin alpha)]` is (a) `-I+A` (b) `I-A` (c) `-I-A` (d) non of these

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  46. Let `Ad nB` be `3xx3` matrtices of ral numbers, where `A` is symmetric, `"B"` is skew-symmetric , and `(A+B)(A-B)=(A-B)(A+B)dot` If `(A B)^t=(-1)^k A B ,w h e r e(A B)^t` is the transpose of the mattix `A B ,` then find the possible values of `kdot`

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  47. If `[[a, b],[ c,1-a]]` is an idempotent matrix and `f(x)=x-x^2` , `bc=1/4` , then the value of `1//f(a)` is ______.

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  48. Let `x` be the solution set of equation `A^x=Idot,w h e r eA+[0 1-1 4-3 4 3-3 4]a n dI` is the corresponding unit matrix and `xsubeN ,` then the minimum value of `sum(cos^xtheta+sin^xtheta),theta in Rdot`

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  49. If A = `[(alpha,0),(1,1)]`and B `=[(1,0),(5,1)]` find the values of `alpha` for which `A^(2)` = B.

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  50. Let `a` and `b` be two real numbers such that `a > 1, b > 1.` If `A=[(a,0), (0,b)]` , then `lim_(n to oo) A^(-n)` is
    a. unit matrix
    b. null matrix
    c. `2l`
    d. none of these

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  51. Let `f(x)=(1+x)/(1-x)` . If `A` is matrix for which `A^3=O ,t h e nf(A)` is (a)`I+A+A^2` (b) `I+2A+2A^2` (c) `I-A-A^2` (d) none of these

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  52. If A and B are square matrices of the same order and A is nonsingular, then for a positive integer n, `(A^(-1)BA)^(n)` is equal to

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  53. If `A` is a singular matrix, then adj `A` is a. singular b. non singular c. symmetric d. not defined

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  54. The inverse of a diagonal matrix is a. a diagonal matrix                      b. a skew symmetric matrix c. a symmetric matrix                   d. none of these

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  55. If `P` is non-singular matrix, then value of `adj(P^(-1))` in terms of `P` is (A) `P/|P|` (B) `P|P|` (C) `P` (D) none of these

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  56. If adj `B=A, |P|=|Q|=1`, then adj `(Q^(-1) BP^(-1))` is

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  57. If `A` is non-singular and `(A-2I)(A-4I)=O ,t h e n1/6A+4/3A^(-1)` is equal to `O I` b. `2I` c. `6I` d. `I`

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  58. If `A(alpha, beta)=[("cos" alpha,sin alpha,0),(-sin alpha,cos alpha,0),(0,0,e^(beta))]`, then `A(alpha, beta)^(-1)` is equal to

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  59. If A and B are two square matrices such that `B=-A^(-1)BA`, then `(A+B)^(2)` is equal to

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  60. `A=[1t a n x-t a n x1]a n df(x)` is defined as `f(x)=d e tdot(A^T A^(-1))` en the value of `(f(f(f(ff(x))))_` is `(ngeq2)` _________.

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  61. The equation `[(1,2,2),(1,3,4),(3,4,k)]=[(0),(0),(0)]` has a solution for (x, y, z) besides (0, 0, 0). Then the value of k is _________ .

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  62. If `D_(1)` and `D_(2)` are two `3xx3` diagonal matrices, then which of the following is/are true ?

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  63. If `Aa n dB` are symmetric and commute, then which of the following is/are symmetric? `A^(-1)B` b. `A B^(-1)` c. `A^(-1)B^(-1)` d. none of these

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  64. If `C` is skew-symmetric matrix of order `na n dXi snxx1` column matrix, then `X^T C X` is a. singular b. non-singular c. invertible d. non invertible

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  65. If `S=[(0,1,1),(1,0,1),(1,1,0)]` and `A=[(b+c,c-a,b-a),(c-b,c+a,a-b),(b-c,a-c,a+b)]`
    `(a, b, c ne 0)`, then `SAS^(-1)` is

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  66. Let A = a ij be a matrix of order 3, where`a_("ij")={(x,,,"if "i=j","x in R),(1,,,"if "|i-j|=1),(0,,,"otherwise"):}` then which of the following hold (s) good :

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  67. A skew-symmetric matrix `A` satisfies the relation `A^2+I=O ,w h e r e I` is a unit matrix then `A` is a. idempotent b. orthogonal c. of even order d. odd order

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  68. If `A B=Aa n dB A=B ,` then a. `A^2B=A^2` b. `B^2A=B^2` c. `A B A=A` d. `B A B=B`

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  69. Statement 1: if `D=`diag`[d_1, d_2, ,d_n]`,then `D^(-1)=`diag`[d_1^(-1),d_2^(-1),...,d_n^(-1)]` Statement 2: if `D=`diag`[d_1, d_2, ,d_n]`,then `D^n=`diag`[d_1^n,d_2^n,...,d_n^n]`

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  70. If `F(x)=[("cos"x,-sin x,0),(sin x,cos x,0),(0,0,1)]` and `G(y)=[(cos y,0,sin y),(0,1,0),(-sin y,0,cos y)]`, then `[F(x) G(y)]^(-1)` is equal to

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  71. Elements of a matrix `A` or orddr `10xx10` are defined as `a_(i j)=w^(i+j)` (where `w` is cube root of unity), then trace `(A)` of the matrix is `0` b. `1` c. `3` d. none of these

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  72. If `A` is a `3xx3` skew-symmetric matrix, then trace of `A` is equal to `-1` b. `1` c. `|A|` d. none of these

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  73. If `Aa n dB` are symmetric matrices of the same order and `X=A B+B Aa n dY=A B-B A ,t h e n(X Y)^T` is equal to `X Y` b. `Y X` c. `-Y X` d. none of these

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  74. The number of solutions of the matrix equation
    `X^(2)=[(1,1),(2,3)]` is

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  75. If `A^2-A+I=0,` then the invers of `A` is `A^(-2)` b. `A+I` c. `I-A` d. `A-I`

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  76. Let K be a positive real number and `A=[(2k-1,2sqrt(k),2sqrt(k)),(2sqrt(k),1,-2k),(-2sqrt(k),2k,-1)]` and `B=[(0,2k-1,sqrt(k)),(1-2k,0,2),(-sqrt(k),-2sqrt(k),0)]`. If det (adj A) + det (adj B) `=10^(6)`, then `[k]` is equal to ______ .
    [Note : adj M denotes the adjoint of a square matrix M and `[k]` denotes the largest integer less than or equal to `k`.]

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  77. Let X and Y be two arbitrary, `3xx3`, non-zero, skew-symmetric matrices and Z be an arbitrary `3xx3`, non-zero symmetric matrix. The which of the following matrices is (are) skew symmetric ?

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  78. If B is an idempotent matrix, and `A=I-B`, then

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  79. If `A^(-1)=[[1,-1, 2],[0, 3,1],[ 0 ,0,-1/3]]` , then `|A|=-1` b. `adj A=[[-1, 1 ,2],[ 0,-3,-1],[ 0, 0, 1/3]]` c. `A=[[1, 1/3, 7 ],[0, 1/3, 1],[0 ,0,-3]]` d. `A =[[1,-1/3,-7],[ 0,-3, 0],[ 0, 0, 1]]`

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  80. If `A_1=[(0, 0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 1, 0), (0, 1, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0, 0)],A_2=[(0, 0, 0,i),(0, 0,-i, 0), (0,i,0, 0),(-i,0, 0, 0)],t h e nA_i A_k+A_k A_i` is equal to
    a. `2Iifi=k`
    b. `Oifi!=k`
    c. `2lifi!=k`
    d. `O` always

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  81. If A is an invertible matrix, then `("adj. "A)^(-1)` is equal to

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  82. If `A=(a_("ij"))_(nxxn)` and `f` is a function, we define
    `f(A)=(f(a_("ij")))_(nxxn)` Let `A=((pi//2-theta,theta),(-theta,pi//2-theta))`. Then

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  83. If A, B, and C are three square matrices of the same order, then `AB=AC implies B=C`. Then

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  84. If `alpha, beta, gamma` are three real numbers and `A=[(1,cos (alpha-beta),cos(alpha-gamma)),(cos (beta-alpha),1,cos (beta-gamma)),(cos (gamma-alpha),cos (gamma-beta),1)]`
    then which of following is/are true ?

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  85. If A and B are square matrices of the same order and A is nonsingular, then for a positive integer n, `(A^(-1)BA)^(n)` is equal to

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  86. If `A=[(a,b),(c,d)]" "("where "bc ne 0)` satifies the equations `x^(2)+k=0`, then

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  87. If `A ,B ,A+I ,A+B` are idempotent matrices, then `A B` is equal to

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  88. Given that matrix `A[(x,3,2),(1,y,4),(2,2,z)]`. If `xyz=60` and `8x+4y+3z=20`, then A(adj A) is equal to

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  89. Which of the following in an orthogonal matrix `[6//7 2//7-3//7 2//7 3//7 6//7 3//7-6//7 2//7]` b. `[6//7 2//7 3//7 2//7-3//7 6//7 3//7 6//7-2//7]` c. `[-6//7-2//7-3//7 2//7 3//7 6//7-3//7 6//7 2//7]` d. `[6//7-2//7 3//7 2//7 3//7-3//7-6//7 2//7 3//7]`

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  90. If `k in R_(0)`, then det `{"adj "(kI_(n))}` is equal to

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  91. If `A_(1), A_(3), ... , A_(2n-1)` are n skew-symmetric matrices of same order, then `B =sum_(r=1)^(n) (2r-1) (A_(2r-1))^(2r-1)` will be

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  92. Let `A=[(1,2,3),(2,0,5),(0,2,1)]` and `B=[(0),(-3),(1)]`. Which of the following is true ?

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  93. `A=[(0,1),(3,0)]` and `A^(8)+A^(6)+A^(4)+A^(2)+I V=[(0),(11)]` (where `I` is the`2xx2` idensity matrix), then the product of all elements of matrix V is _________.

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  94. Show that every square matrix `A` can be uniquely expressed as `P+i Q ,w h e r ePa n dQ` are Hermitian matrices.

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  95. If `A=[a_("ij")]_(n xx n)` is such that `a_("ij")= bar(a)_("ji") AA I, j` and `A^(2)=O`, then prove that matrix A is null matrix. Here, `bar(a)_("ji")` denotes the conjugate `a_("ji")`.

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  96. Show that the solution of the equation `[(x, y),(z, t)]^(2)=O` is `[(x,y),(z,t)]=[(pm sqrt(alpha beta),-beta),(alpha,pm sqrt(alpha beta))]` where `alpha, beta` are arbitrary.

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  97. If `A=[(-1,1),(0,-2)]`, then prove that `A^(2)+3A+2I=O`. Further, find matrices B and C of order 2 with integer elements if `A=B^(3)+C^(3)`.

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  98. If D =diag. `[d_(1), d_(2),..., d_(n)]`, then prove that f(D) = diag. `[f(d_(1)), f(d_(2)), ... , f(d_(n))]`, where f(x) is a polynominal with scalar coefficieents.

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  99. Find the possible square roots of the two-rowed unit matrix I.

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  100. Let M be a `3xx3` matrix satisfying
    `M[(0),(1),(0)]=[(-1),(2),(3)], M[(1),(-1),(0)]=[(1),(1),(-1)]`, and `M[(1),(1),(1)]=[(0),(0),(12)]`
    Then the sum of the diagonal entries of M is ____.

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Solved Examples And Exercises questions and complete solutions for chapter MATRICES of CENGAGE of Class 12