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Complete Solutions to Exercise (Numerical) of chapter THEORY OF EQUATIONS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
CENGAGE NEWExercise (Numerical)
Number Of Questions43
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If `x=2+2^(2/3)+2^(1/3)`, then the value of `x^3-6x^2+6x` is:

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  2. If `sqrt(sqrt(sqrt(x)))=x^4+4 4 4 4,` then the value of `x^4` is____.

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  3. Sum of the valus of x satisfying the equation `sqrt(2x+sqrt(2x+4))=4` is ______.

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  4. If `a^(2)-4a+1=4`, then the value of `(a^(3)-a^(2)+a-1)/(a^(2)-1)(a^(2)ne1)`

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  5. If `aa n db` are positive numbers and eah of the equations `x^2+a x+2b=0a n dx^2+2b x+a=0` has real roots, then the smallest possible value of `(a+b)` is_________.

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  6. Given that `x^2-3x+1=0,` then the value of the expression `y=x^9+x^7+x^(-9)+x^(-7)` is divisible by prime number.

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  7. If `sin^(2)alpha,cos^(2)alphaand-cosec^(2)alpha` are the zeros of `P(x)=x^(3)+x^(2)+ax+b(a,binR)`. Then P(2) equals ______.

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  8. If the equation `x^(2)-4x-(3k-1)|x-2|-2k+8=0,kinR`, has exaclty three distinct solutions, then k is eaual to _____.

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  9. Statement 1 : If `cos^2\ pi/8` is a root of the equation `x^2+ax+b=0,` where `a,b in QQ,` then ordered pair `(a,b)` is `[-1, 1/8].` Statement 2: If `a + mb = 0` and m is irrational, then `a, b=0.`

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  10. Given `alphaa n dbeta` are the roots of the quadratic equation `x^2-4x+k=0(k!=0)dot` If `alphabeta,alphabeta^2,alpha^3+beta^3` are in geometric progression, then the value of `7k//2` equals__________.

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  11. Let `alpha_1,beta_1` be the roots `x^2-6x+p=0a n d` `alpha_2,beta_2` be the roots `x^2-54 x+q=0dot` If `alpha_1,beta_1,alpha_2,beta_2` form an increasing G.P., then sum of the digits of the value of `(q-p)` is ___________.

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  12. Let `alphaa n dbeta` be the solutions of the quadratic equation `x 62-1154 x+1=0` , then the value of `alpha4+beta4` is equal to ______.

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  13. The quadratic equation `x^2+m x+n=0` has roots which are twice those of `x^2+p x+m=0a dm ,na n dp!=0.` The n the value of `n//p` is _____.

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  14. Suppose `a ,b ,c` are the roots of the cubic `x^3-x^2-2=0.` Then the value of `a^3+b^3+c^3` is _____.

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  15. Polynomial `P(x)` is divided by `(x-3)` , the remainder if 6.If `P(x)` is divided by `(x^2-9)` , then the remainder is `g(x)` . Then the value of `g(2)` is ___________.

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  16. If `alphaandbeta` are the roots of the equation `x^(2)-6x+12=0` and the value of `(alpha-2)^(24)-((beta-6)^(8))/(alpha^(8))+1` is `4^(a)`, then the value of a is ______.

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  17. Let `aa n db` be the roots of the equation `x^2-10 c x-11 d=0` and those of `x^2-10 a x-11 b=0a r ec ,ddot` then find the value of `a+b+c+ddotw h e na!=b!=c!=ddot`

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  18. Let `a,binRandabne1."If "6a^(2)+20a+15=0and15b^(2)+20b+6=0` then the value of `(4030b^(3))/(ab^(2)-9(ab+1)^(3))` is _____.

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  19. If there exists at least one real x which satisfies both the equatios `x^(2)+2xsiny+1=0`, where `yin(0,pi//2),andax^(2)+x+1=0`, then the value of `a+siny` is ______.

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  20. If the equation `x^(2)+2(lamda+1)x+lamda^(2)+lamda+7=0` has only negative roots, then the least value of `lamda` equals______.

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  21. All he value of `k` for which the quadratic polynomial `f(x)=2x^2+k x+k^2+5` has two distinct zeroes and only one of them satisfying `0

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  22. If set of values `a` for which `f(x)=a x^2-(3+2a)x+6a!=0` is positive for exactly three distinct negative integral values of `x` is `(c , d]` , then the value of `(c^2 4//d)` is equal to ________.

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  23. `a ,b ,a n dc` are all different and non-zero real numbers on arithmetic progression. If the roots of quadratic equation `a x^2+b x+c=0a r ealphaa n dbeta` such that `1/alpha+1/beta,alpha+beta,a n dalpha^2+beta^2` are in geometric progression the value of a/c will be_____.

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  24. Let `P(x)=5/4+6x-9x^2a n dQ(y)=-4y^2+4y+(13)/2dot` if there exists unique pair of real numbers `(x , y)` such that `P(x)Q(y)=20` , then the value of `(6x+10 y)` is _____.

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  25. If equation `x^4-(3m+2)x^2+m^2=0(m >0)` has four real solutions which are in A.P., then the value of `m` is______.

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  26. If the equation `2x^2+4x y+7y^2-12 x-2y+t=0,w h e r et` is a parameter has exactly one real solution of hte form `(x ,y)` , then hte sum of `(x+y)` is equal to ______.

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  27. Let `P(x0=x^3-8x^2+c x-d` be a polynomial with real coefficients and with all it roots being distinct positive integers. Then number of possible value of `c` is___________.

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  28. Let `P(x)=x^4+a x^3+b x^2+c x+d` be a polynomial such that `P(1)=1,P(2)=8,+P(3)=27 ,P(4)=64` then the value of `152-P(5)` is____________.

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  29. Suppose `a ,b ,c in I` such that the greatest common divisor fo `x^2+a x+ba n dx^2b x+ci s(x+1)` and the least common ultiple of `x^2+a x+ba n dx^2+b x+c` is `(x^3-4x^2+x+6)dot` Then the value of `|a+b+c|` is equal to ___________.

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  30. Integral part of the product of non-real roots of equation `x^(4)-4x^(3)+6x^(2)-4x=69` is _______.

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  31. If `alpha,beta and gamma` are roots of equation `x^(3)-3x^(2)+1=0`, then the value of `((alpha)/(1+alpha))^(3)+((beta)/(1+beta))^(3)+((gamma)/(1+gamma))^(3)` is __________.

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  32. If the roots of the cubic, `x^2+a x^2+b x+c=0` are three consecutive positive integers, then the value of `(a^2//b+1)` is equal to __________.

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  33. The function k`f(x)=a x^2+b x^2+c x+d` has three positive roots. If the sum of the roots of `f(x)` is 4, the larget possible inegal values of `c//a` is ____________.

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  34. If `b^(2)-4acle0` ("where" `ane0 and a,b,c,x,y in R`) satisfies the system `ax^(2)+x(b-3)+c+y=0 and ay^(2)+y(b-1)+c+3x=0`, then value of `(y)/(x)` is ___________.

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  35. If `(a^(2)-14a+13)x^(2)+(a+2)x-2=0` does not have two distinct real roots, then the maximum value of `a^(2)-15a` is _________.

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  36. Let `px^(2)+qx+r=0` be a quadratic equation `(p,q,r in R)` such that its roots are `alpha and beta`. If `p+q+rlt0,p-q+rlt0 and r gt0`, then the value of `[alpha]+[beta]` is (where[x] denotes the greatest integer x)________.

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  37. Let `x^2+y^2+x y+1geqa(x+y)AAx ,y in R ,` then the number of possible integer (s) in the range of `a` is___________.

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  38. `f: RvecR ,f(x)(3x^2+m x+n)/(x^2+1)dot` If the range of this function is `[-4,3)` , then filnd the value of `|m+n|` is_________.

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  39. If `a ,b ,c` are non-zero real numbers, then the minimum value of the expression `(((a^4 3a^2+1)(b^4+5b^2+1)(c^4+7c^2+1))/(a^2b^2c^2))` is not divisible by prime number.

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  40. If `a ,b , in R` such that `a+b=1a n d(1-2a b)(a ^3+b^3)=12` . The value of `(a^2+b^2)` is equal to____.

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  41. If the cubic `2x^3-9x^2+12 x+k=0` has two equal roots then minimum value of `|k|` is______.

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  42. Let `a ,b ,a n dc` be distinct nonzero real numbers such that `(1-a^3)/a=(1-b^3)/b=(1-c^3)/cdot` The value of `(a^3+b3+c^3)` is _____________.

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  43. Evaluate: (i) `i^(135)` (ii) `(-sqrt(-1))^(4n+3),n in N` (iii) `sqrt(-25)+3sqrt(-4)+2sqrt(-9)`

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Exercise (Numerical) questions and complete solutions for chapter THEORY OF EQUATIONS of CENGAGE of Class 12