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Complete Solutions to Exercise (Comprehension) of chapter THEORY OF EQUATIONS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
CENGAGE NEWExercise (Comprehension)
Number Of Questions37
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Consider an unknow polynomial which divided by `(x - 3)` and `(x-4)` leaves remainder 2 and 1, respectively. Let R(x) be the remainder when this polynomial is divided by `(x-3)(x-4)`.
    If equations `R(x) = x^(2)+ ax +1` has two distint real roots, then exhaustive values of a are.

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  2. Consider an unknow polynomial which divided by `(x - 3)` and `(x-4)` leaves remainder 2 and 1, respectively. Let R(x) be the remainder when this polynomial is divided by `(x-3)(x-4)`. If `R(x) = px^(2) + (q-1) x + 6` has no distinct real roots and `p gt 0`, then the least value of `3p + q` is

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  3. If a polynomial f (x) is divided by ` (x - 3) and (x - 4)` it leaves remainders as 7 and 12 respectively, then find the remainder when f (x) is divided by `(x-3)(x-4)`.

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  4. Let `f(x) = x^2 + b_1x + c_1. g(x) = x^2 + b_2x + c_2`. Real roots of `f(x) = 0` be `alpha, beta` and real roots of `g(x) = 0` be `alpha+gamma, beta+gamma`. Least values of `f(x)` be `- 1/4`Least value of `g(x)` occurs at `x=7/2 ` is

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  5. The range of `a` for which the equation `x^2+ax−2=0` has its smaller root in the interval `(−1,-3)` is

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  6. If the smaller root of the equation `x^2−ax+4=0` lies between `−1` and `−2`, then belongs to

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  7. In the given figure, vertices of `Delta ABC` lie on `y = f(x) = ax^2 + bx + c.` The `DeltaABC` is right angled isosceles triangle whose hypotenuse `AC = 4sqrt2` units. Number of integral values of `k` for which one root of `f(x) = 0` is more than `k` and other less than `k`

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  8. In the given figure, vertices of `Delta ABC` lie on `y = f(x) = ax^2 + bx + c.` The `DeltaABC` is right angled isosceles triangle whose hypotenuse `AC = 4sqrt2` units. Number of integral values of `k` for which one root of `f(x) = 0` is more than `k` and other less than `k`

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  9. In the given figure, vertices of `Delta ABC` lie on `y = f(x) = ax^2 + bx + c.` The `DeltaABC` is right angled isosceles triangle whose hypotenuse `AC = 4sqrt2` units. Number of integral values of `k` for which one root of `f(x) = 0` is more than `k` and other less than `k`

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  10. Let `f(x) =4x^2-4ax+a^2-2a+2` be a quadratic polynomial in x,a be any real number. If x-coordinate of vertex of parabola y =f(x) is less than 0 and f(x) has minimum value 3 for `x in [0,2]` then value of a is

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  11. Let `f(x) =4x^2-4ax+a^2-2a+2` be a quadratic polynomial in x,a be any real number. If x-coordinate of vertex of parabola y =f(x) is less than 0 and f(x) has minimum value 3 for `x in [0,2]` then value of a is

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  12. Let `f(x) =4x^2-4ax+a^2-2a+2` be a quadratic polynomial in x,a be any real number. If x-coordinate of vertex of parabola y =f(x) is less than 0 and f(x) has minimum value 3 for `x in [0,2]` then value of a is

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  13. Consider the equaiton `2 + |x^(2) + 4x + 3|= m , m in R` Set of all real values of m so that the given equation has three solution is Option 1: 3 Option 2: 2 Option 3: 1 Option 4: 0

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  14. Consider the equaiton `2 + |x^(2) + 4x + 3| = m , m in R` Set of all real values of m so that given equation have four distinct solutions, is Option 1: (0,1) Option 2: (1,2) Option 3: (1,3) Option 4: (2,3)

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  15. Consider the equaiton `2 + |x^(2) + 4x + 3|= m , m in R` Set of all values of m so that the given equation have two solutions is Option 1: `(3, oo)` Option 2: `(2,oo)` Option 3: `{2} uu (3,oo)` Option 4: None of these

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  16. Consider the quadratic equation ` ax^(2) - bx + c =0,a,b,c in N` which has two distinct real roots belonging to the interval (1,2).
    The least value of a is Option 1: 4 Option 2: 6 Option 3: 7 Option 4: 5

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  17. Consider the quadratic equation `ax^(2) - bx + c =0,a,b,c in N` which has two distinct real roots belonging to the interval (1,2).
    The least value of b is Option 1: 10 Option 2: 11 Option 3: 13 Option 4: 15

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  18. Consider the quadratic equation `ax^(2) - bx + c =0,a,b,c in N` which has two distinct real roots belonging to the interval (1,2).
    The least value of c is Option 1: 4 Option 2 : 6 Optiom 3: 7 Option 4: 5

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  19. Consider the inequation `x^(2) + x + a - 9 lt 0`
    The values of the real parameter a so that the given inequaiton has at least one positive solution:

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  20. Consider the inequation `x^(2) + x + a - 9 lt 0`
    The values of the real parameter a so that the given inequations has at least one negative solution.

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  21. Consider the inequation `x^(2) + x + a - 9 lt 0`
    The value of the parameter a so that the given inequaiton is ture `AA x in (-1,3)`

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  22. Consider the inequation `9^(x) -a3^(x) - a+ 3 le 0`, where a is real parameter.
    The given inequality has at least one negative soluiton for `a in `

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  23. Consider the inequation `9^(x) -a3^(x) - a+ 3 le 0`, where a is real parameter.
    The given inequality has at least one real solutions for `a in `.

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  24. Consider the inequation `9^(x) -a3^(x) - a+ 3 le 0`, where a is real parameter.
    The given inequality has at least one real solutions for `a in `.

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  25. `(af(mu) lt 0)` is the necessary and sufficient condition for a particular real number `mu` to lie between the roots of a quadratic equations `f(x) =0,` where `f(x) = ax^(2) + bx + c`. Again if `f(mu_(1)) f(mu_(2)) lt 0`, then exactly one of the roots will lie between `mu_(1)` and `mu_(2)`.
    If `|b| gt |a + c|`, then

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  26. `(af(mu) lt 0)` is the necessary and sufficient condition for a particular real number `mu` to lie between the roots of a quadratic equations `f(x) =0,` where `f(x) = ax^(2) + bx + c`. Again if `f(mu_(1)) f(mu_(2)) lt 0`, then exactly one of the roots will lie between `mu_(1)` and `mu_(2)`.
    If `(a + b+c)c lt0 lt a(a+ b+ c)`, then

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  27. `(af(mu) lt 0)` is the necessary and sufficient condition for a particular real number `mu` to lie between the roots of a quadratic equations `f(x) =0,` where `f(x) = ax^(2) + bx + c`. Again if `f(mu_(1)) f(mu_(2)) lt 0`, then exactly one of the roots will lie between `mu_(1)` and `mu_(2)`.
    If `a(a+b+c) lt 0 lt (a+b+c)c`, then

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  28. Given `|px^(2) + qx + r| le |Px^(2) + Qx + r|AA x in R` and `d=q^(2) - 4pr gt 0` and `D =Q^(2) PR gt 0`
    Which of the following must be ture ?

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  29. If `(x+2)` is a common factor of `(px^2+qx+r)` and `(qx^2+px+r)` then a) ` p=q` or `p+q+r=0` b)`p=r` or `p+q+r=0` c) `q=r` or `p+q+r=0` d)`p=q=-1/2r`

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  30. Find the slope of the following straight lines `4y-3=0`

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  31. Consider the equation `x^4 + 2ax^3 + x^2 + 2ax + 1 = 0` where `a in R`. Also range of function `f(x)= x+1/x` is `(-oo,-2]uu[2,oo)` If equation has at least two distinct positive real roots then all possible values of a are

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  32. Consider the equation `x^4 + 2ax^3 + x^2 + 2ax + 1 = 0` where `a in R`. Also range of function `f(x)= x+1/x` is `(-oo,-2]uu[2,oo)` If equation has at least two distinct positive real roots then all possible values of a are

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  33. The real numbers `x_1, x_2, x_3` satisfying the equation `x^3-x^2+b x+gamma=0` ar ein A.P. Find the intervals in which `betaa n dgamma` lie.

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  34. The real numbers `x_1, x_2, x_3` satisfying the equation `x^3-x^2+b x+gamma=0` ar ein A.P. Find the intervals in which `betaa n dgamma` lie.

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  35. If the equation` x^4- λx^2+9=0 ` has four real and distinct roots, then `lamda` lies in the interval

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  36. If the equation has no real root, then `lamda` lies in the interval

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  37. If the equation x^4 -λx^2 +9 has only two real roods, then the set of values of `λ` is

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Exercise (Comprehension) questions and complete solutions for chapter THEORY OF EQUATIONS of CENGAGE of Class 12