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Complete Solutions to for JEE MAIN of chapter MODERN PHYSICS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions55
Academic Year2023-24
  1. When a metalic surface is illuminated with light of wavelength `lambda,` the stopping potential is V. the same surface is illuminated by light of wavelength `2lambda` the stopping potential is `(V)/(3)` The thershold waelength for the surface is

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  2. The de Broglie wavelength of an electron moving with a velocity of `1.5xx10^(8)ms^(-1)` is equal to that of a photon find the ratio of the kinetic energy of the photon to that of the electron.

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  3. Let p and E denote the linear momentum and energy of a photon. If the wavelength is decreased,

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  4. The de Broglie wavelength of an neutron corresponding to root mean square speed at `927^(@)` is `lambda`. What will be the de Broglie wavelength of the neutron corresponding to root mean square speed at `27^(@)C`?

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  5. If an orbital electron of the hydrogen atom jumps from the groud state to a higher energy state, its orbital value where its velcoity is reduced to half its initial value.. If the radius of the electron orbit in the ground state is `r`, then the radius of the new orbit would be:

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  6. If a hydrogen atom at rest, emits a photon of wavelength `lambda`, the recoil speed of the atom of mass m is given by :

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  7. Two particles of masses `m` and `2m` have equal kinetic energies. Their de Broglie wavelengths area in the ratio of:

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  8. The binding energy of nucei X and `Y` are `E_(1)` and `E_(2)`, respectively. Two atoms of X fuse to give one atom of `Y` and an energy `Q` is released. Then,

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  9. `A overset(lambda)rarr B overset(2 lambda)rarr C`
    `T=0 N_(0) , 0 , 0 `
    ` T= N_(1) N_(2) N_(3)`
    The ratio of `N_(1)" to "N_(2) ` is maximum I s

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  10. The graph of `1n (R/R_0)` versus `1n A (R = radius` of a nucleus and `A =` its mass number) is

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  11. When a `beta^(-)` particle is emitted from a nucleus, the neutrons-proton ratio:

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  12. Radiation two photons having energies twice and five times the work function of a metal are incident successively on the metal surface. The ratio of the maximum velocity of photoelectrons emitted in the two cases will be

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  13. Cut off potential for a metal in photoclectric effect for light of wavelength `lambda_(1), lambda_(2)` and `lambda_(3)` is found to be `V_(1),V_(2)` and `V_(3)` volts , If `V_(1),V_(2)` and `V_(3` are in Arithmetic progression then `lambda_(1),lambda_(2)` and `lambda_(3)` will be in

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  14. Photons with energy `5 eV` are incident on a cathode `C` in a photoelectric cell . The maximum energy of emitted photoelectrons is `2 eV`. When photons of energy `6 eV` are incident on `C` , no photoelectrons will reach the anode `A` , if the stopping potential of `A` relative to `C` is

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  15. Consider the following nuclear reaction, `X^200rarrA^110+B^90+En ergy`
    If the binding energy per nucleon for X, A and B are `7.4 MeV`, `8.2 MeV` and `8.2 MeV` respectively, the energy released will be

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  16. The activity of a sample reduces from `A_(0) "to" (A_(0))/(sqrt(3))` in one hour. The activity after 3 hours more will be

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  17. The number of `alpha` and `beta`- emitted during the radioactive decay chain starting from `._(226)^(88) Ra` and ending at `._(206)^(82) Pb` is

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  18. The wavelength of the `K_(alpha)` line for an element of atomic number 57 is `lambda` . What is the wavelength of the `K_(alpha)` line for the element of atomic number29 ?

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  19. There are two radioactive substance `A` and `B`. Decay consant of `B` is two times that of `A`. Initially, both have equal number of nuceli. After n half-lives of `A`,rates of disintegaration of both are equal. The value of `n` is .

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  20. A radioactive ncleus A finaly transforms into a stable nucleus. B Then A and B can be

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  21. If `._(92)U^(238)` changes to `._(85)At^(210)` by a series of `alpha`-and `beta` -decays, the number of `alpha` and `beta`-decays undergone is .

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  22. Number of nuclei of a radioactive substance are `1000` and `900` at times `t=0` and time `t=2 s`. Then, number of nuclei at time `t=4s` will be

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  23. In a sample of a radioactive substance, what fraction of the initial nuceli will remain undecayed after a time `t=T//2` , where T=half -life of radioactive substance?

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  24. Magnetic moment of an electron in nth orbit of hydrogen atom is

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  25. An electron in nth excited state in a hydrogen atom comes down to first excited state by emitting ten different wavelength. Find value of `n` (an integer).

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  26. The angular momentum of an electron in an orbit is quantized because irt is a necessary condition for the compatibility with

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  27. Find the maximum angular speed of the electron of a hydrogen atoms in a statoonary orbit

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  28. In hydrogen and hydrogen-like atom , the ratio of `E_(4 n) - E_(2 n) and E_(2 n) - E_(n)` varies with atomic nimber `z` and principal quantum number`n` as

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  29. The ratio of the maximum wavlength of the Lyman series in hydrogen specturm to the maximum wavelength in the Panchen series is

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  30. When an electron in the hydrogen atom in ground state absorb a photon of energy `12.1eV`, its angular momentum

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  31. Consider the electron energy level diagram of H-atom Photons associated with shortes and longest wavelength would be emitted from the atom by the transitions labeled

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  32. In a characteristic X-ray spectra of some atom superimposed on continuous X-ray spectra :

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  33. What is the probability of a radioactive nucleus to survive one mean life?

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  34. The activity of a radioactive substance is `R_(1)` at time `t_(1)` and `R_(2)` at time `t_(2)(gt t_(1))`. Its decay cosntant is `lambda`. Then .

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  35. The activity of a radioactive susbtance is `R_(1)` at time `t_(1)` and `R_(2)` at time `t_(2)`(>t1). its decay constant is λ. Then, number of atoms decayed between time interval `t_(1)` and `t_(2)` are

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  36. `N_(1)` atoms of a radioactive element emit `N_(2)` beta partilces per second. The decay cosntant of the element is (in `s^(-1)`)

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  37. According to Bohr's theory, the time averaged magnetic field at the centre (i.e. nucleus) of a hydrogen atom due to the motion of electrons in the nth orbit is proportional to : (n = principal quantum number)

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  38. The binding energy of an electron in the ground state of He is equal to 24.6eV. The energy required to remove both the electron is

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  39. A y-ray photon is emitted

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  40. Angular momentum `(L)` and radius `( r)` of a hydrogen atom are related as

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  41. `92^(U^(235)` mucleus absorbs a slow neutron and undergoes fission into `54^(X^139)` and `38^(sr^94)` nuclie The other particies produced in this fission process are

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  42. The ratio of de-Broglie wavelength of molecules of hydrogen and helium gas moving at rms speed in two gas jars kept separately at temperature `37^(@)` C and `127^(@)` C respectively is :

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  43. The rest mass of a deuteron is equivalent to an energy of `1876 MeV`, that of a proton to `939 MeV`, and that of a neutron to` 940 MeV. A deutron may disintegrate to a proton and neutron if

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  44. Consider a hydrogen-like atom whose energy in nth excited state is given by
    `E_(n) = - (13.6 Z^(2))/(n^(2))`
    When this excited makes a transition from excited state to ground state , most energetic photons have energy
    `E_(max) = 52.224 eV`. and least energetic photons have energy
    `E_(min) = 1.224 eV`
    Find the atomic number of atom and the initial state or excitation.

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  45. An electron in a Bohr orbit of hydrogen atom with quantum number n has an angular momentum `4.2176xx10^(-34)kg-m^(2)//sec`.If the electron drops from this level to the next lower level , the wavelength of this lines is

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  46. Two identical photocathode receive light of frequencies `f_(1)` and `f_(2)`. If the maximum velocities of the photoelectrons (of mass m) coming out are respectively `v_(1)` and `v_(2)` then:

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  47. Assuming that about `20 M eV` of energy is released per fusion reaction `._(1)H^(2)+._(1)H^(3)rarr._(0)n^(1)+._(2)He^(4)`, the mass of `._(1)H^(2)` consumed per day in a future fusion reactor of powder `1 MW` would be approximately

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  48. In a Coolidge tube, the potential difference used to accelerate the electrons is increased from `12.4 kV` to `24.8 kV`. As a result, the difference between the wavelengths of `K_(alpha)`-line and minimum wavelength becomes thrice. The wavelength of the `K_(alpha)` line is `0.25xxKA^(@)`. Find the value of `K`. `(hc)/(e)=(12.4 KVA^(@))`

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  49. The half-life of 238 92U undergoing α -decay is 4.5 × 109 years. What is the activity of 1g sample of 238 92U

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  50. Positron is the antiparticle of an electron .It has the same mass as an electron but the opposite charge An electron and a positron moving towards each other with equal and opposite velocities.

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  51. Ratio of the de Broglie wavelenght of molecules of helium and hydrogen at temperatur `27^(@)` C and `327^(@)` C respectively is

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  52. An element A decays into an element C by a two step process `A to B + ._2He^4` and `B to C + 2e^(-)` .Then,

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  53. Consider the following energies
    (1) The minimum energy needed to excite a hydrogen atom from its ground state `-E_(1)`
    (2) Energy needed to ionze a hydrogen atom from ground state `=E_(2)`
    (3) Energy released in `overset(235).U-"fission "=E_(3)`
    (4) Energy needed to remove a neutron from a `overset(12).C_("cucleus")=E_(4)`

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  54. Supose the potential energy between electron and porton a distance r is given by `U=-(Ke^(2))/(3r^(3))` Assuming Bohar's Model to be valid for this atom if the speed of elctron in `n^(th)` orbit depends on the prinicpal quantum number n as v `oon^(x)` then find the vlaue of x.

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  55. Half lives of two isotopes X and Y of a material are known to be `2xx10^(9)` years and `4xx10^(9)` years respectively if a planet was formed with equal number of these isotopes, then the current age of planet, given that currently the material has `20%` of X and `80%` of Y by number, will be:

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for JEE MAIN questions and complete solutions for chapter MODERN PHYSICS of DC PANDEY ENGLISH of Class 12