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Complete Solutions to for JEE Advanced (only one option is Correct) of chapter MODERN PHYSICS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

DC PANDEY MASTER PROBLEM PACKAGEfor JEE Advanced (only one option is Correct)
Number Of Questions76
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A radioactive substance is being consumed at a constant of `1 s^(-1)`. After what time will the number of radioactive nuclei becoem `100`. Initially, there were 200 nuceli present.

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  2. A radiaocatice isotope is being produced at a constant rate `X`. Half-life of the radioactive substance is `Y`. After some time, the number of radioactive nuceli become constant. The value of this constant is .

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  3. A radioactive substance `X` decys into another radioactive substance `Y`. Initially, only `X` was present . `lambda_(x)` and `lambda_(y)` are the disintegration constant of `X` and Y. `N_(y)` will be maximum when.

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  4. Half-life of a radioactive substance `A` is two times the half-life of another radioactive substance `B`. Initially, the number of `A` and `B` are `N_(A)` and `N_(B)`, respectively . After three half-lives of `A`, number of nuclei of both are equal. Then, the ratio `N_(A)//N_(B)` is .

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  5. The kinetic energy of an electron is E when the incident wavelength is `lamda` To increase ti KE of the electron to 2E, the incident wavelength must be

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  6. The ratio between total acceleration of the electron in singly ionized helium atom and hydrogen atom (both in ground state) is

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  7. The shortest wavelength of the Brackett series of a hydrogen-like atom (atomic number of `Z` ) is the same as the shortest wavelength of the Balmer series of hydrogen atom. The value of `z` is

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  8. According to Bohr's theory of hydrogen atom , the product of the binding energy of the electron in the nth orbit and its radius in the nth orbit

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  9. An electtron and a photon have same wavelength . If `p` is the moment of electron and `E` the energy of photons, the magnitude of `p//E` in S I unit is

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  10. In X-ray tube , when the accelerating voltage `V` is halved, the difference between the wavelength of `K_(alpha)` line and minimum wavelength of continuous X-ray spectrum

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  11. If `K_(1) and K_(2)` are maximum kinetic energies of photoelectrons emitted when light of wavelength `lambda_(1) and lambda_(2)` respectively are incident on a metallic surface. If `lambda_(1)=3lambda_(2)` then

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  12. The binding energy per nucleon number for deutron `H_(1)^(2)`and helium ` He_(2)^(4)` are `1.1 MeV` and `7.0 MeV` respectively . The energy released when two deuterons fase to form a belium nucleus `He_(2)^(4)` is ……..

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  13. A particle of mass 3m at rest decays into two particles of masses m and 2m having non-zero velocities. The ratio of the de Broglie wavelengths of the particles `((lamda_1)/(lamda_2))` is

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  14. A potential difference of `10^(3)` V is applied across an X-ray tube. The ratio of the de-Broglie wavelength of X-rays produced is

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  15. de-Broglie wavelength of an electron in the nth Bohr orbit is `lambda_(n)` and the angular momentum is `J_(n)` then

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  16. The angular momentum of an electron in the hydrogen atom is `(3h)/(2pi)` Here. h is Planck's constant. The kinetic energy of this electron is

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  17. In a hydrogen atom, the binding energy of the electron in the ground state is `E_(1)` then the frequency of revolution of the electron in the nth orbit is

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  18. A radioactive material of half-life `T` was kept in a nuclear reactor at two different instants. The quantity kept second time was twice of the kept first time. If now their present activities are `A_1` and `A_2` respectively, then their age difference equals

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  19. A radioactive material of half-life `T` was kept in a nuclear reactor at two different instants. The quantity kept second time was twice of the kept first time. If now their present activities are `A_1` and `A_2` respectively, then their age difference equals

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  20. One of the lines in the emission spectrum of `Li^(2 +)` has the same wavelength as that of the second line of Balmer series in hydrogen spectrum. The electronic transition correspnding to this line is.

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  21. different between nth and `(n + 1) th` Bohr's radius of hydrogen atom is equal to `(n = 1) th` Bohr's radius. The value of `n` is

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  22. When a hydrogen atom emits a photon in going from n=5 to n=1, its recoil speed is almost

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  23. There are two radio nuceli `A` and `B. A` is an `alpha` emitter and `B` a `beta` emitter. Their disintegration constant are in the ratio of `1:2` What should be the ratio of number of atoms of `A` and `B` at any time t so that probabilities of getting alpha and beta particles are same at that instant?

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  24. A radioactive element` X` converts into another stable elemnet `Y`. Half-life of `X` is `2h`. Initally, only `X` is present. After time `t`, the ratio of atoms of `X` and `Y` is found to be `1:4` Then `t` in hours is .

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  25. A radioacitve nucleus is being produced at a constant rate `alpha` per second. Its decay constant is `lambda`. If `N_(0)` are the number of nuclei at time `t=0`, then maximum number of nuceli possible are .

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  26. The ratio of molecular mass of two radioactive substances is `3//2` and the ratio of their decay cosntatnt is `4//3`. Then. The ratio of their initial activity per mole will be

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  27. A radioactive source in the form of a metal sphere of diameter 3.2×10^ −3 m emits β-particle at a constant rate of 6.25×10^ 10 particle/sec. The source is electrically insulated and all the β-particle are emitted from the surface. The potential of the sphere will rise to 1 V in time

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  28. A hydrogen atom ia in excited state of principal quantum number `n` . It emits a photon of wavelength `lambda` when it returnesto the ground state. The value of `n` is

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  29. A neutron moving with a speed `v` makes a head-on collision with a hydrogen in ground state kept at rest which inelastic collision will be take place is (assume that mass of photon is nearly equal to the mass of neutron)

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  30. At t=O, light of intensity `10^(12)` photons/` s-m^(2)` of energy 6eV per photon starts falling on a plate with work founction `2.5 eV` If area of the plate is `2xx10^(-4) m^(2)` and for every `10^(5)` photons one photoelectron is emitted, charge on the plate at t=25 s is

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  31. The radius of the second orbit of an electron in hydrogen atom is `2.116A`. The de Broglie wavelength associated with this electron in this orbit would be

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  32. The de-Broglie wavelength of electron in gound state of an hydrogen atom is

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  33. Radius of an electron moving in a circle in constant magnetic field is two times that of an `alpha` particle in the same field. Then de-Broglie wavelength of electrons is x-times of the `alpha`-particle Here x is

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  34. An electrons of a stationary hydrogen aton passes form the fifth enegry level to the ground level. The velocity that the atom acquired as a result of photon emission will be
    `(m` is the mass of the electron, `R`, Rydberg constanrt and `h`, Planck's constant)

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  35. An electron and a proton are separated by a large distance and the electron approaches the proton with a kinetic energy of 2 eV. If the electron is captured by the proton to form a hydrogen atom in the ground state, what wavelength photon would be given off?

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  36. Two separate monochromatic light beams `A` and `B` of the same intensity (energy per unit area per unit time) are falling normally on a unit area of a metallic surface. Their wavelength are `lambda_(A)` and `lambda_(B)` respectively. Assuming that all the the incident light is used in ejecting the photoelectrons, the ratio of the number of photoelectrons from beam `A` to that from `B` is

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  37. In the Bohr model of a hydrogen atom, the centripetal force is furnished by the Coulomb attraction between the proton and the electrons. If `a_(0)` is the radius of the ground state orbit, `m` is the mass and `e` is the charge on the electron and `e_(0)` is the vacuum permittivity, the speed of the electron is

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  38. Average life ofa radioactive sample is 4 ms Initially the total number of nuclie is `N_(0)` A charged capacitor of capacity `20 mu f` is connected across a resistor R. The value of R such that ratio of number of nuclei remaining to the charge on capacitor remains constant with time is

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  39. At time `t=0`, some radioactive gas is injected into a sealed vessel. At time `T`, some more of the same gas is injected into the same vessel. Which one of the following graphs best represents the variation of the logarithm of the activity `A` of the gas with time `t`?

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  40. A sample of radioactive material has mass `m`, decay constant `lambda`, and molecular weight `M`. Avogadro constant `=N_(A)`. The initial activity of the sample is:

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  41. Binding energy per nucleon for `C^(12)` is `7.68 MeV` and for `C^(13)` is `7.74 MeV`. The energy required to remove a neutron from `C^(13)` is .

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  42. Light coming from a discharge tube filled with hydrogen falls on the cathode of the photoelectric cell. The work function of the surface of cathode is 4eV Which one of the following values of the anode voltage (in volts ) with respect to the cathode willl likely to make the photoo current zero.

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  43. In a hypothetical system , a partical of mass `m` and charge `-3 q` is moving around a very heavy partical chaRGE `q`. Assume that Bohr's model is applicable to this system , then velocuity of mass `m` in the first orbit is

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  44. In a certain nuclear reactor, a radioactive nucleus is bieng produced at a constant rate =1000/s The mean life of the radionuclide is 40 minutes. At steady state, the number of radionuclide will be

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  45. In a hypothetical atom, potential energy between electron and proton at distance r is given by `((-ke^(2))/(4r^(2)))` where k is a constant Suppose Bohr theory of atomic structrures is valid and n is principle quantum number, then total energy E is proportional to 1) n^5 2) n^2 3) n^6 4) n^4

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  46. A freshly prepared smaple contains `16xx10^(20)` raadioactive nuclei, whose mean life is `10^(10)` seconds The acitiivity of the sample just after 4 ahlr lives time is

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  47. Consider a nuclear reaction :
    and `Boverset(lambda_(2))rarrC`
    A converts into B and to C with decay with decay constant `lambda_(1)` B is alos stable nucleus which futher decays into stable nucleus C with decay constant `lambda_(2).` Mark the correct statement(s)

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  48. Two particles A and B have de-Broglie's wavelength `30Å` combined to from a single particle C. Momentum is conserved in this processs. The possible de-Broglile's wavelength of C is (the motion in one dimensional)

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  49. The only source of energy in a particular star is the fusion reaction given by -
    Masses of `._(2)He^(4)` and `._(6)C^(12)` are given
    `(m._(2)He^(4))=4.0025 u, m(._(6)C^(12))=12.0000u`
    Speed of light in vaccume is `3xx10^(8) m//s`. power output of star is `4.5xx10^(27)` watt. The rate at which the star burns helium is

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  50. The de-Broglie wavlength of an electron emitted fromt the ground state of an H-atom after the absoprtion of a photon quals `(1)/(2)` of the de-Broglie wavelength when it was in orbit. The energy of the photon abserobed is

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  51. An electron and a proton are separated by a large distance and the electron approaches the proton with a kinetic energy of 2 eV. If the electron is captured by the proton to form a hydrogen atom in the ground state, what wavelength photon would be given off?

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  52. If light of wavelength of maximum intensity emitted from surface at temperature `T_(1)` Is used to cause photoelectric emission from a metallic surface, the maximum kinetic energy of the emitted electron is 6 ev, which is 3 time the work function of the metallic surface. If light of wavelength of maximum intensity emitted from a surface at temperature `T_(2) (T_(2)=2T_(1))` is used, the maximum kinetic energy of the photo electrons emitted is

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  53. When photon of wavelength `lambda_(1)` are incident on an isolated shere supended by an insulated , the corresponding stopping potential is found to be `V`. When photon of wavelength `lambda_(2)` are used , the orresponding stopping potential was thrice the above value. If light of wavelength `lambda_(3)` is used , carculate the stopping potential for this case.

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  54. The ground state and first excited state energies of hydrogen atom are `-13.6 eV` and `-3.4eV` respectively. If potential energy in ground state is taken to be zero. Then:

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  55. An electron is excited from a lower energy state to a higher energy state in a hydrogen atom. Which of the following quantity/quantities decreases/decrease in the excitation ?

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  56. The electron in a hydrogen atom makes a transition `n_(1) rarr n_(2)`, where `n_(1)` and `n_(2)` are the principle quantum numbers of the two states. Assume the Bohr model to be valid. The time period of the electron in the initial state is eight times that in the final state. the possible values of `n_(1)` and `n_(2)` are

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  57. An electron in hydrogen atom first jumps from second excited state to first excited state and then from first excited state to ground state. Let the ratio of wavelength, momentum and energy of photons emitted in these two cases be a, b and c respectively, Then

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  58. The magnitude of energy, the magnitude of linear momentum and orbital radius of an electron in a hydrogen atom corresponding to the quantum number n are `E, P` and r respectively. Then according to Bohr's theory of hydrogen atom:

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  59. The wavelengths and frequencies of photons in transition 1,2 and 3 for hydrogen like atom are `lambda_(1),lambda_(2),lambda_(3), v_(1),v_(2)` and `v_(3)` respectively. Then:

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  60. Which of the following transitions in `He^(+)` ion will give rise to a spectral line which has the same wavelength as some spectral line in the hydrogen atom ?

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  61. Suppose the potential energy between an electron and a proton at a distance `r` is given by `Ke^(2)// 3 r^(3)`. Application of Bohr's theory tohydrogen atom in this case showns that

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  62. Let `A_(n)` be the area enclosed by the `n^(th)` orbit in a hydrogen atom. The graph of `l n (A_(n)//A_(t))` against In `(n)`

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  63. Hydrogen atom absorbs radiations of wavelength `lambda_0` and consequently emit radiations of 6 different wavelengths, of which two wavelengths are longer than `lambda_0`. Chosses the correct alternative(s).

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  64. The threshold wavelength for photoelectric emission for a material is `5200 A^(@)`. Will the photoelectrons be emitted when this material is illuminated with monochromatic radiation from 1 watt ultra violet lamp?

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  65. From the following equation pick out the possible nuclear fusion reactions

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  66. In the Bohr model of the hydrogen atgom

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  67. The mass number of a nucleus is.

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  68. Photoelectric effect supports quantum nature of light because
    (a) there is a minimum frequency of light below which no photo electrons are emitted
    (b) the maximum kinetic energy of photo electrons depends only on the frequency of light and not on its intensity
    (c ) even when the metal surface is faintly illuminated, the photo electrons leave the surface immediately
    (d) electric charge of the photo electrons is quantised

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  69. If a nucleus `._(Z)^(A)x` emits one `alpha`-particle and one `beta` (negative `beta`) particle in succession, then the daughter nucleus will have which of the following configurations?

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  70. Find the half life of `U^(238)`, if one gram of it emits `1.24xx10^4` `alpha`-particle per second. Avogadro's Number `=6.023xx10^(23)`.

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  71. A nitrogen nucleus `7^(N^(14))` absorbs a neutron and can transfrom into lithium nucleus `3^(Li^(7))` under suitable conditions, after emitting :

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  72. Nucleus `A` decays to `B` with decay constant `lambda_(1)` and `B` decays to `C` with decay constant `lambda_(2)`. Initially at `t=0` number of nuclei of `A` and `B` are `2N_(0)` and `N_(0)` respectively. At `t=t_(o)`, no. of nuclei of `B` is `(3N_(0))/(2)` and nuclei of `B` stop changing. Find `t_(0)`?

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  73. An unstable nucleus X can decay into two stable nuclie Y and Z A sample containing only X is taken at t=0 Three graphs `log_(e)(N_(x)` vs t,`N_(x),` vs t and `N_(z)` vs t are drawn as shown below Here `N_(x),N_(y)` and `N_(z)` represent number of nuclei of X,Y and Z repectively at any instant. t

    Choose the correct choice (s) from the following :

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  74. An electron , initiallty at rest is released from a large distance from a proton (fixed in space ). The de-broglie wavelength of the electron when it is at distance r from proton is `lambda` the ratio of its kinetic energy at this distance with the kinetic energy of the electron is ground stae of hydrogen atom (Bohr model) with the radius of its orbit being r, is `alpha` Pick the correct options (s)

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  75. A nucleus X of mass M. intially at rest undergoes alpha decay according to the equation
    The alpha particle emitted in the above proces is found to move in a circular track of radius r in a uniform magnetic field B. Then (mass and charge of `alpha` particle are m and q respectively)

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  76. Consider an atom made up of a protons and a hypothetical particle of triple the mass of electron but having same charge as electron. Apply bohr model and consider all possible transition of this hypothetical from second excited state to lower states.The possible wavelengths emitted is (are) (given in term of the Rydberg constant R for the hydrogen atom)

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for JEE Advanced (only one option is Correct) questions and complete solutions for chapter MODERN PHYSICS of DC PANDEY ENGLISH of Class 12