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Complete Solutions to WB-JEE Previous years questions of chapter MOTION OF CENTRE OF MASS, CONNECTED SYSTEMS, FRICTION of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

MTG-WBJEEWB-JEE Previous years questions
Number Of Questions17
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Four small objects each of mass m are fixed at the comers of a rectangular wire-frame of negligible mass and of sides a and `b (a gt b )`. If the wire frame is now rotated about an axis passing along the side of length b, then the moment of inertia of the system for this axis of rotation is

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  2. The velocity of a car travelling on a straight road is 36 km `h^(- 1)` at an instant of time. Now travelling with uniform acceleration for 10s, the velocity becomes exactly double. If the wheel radius of the car is 25 cm, then which of the following numbers is the closest to the number of revolutions that the wheel makes during this 10 s?

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  3. A uniform solid spherical ball is rolling down a smooth inclined plane from a height h. The velocity attained by the ball when it reaches the bottom of the inclined plane is v. If the ball is now thrown vertically upwards with the same velocity v, the maximum height to which the ball will rise is

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  4. A smooth massless string passes over a smooth fixed pulley. Two masses m1 and `m_(2) (m_(1) gt m_(2))` are tied at the two ends of the string. The masses are allowed to move under gravity starting from rest. The total external force acting on the two masses is

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  5. Two particles A and B are moving as shown in the figure. Their total angular momentum about the point O is

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  6. A large number of particles are placed around the origin, each at a distance R from the origin. The distance of the center of mass of the system from the origin is

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  7. Block B lying on a table weighs W. The coefficient of static friction between the block and the table is μ. Assume that the cord between B and the knot is horizontal. The maximum weight of the block A for which the system will be stationary is

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  8. Two bodies of masses `m_(1)` and `m_(2)` are separated by a distance R. The distance of the centre of mass of the bodies from the mass `m_(1)` is

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  9. Two particles A and B (both initially at rest) start moving towards each other under a mutual force of attraction. At the instant when the speed of A is v and the speed of B is 2v, the speed of the centre of mass is

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  10. A block of mass `m_(2)` is placed on a horizontal table and another block of mass `m_(1)` is placed on top of it. An increasing horizontal force F = at is exerted on the upper block but the lower block never moves as a result. If the coefficient of friction between the blocks is `μ_(1)` and that between the lower block and the table is `μ_(2)`, then what is the maximum possible value of `μ_(1)//μ_(2)`?

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  11. A solid uniform sphere resting on a rough horizontal plane is given a horizontal impulse directed through its centre so that it starts sliding with an initial velocity `v_(0)`. When it finally starts rolling without slipping the speed of its centre is

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  12. Three identical square plates rotate about the axes shown in the figure in such a way that their kinetic energies are equal. Each of the rotation axes passes through the centre of the square. Then the ratio of angular speeds `omega_(1) : omega_(2) : omega_(3)` is

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  13. A mass of 1 kg is suspended by means of a thread. The system is (i) lifted up with an acceleration of `4.9 ms^(-2)` (ii) lowered with an acceleration of 4.9 `ms^(- 2)`. The ratio of tension in the first and second case is

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  14. A bullet of mass `4.2 xx 10^(-2)` kg, moving at a speed of `300 ms^(- 1)`, gets stuck into a block with a mass 9 times that of the bullet. If the block is free to move without any kind of friction, the heat generated in the process will be

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  15. A solid spherical ball and a hollow spherical ball of two different materials of densities `p_(1)` and `p_(2)` respectively have same outer radii and same mass. What will be the ratio the moment of inertia (about an axis passing through the centre) of the hollow sphere to that of the solid sphere?

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  16. A bar of length l canying a small mass m at one of its ends rotates with a uniform angular speed `omega` in a vertical plane about the mid-point of the bar. During the rotation, at some instant of time when the bar is horizontal, the mass is detached from the bar but the bar continues to rotate with same `omega`. The mass moves ve1tically up, comes back and reaches the bar at the same point. At that place, the acceleration due to gravity is g.

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  17. A circular disc rolls on a horizontal floor without slipping and the centre of the disc moves with a unifonn velocity v. Which of the following values the velocity at a point on the rim of the disc can have?

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WB-JEE Previous years questions questions and complete solutions for chapter MOTION OF CENTRE OF MASS, CONNECTED SYSTEMS, FRICTION of MTG-WBJEE PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12