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Complete Solutions to Level =I (H.W) of chapter MOVING CHARGES AND MAGNETISM of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions42
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A north pole of strengt` pi A m`, is moved around a circle of radius `10cm` which lies around a long straight conductor carrying a current of `10A`. The work doen is nearly

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  2. Two long straight conductors carry currents `4 A` and` 2A` into the plane of paper. A circular path is imagined to be enclosing these currents. The value of `oint bar(B).bar(dl) is

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  3. Three long straight conductors are kept perpendicular to the plane of paper. Currents `2A,3A` are passing through the two conductors into the plane of paper in first two conductors and `5A` current passes through thirst conductor, directed out of the paper. A closed loop encloses the conductors, then the value of `oint bar(B). bar(dl)` over the closed loop is `(` assume current into the paper as negative and out of the paper as positive `)`

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  4. A long straight wire carries an electric current of `2A`. The magnetic induction at a perpendicular distance of `5m` from the wire is `( mu_(0)4 pi xx 10^(7)Hm^(-1))`

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  5. a `2A` current is flowing through a circular coil of radius `10 cm` containing `100 ` turns. Find the magnetic flux density at the centre of the coil.

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  6. A coil of radius `pi` meters, 100 turns carries a current of `3A`. The magnetic induction at a point on its axis at a distance equal to `sqrt(3)` times its radius from its centre is

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  7. The coils A and B having the radii in the ratio `1:2` carrying currents in the ratio `5:1` and have the number of turns in the ration `1:5` . The ratio of magnetic inductions at their centres is `

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  8. The intensity of magnetic induction at the centre of a current `-` carrying circular coil is `B_(1)` and at a point on its axis at a distance equal to its radius from the centre is `B_(2)` , then `B_(1)//B_(2)` is

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  9. The magnetic induction at a point distance `'X'` from the centre , on the axis of a circular current carrying coil is inversely proportional to ( if `X gt gt` radius of coil `)`

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  10. A circular coil of radius `5 cm ` has 169 turns carries a current of `2.6 A`. The magnetic induction at a point on the axis at a distance of `12 cm` from the centre of the coil is

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  11. A TG has 50 turns each of diameter `15 cms`. When a certain current is passed through its coil, the deflection of the needle is `45^(@)`. If `B_H)=4 pi muT` the value of current is

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  12. A tangent galvanometer propertly adjusted gives a deflection of `30^(@)` when a certain current is passed through it. When the current is changed, then it gives a deflection of `45^(@)`. The ratio of the currents in the two cases is

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  13. In a tangent galvanometer a deflection of `30^(@)` is obtained wth a certain current flowing through the coil. If the current is tripled, the deflection obtained will be

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  14. An electron of charge `"e"` has a time period of revolution of `"T"` in a Bohr orbit of radius `"r"`. The dipole moment of the electron is

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  15. A circular coil of wire `"n"` turns has a radius `"r"` and carries a current `"I"`. Its magnetic dipole moment is `"M"`.Now the coil is unwound and again rewound into a circular coil of half the initial radius and the same current is passed throught is, then the dipole moment of this new coil is

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  16. A long solenoid has 20 turns per cm and carries a current i. the magnetic field at its centre is `6.28xx10^(-2)Wb//m^(2)`. Another long solenoid has 100 turns per cm and it carries a current `i//3` . The value of the magnetic field at its centre is

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  17. A proton and an `alpha-` particle enter a uniform magnetic field at right angles to the field with same speed. The ratio of the periods of `alpha-` particle and proton is

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  18. A proton takes `10^(-12)s` to complete one revolution in uniform magnetic field. The time taken in another orbit of double the radius in the same field is

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  19. A charged particle , having charge q accelerated through a potential difference V enters a perpendicular magnetic field in which it experiences a force F. If V is increased to `5V`, the particle will experience a force.

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  20. A proton moving with a velocity of `2xx10^(6)ms^(-1)` describes circle of radius `R` in a magnetic field. The speed of an `alpha-` particle to describe a circle of same radius in the same magnitude field is

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  21. A particle of charge `16xx10^(-18)` coulomb moving with velocity `10m//s` along the `x-` axis enters a region where a magnetic field of induction B is along the `y-` axis, and an electric field of magnitude `10^1//m^(-1)` is along the negative `Z-` axis. If the charged particle continues moving along the `X-` axis, the magnitude to B is

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  22. A proton is rotating along a circular path with kinetic energy K in a uniform magnetic field B. If the magnetic is made four times, the kinetic energy of rotation of proton is

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  23. In a cyclotron , if the frequency of proton is `5MHz`, the magnetic field necessary for resosnance is

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  24. A cyclotron's oscillator frequency is `10 MHz` . The operating magnetic field for accelerating protons is

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  25. A straight wire of length `0.5` metre and carrying a current of `1.2` ampere is placed in a uniform magnetic field of induction 2 tesla. If the magnetic field is perpendicular to the length of the wire , the force acting on the wire is

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  26. Two parallel conductor carrying `5A` each , repel with a force of `0.25Nm^(-1)`. The distance between them is

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  27. Two straight parallel wires carry currents of `200 mA` and `1A` in opposite direction. If the wires are `20cm` apart, the distance of the neutral point from the `1A` wire is `(` in cm )

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  28. Two long parallel copper wires carry currents of `5 A` each in opposite directions. If the wires are separated by a distance of ` 0.5m` , then the force between the two wires is

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  29. A rectangular coil of wire of area `400cm^(2)` contain `500` turns. It is places in a magnetic field of induction `4xx10^(-3)T` and it makes an angle `60^(@)` with the field. A current of `0.2A` is passed through is. The torque on the coil is

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  30. A rectangular coil of wire carrying a current is suspended in a uniform magnetic field. The plane of the coil is making an angle of `30^(@)` with the direction of the field and the torque experienced by it is `tau_(1)` and when the plane of the coil is making an angle of `60^(@)` with the direction of the field the torque experienced by it is `tau_(2)`. Then the ratio `tau_(1):tau_(2)` is

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  31. A vertical rectangular coil of sides `5 cm xx 2 cm` has 10 turns and carries a current of `2A`. The torque ( couple) on the coil when it is placed in a uniform horizontal magnetic field of `0.1T` with its plane perpendicular to the field is

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  32. The coil in a MCG has an area of `4cm^(2)` and `500` turns. The intensity of magnetic induction is `2T`. When a current of `10^(-4)A` is passes through it, the deflection is `20^(@)`. The couple per unit twist is `(N-m)`

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  33. The area of the coil in a moving coil galvanometer is `15cm^(2)` and has 20 turns. The magnetic induction is `0.2T` and the couple per unit twist of the suspended wire is `10^(-6) Nm` per degree. If the deflection is `45^(@)`, the current passing through it is

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  34. The sensitivity of a galvanometer of resistance `990Omega` is increased by `10` times. The shunt used is

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  35. A galvanometer of resistance `50Omega` gives full scale deflection when a current `10^(-3)A` is passed through it converted into an ammeter to measure `0.5A` current.

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  36. A galvanometer of resistance `20Omega` is shunted by a `2 Omega` resistor. What part of the main current flows through the galvanometer ?

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  37. A galvanometer has a resistance `50 Omega` and it shunted by a `0.5Omega` resistor. The fraction of the main current that flows throught the galvanometer is

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  38. A galvanometer having a coil resistance of `100 omega` gives a full scale deflection , when a current of `1 mA` is passed through it. The value of the resistance, which can convert this galvanometer into ammeter giving a full scale deflection for a current of `10A` , is :

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  39. A galvanometer has a resistance of `49Omega`.If `2%` of the main current is to be passed through the meter, The value of the shunt will be

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  40. In an ammeter `5%` of the total current is passing through the galvanometer of resistance `G`. The resistance of shunt (`S`) required will be

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  41. A galvanometer of internal resistance `100 Omega` has a full scale deflection current of `1mA`. To convert it into a voltmeter of range `0-10V`, the resistance to be connected is

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  42. When a high resistance `'R'` is connected in series with a volmeter of resistance `'G'`, the range of the volmeter increases `5`times. Then `G : R` will be

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Level =I (H.W) questions and complete solutions for chapter MOVING CHARGES AND MAGNETISM of NARAYANA PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12