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Complete Solutions to Exercise of chapter CHEMICAL KINETIC & NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The differential rate law equation for the elementary reaction `A+2Boverset(k)to3C`, is

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  2. The rate of a reaction is expressed in different ways as follows:
    the reaction is

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  3. In the reaction , `A+2Bto6C+2D`, if the initial rate `-(d[A])/(dt)` at t= 0 is `2.6xx10^(-2)Msec^(-1)`, what will be the value of `-(d[B])/(dt)` at t=0?

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  4. For the reaction `2AtoB+3C`, if `-(d[A])/(dt)=k_(1)[A]^(2),-(d[B])/(dt)=k_(2)[A]^(2),-(d[C])/(dt)=k_(3)[A]^(2)` the correct reaction between `k_(1),k_(2)` and `k_(3)` is :

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  5. The rate constant of `n^(th)` order has units :

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  6. Which of the following statement is incorrect?

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  7. Which of the following relation is correct for `k_(f)` and `k_(b)` in an equibilirium process that contains equal moles of rectants and products.

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  8. Listed in the table are forward and reverse rate constants for the reaction
    Select the correct statement

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  9. The rate of constatnt depends on

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  10. In the following reaction, how is the rate of appearance of the underline product related to the rate of disappearance of the underlined reactant?

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  11. Consider a reaction `A(g)overset(k=0.1 M min^(-1))to2B(g)`. If initial concentration of A is 0.5 M then select correct graph.

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  12. Which of the following statement is incorrect?

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  13. The molecularity of a complex reaction given below is :

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  14. Decomposition of `NH_(4)NO_(2)(aq` into `N_(2)(g)` and `2H_(2)O(l)` is first order reaction.

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  15. Decomposition of `Hl (g)` on Gold surface is zero order reaction. Initially, few moles of `H_(2)` are present in container then which of the following graph is correct ?

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  16. Consider the plots for the types of reaction

    These plots respectively correspond to the reaction orders :

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  17. If decompositon reaction `A(g)toB(g) follows first order linetics then the graph of rate of formation (R ) of B against time t will be :

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  18. Consider the plots for the types of reaction

    These plots respectively correspond to the reaction orders :

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  19. For a zero order reaction, the plot of concentration, vs time is linear with

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  20. What will be the order of reaction for a chemical change having `log t_((1)/(2))` vs log a? ( where a = initial concentration of rectant, `t_((1)/(2))` =half life)

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  21. A graph between `log t_((1)/(2))` and log a (abscissa), a being the initial concentration of A in the reaction For reaction `Ato`Product, the rate law is :

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  22. For the reaction`AtoB`, for which graph between half life `(t_(1//2)) and initial concentration (a) of the rectant is given below

    Hence graph between `-(d[A])/(dt)` and time will be:

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  23. For the ideal gaseous reaction, the rate is generally expressed in terms of `(dP)/(dt)` instead of `(dC)/(dt)` or `(dn)/(dt)` (where C=`(n)/(V)` is concentration and n the no. of moles). What is the relation among these three expressions if T and V are constant?

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  24. `A_(2)+B_(2)to2AB`, R.O.R.=`k[A_(2)]^(a)[B_(2)]^(b)`
    `{:(,"Initial"[A_(2)],"Initial"[B_(2)],R.O.R.(r) Ms^(-1)),(,0.2,0.2,0.04),(,0.1,0.4,0.04),(,0.2,0.4,0.08):}`
    Order of reaction with respect to `A_( 2)` and `B_(2)` are respectively :

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  25. For a reaction initial rate is given as : `R_(0)=k[A_(0)]^(2)[B_(0)]`. By what factor, the initial rate of reaction will increase if initial concentration is taken 1.5 times and B is tripled?

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  26. For `A_((s))+B_((s))toC_((s))`,rate=`k[A]^(1//2)[B]^(2)`, if initial concentration of A and B are increased by factors 4 and 2 respectively, then the initial rate is changed by the factor:

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  27. Reaction `AtoB` follows second order kinetics. Doubling the concentration of A wil increase the rate of formation of B by a factor of :

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  28. The reaction of `A_(2)` and `B_(2)` follows the equation
    The following data were observed
    `{:(,[A_(2)]_(0),[B_(2)]_(0),"Initial rate of appearance of AB(g)(in" Ms^(-1)),(,0.10,0.10,2.5xx10^(-4)),(,0.20,0.10,5xx10^(-4)),(,0.20,0.20,10xx10^(-4)):}`
    The value of rate constatnt for the above reaction is :

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  29. The unit of rate constant of elementary reaction depends upon the

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  30. Select the rate law that corresponds to the datashown for the reaction `A+BtoC`

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  31. An elementary reaction A and B is second order reaction. Which of the following rate equation must be correct?

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  32. If `a` is the initial concentration of the rectant, the half life period of the reaction of `n^(th)` order is inversely proportional to :

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  33. Which of the following expressions is correct for zero and first order respectively [Where a is initial concentration]?

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  34. The unit of rate constant of zero order and first order chemical reactions are respectively :

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  35. The unit of rate of reaction and rate of rate constant are same for a :

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  36. `CH_(3)COOC_(2)H_(5)(aq)+H_(2)O(l)overset(H^(+)(aq))toCH_(3)COOH(aq)+C_(2)H_(5)OH(aq)`. What type of reaction is this?

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  37. When ethyl acetate was was hydrolysedin presemce of 0.1 M HCl, the rate constant was found to be `5.4xx10^(-5)s^(-1)`. But in presence of 0.1 M `H_(2)SO_(4)` the rate constant was found to be `6.25xx10^(-5)s^(-1)`. Thus it may be concluded that:

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  38. For an elementary reaction `2A+B rarr A_(2)B` if the volume of vessel is quickly reduced to half of it's original volume then rate of reaction will `:`

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  39. In the reaction `AtoB+C`, rate constant is `0.001Ms^(-1)`. If we start with 1 M of A then conc. Of A and B after 10 minutes are respectively :

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  40. For a reaction `Aoverset(k_(r)=0.6M min^(-1))to2B`
    starting with 1 M of 'A' only, concentration of B (in M) after 100 sec. and 200 sec. is respectively?

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  41. For the zero order reaction `AtoB+C`, initial concentration of A is 0.1 M. If [A]=0.08 M after 10 minutes,then its half-life and completion time are respectively :

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  42. For an elementary reaction , `X(g)toY(g)+Z(g)`
    the half life period is 10 min. In what period of time would the concentration of X be reduced to 10% of original concentration?

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  43. In the presence of acid, the initial concentration, of cane sugar was reduced form `0.2 M` to `0.1` in `5 hr` and to `0.05 M` in `10 hr`. The reaction must be of

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  44. A first order reaction is 75% completed in 100 minutes. How long time will it take for its 87.5% completion?

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  45. The rate constant for a first order reaction whose half life is 480 sec, is :

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  46. Rate constant k=2.303 `min^(-1)` for a particular reaction. The initial concentration of the reactant is 1 mol`//`litre then rate of reaction after 1 minute is:

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  47. For the reaction `3A(g)overset(k)toB(g)+C(g)` k is `10^(-4)L//mol.min`.
    If [A] = 0.5M then the value of `-(d[A])/(dt)`(in `ms^(-1)` is:

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  48. 99% of a first order reaction was completed in 32 in. When wil 99.9% of the reaction complete?

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  49. Which of the following represents the expression for 3/4 th life of 1st order reaction

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  50. Consider following two competing first ordr reactions,
    if `50%` of the reaction oof P wascompleted when `96%` of Q was complete ,then the ratio `(k_(2)//k_(1))` will be :

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  51. For the reaction
    (i) `Aoverset(k_(I))toP`
    (ii) `Boverset(K_(II))toQ`, following observation is made.

    Calculate `(k_(1))/(k_(II))`, where `k_(I)` and `k_(II)` and rate constant for the respective reaction.

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  52. For the homogenous gaseous reaction `Ato3B`, if pressure after time t was `P_(t)` and after completion of reaction, pressure was `P_(oo)` then select correct relation

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  53. The half-life of first order decomposition of `NH_(4)NO_(3)` is 2.10 hr at 288 K temperature
    `NH_(4)NO_(3)(aq)toN_(2)O(g)+2H_(2)O(l)`. If 6.2 of `NH_(4)NO_(3)` is allowed to decompose, the required for `NH_(4)NO_(3)` to decompose 90 % is :

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  54. For a first order homogeneous gaseous reaction `Ato2B+C`, if the total pressure after time t was `P_(t)` and after a long time `(to to oo)` was `P_(oo)` then k in terms of `P_(t),P_(oo)` and t is

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  55. The decomposition of azo methane, at certain temperature acccording to the equation `(CH_(3))_(2)N_(2)toC_(2)H_(6)+N_(2)` is a first order reaction.
    After 40 minutes from the start, the total pressure developed is found to be 350 mm Hg in place of initial pressure 200 mm Hg of azo methane. The value of rate constant k is :

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  56. The hydrolysis of sucrose was studied with the help of calorimeter and following data were
    `{:(,"Collected time (min.)",:0,70,oo),(,"observed rotation (degrees)",:44,16.5,-11):}`
    the time taken when reaction mixture wil be optically inactive ? (Given : In 2=0.7,in 3=1.1, in 5=1.6)

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  57. For a partiocular reaction with initial conc. Of the rectents as `a_(1)` and `a_(2)`, the half-life period are `t_(1)` and `t_(2)` respectively. The order of the reaction (n) is given by :

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  58. The value of `t_(0.875)/(t_(0.50)` for `n^(th)` order reaction is

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  59. `AtoB` first order reaction A is ooptical active and B is optically inactive. A series of experiment were conducted on a solution of A
    `{:(,"Time",0,60 min,oo),(,"optical rotation",82^(@),77^(@),2^(@)):}`
    assume some imurity is present calculate the otical rotation for 5 hours.)
    (Given in 1.066=0.064, `e^(0.16)`=1.17)

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  60. At 300 K the half-life of a sample of a gaseous compound initially at 1 atm is 100 sec. When the pressure is 0.5 atm the half-life is 50 sec. The order of reaction is :

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  61. A decomposes as . The rate of appearance of B, taking 2 M concentration of A, is equal to :

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  62. For an endothermic reaction energy of activation is `E_(a)` and enthalpy of reaction is `DeltaH` (both in kJ `"mol"^(-1)` ) Minimum value of `E_(a)` will be

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  63. The activation energy of the reaction, `A+BtoC+D+38` kcal is 20 kcal. What would be the activation energy pof the following reaction.

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  64. When the activation energies of the forward and backward reactions are equal, then :

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  65. For an exothermic chemical process ocuuring in two process occuring in two steps as follows
    `(i)A+BtoX("slow")" "(ii)XtoAB("fast")`
    The progress of reaction can be best described by :

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  66. Select the correct diagram for an endothermic reaction that proceeds through two steps with the second steps is rate determining :

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  67. `k_(34^(@))/k_(35^(@)) lt 1`, then

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  68. The plot of In 1/T is linear with slope of :

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  69. Rate constant for a chemical reaction taking place at 500K is expressed as `K=A. e^(-1000)` The activation energy of the reaction is :

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  70. For a complex reaction `A overset(k) rarr `products
    `E_(a1)=180kJ //mol e,E_(a2)=80kJ//mol ,E_(a3)=50kJ//mol`
    Overall rate constant `k` is related to individual rate constant by the equation `k=((k_(1)k_(2))/(k_(3)))^(2//3)`. Activation energy `( kJ//mol )` for the overall reaction is `:`

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  71. For reaction A `rarr` B , the rate constant `K_(1)=A_(1)(e^(-E_(a_(1))//RT))` and the reaction `X rarr Y` , the rate constant `K_(2)=A_(2)(e^(-E_(a_(2))//RT))` . If `A_(1)=10^(9)`, `A_(2)=10^(10)` and `E_(a_(1))`=1200 cal/mol and `E_(a_(2))` =1800 cal/mol , then the temperature at which `K_(1)=K_(2)` is : (Given , R=2 cal/K-mol)

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  72. The activation energies of the forward and backward reactions in the case of a chemical reaction are 30.5 and 45.5 KJ/mol , respectively . The reaction is:

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  73. A reaction rate constant is given by : `K= 1.2 xx10^(14)e^((-25000)/(RT)) sec^(-1)`. It means :

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  74. The temperature coefficient of a reaction is

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  75. Which graph shows zero activation energy ?

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  76. A homogenous catalytic reaction takes place through the three alternative plots A, B, and C shown in the given figure. Which one of the following indicates the relative ease with which the reaction can take place?

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  77. The rate of a reaction gets doubled when temperature increase by `27^(@) C "to" 37^(@)` . By what factor will it change for the temperature range `17^(@)` C to `27^(@)` C

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  78. Which of the following expkains the increase of reaction rate by a catalyst?

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  79. Collision theory satisfactorily explains

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  80. For the first order reaction `A rarr B +C` , carried out at `27^(@)` C . If `3.8 xx 10^(-16)%` of the reactant molecules exists in the activated state , the `E_(a)` (activation energy) of the reaction is:

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  81. For a reaction the following mechanism has been proposed , `2A+BtoD+E`
    `A+BtoC+D` (slow), `A+CtoE`(fast)
    The rate law a expression for the reaction is

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  82. A reaction `A_(2)+B_(2)to2AB` occurs by the following mechanism:
    `A_(2)hArr A+A`…………(fast)
    `A+BtoAB`…………..(fast) Its order would be:

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  83. Chemical reaction occurs as a result of collisions between reacting molecules. Therefore, the reaction rate is given by

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  84. Radioactivity is affected by:

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  85. The radiation from naturally occuring radioactive substance as seen after deflection by a magnetic field in one direction are :

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  86. During `alpha`-decay:

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  87. Atoms `._(7)X^(A),._(8)Y^(B)` and `._(9)Z^(17)` are such that `._(8)Y` is an isobar of `._(7)X` and atom `._(9)Z^(17)` is isotone of `._(8)Y`. Mass no. of `X` and no of neutrons in `Y` are respectively `:`

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  88. `._(90)Th^(234)` disintegrates to give `._(82)Pb^(206)Pb` as the final product. How many alpha and beta particles are emitted during this process ?

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  89. An isotone of `._(32)^(76)Ge` is-
    (a) `._(32)^(77)Ge`

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  90. Isodiaphers are atoms having:

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  91. The number of neutrons accompanying the formation of `._(54)Xe^(139)` and `._(38)Sr^(94)` from the absorption of a slow neutron by `._(92)U^(235)`, followed by nuclear fission is

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  92. Complete the following nuclear equation by suppling the symbol for the other product of the fission :
    `._(92)^(235)U+_(0)^(1)n rarr _(38)^(94)Sr +………+2_(0)^(1)n`

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  93. `X rarr _(82)^(206)Pb+_(2)^(4)He` .In this reaction predict the position of group of X:

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  94. `._(90)Th` is a member of III group . After losing `alpha`-particle it forms a new element belonging to :

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  95. Alpha decay of `._(92)^(238)U` forms `._(90)^(234)Th`. What kind of decay from `._(90)^(234)Th` produces `._(84)^(234)Ac` ?

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  96. A radioactive sample had an initial activity of 56 dpm . After 69.3 minutes , it was found to have an activity of 28 dpm , the number of atoms in a sample having an activity of 100 dpm is `10^(x)` . The value of x is …….

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  97. A radioactive sample has initial activity of 28 dpm 30 minutes later its activity 14 dpm . How many atoms of nuclide were present initially?

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  98. The value of decay constant of `Co^(60)` is `2.5xx 10^(-7)"min"^(-1)` . The activity of 2.0 g of the sample is nearly :

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  99. Half-life `(t_(1//2))` for a radioactive decay is 6930 sec. The time required to fall the rate of decay to `((1)/(100))^(th)` of its initial value is:

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  100. A sample of radioactive substance is found 90% of its initial amount after one day . What % of the original sample can be found after 3 days?

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Exercise questions and complete solutions for chapter CHEMICAL KINETIC & NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY of NARENDRA AWASTHI of Class 12