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Complete Solutions to Section I - Solved Mcqs of chapter MAXIMA AND MINIMA of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
OBJECTIVE RD SHARMASection I - Solved Mcqs
Number Of Questions72
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The value of a for which the function
    `f(x)= a sinx+(1/3)` sin 3x has an extremum at `x=pi/3` is

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  2. If `f(x)=alog|x| + bx^2+x`
    has its extremum values at `x=-1 and x= 2` then

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  3. The critical points of `f(x)=(|2-x|)/(x^2) is//are`

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  4. The set of all values of a for which the function `f(x)=(a^2-3a+2)(cos^2\ x/4-sin^2\ x/4)+(a-1)x+sin1` does not possess critical points is (A) `[1,oo)` (B) `(0,1) uu (1,4)` (C) `(-2,4)` (D) `(1,3) uu (3,5)`

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  5. The value of `a` for which the function `f(x)=(4a-3)(x+log5)+2(a-7)cotx/2sin^2x/2` does not possess critical points is `(-oo,-4/3)` (b) `(-oo,-1)` `[1,oo)` (d) `(2,oo)`

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  6. For ` a in [pi , 2 pi]` and `n in Z` the critical points of g
    `f(x) = 1/3 sin a tan ^3 "" x + (sin a-1)tan x + sqrt(a-2)/(8-a)` are

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  7. Suppose the cubic `x^3-px+q` has three real roots where `pgt0` and `qgt0` . Then which one of the following holds ?

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  8. The critical points of `f (x) = (x-2)^(2/3) (2 x +1)` are

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  9. If p and q are positive real numbers such that `p^2+q^2=1` , then the maximum value of p+q is

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  10. Given P(x) `=x^(4) +ax^(3) +bx^(2) +cx +d` such that x=0 is the only real root of P'(x) =0 . If P(-1) lt P(1),` then in the interval `[-1,1]`

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  11. The difference between the greatest and least value of function `f(x)=cosx+1/2cos2x-1/3cos3x` is

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  12. A straight line through the point `(h,k)` where `hgt0` and `kgt0,` makes positive intercepts on the coordinate axes. Then the minimum length of line intercepted between the coordinate axes is

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  13. e total number of local maxima and local minima of the function `f(x) = {(2+x)^3, -3

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  14. If `f:R in R` is defined by
    `f(x)=(x^(2)-ax+1)/(x^(2)+ax+1),0ltalt2`, the which of the following is true:

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  15. If `f(x) = {{:(|x|",", "for",,0 lt |x| le 2), (1",", "for,, x =0):}`. Then, at x = 0, ` f ` has

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  16. If `f(x)` is a cubic polynomial which as local maximum at `x=-1` . If `f(2)=18,` `f(1)=-1` and `f'(x)` has minimum at `x=0` then

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  17. If `f(x) = {{:(e ^(x),,"," 0 le x lt 1 ,, ""), (2- e^(x - 1),,"," 1 lt x le 2,, and g(x) = int_(0)^(x) f(t ) dt","),( x- e,,"," 2lt x le 3 ,, ""):}`
    ` x in [ 1, 3 ] `, then

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  18. For the functions `f(x)= int_(0)^(x) (sin t)/t dt ` where ` x gt 0`. At `x=n pi ` f(x) attains

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  19. Let `f(x)=int_(0)^(x) (sint-cost)(e^t-2)(t-1)^3(t-1)^3(t-2)^5 dt , 0lt xle4`
    Then , the number of points where f(x) assumes local maximum value , is

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  20. Let f(x) be a function defined as
    `f(x)={{:(sin(x^2-3x)", "xle0),(6x+5x^2", "xgt0):}`
    Then at x=0,f(x)

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  21. Let f(x) be a function defined by
    `f(x)=int_(1)^(x)t(t^2-3t+2)dt,x in [1,3]`
    Then the range of f(x), is

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  22. If the function `f(x)=(4sin ^2 x-1)^n(x^2-x+1)n in N` has a local maximum at ` x= pi //6 ` then n

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  23. The set of critical pionts of the fuction f(x) given by
    `f(x)= x - log _(e)x+int_(2)^(x)((1)/(t)-2-2cos 4t)dt is `

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  24. If h(x)=f(x)+f(-x), " then " h(x) has got and extreme value at a point where f(x) is

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  25. Let `f(x)=(x-2)^2x^n, n in N ` Then f(x) has a minimum at

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  26. The difference between the greateset ahnd least vlaue of the function `f(x)=int_(0)^(x) (6t^2-24)" dt on " [1,3] " dt on " [1,3]` is

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  27. Set of values of b for which local extrema of the function f(x) are positive where `f(x)=(2)/(3)a^(2)x^(3)-(5a)/(2)x^(2)+3x+b` and maximum occurs at `x(1)/(3)` is -

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  28. if `f(x)=(sin (x+alpha)/(sin(x+beta))),alpha ne beta ` then f(x) has

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  29. if `f(x)=(sin (x+alpha)/(sin(x+beta),alpha ne beta ` then f(x) has

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  30. let `f(x)=1+2x^2+2^2x^4+.....+2^(10)x^(20).` The , `f(x)` has

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  31. The function `f(x)=(x)/(1+x tanx )`

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  32. A polynomial function f(x) is such that f''(4)= f''(4)=0 and f(x) has minimum value 10 at ax=4 .Then

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  33. The number of vlaues of x where the function `f(x)= cos x + cos (sqrt(2) x)` attains its maximum is

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  34. In the interval `(0,pi//2)` the fucntion `f(x)= tan^nx+cot^n`x attains

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  35. The fraction exceeds its `p^(th) ` power by the greatest number possible, where `p geq2` is

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  36. The greatest value of the fucntion `f(x)=sin^(-1)x^2` in interval `[-1//sqrt(2),1//sqrt(2)]` is

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  37. The minimum value of the fuction `f(x)=2|x-2|+5|x-3|` for all ` x in R , is `

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  38. The minimum value of the fuction f(x) given by `f(x)=(x^m)/(m)+(x^(-n))/(n) " where " 1/m+1/n =1" and " m gt 1` is

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  39. The largest term of the sequence ` lt a_n gt ` given by `a_n=(n^2)/(n^3 + 200),n in N`. Is

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  40. Let `f(x)=a x^3+b x^2+c x+1` has exterma at `x=alpha,beta` such that `alphabeta<0a n df(alpha)f(beta)<0` . Then the equation `f(x)=0` has three equal real roots one negative root if `f(alpha)<<0a n df(beta)>>0` one positive root if `f(alpha)<<0a n df(beta)>>0` none of these

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  41. `P=x^3-1/x^3, Q=x-1/x` `x in (1,oo)` then minimum value of `P/(sqrt(3)Q^2)`

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  42. Let `f(x) = cos 2pix + x -[x]([*]` denotes the greatest integer function). Then number of points in `[0,10]` at which f(x) assumes its local maximum value, is

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  43. Let `f(x)=a-(x-3)^(8//9)` then greatest value of f(x) is

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  44. A function f such that ` f'(a)=f''(a)=….=f^(2n)(a)=0` ,
    and f has a local maximum value b at x=a ,if f (x) is

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  45. Let `f(x)={{:(3x^2-2x+10, x lt 1),(-2,x gt 1):}`
    The set of values of b for which f(x) has greatest value at x=1 is

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  46. The maximum value of cos `(int_(2x)^(x^(2)) e^t sin^2 " t dt ")`

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  47. Let `f(x)= {{:(1+ sin x, x lt 0 ),(x^2-x+1, x ge 0 ):}`

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  48. Let f(x)`=x^(n+1)+ax^n, "where " a gt 0`. Then, x=0 is point of

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  49. The greph of `y=x^3+ax^2+bx+c` has no extemun if and only if

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  50. If f(x) `=int_(x)^(x^2) (t-1)dt, 1 le x le 2` then the greatest value of `phi` (x) , is

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  51. If the parabola `y=ax^2+bx+c` has vertex at(4,2)and ` a in [1,3]` then the difference beteween the extreme value of abc is equal to

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  52. Let f(X)=In `(2x -x^2)+ sin (pix)/(2)`. Then which one of the following options is not correct ?

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  53. If `alpha and beta` respectively the minmum and minimum values of the fuction f(x) given by
    `f(x)=|{:(1+sin^2" " x cos^2x " " sin2x),(sin^2x " "1+cos^2 x " "sin 2x),(sin^2x " "cos^2x" "1+sin 2x):}|` then which one of
    the following options is not true ?

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  54. Let `f(x)={{:(x^2+4x "," -3 le x le 0),(-sin x ","0 lt x le pi//2 ),(-cos x -1 "," pi//2 lt x le pi):}`
    which one of the following is not true ?

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  55. If `alpha` be the number of solutions of the equation [sin x] =|x| ) and `beta ` be the greatest value of the function
    `f(x) =cos(x^2-[x^2))` in the interval ][-1,1] the

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  56. Let `f(x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4)=x_1^2+x_2^2+x_3^2+x_4^2-2(x_1+x_2+x_3+x_4)+10`
    and `x_1,x_3 in [-1,2]` and `x_2,x_4 in [1,4]` then the maximum value of f is

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  57. Let `f,g` and `h` be real-valued functions defined on the interval `[0,1]` by `f(x)=e^(x^2)+e^(-x^2)` , `g(x)=x e^(x^2)+e^(-x^2)` and `h(x)=x^2 e^(x^2)+e^(-x^2)`. if `a,b` and `c` denote respectively, the absolute maximum of `f,g` and `h` on `[0,1]` then

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  58. Let `f` be a function defined on `R` (the set of all real numbers) such that `f^(prime)(x)=2010(x-2009)(x-2010)^2(x-2011)^3(x-2012)^4,` for all `x in Rdot` If `g` is a function defined on `R` with values in the interval `(0,oo)` such that `f(x)=ln(g(x)),` for all `x in R ,` then the number of point is `R` at which `g` has a local maximum is ___

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  59. Let `f:R to R` be defined by
    If f has a local minimum at x=-1, then a possible value of k is

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  60. For `e in (0,(5pi)/(2)) " define " f(x)= int_(0)^(x) sqrt(t) sin t dt `
    has local maximum at `pi and 2 pi `

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  61. Let `p(x)` be a real polynomial of least degree which has a local maximum at `x=1` and a local minimum at `x=3.` If `p(1)=6a n dp(3)=2,` then `p^(prime)(0)` is_____

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  62. Let `I RvecI R` be defined as `f(x)=|x|++x^2-1|dot` The total number of points at which `f` attains either a local maximum or a local minimum is_______

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  63. If `f(x) = int_(0)^(x) e^(t^2)(t-2)(t-3) dt " for all " x in (0,oo)`
    then which of the following is incorrect ?

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  64. The function `f(x)=2|x|+|x+2|=||x|2|-2|x||` has a local minimum or a local maximum at `x=` `-2` (b) `-2/3` (c) 2 (d) `2/3`

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  65. Let f:[0,1] `rarr` R be a function . Suppose the fuction f is twice differentiable with f(0) =f(1)=0 and satisfies
    `f(x)-2f(x)+f(x) ge e^x " for all " x in [0,1]`.Which of the following is true for x `in (0,1]` ?

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  66. Let f:[0,1] `rarr` R be a function.such that `f(0)=f(1)=0 and f''(x)+f(x) ge e^x` for all `x in [0,1]`.If the fucntion `f(x)e^(-x)` assumes its minimum in the interval [0,1] at `x=1/4` which of the following is true ?

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  67. A rectangular sheet of fixed perimeter with sides having their lengths in the ratio `8: 15` is converted into anopen rectangular box by folding after removing squares of equal area from all four corners. If the total area of removed squares is 100, the resulting box has maximum volume. Then the length of the sides of the rectangular sheet are

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  68. Let f(x) be a polynomial of degree four having extreme vlaues at x=1 and x =2 .If `lim_(x rarr 0) (1+(f(x))/(x^2))=3` then f(2) is equal to

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  69. A cylindrica container is to be made from certain solid material with the following constraints: It has a fixed inner volume of `V m^3`, has a 2 mm thick solid wall and is open at the top. The bottom of the container is a solid circular disc of thickness 2mm and is of radius equal to the outer radius of the container. If the volume the material used to make the container is minimum when the inner radius of the container is `10 mm`. then the value of `V/(250 pi)` is

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  70. The minimum value of the function
    `f(x)=x^(3//2)+x^(-3//2)-4(x+1/x)` for all permissible real x is

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  71. The least value of `a in RR` for which `4ax^2+1/x >= 1`, for all `x > 0`, is

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  72. The abscissae of a point, tangent at which to the curve `y = e^x sin x, x in [0, pi]` has maximum slope is

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Section I - Solved Mcqs questions and complete solutions for chapter MAXIMA AND MINIMA of OBJECTIVE RD SHARMA MATHS VOL I (HINGLISH) of Class 12