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Complete Solutions to CBSE Problems of chapter ELECTROCHEMISRY of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions34
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Write Nernst equation for the electrode reaction :
    `M^(n+)(aq)+"n"e^(-)(aq) to M(s)`

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  2. How much electricity is requried in coulomb for the oxidation of 1 mol of `H_(2)O` to `O_(2)`

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  3. Write Nernst equation for the electrode reaction :
    `M^(n+)(aq)+"n"e^(-)(aq) to M(s)`

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  4. Write the nearest equation and calculate the e.m.f. of the following cell at 298 K
    Given `:E_(Cu^(2+)//Cu)^(@)=0.34V` and `E_(Ag^(+)//Ag)^(@)=+0.80V`

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  5. Express the relationship between degree of dissociation of an electrolyte and its molar conductivities.

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  6. The `E^(@)` value in respect of the electrodes `(Z=24)`, manganese `(Z=25)` and iron `(Z=26)` are :


    On the basic of the above information compare the feasibilities of further oxidation of their `+2` oxidation states.

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  7. What is corrosion? Describe the electrochemical phenomenon of rusting of iron

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  8. How much charge is required for the reduction of 1 mole of `Cu^(2+)` to `Cu`.

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  9. On the basis of the standard electroe potential values stated for acid solution, predict whether, `Ti^(4+)` species may be used to oxidise `Fe^(II) " to " Fe^(III)`. Given.
    `Ti^(4+) +_e^(-) to Ti^(3+),E^(ɵ)=+0.01 V,Fe^(3+)+e^(-) to Fe^(2+),E^(ɵ)=+0.77 V`

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  10. The conductivity of 0.20 M solution of KCl at 298 K is 0.0248 S `cm^(-1)` . Calculate its molar conductivity.

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  11. Calculate the standard cell potential of the galvanic cell in which the following reaction takes place:
    Also calcuate the `triangle_(r)G^(ɵ)` value of the reaction
    (given `E_(cr^(3+)//Cr)^(ɵ)=-0.74V,E_(Cd^(3+)//Cd)^(ɵ)=-0.40V` and `F=96500Cmol^(-1)`

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  12. The resistance of conductivity cell containing 0.001 M KCI solution at 298 K is 1500 ohm. What is the cell constant if the conductivity of 0.001 M KCI solution at 298 K is `0.146xx10^(-3) S cm^(-1)`

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  13. Three electrolytic cells A, B and C containing solutions of zinc sulphate, silver nitrate and copper sulphate, respectively are connected in series. A steady current of 1.5 ampere was passed through them until 1.45 g of silver were deposited at the cathode of cell B. How long did the current flow? What mass of copper and what mass of zinc were deposited in the concerned cells? (Atomic masses of Ag = 108, Zn = 65.4, Cu = 63.5)

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  14. (a). Explain why electrolysis of an aqueous solution of `NaCl` gives `H_(2)` at cathode and `Cl_(2)` at anode. Given
    (b). The resistance of a conductivity cell when filled with 0.05 M solution of an electrolyte X is `100Omega` at `40^(@)C`. the same conductivity cell filled with 0.01 M solution of electrolyte Y has a resistance of `50Omega`. The conductivity of 0.05M solution of electrolyte X is `1.0xx10^(-4)scm^(-1)` calculate
    (i). Cell constant
    (ii). conductivity of 0.01 M Y solution
    (iii). Molar conductivity of 0.01 M Y solution.

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  15. A copper-silver cell is set up. The copper ion concentration in it is 0.10 M. The concentration of silver ions is not known.The cell potential measured is 0.422 V. Determine the concentration of silver ions in the cell. [Given `E_(Ag^(+)//Ag)^(@)=0.80,E_(Cu^(2+)//Cu)^(@)=+0.34 V]`

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  16. Corrosion is essentially an electrochemical phenomenon. Explain the reactions occurring during corrosion of iron kept in an open atmosphere.
    (b) Calculate the equilibrium constant for the equilibrium reaction
    `Fe_((s)) + Cd_((aq))^(2+) hArr Fe_((aq))^(2+) + Cd_((s))`
    (Given : `E_(Cd^(2+)|Cd)^(@) = -0.40 V , E_(Fe^(2+)|Fe)^(@) = -0.44V`).

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  17. Calculate the cell emf and `triangle_(r)G^(@)` for the cell reactin at `25^(@)C`
    (given `E_(Zn^(2+)//Zn)^(@)=-0.763V,E_(Cd^(2+)//Cd)^(@)=-0.403V`

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  18. What is meant by limiting molar conductivity?

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  19. Given that the standard electrode` (E^(@))` of metals are :
    `K^(+)//K=- 2.93 V, Ag^(+)//Ag = 0.80 V, Cu^(2+)//Cu = 0. 34 V, `
    ` Mg^(2+)//Mg =- 2.37 V, Cr^(3+)// Cr =- 0.74 V, Fe^(2+)//Fe =- 0.44 V`.
    Arrange these metals in an increasing order of their reducing power.
    Two half -reactions of an electrochemical cell are given below :
    `MnObar(4)(aq) + 8 H^(+) (aq) + 5 e^(-) to Mn^(2+) (aq) + 4 H_(2) O (l) , E^(@) = + 1.51 V,`
    ` Sn^(2+) (aq) to Sn^(4+) (aq) + 2e^(-) , E^(@) = + 0.15^(V)` constructredox equation and predict if the rech on is rectant or product favoured.

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  20. Express the relation among cell constant , resistance of the solution in the cell and conductivity of the solution . How is molar conductivity of a solution related to its conductivity ?

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  21. Two half cell reactions of an electrochemical cell are given below :
    `Sn^(2+)(aq)toSn^(4+)(aq)+2e^(-),E^(@)=+0.51V` Construct the redox equation from the two half cell reactions and predict if theis reaction favours formation of reaction or product shown in the equation.

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  22. Define conductivity and molar conductivity for the solution of an electrolyte. Discuss their variation with concentration.

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  23. Write the anode and cathode reactions and the overall reaction occuring in a lead storage battery.
    (b) A copper - silver cell is set up. The copperion concentrations is `0.10` M. The concentration of silver ion is not known. The cell potential when measured was `0.422` V. Determine the concentration of silver ions in the cell.
    `Given " "E^(@)Ag^(+)//Ag=+0.80 V,E^(@)^cu^(2+)//Cu=+0.34 V`

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  24. Express the relation between.conductivity and molar conductivity of a solution held in a cell.

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  25. The chemistry of corrosion of iron is essentially an electrochemical phenomenon. Explain the reactio:rs occurring during the corrosion of iron in the atmosphere.

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  26. Determine the values of equilibrium constant `(K_(c))` and `DeltaG^(@)` for the reaction
    `Ni(s)+2Ag^(+)(aq)rarrNi^(2+)(aq)+2Ag(s), E^(@)=1.05 V.` (`"Given " 1F=96500"C mol"^(-1))`

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  27. What type of a battery is lead storage battery? Write the anode and cathode reactions and the overall cell reaction occurring in the operation of a lead storage battery.
    (b) Calucluate the potential for half-cell containing.
    0.10 M `K_(2)Cr_(2)O_(7)(aq), 0.20 M Cr^(3+) (aq) and 1.0 xx 10^(-4) M H^(+) (aq)`
    The half -cell reaction is
    `Cr_(2)O_(7)^(2-) (aq) + 4H^(+) (aq) + 6 e^(-) to 2 Cr^(3+) (aq) + 7H_(2)O(l)`
    and the standard electron potential is given as `E^(o) = 1.33V`.

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  28. (a) How many mole of mercury will be produced by electrolysing 1.0 M Hg `(NO_(3))_(2)` solution with a current of 2.00 A for 3 hours? [Hg`(NO_(3))_(2) = 200.6 g mol^(-1)`].
    (b) A voltaic cell is set up at `25^(@)`C with the following half-cells `Al^(3+)` (0.001M) and `Ni^(2+)` (0.50M). Write an equation for the reaction that occurs when the cell generates an electric current and determine the cell potential.
    (Given : `E_(Ni^(2+)//Ni)^(2)=- 0.25 V,E_(Al^(3+)//Al)^(@)= - 1.66V`)

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  29. The molar conductivity of a 1.5 M solution of an electrolyte is found to be `138.9 S cm^(2) mol^(-1)` . Calculate the conductivity of this solution.

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  30. The electrical resistance of a column of `0.05 " mol " L^(-1)` NaOH solution of diameter 1 cm and length 50 cm is `5.55xx10^(3)" ohm "`.Calculate its resistivity,conductivity and molar conductivity.

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  31. (a) What type of a battery is the lead storage battery ? Write the anode and the cathode reactions and the overall occuring in a lead storage battery when current is drawn from it.
    (b) In the buttom cell, widely used in watches the following reaction take place
    `Zn_((s)) + Ag_(2)O_((l)) rarr Zn^(2+)(aq) + 2Ag_((s)) + 2OH_((aq))^(-)`.
    Determine `E^(@)` and `DeltaG^(@)` for the reaction.
    (given : `E_(Ag^(+)//Ag)^(@) = +0.80 V , E_(Zn^(2+)//Zn)^(@) = - 0.76 V)`

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  32. (a) Define molar conductivity of a solution and explain how molar conductivity changes with change in concentration of solution for a weak and a strong electrolyte.
    (b) The resistance of conductivity cell containing `0.001 M KCl` solution at `298 K` is `1500 omega`.
    What is the cell constant if the conductivity of `0.001 MKCl` solution at `298 K` is `0.146 xx 10^(-3) S cm^(-1)`

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  33. The conductivity of 0.20 M solution of KCl at 298 K is 0.0248 S `cm^(-1)` . Calculate its molar conductivity.

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  34. Calculate the emf of the following cell at `298K: Fe(s) abs(Fe^(2+)(0.001M))abs(H^+(1M))H_2(g)(1"bar"),Pt(s) ("Given"E_("Cell")^@=+0.44V)`

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CBSE Problems questions and complete solutions for chapter ELECTROCHEMISRY of PHYSICAL, INORGANIC, AND ORGANIC CHEMISTRY of Class 12