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Complete Solutions to Part 2 of chapter ELECTROCHEMISRY of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions23
Academic Year2023-24
  1. What will be the emf for the given cell ?

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  2. Which reaction is possible at anode?

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  3. For a cell given below:
    `Cu^(2+)+2e^(-)toCu,,E^(@)=y` ltbr. The value of `E_(cell)^(@)` is

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  4. Conductance (Siemens, S) is directly proportional to the area of the vessel and the concentration of solution in it and is inversely proprtional to the length of the vessel, then the unit of constant of proportionlity is :

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  5. At `25^(@)C`, the standard emf of a cell having reaction involving two electrons change is found to be 0.295 V. The equilibrium constant of the reaction is :

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  6. Stadard reduction electrode potentials of three metals A,B and C are respectively `+0.5V, -3.0V` and `-1.2V`. The reducing powers of these metals are:

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  7. Consider the following `E_(0)` values,
    `E_(Fe^(3+)//F^(2+))^(0)=+0.77V, E_(Sn^(2+)//Sn)^(0)=-0.14V`, the `E_(cell)^(0)` for the reaction,
    `Sn_((s))+2Fe_((aq.))^(3+)rarr2F_((aq.))^(2+)+Sn_((aq.))^(2+)` is:

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  8. The limiting molar conductivities `Lambda^@` for `NaCL, KBr` and `KCI` are ` 126, 152` and `150 S cm^2 ,ol^(-1)` respectively . The `Lambda^@` fro `NaBr S cm^2 "mol"^(-1)` is :

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  9. In a cell that untillizes the reaction ,
    `Zn_((s)) + 2 H_((aq))^+ rarr Zn_((aq.))^(2+) + H_(2 (g) )`, adedition of ` H_2 SO_4` to cathode compartment will :

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  10. The `E_(M^(3+)//M^(2+)^@` values for ` Cr`, Mn, Fe and ` Co` are ` 0.41, + 1.57 , + 0.77` and `+1, 97 V` respectively. For which one of these metals the change ub oxidation state from ` =2 ` to ` 3` is easiest :

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  11. The highest electrical conductivity of the following aqueous solutions is of

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  12. Aluminium oxide may be electrolysed at `1000^(@)`C to furnish aluminium metal (Atomic mass = 27 amu, 1 Faraday = 96500 Coulomb). The cathode reaction is `Al^(3+) + 3e^(-) rightarrow Al`. To prepare 5.12 kg of aluminium metal by this method would require:

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  13. The molar conductivities `Lambda_(NaOAc)^@` and `Lambda_(HCI)^@` at infinite dilution is watter at `25^@C` are `91.0` and `426.2 S cm^@ //`mol respectively. To calculate `Lambda_(HOAc,)^2` the additional value required is:

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  14. At `25^(@)C, {:(Ag+I^(-)rarr,AgI+e,,E^(@) =0.152V),(Agrarr,Ag.^(+)+e,,E^(@) =- 0.80V):}`
    The `log K_(sp)` of `AgI` is: `((2.303RT)/(F)=0.059)`

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  15. Resistance of a conductvity cell filled with a solution of an electrolyte of concentration 0.1 M is 100 `Omega`. The conductivity of this solution is 1.29 `Sm^(-1)`. Resistance of the same cell when filled with 0.02M of the same solution is `520 Omega`. the molar conductivity of 0.02M solution of the electrolyte will be:

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  16. The equivalent conductance of two strong electrolytes at infinite dilution in `H_(2)O` (where ions move freely through a solution) at `25^(@)C` are given below:
    `A_(CH_(3)COONa)^(@)=91.0S cm^(2)//"equiv"`
    What additional information/quantity one needs to calculate `A^(@)` of an aqueous solution of acetic acid?

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  17. The cell , `Zn | Zn^(2+) (1M) || Cu^(2+) (1M) Cu (E_("cell")^@ = 1. 10 V)`,
    Was allowed to be completely discharfed at `298 K `. The relative concentration of `2+` to `Cu^(2+) [(Zn^(2=))/(Cu^(2+))]` is :

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  18. Given: `E_(Cr^(3+)//Cr)^(@)` = -0.72V, E_(Fe^(2+)//Fe)^(@)`= -0.42V
    The potential for the cell
    `Cr||Cr^(3+)(0.1M) || Fe^(2+)(0.01 M)|| Fe), is:

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  19. Given,`{:(E_(Fe^(3+) //Fe)^o + 3e Cr E^o =- 0.036 V),(E_(Fe^(3+) //Fe)^o =- 0.439 V):}`
    The value of standard electrode ptoential for the charge,

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  20. The Gibbs energy for the decomposition of `Al_(2)O_(3)` at `500^(@)C` is as follows:
    `(2)/(3)Al_(2)O_(3) rarr (4)/(3)Al + O_(2), Delta_(r)G = +966kJ mol^(-1)`
    The potential difference needed for electrolytic reeduction of `Al_(2)O_(3)` at `500^(@)C` is at least:

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  21. The reduction potential of hydrogen half cell will be negative if :

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  22. The standard reduction potential for `Zn^(2+)//Zn, Ni^(2+)//Ni` and `Fe^(2+)//Fe` are `-0.76, -0.23` and `-0.44V` respectively. The reaction `X + Y^(2) rarr X^(2+) + Y` will be spontaneous when:

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  23. Given `E_("Cr_(2)O_(7)^(2-)//Cr^(3+))^(@)=1.33V,E_(MnO_(4)^(-)//Mn^(2+))^(@)=1.51V`
    Among the following, the strongest reducing agent is `E_(Cr^(3+)//Cr)^(@)=-0.74V^(x),E_(MnO_(4)^(-)//Mn^(2+))^(@)=1.51V`
    Based on the data given above strongest oxidising agent will be

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Part 2 questions and complete solutions for chapter ELECTROCHEMISRY of PHYSICAL, INORGANIC, AND ORGANIC CHEMISTRY of Class 12