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Complete Solutions to Exercise of chapter ELECTROCHEMISRY of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. In the galvanic cell `Cu|Cu^(2+)||Ag^(+)|Ag`, the electrons flow from `Cu`- electrode at `Ag`- electrode. Answer the following questions regarding this cell:
    (a). Which is the anode?
    (b). Which is the cathode?
    (c). What happends at anode-reduction or oxidation?
    (d). What happens at cathode-oxidation or reduction?
    (e). Which electrode loses mass?
    (f). Which electrode gais mass?
    (g). white the electrode reaction.
    (h). Write the cell reaction.
    (i). Which metal has greater tendency to loss electron-Cu or Ag?
    (J) Which is the more reactive metal Cu or Ag?
    (k). What is the function of salt bridge represented by the symbol||?

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  2. The reduction potential velues are given below
    `Al^(3+)//Al=-1.67"volt", Mg^(2+)//Mg=-2.34"molt", Cu^(2+)//Cu=+0.34"volt"`
    `I_(2)//I^(-)=+0.53"volt"`. Which one is the best reducing agent?

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  3. The standard reduction potential value of the three metallic cations X, Y and Z are 0.52, `-3.03` and `-1.18V` respectively. Write the decreasing order of reducing power of the corresponding metals.

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  4. (i). Which of the following oxides is reduced by hydrogen?
    `MgO,CuO` and `Na_(2)O`
    (ii). Which of the following oxides will decompose on heating ?
    ZnO, CuO, MgO, and `Ag_(2)O`
    (iii). The value of `E_(OX)^(@)` for electrode reaction.
    `FetoFe^(2+)+2e^(-)" "CutoCu^(2+)2e^(-)` and `ZntoZn^(2+)+2e^(-)`
    are 0.444, `-0.337` and `0763` volt respectively. State which of these metals can replace the orther two from the solution of their salts?

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  5. Determine range of `E^(@)` values for this reaction `X_(aq)^(2+)+2e^(-)toX(s)` for given conditions:
    (a). If the metal X dissolve in `HNO_(3)` but not in `HCl` it can displace `Ag^(+)` ion but not `Cu^(2+)` ion.
    (b). If te metal X is HCl acid producing `H_(2)(g)` but does not displace either `Zn^(2+)` or `Fe^(2+)`
    Given `E_(Ag^(+)//Ag)^(0)=0.8V" "E_(Fe^(2+)//Fe)^(0)=-0.44`
    `E_(Cu^(2+)//Cu)^(0)=0.34V" "E_(NO_(3)^(-)//NO)^(0)=0.96V" "E_(zn^(2+)//Zn)^(0)=-0.76V`

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  6. If `E_(fe^(2+)//Fe)^(@)` is `x_(1),E_(Fe^(3+)//Fe)^(@), is `x_(2)` then what will be `E_(Fe^(3+)//Fe^(2+))^(@)`

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  7. The standard reduction potential of `TiO^(2+)` and `Ti^(3+)` are given by
    `TiO_(2+)+2H^(+)+e^(-)toTi^(3+)+H_(2)O" "E^(@)=0.10V`
    `Ti^(3+)+3e^(-)toTi" "E^(@)=-1.21V`

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  8. consider the standard reduction potentials (in volts) as shown in figure Find `E^(@)`

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  9. The standard oxidation potentials for `Mn^(3+)` ion acid solution are `Mn^(2+)overset(-1.5V)toMn^(3+)overset(-1.0V)toMnO_(2)`. Is the reaction `2Mn^(3+)+2H_(2)OtoMn^(2+)+MnO_(2)+4H^(+)` spontaneous under conditions of unit activity? What is the change in free energy?

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  10. Using the `triangleG^(0)` for the reaction
    Calculate the EMF for thhe cell reaction
    the number of electrons involved in the reaction is 12.

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  11. Make complete cell diagrams of the following cell reactions
    (a). `Cd^(2)(aq)+Zn(s)toZn^(2+)(aq)+Cd(s)`
    (b). `2Ag^(+)(aq)+H_(2)(g)to2H^(+)(aq)+2Ag(s)`
    (c). `Hg_(2)Cl_(2)(s)+Cu(s)toCu^(2+)(aq)+2Cl^(-)(aq)+2Hg(l)`
    (d). `Cu_(2)O_(7)^(2-)(aq)+14H^(+)(aq)+6Fe^(2+)(aq)to6Fe^(3+)(aq)+2Cr^(3+)(aq)+7H_(2)O(l)`

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  12. Write cell reaction of the following cells:
    (a). `Pt|Fe^(2+),Fe^(3+)||MnO_(4)^(-),Mn^(2+),H^(+)|Pt`
    (b). `Pt,Cl_(2)|Cl^(-)(aq)||Ag^(+)(aq)|Ag`

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  13. Calculat ethe oxidation potential of a hydrogen electrode at `pH=1(T=298K)`

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  14. The standard oxidation potential for the half-cell
    `NO_(2)^(-)(g)+H_(2)OtoNO_(3)^(-)(aq)+2H^(+)(aq)+2e` is `-0.78V`.
    Calculate the reduction in 9 molar `H^(+)` assuming all other species at unit concentration. What will be the reduction potential in neutral medium?

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  15. Calculate the electrode potential at `25^(@)C` of `Cr^(3+),Cr_(2)O_(7)^(2-)` electrode at `pOH=11` in solution of 0.01 M both in `Cr^(3+)` and `Cr_(2)O_(7)^(2-)`

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  16. The standard reduction potential for `Cu^(2+)//Cu` is `+0.34V`. Calculate the reduction potential at pH=14 for the above couple. `K_(SP)` of `Cu(OH)_(2)` is `1.0xx10^(-19)`

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  17. The EMF of the cell `M|M^(n+)` (0.02 M) | H^(+) (1 M) | H_(2)(g) (1 atm), Pt at `25^(@)`C is 0.81 V. Calculate the valency of the metal if the standard oxidation potential of the metal is 0.76 V

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  18. Consider the following electrochemical cell.
    (a). Write a balanced net ionic equation for the spontaneous reaction that take place in the cell.
    (b). Calculate the standard cell potential `E^(0)` for the cell reaction.
    (c). If the cell emf is `1.6V` what is the concentration of `Zn^(2+)`?
    (d). How will the cell potential be affected if Kl is added to `Ag^(+)` half-cell?

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  19. An electrochemical cell is constructed with an open switch as shown below. When the switch is closed, mass of tin-electrode increase. If `E^(@)(Sn^(2+)//Sn)=-0.14V` and for `E^(@)(X^(n+)//X)=-0.78V` and initial emf of the cell is 0.65 V, determine n and indicate ad direction of electron flow in the external circuit.

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  20. Equinormal solutions of two weak acids `HA(pK_(a)=3)` and `HB(pK_(a)=5)` are each placed in contact with standard hydrogen electrode at `25^(@)C(T=298K)` when a cell is constructed by interconnecting them through a salt bridge find the e.m.f. of the cell.

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  21. In two vessels each containing 500 ml water, 0.5m mol of aniline (`K_(b)=10^(-9))` and 25 m mol of HCl are added separately. Two hydrogen electrodes are constructed using these solutions. Calculate the emf of cell made by connecting them appropriately.

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  22. `NO_(3)^(-)toNO_(2)` (acid medium) `E^(0)=0.790V`
    `NO_(3)^(-)toNH_(3)OH^(+)` (acid medium) `E^(0)=0.731V`.
    At what `pH`, the above two will have same `E` value ? Assume the concentration of all other species `NH_(3)OH^(+)` except `[H^(+)]` to be unity.

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  23. The standard oxidation potential of `Zn` referred to SHE is 0.76 V and that of Cu is `-0.34V` at `25^(@)C` when excess of `Zn` is added to `CuSO_(4)`, Zn displaces `Cu^(2+)` till equilibrium is reached. What is the approx ratio of `Zn^(2+)` to `Cu^(2+)` ios at equilibrium?

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  24. The emf of the cell `Ag|AgI|CI(0.05M)||AgNO_(3)(0.05M)|Ag` is 0.79 V. Calculate the solubility product of AgI.

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  25. The cell Pt, `H_(2)(1atm)|H^(+)(pH=x)||` normal calomel electrode has an EMF of 0.67 V at `25^(@)C` Calculate the pH of the solution. The oxidation potential of the calomel electrode on hydrogen scale is `-0.28V`

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  26. The EMF of the standard weston cadmium cell
    `Cd(12.5%)` in `Hg|3CdSO_(4),8H_(2)O` (solid) | satd. Soln of `CdSO_(4)||Hg_(2)SO_(4)(s)|Hg` is
    `1.0180` volts at `25^(@)C` and the temperature coefficient of the cell, `((delE)/(delT))_(P)=-4.0xx10^(-5)//"degree"`, calculate `triangleG` `triangleH` and `triangleS` for the reactionn in the cell when `n=2`

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  27. `triangleH` for the reactio `Ag(s)+(1)/(2)Hg_(2)Cl_(2)(s)toAgCo(s)+Hg(l)` is `+1280` cal at `25^(@)C` this reaction can be conducted in a cell for which the emf`=0.0455` volt at this temperature. Calculate the temperature coefficient of the emf.

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  28. The standard electromitive force of the cell
    `Fe|Fe^(2+)(aq)||Cd^(2+)|Cd` is 0.0372 V
    The temperature coefficient of e.m.f. is `-0.125VK^(-1)`. Calculate the quantities `triangleG,triangleH^(@)` and `triangleS^(@)` at `25^(@)C`

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  29. The voltage of a certain cell has standard potential at `25^(@)C` and `20^(@)C` are 0.3525 V and 0.3533 V respectively. If the number of electrons involved in te overall reactions are two, calculate `triangleG^(@), triangleS^(@)` and `triangleH^(@)` at `25^(@)C`.

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  30. Find the number of electrons involved in the electro-deposition of 63.5 g of copper from a solution of copper sulphate is:

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  31. A current 0.5 ampere when passed through `AgNO_(3)` solution for 193 sec. Deposited 0.108 g of Ag. Find the equivalent weight of Ag.

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  32. A certain metal salt solution is electrolysed in series with a silver coulometer. The weights of silver ad the metal deposited are 0.5094 g and 0.2653 g. Calculate the valency of the metal if its atomic weight is nearly that of silver.

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  33. 3 Amp current was passed through an aquesous solution salt of unknown salt of Pd for 1hr. 2.977 g of `Pd^(+n)` was deposited at cathode. Find n (Given Atomic mass of Pd = 106.4)

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  34. How long a current of 2 A has to be passed through a solution of `AgNO_(3)` to coat a metal surface of `80cm^(2)` with `5mum` thick layer? Density of water `=10.8g//cm^(3)`

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  35. A metal is known to form fluoride `MF_(2)`. When `10` ampere electricity is passed through a molten salt for `330` sec, `1.95 g` metal is deposited. Find out the atomic weight of metal. What will be the quantity of charge required to deposit the same mass of `Cu` from `CuSO_(4)(aq.)`? (`At. wt.` of `Cu = 63.6`)

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  36. A certain electricity deposited `0.54g` of Ag from `AgNO_(3)` solution what volume of hydrogen will the same quantity of electricity liberate at `27^(@)C` and `728mmMg` pressure?

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  37. A current of `3.6A` is a passed for 6 hrs between Pt electrodes in `0.5L` of `2M` solution of `Ni(NO_(3))_(2)`. What will be the molarity of solution at the end of electrolysis?

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  38. Find the volume of gases evolved by passing `0.9655`. A current for `1` hr through an aqueous solution of `CH_(3)COONa` at `25^(@)C` and `1 atm`.

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  39. Cadmium amalgam is prepared by electrolysis of a solution of `CdCl_(2)` using a mercury cathode. Find how long a current of 5 ampere should be passed in order to prepare 12% Cd-Hg amalgam on a cathode of 2 g mercury. At mass of Cd=112.40.

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  40. Electrolysis of a solution of `HSO_(4)^(-1)` ions produces `S_(2)O_(8)^(2-)`. Assuming `75%` current efficiency, what current should be employed to achieve a production rate of 1 "mole" of `S_(2)O_(8)^(2-)` per hour?

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  41. One of the methods of preparation of per disulphuric acid, `H_(2)S_(2)O_(8)`, involve electrolytic oxidation of `H_(2)SO_(4)` at anode `(2H_(2)SO_(4)toH_(2)S_(2)O_(8)+2H^(+)+2e^(-))` with oxygen ad hydrogen as by-products in such an electrolysis, 9.722 L of `H_(2)` and `2.35L` of `O_(2)` were generated at STP. What is the weighht of `H_(2)S_(2)O_(8)` formed?

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  42. The Standard reduction potential values, `E^(@)(Bi^(3+)//Bi)` and `E^(@)(Cu^(2+)//Cu)` are 0.226 V and 0.344 V respectively. A mxiture of salt of bismut and copper at unit concentration each is electrolysed at `25^(@)C` to what value can `[Cu^(2+)]` be brought down before bismuth starts to deposit, in electrolysis.

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  43. A fuell cell uses `CH_(4)(g)` and forms `CO_(3)^(2-)` at the anode. It is used to power a car with 80 amp, for 0.96 hr. how many litres of `CH_(4)(g)` (at 1 atm, 273 K) would be required? (V_(m) = 22.4 L/mol) (F = 96500). Assume `100%` efficiency.

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  44. The resistance of a `N//10 KCI` solution is 245 ohms. Calculate the specific conductance and the equivalent conductance of the solution if the electrodes in the cell are 4 cm apart and each having an area of 7.0 sq cm.

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  45. The resistance of a solution `A` is `50 ohm` and that of solution `B` is `100ohm,` both solutions are taken in the same conductivity cell. If equal volumes of solution`A` and `B` are mixed, what is the resistance of the mixture using the same cell ? `(` Assume there is no change or increase in the `prop` of `A` and `B` on mixing `)`.

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  46. In a conductivity cell, the two platinum electrodes, each of area 10sq. Cm are fixed 1.5 cm apart. The cell contained 0.05 N solution of a salt. If the two electrodes are just half dipped into the solution which has a resistance of 50 ohms, find equivalent conductance of the salt solution in `Omega^(-1)cm^(2)eq^(-1)`.

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  47. The equivalent conductance of `0.10 N` solution of `MgCI_(2)` is 97.1 mho `cm^(2) eq^(-1)`. A cell electrodes that are `1.50 cm^(2)` in surface are and `0.50` cm apart is filled with `0.1N MgCI_(2)` solution. How much current will flow when the potential difference between the electrodes is 5 volts?

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  48. The specific conductance of a `N//10 KCI` solution at `18^(@)C` is `1.12 xx 10^(-2) mho cm^(-1)`. The resistance of the solution contained in the cell is found to be 65 ohms. Calculate the cell constant.

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  49. The equivalent conductance of an infinitely dilute solution of `NH_(4)Cl` is 150 and te ionic conductance of `OH^(-)` ad `Cl^(-)` ions are 198 and 76 respectively. What will be the equivalent conductance of the solution of `NH_(4)OH` at infinite dilution. if the equivalent conductance of a 0.01 N solution `NH_(4)OH` is 9.6, what will be its degree of dissociation?

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  50. Given the equivalent conductance of sodium butyrate sodium chloride and hydrogen chloride as 83,127 and 426 mho `cm^(2)` at `25^(@)C` respectively the equivalent conductance of butyric acid at infinite dilution.

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  51. Calculate the dissociation canstant of water at `25^(@)C` from te followig data specific conductance of `H_(2)O=5.8xx10^(-8)mhocm^(-1),lamda_(H^(+))^(infty)=350.0` and `lamda_(OH)^(infty)=198.0mhocm^(2)mol^(-1)`

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  52. Calculate `K_(a)` of acetic acid it its `0.05N` solution has equivalent conductances of `7.36 mho cm^(2)` at `25^(@)C (lambda_(CH_(3)COOH)^(oo) = 390.70)`

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  53. The sp. Cond. Of a saturated solution of `AgCl` at `25^(@)C` after subtracting the sp. Conductance of conductivity of water is `2.28xx10^(-6)mhocm^(-1)`. Fid te solubility product of AgCl at `25^(@)C` `(lamda_(AbCl)^(infty)=138.3mhocm^(2))`

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  54. In a galvanic cell

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  55. Which of the following statements is wrong about galvanic cells?

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  56. Which of the following is/are function(s) of salt-bridge?

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  57. Salt bridge contains

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  58. `E^(0)` for `F_(2)+2eto2F^(-)` is `2.8V,E^(0)` for `(1)/(2)F_(2)toF^(-)` is

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  59. Consider the cell potentials `E_(Mg^(2+)|Mg)^(0)=-2.37V` and `E_(Fe^(3+)|Fe)^(0)=-0.04V`
    The best reducing agent would be

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  60. If a spoon of copper metal is placed in a solution of ferrous sulphate:

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  61. The position of some metals in the electrochemical series in dectreasing electropositeve character is given as ` Mg gt Al gt Zn gt Cu gt Ag`. What will happen if a copper spoon is used to stir a solution of aluminimum nitrate ?

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  62. Given `:`
    `E^(c-)._(Ag^(o+)|Ag)=0.80V, E^(c-)._(Mg^(2+)|Mg)=-2.37V,`
    Which of the following statements is `//` are incorrect ?

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  63. For ` Zn^(2+) //Zn, E^@ =- 0. 76 V`, for `Ag^+ //Af E^@ =0.799 V`. The correct statement is .

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  64. Electrode potential data are given below:
    Based on the data, the reducing power of `Fe^(2+)` Al and `Br^(-)` will increase in the order

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  65. The electrode potential becomes equal to standard electrode potential when reactants and products concentration ratio is:

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  66. Given standard electrode potentials:
    the standard electron potential `E^(@)` for `Fe^(3+)+e^(-)toFe^(2+)`

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  67. `Cu^(+) + e^(-) rightarrow Cu`, `E^(@) = x_1volt`,
    `Cu^(2+) + 2e^(-) rightarrow Cu`, `E^(@) = x_(2)` volt, then for
    `Cu^(2+) + e^(-) rightarrow Cu^(+), E^(@)` (volt) will be :

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  68. Any redox reaction would occur spontaneously, if:

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  69. KCl can be used in salt bridge as electrolyte in which of the following cells?

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  70. The reaction
    occurs in the galvanic cell

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  71. Which of the followig statements about the spontaneous reaction occurring in a galvanic cell is always true?

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  72. The standard emf of the cell, `Ni|Ni^(2+)(1.0M)||Ag^(+)(1.0M)|Ag [E^(@)` for `Ni^(2+)//Ni =- 0.25` volt, `E^(@)` for `Ag^(+)//Ag = 0.80` volt]

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  73. The standard emf for the cell cell reaction ` Zn + Cu^(2+) rarr Zn^(2+) + Cu ` is 1.10 volt at ` 25^@ C`. The emf for the cell reaction when ` 0.1 M Cu^(2+)` and ` 0.1 M ZN^(2+)` solutions are used at `25^@ =C` is .

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  74. `Zn|Zn^(2+)(c_(1)) || Zn^(2+)(c_(2))|Zn`. For this cell `DeltaG` is negative if `:`

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  75. `Pt|underset((p_(1)))(H_(2))|underset((1M))(H^(+))||underset((1M))(H^(+))|underset((p_(2)))(H_(2))|Pt` (where `p_(1)` and `p_(2)` are pressure) cell reaction cell reaction will be spontaneous if:

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  76. `Pt | H_(2) | pH = 1 || pH = 2 | (H_(2))Pt`
    1 atm 1 atm
    The cell reaction for the given cell is:

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  77. The cell `Pt(H_(2))(1atm) |H^(+) (pH =?) T^(-) (a=1)AgI(s), Ag` has emf, `E_(298KK) =0`. The electrode potaneial for the reaction `AgI +e^(-) rarr Ag + I^(Theta)` is `-0.151` volt. Calculate the `pH` value:-

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  78. Using the information in the preceding problem, calculate the solubility product of Agl in water at `25^(@)C` `[E_((Ag^(+),Ag))^(@)=+0.799`volt]

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  79. The solubiltiy product of silver iodide is `8.3 xx 10^(-17)` and the standard potential (reduction) of `Ag,Ag^(+)` electrode is `+0.800` volts at `25^(@)C`. The standard potential of `Ag,AgI//I^(-)` electrode (reduction) from these data is

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  80. Consider the cell `H_(2)(Pt)`|{:(H_(3)O^(+)(aq)),(pH= 5.03):}||{:(Ag^(+),),("xM"):}|Ag`. The measured EMF of the cell is 1.0V. What is the value of x? `[E_(Ag^(+),Ag)^(@) = +0.8V][T = 25^(@)C]`

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  81. The standard potential of the reaction
    `H_(2)O + e^(-) rightarrow (1/2)H_(2) + OH^(-)` at 298 K by using `k_(w) (H_(2)O) = 10^(-14)`, is:

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  82. Given :
    `Hg_(2)^(2+) rightarrow 2Hg`, `E^(@) = 0.789 V` and `Hg^(2+) + 2e^(-) rightarrow Hg`, `E^(@) = 0.854V`
    Calculate the equilibrium consant for `Hg_(2)^(2+) rightarrow Hg + Hg^(2+)`.

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  83. The `EMF` of concentration cell consisting of two zinc electrodes, one dipping into `M//4` solution of `ZnSO_(4)` and the other into `M//16` solution of the same salt at `25^(@)C` is

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  84. The efficiency of a hypothetical cell is about `84%` which involves the following reactions:
    `A(s) + B^(2+)(aq) rightarrow A^(2+)(aq) _ B(s)` `DeltaH = -285kJ`
    Then, the standard electrode potential of the cell will be: (Asume `DeltaS = 0)

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  85. `MnO_(4)^(-) + 8H^(+) + 5e^(-) rightarrow Mn^(2+) + 4H-(2)O`,
    If `H^(+)` concentration is decreased from 1 M to `10^(-4)` M at `25^(@)C`, whereas concentration of `Mn^(2+)` and `MnO_(4)^(-)` remains 1M, then:

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  86. At equimolar concentration of `Fe^(2+)` and `Fe^(3+)`, what must `[Ag^(+)]` be so that the voltage of the galvanic cell made from the `(Ag^(+) | Ag)` and `(Fe^(3+)|Fe^(2+)` electrodes equals zero?
    `Fe^(2+) + Ag^(+) rightarrow Fe^(3+) + Ag`
    `E_(Ag^(+), Ag)^(@)`= 0.7991, `E_(Fe^(3+)//Fe^(2+))^(@) = 0.771`

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  87. Fe is reacted with `1.0M HCI.E^(@)` for `Fe//Fe^(2+) = +0.34` volt. The correct observation (s) regarding this reaction is/are:

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  88. The temperature coefficient of the emf i.e. `(dE)/(dT)=0.00065"volt".deg^(-1)` for the cell `Cd|CdCl_(2)(1M)||AgCl(s)`
    `|Ag` at `25^(@)C` calculate the entropy changes `triangleS_(298K)` for the cell reaction, `Cd+2AgCltoCd^(++)+2Cl^(-)+2Ag`

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  89. The standard emf of the cell, `Cd(s) |CdCI_(2) (aq) (0.1M)||AgCI(s)|Ag(s)` in which the cell reaction is `Cd(s) +2AgCI(s) rarr 2Ag(s) +Cd^(2+) (aq)` is `0.6915 V` at `0^(@)C` and `0.6753V` at `25^(@)C`. The `DeltaH` of the reaction at `25^(@)C` is,-

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  90. The potential of the Daniel cell, `Zn |(ZnSO_(4))||(CuSO_(4)|Cu` was reported by Buckbee, Surdzial and Metz as `E^(@) = 1.1028 - 0.641 xx 10^(-3)T` + `0.72 xx 10^(-5)T^(2)`, where T is the temperature in degree celcius, Calcualte `DeltaS^(@0` for the cell reaction at `25^(@)C`.

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  91. Using the date in the preceding problem, calculate the equilibrium constant of the reaction at `25^(@)C`
    `Zn +Cu^(++) hArr Zn^(++) +Cu, K ([Zn^(2+)])/([Cu^(2+)])`

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  92. `DeltaG = DeltaH - TDeltaS` and `DeltaG + T[(d(DeltaG))/(dT)]_(p)` then `((dE_(cell)/(dT))` is:

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  93. How many faraday are required to reduce one mol of `MnO_(4)^(-)` to `Mn^(2+)`:

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  94. Three faradays of electricity was passed through an aqueous solution of iron (II) bromide. The mass of iron metal (at mass 56) deposited at the cathode is:

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  95. Three moles of electrons are passed through three solutions in succession containing `AgNO_(3),CuSO_(4)` and `AuCl_(3)` respectively. The molar ratio of amounts of cations reduced at cathode will be

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  96. One g equivalent of Na metal is formed from electrolyis of fused NaCl. No of "mole" of Al from the fused `Na_(3)AlF_(6)` with the same current passed is:

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  97. A current of `2` A was passed for `1 h` through a solution of `CuSO_4. 0.237g` of `Cu^(2+)` ions was discharged at cathode . The current efficiency is .

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  98. A current of `9.65` ampere is passed through the aqueous solution `NaCI` using suitable electrodes for `1000s`. The amount of `NaOH` formed during electrolysis is

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  99. In a electrolytic cell of `Ag//AgNO_(3)//Ag`, when current is passed, the concentration of `AgNO_(3)`

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  100. If 0.224 L of `H_(2)` gas is formed at the cathode, the volume of `O_(2)` gas formed at the anode under identical conditions, is:

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Exercise questions and complete solutions for chapter ELECTROCHEMISRY of PHYSICAL, INORGANIC, AND ORGANIC CHEMISTRY of Class 12