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Complete Solutions to Examples of chapter ELECTROCHEMISRY of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions26
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Write short hand notation for the following reaction `Sn^(2+)(aq)+2Ag^(+)(aq)toSn^(4+)(aq)+2Ag(s)`.

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  2. Write the electrode reaction and the net cell reaction for the following cells, which electrode would be the positive terminal in each cell?
    (a) `Zn|Zn^(2+)||Br^(-),Br_(2)|Pt`
    (b). `Cr|Cr^(3+)||I^(-),I_(2)|Pt`.
    (c). `Pt|H_(2),H^(+)||Cu^(2+)|Cu`
    (d). `Cd|Cd^(2+)||Cl^(-),AgCl|Ag`

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  3. Calculate `E_(cell)^(0)` of (at 298K)
    given that `E_(Zn//Zn^(2+)(aq))^(0)=0.76V`

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  4. Given the cell Ag `AgCl(s)|NaCl(0.05M)||AgNO_(3)(0.30)|Ag`
    (a) write half reaction occurring at the anode. (b). Write half reaction occurring at the cathode.
    (c). Write the net ionic equation of te reaction. (d). Calculate `E_(cell)^(0)` at `25^(@)C`
    (e). Does the cell reaction go spontaneous as written? (given `E_(AgCl,Cl)^(@)=+0.22"volt"),E_(Ag^(+)//Ag)^(0)=+0.80"volt")`

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  5. An aqueous solution containing `Na^(+),Sn^(2+),Cl^(-)` & `SO_(4)^(2-)` ions, all at unit concentration is electrolysed between a silver anode and a platium cathode. What changes occur at the electrodes when curret is passed through the cell? Given `E_(Ag^(+)|Ag)^(0)=0.799V`,
    (A). `Sn^(2+)` is reduced and `Cl^(-)` is oxidized
    (B). Ag is oxidized and `Sn^(2+)` is reduced
    (C). `Sn^(2+)` is reduced and `Sn^(2+)` is oxidized
    (D). `H^(+)` is reduced and `Sn^(2+)` is oxidised

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  6. Given that `E_(Cu^(2+)//Cu)^(0)=0.337` and `E_(Cu^(+)//Cu^(2+))^(0)=-0.153V`. then calculate `E_(Cu^(+)//Cu)^(0)`

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  7. `E_(Mn^(2+)//MnO_(4)^(-))^(0)=-1.51V`
    `E_(MnO_(4)^(-)//MnO_(2)=?` (All in acidic medium)

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  8. Will `Fe^(2+)` disproportionate or not

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  9. Calculate R.P. of hydrogen electrode at 298 K which is prepared with the help of aq. Solution of acetic acid with 0.1 M conc at 1 atm pressure `Ka=1.8xx10^(-5)`

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  10. Which is stronger oxidizing agent
    (i). `K_(2)Cr_(2)O_(7)` in solution in which
    `[Cr_(2)O_(7)^(2-)]=0.1M,[Cr^(3+)]=10^(-2)M` and `[H^(+)]=10^(-1)M`
    (ii). `KMnO_(4)` in a solution in which

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  11. Calculate `E_(cell)` of `Pt(s)|{:(cl_(2)(g)),(0.1atm):}|{:(Cl^(-)(aq)),(10^(-2)M):}||{:(Cr_(2)O_(7)^(2-),Cr^(+3)("in" H_(2)SO_(4))=0.05M),(0.01M,0.1M):}|`
    given that `E_(Cr_(2)O_(7)^(2-)//Cr^(+3))^(0)=1.33V`

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  12. The `E_(cell)^(0)` for the reaction `Fe+Zn^(2+)hArrZn+Fe^(3+)` is `-0.32` volt at `25^(@)C`. What will be the equilibrium concentration of `Fe^(2+)`, when a piece of iron is placed in a `1MZn^(2+)` solution?

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  13. Calculate the maximum work that can be obtained from the daniell call given below,
    `Zn(s)|Zn^(2+)(aq)||Cu^(2+)(aq)|Cu(s)`. Given that `E_(Zn^(2+)//Zn)^(@)=-0.76V` and `E_(Cu^(2+)//Cu)^(@)=+0.34V`.

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  14. Calculate `K_(sp)` if `(PbSO_(4))E_(cell)` at 298 K of this electrode is 0.236 V

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  15. Calculate volume of the gases liberated at STP if 1 L of 0.2 molar solution of `CuSO_(4)` is electrolysed by 5.79 A current for 10000 seconds.

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  16. The electrochemical equivalent of copper is 0.0003296 g `"coulomb"^(-1)`. Calculate the amount of copper deposited by a current of 0.5 ampere following through copper sulphate solution for 50 minutes.

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  17. An electric current is passed through three cells connected in series containing `ZnSO_(4)`, acidulated water and `CuSO_(4)` respectively. What amount of Zn and `H_(2)` are liberated when 6.25 g of Cu is deposited? Eq. wt. of `Cu` and `Zn` are 31.70 and 32.6 respectively.

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  18. The cell consists of three compartments separated by porous barriers. The first contains a cobalt electrode in 5.00 L of 0.100 M cobalt (II) nitrate, the second contains 5.00 L of 0.100M `AgNO_(3)`. Assuming that the current within the cell is carried equally by the positive and negative ions, tabulate the concentrations of ions of each type in each compartment of the cell after the passage of 0.100 mole electrons.
    given `Co^(2+)+2e^(-)toCo" "E^(0)=-0.28V`
    `Ag^(+)+e^(-)toAg" "E^(0)=0.80V`
    Spontaneous reaction is: `2Ag^(+)+CotoCo^(2+)+2Ag" "1.08V`

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  19. If resistivity of `0.8M` KCl solution is `2.5xx10^(3)Omega` cm calculate `lamda_(m)` of the solution

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  20. `lamda_(m)^(0)Na^(+)=150Omega^(-1)cm^(2)"mole"^(-1)` : `lamda_(eq)^(0)Ba^(2+)=100Omega^(-1)cm^(2)aq^(-1)`
    `lamda_(eq)^(0)SO_(4)^(2-)=125Omega^(-1)cm^(2)eq^(-1) : `lamda_(m)^(0)Al^(3+)=300Omega^(-1)cm^(2)"mole"^(-1)`
    `lamda_(m)^(0)NH_(4)^(+)=200Omega^(-1)cm^(2)"mole"^(-1)` : `lamda_(m)^(0),Cl^(-)=150Omega^(-1)cm^(2)"mole"^(-1)`
    then calculate
    (a). `lamda_(eq)^(0),Al^(3+)`
    (b). `lamda_(eq)^(0)Al_(2)(SO_(4))^(3)`
    (c). `lamda_(m)^(0)(NH_(4))NaCl`
    (d). `lamda_(0)^(0)NaCl,BaCl_(2).6H_(2)O`
    (e). `lamda_(m)^(0),(NH_(4))_(2)SO_(4)Al_(2)(SO_(4))_(3).24H_(2)O` ltbr. (f). `lamda_(eq)^(0)NaCl`

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  21. To calculate `lamda_(m)^(0)` or `lamda_(eq)^(0)` of weak electrolyte

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  22. Calculate `lamda_(m)^(0)` of oxalic acid, given that

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  23. If conductivity of water used to make saturated of AgCl is found to be `3.1xx10^(-5)Omega^(-1)`
    `cm^(-1)` and conductance of the solution of `AgCl=4.5xx10^(-5)Omega^(-1)cm^(-1)`
    if `lamda_(M)^(0)AgNO_(3)=200Omega^(-1)cm^(2)` `"mole"^(-1)`
    `lamda_(M)^(0)NaNO_(3)=310Omega^(-1)cm^(2)` `"mole"^(-1)`
    calculate `K_(SP)` of `AgCl`

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  24. to calculate `K_(W)` of water
    `=(Kxx1000)/("molarity")-` concentration of water molecules `100%` dissociated ask
    Molarity `=[H^(+)]=[OH^(-)]=(Kxx100)/(lamda_(M)^(infty))`
    `K_(W)=[H^(+)][OH^(-)]=[(Kxx1000)/(lamda_(M)^(0))]K_(a)` or `K_(b)=([H^(+)][OH^(-)])/(H_(2)O)`

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  25. During the discharge of a lead storage battery the density of `H_(2)SO_(4)` talls from `rho_(1)g//cc` to `rho_(2)g//C`, `H_(2)SO_(4)` of density of `rho_(1)g//C`. C is `X%` by weight and tat of density fo `rho_(2)gc.c` is `Y%` by weight. The battery holds V litre of acid before discharging. Calculate te total charge released at anode of the battery. The reactions occurring during discharging are ltbr. At anode: `Pb+SO_(4)^(2-)toPbSO_(4)+2e^(-)`
    At cathode: `PbO_(2)+4H^(+)+SO_(4)^(2-)+2e^(-)toPbSO_(4)+2H_(2)O`

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  26. A lead storage cell is discharged which causes the `H_(2)SO_(4)` electrolyte to change from a concentration of `34.6%` by weight (density `1.261gml^(-1)` at `25^(@)C`) to one of `27%` by weight. The original volume of electrolyte is one litre. Calculate the total charge released at anode of the battery. Note that the water is produced by the cell reaction as `H_(2)SO_(4)` is used up. over all reaction is.

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Examples questions and complete solutions for chapter ELECTROCHEMISRY of PHYSICAL, INORGANIC, AND ORGANIC CHEMISTRY of Class 12