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Complete Solutions to exercise-2 Part:(II): Single and Double value integer type of chapter THERMODYNAMICS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

RESONANCEexercise-2 Part:(II): Single and Double value integer type
Number Of Questions13
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The equilibrium constant for a reaction is `10`. What will be the value of `DeltaG^(Θ)`? `R=8.314 J K^(-1) mol^(-1), T=300 K`.

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  2. Two moles of an ideal gas is expanded isothermally and irreversibly at `27^(@)C` from volume `V_(1)" to" 2.5 V_(1)"and" 4.17KJ` heat is absorbed from surroundings. Determine `DeltaS_("sys")`?

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  3. For the reaction at `298 `K
    `A(g) + B(g) hArr C(g) + D(g)`
    If `DeltaH^(@) =-29.8` Kcal and `DeltaS^(@) Kcal K^(-1)` then calculate reaction constant (k)

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  4. One mole of an ideal gas is expanded isothermally at `300` K until its volume is tripled . Find the values of `DeltaS_("sys")` under the condition.

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  5. Calculate the magnitude of free energy in `KJ mol^(-1)` when `1` mole of a an ionic salt MX (s) is dissolved in water at `27^(@)C` . Given
    Lattice energy of MX `= 780 KJ mol^(-1)`
    Hydration energy of MX `=-775.0 KJ mol^(-1)`
    Entropy change of dissolution at `27^(@)C = 40Jmol^(-1)K^(-1)`

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  6. For the formation of `C(g) "at" 300` K.
    `A(g) + 3B(g) rarr 2C(g)`
    Calculate the magnitude of `DeltaG^(@)` (Kcal) if given data:
    `{:(,A,B,C),(DeltaH_(f)^(@)("Kcal mol"^(-1)),0,0,-10),(DeltaS_(f)^(@) ("Cal K"^(-1) "mol"^(-1)), 40,30,45):}`

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  7. The entropies of `H_(2)(g)` and `H(g)` are `60 " and " 50 J"mole"^(-1)K^(-1)` respectively at `300` K. Using the data given below calcualate the bond enthalpy of `H_(2)(g)` in Kcal `"mole"^(-1)`.
    `" "H_(2)(g) rarr 2H(g)," "DeltaG^(@)=21.6 KJ "mole"^(-1)`

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  8. The standard free energy change for a reaction is `-213.3 KJ mol^(-1) "at" 25^(@)C`. If the enthalpy change of the reaction is `-217.77 KJ "mole"^(-1)` . Calculate the magnitude of entropy change for the reaction in Joule `"mole"^(-1)`

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  9. The vapour pressure of liquid Hg at `433` K is`5` mm Hg . Calculate the free energy change accompanying the expansion of one mole of Hg vapour in equilibrium with liquid at `433` K to a pressure of `750` mm Hg at the same temperature assuming the vapour bahaves like an ideal monoatomic gas in KJ `"mole"^(-1)` . (Approximate integer and `e^(5) = 150`)

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  10. Calculate the magnitude of standard entropy change for reaction `X hArr Y` if `DeltaH^(@) = 25 KJ` and `K_("eq") "is" 10^(-7)` at `300` K.

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  11. Two mole of an ideal gas originally at a volume of `8` L at `1000` K , is allowed to expand adiabatically until final volume is `24` L . For the gas `C_(v) = 1.5R` . Calculate values of `DeltaS` for the process when:
    `(i)` The expansion takes place reversibly.
    `(ii)` The change in volume involves a free expansion.
    Sum of `DeltaS` of these two case is _________.
    (Used :`e^(1.09) = 3 ` and `1.09 xx 8.314=9)`

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  12. Calculate the magnitude of standard free energy of formation of ammonium chloride at `25^(@)C` (approximate integer in Kcal`mol^(-1)`), the equation showing the formation of `NH_(4)CI` from its elements is
    `1/2NH_(4)(g) + 2H_(2)(g) + 1/2CI_(2)(g) rarr NH_(4)CI(s)`
    For `NH_(4)CI, DeltaH_(f)^(@)` is `-313 KJ mol^(01)`, Also given that
    `" "S_(N_(2))^(@) = 191.5 JK^(-1) mol^(-1)" "S_(N_(2))^(@) = 130.6 JK^(-1) mol^(-1)`
    `" "S_(CI_(2))^(@) = 223.0 JK^(-1) mol^(-1) " "S_(NH_(4)CI)^(@) = 94.6 JK^(-1)mol^(-1)`

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  13. For the reaction `(1)/(2) N_(2)(g) + (3)/(2) H_(2)(g) rarr NH_(3)(g), DeltaH =-30` KJ to be at equilibrium at `477^(@)`C. If standard entropy of `N_(2)(g)` and `NH_(3)(g)` are `60` and `50 "J" "mole"^(-1)K^(-1)` respectively then calculate the standard entropy of `H_(2)(g)` in `"J mole"^(-1) K^(-1).`

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exercise-2 Part:(II): Single and Double value integer type questions and complete solutions for chapter THERMODYNAMICS of PHYSICAL, INORGANIC, AND ORGANIC CHEMISTRY of Class 12